Wish it had gone further

by Jollyrancher

11 Jun 2024 1487 readers Score 8.4 (22 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I was 18 and did odd yard work to earn money in the summer. There was a younger married couple that I helped out a couple of times a week as they both worked a lot. One day I went over to mow the yard, and the husband was home. He was around 25, about 6’2”, 190, muscles but with a nice layer of fat over them. He had a hairy chest, hairy arms and the thickest legs covered in dark brown hair that I’d ever seen. l let him know what I was going to be working on and he told me that he’d just be in his office working from home. 

The day was super hot and gorgeous, so I stripped my shirt off hoping to get some rays on my pale early summer body. Seattle is awesome, but we really don’t get a lot of sun in the winter/spring, so when summer comes around we’re all a bit albino! Lol. Anyways, I’m working up a sweat pushing the lawnmower when all of a sudden it starts to spit and sputter. I open the gas tank and realize it’s empty so I head over to the garage to get the gas can. When I pick it up it’s empty, of course, so I head over to the house to see if Mark has any other gas around the house. I let myself in as they usually kept the door unlocked so I could use the bathroom or get a drink if I wanted.

Mark has told me he’d be working in his office, so I made my way over to the door. I heard some low moaning and realized the office door wasn’t closed all the way. Being 18 and full of hormones, I started getting an erection at the slightest sexual provocation and the thought of anything sexual happening near me. I walked up to the door and peeked through the crack and could clearly see Mark stroking his cock while sitting at his computer. His desk was sitting on the wall on the right of the door so I got a great profile shot of his hard cock in his hand. He was watching a three way porn where two guys were double penetrating a woman, with a lot of close ups of the two cocks rubbing against each other as they moved in and out of her. His cock was nice and thick and about 6 inches. His shorts were on the floor around his ankles and his muscular legs were extended under the desk and were flexing as he slowly jerked himself off. I could see that he had an amazing bush and his furry tummy was poking out of the grey tank top he was wearing. All I wanted to do was face plant myself into that hairy jungle and help this alpha male relieve his tension. 

I was so intent on enjoying the show, that I must have accidentally moved the door with my head as I was trying to get a better view. The door creaked a bit and Mark’s eyes darted over to me and met me square on. I freaked and jerked my head away instantly turning about 10 shades of red. I heard him pulling up his pants and he opened the door to ask me if I needed anything. I explained that I was out of gas and asked if there was another can around the house. He asked to to give him a few minutes to finish up and then he’d run me to the gas station to get some. He gave me a “you know what I’m gonna do” wink and closed the office door.

The ride to the gas station was a bit awkward, but he jokingly said “sorry you had to see that, you know how horny us guys are all the time”. I said no problem and that I get the same way. We laughed and filled up the can and I got back to work. I wish something else had happened, but it didn’t. 

by Jollyrancher

Email: [email protected]

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