The Mutant Companion

by PCLatex

7 Mar 2020 421 readers Score 8.9 (7 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Joffrey hopes he has a gift for Devlin

Joffrey lay back in the gynaecological couch and tried to relax while Dr Prudence examined his vagina. It wasn’t just the discomfort of having a surgical speculum stretching it, though that was bad enough. His position was about as undignified as it could be, naked, with his legs spread wide and raised to give the doctor unhindered access to his vagina, while he tried to focus on anything but the fact he found her examination arousing.

“Don’t worry, Countess,” Dr Prudence said. “I’ve never met a woman who didn’t find this sort of examination arousing.” She withdrew the instrument she’d been using, but left the speculum in place, holding Joffrey’s vagina fully open. “You are very interesting anatomically. You do not, in fact, have a uterus, and no evidence of ovaries, or testes as such.”

“I knew I was sterile in that respect, Doctor.” 

“Quite. But you do produce female hormones as well as male and though you do not have ovaries, your sperm is unusual, resembling ova, though they appear sterile. You respond to both sets of hormones, which may explain your, ah, unusual libido. Curious, but the interesting aspect of your having no uterus makes it impossible for you to conceive, even if one of your sperm-ova were fertile. The advances being made by Dr Hurkerburger in the field of reproductive medicine mean it might be possible for you to conceive but not carry a child.” She frowned, placing her instruments in a tray for sterilising. “Stay there while I apply this gel to sooth the tissue I’ve examined.”

Joffrey bit his lip as the slim applicator entered him. “If I have no ovaries, and cannot produce ova, how would that work?”

“Ah. If Hurkerburger’s technique were used, some of your sperm-ova could be used to create an ovum. That would then be fertilised using his lordship’s sperm, and then implanted into a surrogate uterus.” She withdrew the applicator. “You would, of course, be the parents and that involves some risks for the child.”

Joffrey stood and began to dress. “I accept that, but are these life threatening?”

“Some might be, it depends on a number of things, but the greatest risk is that the child will share your mutations.”

Joffrey hesitated. “Could that not be eliminated?”

“Possibly, Countess.” Dr Prudence smiled. “But that, in itself, introduces other risks.”

Nodding, Joffrey finished dressing. “Thank you. I will have to consider this very carefully.” He smiled. “I would wish to give my dearest Devlin an heir, one of his own seed, and mine.” A look of distaste crossed his face. “I’ve met the only living heir to the title — and …”

Dr Prudence nodded. “I understand, and, yes, I think you will find that all of us agree with you on that score.” She paused. “What you are proposing carries a number of risks, as I said. Not least being that any offspring will almost certainly perpetuate the mutation of one of you. Have you considered that?”

“I have, and must first talk it over with Devlin, of course.” He smiled. “I wished to check first whether what I propose is possible, and now you confirm that it might be possible, using a surrogate, I shall discuss it with him. What would this Dr Hurkerburger require to create an ovum from me?”

“I shall have to make enquiries on that score, Countess. Discreetly, of course, but as I understand it, he would need a sample from you from which the proto-ova can be extracted.”

“Then I shall leave that with you, Doctor.” Joffrey smiled. “I will provide whatever is required to ensure any successful offspring is the child of my beloved Devlin and myself.” 

“I’ll have some answers for you in a fortnight, Countess.” 

“Thank you, I have to give a lecture next week in the city and will be busy until then. I shall look forward to your information, Doctor.” Joffrey hesitated. “Oh, and please do not mention our discussion to anyone? I would not wish to have Devlin hear any hint of what I hope until you confirm it is possible.”

“Of course, Countess.” Dr Prudence smiled. “I shall have the information and my assessment for you in a fortnight at the earliest.”

Several things distracted Joffrey as he prepared for his lecture to the Royal Society, but none so thoroughly as a request for help forwarded through the Foundation.

“This applicant is unusual, Countess.” Mr Konsbruck laid the file before Joffrey. “Her parent is also a mutant — one of many who managed to evade detection and had offspring.”

“I understand. What are her family circumstances?” Joffrey had, in dealing with the work of the Foundation, learned that there were many more mutants trying to live a ‘normal’ life than he had originally been led to believe. Though most had no difficulty hiding their differences, those with mutations of gender — the main targets of anti-mutant legislation now being rolled back — had a much more difficult challenge to deal with. This was because they were more readily identified at birth.

“Her ‘mother’ is the primary provider, Countess. She lives as a man now, and has two children, both mutants, though the eldest son is able to live openly — his mutation is similar to the Earl’s. It is the younger boy who is in difficulty and hopes for rescue. He lives as a woman.”

“So I see from the file. He is, it says, fully male, but has well developed breasts, is attracted to men and wishes to be re-identified as female.” Joffrey smiled. “That could describe a large part of the population!”

Mr Konsbruck smiled. “Indeed it does — including some of the fine spinster ‘ladies’ of some of our most important families.” He paused. “The difficulty arises because the youth was committed, by his biological father, and in defiance of his mother and the youths own wishes, to the Recreation House in Ebbsfleet shortly before the most recent Act forbidding such committals came into force. As it is not retrospective, the young man-woman remains in their service, and the father, in an act of vindictiveness — they are estranged — has brought charges against the mother of breeding.”

Joffrey frowned. “And that is one Act we have not yet succeeded in repealing entirely. There are still ‘legacy’ aspects to it that can be difficult. Where is she now? What of the older son?”

“Both in a safe haven, Countess, but the younger one is now very closely guarded.” Konsbruck’s expression hardened. “It seems they have discovered he has an ‘exotic’ value to them.”

Joffrey stretched his legs beneath the table as he leaned back. “Then we will have to find a way around the guard.” He paused. He was all too aware of the implication of having an ‘exotic’ value, having been in that category himself. “Assign one of the specialist teams to this case. I will give it some more thought, as you know I am familiar with that place and with what he has been assigned to …”

“I shall do so, Countess.” He hesitated. “I should be failing in my duty if I did not remind you that it would be singularly unwise to directly involve yourself in this, sir.”

“Thank you, my friend. I know, but …” Joffrey stood. “However, I may be able to provide advice and information to the team which could help.” He smiled. “I shall be discreet, I promise. Perhaps you can arrange for the team leader to meet me on some pretext? I can then mention a few matters about that house and the manner in which it is operated that will be of use to them?”

Devlin watched appreciatively as Joffrey, his Countess, ’wife’ and lover approached. Always impeccably dressed, Joffrey’s figure was always a pleasure to the senses. Slim waist, shapely legs, nicely proportioned torso set off by the square shoulders, and the elegant neck supporting his head. The only counterpoint to this vision of masculine youth was in the shape of his crotch — lacking any sort of male form, being rather more feminine under the snug tailoring of his trousers, though tonight he wore a discreet prosthesis to disguise it. His choice of clothing was always fashionable, but never flamboyant, yet tasteful and flattering, something Devlin admired. 

Though Joffrey was always embarrassed to be told it, he was beautiful in a way only a teenager or a young woman is usually. Now over thirty, he still had the figure and the looks of a youth ten years younger — and the sexual appetite to match it.

“Congratulations, my love,” Devlin greeted him. “Your lecture on the atmospheric renewal system was inspired.” Linking arms, he steered his lover toward the restaurant. “I think a small celebration is called for.”

“Oh?” Joffrey smiled. “Did you catch my lecture? I did not see you arrive.”

“I was late, and you were in full flow.” Devlin laughed. “And I have some excellent news as well. The Act has passed and is signed! Mutants have recognition and rights, though it will take many years yet to change attitudes and eliminate all discrimination and abuses. There will still be battles to be fought, of course, but it is a start.” The maitre d’hotel bowed, then ushered them toward a discreet booth. “Thank you, Marion.”

“Good news, indeed, beloved.” Joffrey flicked his coat tails aside and seated himself on the chair held for him by the Maitre. “Thank you, Marion.”

The Maitre smiled. “A pleasure to see you both, my lords. Shall I bring the wine list?”

“Tonight, Marion, we’ll forgo that ritual and rely on your excellent judgement, though a glass of champagne is in order as an aperitif I think.”

“Thank you, my lord.” Marion smiled, handing Joffrey a menu. 

Despite the very male evening attire and appearance, Joffrey knew that the Maitre d’hotel was, in fact a woman, though she lacked breasts. She also had three children, and the restaurant provided her, and them, with a very good living. “How are your family, Madam Marion?”

“Very well, thank you, Countess.” She signalled the wine steward. “Bollinger for their lordships, Stef.” She waited while the champagne was poured and the ice bucket positioned. “My youngest has been a little unfortunate in her choice of career, however.” She hesitated. “So she is currently reconsidering her options and assisting me in the business.”

Devlin nodded. “I recognised her as we arrived.” He smiled. “I hope you can help her find a new path easily.”

As the Maitre walked away to greet some new guests, Joffrey raised his glass. “A salute to your achievement, Devlin. Let us hope it is the dawn of a new era for all those afflicted by mutation.” Sipping the champagne, he added, “Trish, Marion’s youngest, has applied to the Foundation. Her file is on my desk. A difficult one I think.”

“Then we can study it tomorrow.” Devlin sipped his drink. “Tonight we celebrate — and it is, in large part, your triumph, my dear. You suggested the key, and the Foundation’s agents confirmed it. There is not a single one of the Ruling Families that does not have mutants living and breeding in the family.” He shrugged. “It seems that even those who claim absolute purity have had to face the fact of a choice between the extinction of the family line, or accept the truth and the reality of humanity’s plight. Once presented with the evidence, they could not refuse to pass the Act.”

Joffrey absorbed this, toying with his glass. “So mutants may now breed? We are no longer bound by any restraint in that regard?”

“We are, my dearest Joffrey.” Devlin caught the concern in Joffrey’s expression. “Oh, my dear, I was forgetting that it is not an option for us all.”

Joffrey smiled. “Perhaps. But perhaps there is a way, beloved. A toast. To the future!”

Joffrey prepared to join his husband-master with care. Dressed in his favourite bondage suit, he studied his reflection. “Perfect, Madam Peter. Thank you. Will you secure my arms and then fit the hood please? My beloved Devlin will be coming upstairs any moment now.”

Ms Peter smiled. “Of course, Countess.” She secured Joffrey’s arms across his chest and tightened the strap behind him. Lifting the tight fitting hood, she prepared to fit it. “I have left the dildo gag in the tube. Are you ready?”

“Yes.” Joffrey licked his lips in anticipation. “His lordship loves to see it in place.” He opened his mouth to receive the detailed rubber moulding. 

His companion inserted the gag, fitted the mask over Joffrey’s face and head, then began the intricate task of fastening the hooks, then the lacing and finally the straps securing the cover over the lacing. Joffrey now peered through the small openings in the pupils of the eyes decorating the doll-like mask, the bright ruby lips surrounding the base of the rubber penis filling his mouth in stark contrast to the black of the rubber.

Examining the now helpless figure of the Countess, Ms Peter smiled. “You are a very trusting soul, Countess. The Earl is incredibly lucky to have you as his partner.” She guided him toward the door, tugging a bell cord as they passed into the Earl’s bedchamber. “You cannot believe how relieved we all were when you and he found your mutual bond.” Helping Joffrey onto the bed, she leaned down and kissed the doll face. “Thank you, we know what it cost you to surrender yourself to him, and we admire your love for him and your determination to give him all you can.”

Joffrey, surprised, felt himself blush, but could not reply. He heard the dressing room door close quietly, and lay still, feeling the cool air on his exposed vulva. He heard the door open softly, and glanced in that direction, his heart leaping as his beloved Devlin entered, already naked and aroused. He felt his vulva swelling in anticipation, and eased his legs apart to offer himself.

“Not yet, my dear,” whispered Devlin. “I want you to enjoy your position and my attentions fully first.”

Joffrey whimpered in anticipation. Devlin could be counted on to ensure that Joffrey’s pussy got the maximum attention and pleasure before the final copulation and their spending at least an hour joined at the crotch. He hoped it might include being allowed to feast on that gorgeous cock as well.

Devlin’s fingers played gently with Joffrey’s deformed penis-clitoris, bringing on the first orgasm. Devlin laid himself beside his wife-partner-lover and whispered, “Tonight we celebrate our  good fortune, my dear.” His finger explored the sensitive tissue of Joffrey’s moist labia, teasing the opening of his muscular vagina, feeling the contraction it caused in the unusually muscular organ. He continued his exploration, gently, teasing and keeping Joffrey on a wave of small, but intense, orgasms. Then, very carefully, he inserted the dildo of Joffrey’s clockwork stimulator, brought the moulded cover fully into position and strapped it in place.

Joffrey shuddered as the orgasmic wave engulfed him, writhing and moaning as the inescapable device brought him to orgasm after orgasm. He was only vaguely aware of the removal of the dildo gag, and it’s replacement by Devlin’s glance, but automatically he responded, licking, sucking, enjoying … until it was withdrawn, replaced by the gag, and then Devlin was inside him. That gorgeous glans, and the long shaft sliding into Joffrey’s now throbbing vagina. Involuntarily his leather encased legs wrapped over Devlin’s thrusting rear, his vagina tightening around the thrusting, driving organ until, with a final powerful thrust Devlin’s seed erupted inside him. Dazed, Joffrey felt the swelling as Devlin’s glans ballooned, locking them together. Responding, he tightened his vagina on the head and the shaft, and gripped his partner firmly with his legs.

Devlin moved his pelvis against Joffrey, triggering another massive orgasm. Joffrey moaned in pleasure, thrusting himself against his lover’s pubis. 

Devlin chuckled. “Take care, my love, we have plenty of time, and, I hope, the desire for much more of this once we have recovered.”

Joffrey did the only thing he could to indicate his willingness. He squeezed Devlin with his legs. Inside him, the swollen glans throbbed, the slickness of their combined ejaculations allowing limited movement as they waited for the hormonal rush to subside.