Kink Spotlight: Flip-Flop Fun

20 Jun 2017

Kink Spotlight: Flip-Flop Fun

This is a very convenient, accessible kink for you. Because a guy exposing his feet in flip-flops is not considered indecent exposure. But to you it can be. Quite awesomely indecent.

Now if you already have a foot fetish, this one's a given. But even if you don't, you can potentially dig this for the additional exposure of foot, ankle, shin, and calf. 

Like wearing thong underwear and that's it. Flip-flops are sometimes called thongs for a reason.

Kink Spotlight: Flip-Flop Fun

Now I do hate that flap flap sound they make when smacking the heel, though that can also be seen as the siren cry that will alert you to their presence.

As a bonus, you can fairly easily stare without being super caught. As you're not staring at a stranger's bulge or face or even chest. And if you are caught and the guy is a jerk about it, just ask where he got them. Sure it will seem a stupid question, especially if they are super generic ones, but hey whatever it takes to be able to stare (while filing away for future masturbation) and run.

Or if you're not about the public thing, then get your boyfriend a pair. Just possibly one where the cum wipes away easily. Because the last thing you want him to have is a pair of visibly cum-stained flip-flops. He'd be surrounded by flip-flop fetishists like the Pied Piper. Though if they get 100% cum-stained, that would be a good solution to hide the stains.