The King of the Block

by Swallow Your Lightsaber

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Chapter 6

(Added Responsibilities) 

Maxwell Stapleton was nervous and perspiring, as he had never done anything like this before. It was Sunday, visitation day, and his parents came every other week. This was the week they did not come, yet he was headed down to the visitation room anyway. He was to meet a girl, that was wearing a red shirt and red high heels, her name was Darcy, and she was posing as his girlfriend. His Master had sent him down to, “See his girlfriend”, who would be allowed into the facility with some things she was going to pass to him.

The way visitation was set up here, all the inmates had a security rating ranging from 1-3. If you were a 1 such as he was not considered a troublemaker or a threat of any kind. For them they would meet in an open room that resembled like a lunchroom one would see in a high school cafeteria. Lite contact such as a quick kiss was permissible but otherwise, hands to yourself, and you sat at a table and were given a half an hour for the visit. As soon as he came down to the room’s entrance, a guard from this side named Templeton, stopped him to have Max sign a log. You were to put your, name, cell #, security rating, and time of the beginning of the visit.

All the inmates had badges they carried for such things, or to access things like the central bank. They had your picture on the front of them, and a barcode on the back of them, the guards would scan. Max had never encountered Templeton before, but he was a big man and in good shape.

He said, “Fill out the log please and please give me your badge inmate.”

“Yes Sir, corrections officer.” He handed his badge over and started filling the log out. Templeton scanned it and then gave him a look and got a bit of a grin on his face.

“New King’s cellmate, nice to meet you, I am Harry Templeton. You can just call me officer Templeton.” He handed Max his badge back to him.

“Nice to meet you Sir.”

He buzzed the door which unlocked it, and the nervous Max went inside. He didn’t get inside too far before a very good-looking girl is red high heels, a tight shirt and jeans with her purse came scurrying over to him.

She exclaimed, “Oh my God, Max it is good to see you!”

There was a guard sitting on a stool at a desk over in the corner of the room that appeared to be working a crossword puzzle out. It was officer Estes, the one that had escorted him to see the Warden.

The girl coming towards him like a heat seeking missile which had acquired its target, was pretty, had nice features and long black hair. She came over to him, and pulled him down to kiss, he was a couple of inches taller than her. She laid a gigantic smacker on him, shoved something small in his mouth, and he felt the jacket of his uniform on the left side get heavier.

He quickly worked what she had slid into his mouth back deep under his tongue.

Estes broke them up, “This is not a hotel room guys, minimal contact only and she looks like she is trying to suck your face off. Separate and sit down please.”

She pulled away from the kiss, grinning wickedly and they sat down at a table across from each other. Max even went and pulled her chair out for her.

She grinned at him from across the table and said, “Oh, my there are still some gentlemen left. Where you guys all been hiding at?”

He grinned back, “This one has been placed in an experimental rehabilitation facility. Sorry, I don’t know where the rest are at, my parents raised me to be that way.”

He felt her foot slide in between his legs underneath the table. He thought, ‘What do I do?’

He looked down, and she had removed a shoe and there was a medium sized package wrapped in plastic sitting on it. He looked out of the corner of his eye to make sure Estes had gone back to his crossword puzzle. He quickly and nonchalantly got the packet and slid it into his right jacket pocked. This happened three more times for her stay and both of is jacket pockets were full of God, who knew what now.

They had been making small talk and he said, “I am afraid my time is up, don’t want to jeopardize my visitation rights.”

She said quietly, “One more kiss before you leave, another under your tongue, plus you are nice looking and a good kisser.”

They both rose, and she had to make a bit of a spectacle, “Oh, honey I miss you so much, be so glad when you can get out of here.” For this one she looked over directly at Estes, “So, I can know what it is to have a real man again.”

He leaned in and she attacked his face, appropriate the King was always making jokes about the Nostromo, in, ‘Alien’. She made him think very much of one of those alien face-huggers, that had attached itself to one of the crew.

She gave him a long kiss and stuffed another container in his mouth, and he worked that under his tongue on the other side. He as now loaded down they pulled apart.

She said as she parted, “See you again in two weeks sweetheart.”

He went and scanned a laser portal that would unlock the doors of the facility from in here. He stepped through and Templeton scanned his badge again.

“Tell Mr. Koufax I said hi.”

Max replied as best he could, “Sure will, um-hm.”

He walked straight to the cell habitat and climbed up to their level and entered. His master was wearing a pair of shorts, and socks, with his legs crossed on the bottom bunk. He was reading, Clive Barker’s, ‘The Great and Secret Show.’ He got up and joined his slave who began to unload the stuff on their work desk.

Master sat down and began to go through it, “Oh yeah, he said, the real deal and not that stupid watered down shit the Warden has sent in.”

His slave fished out the two containers buried down underneath his tongue and wiped them dry and laid them down as well. He looked and most of the containers looked like what anyone that was 21 could now get in the state of Illinois, they were mostly 500mg cannabis edibles from a dispensary. The ones that had been in his mouth contained a white powder and he really did not want to know.

After inspection, his Master rose and took him by the back of the head and pulled him in and kissed him hard shoving his tongue deep inside his mouth. He did this for a minute and pulled away.

He said, “That girl you met is my first cousin Mandy, she’s a good kisser as well don’t you think?”

His slave was speechless for a moment and his Master started laughing like crazy.

“Relax, I am not into the habit of kissing my first cousin. Now take a quick shower dry off and come back not wearing any clothes. I have an interesting scientific experiment for us.”

His slave looked curiously at him.

“Yes, seems I have formed a hypothesis if I tie you all up and use your body to stimulate my cock enough, it will get me off. In the shower, that one needs testing. You only touch your nice cock to wash it.”

“Yes Master.”

The slave took a thorough shower and returned to his Master that had stowed what he had picked up away and was reading again. The muscular guy got up and took him and firmly pushed him up against the bed.

“Hold your arms straight out and spread your legs slightly and stay that way till told otherwise.”

His slave acknowledged him by doing it and waited.

The big man took his big hands and rubbed his underarms carefully. Then slid is hand down and rubbed around his pubic region, took his hardening cock, and jerked it for about a minute. Then Leaned down and used both hands to rub his legs good, he was checking to make sure he stayed good and smooth as he had been told to.

He got the handcuffs and as he was securing his wrists behind him said, “You are doing well with that, keep it up because I will check often.”

As he finished securing his hands behind him, “Yes Master.”

The big man grabbed his shoulders and pushed him down onto his knees, where he was usually positioned at. He went and got a zip lock baggie full of various kinds of clamps and sat down facing him.

“Even if these hurt, stay quiet bitch.”

He put two of the type he usually used on each of his slave’s nipples. Each ear lobe got two stronger than he had been using. He smiled at the slave as he jerked on his dick for another small amount of time. Then he took about five of the clamps and attached them to various places on the loose skin of his balls sack. He took some more got up and down on one knee. He pulled a shin up to sit on his muscular leg.

He took a few moments to separate his toes and put clamps on the loose skin between them. The slave was already sweating, this did not deter his Master.  He walked to the other side and did that foot the same way. Then He walked back and sat down in front of his slave.

His Master kissed him another second then said, “Time for you to learn some control, and get to really know your own body. I am going to jerk your cock, the very moment that you begin to feel, as if you are beginning to even approach even close to busting a nut you are to tell me. If you do so without permission, I am going to punish you till you do learn. Do you understand bitch?”

“Yes Master.”

“For your information, I am not a sadist, I use things like clips and rope and handcuffs, because a kink of mine is control. You are going to give me utter control over you, one way or another, understand?”

“Yes Master.”

“What will you not do?”

“I will not shoot off until I am given permission, Master.”

His big master reached down and stuck his dick straight out and let a liberal amount of his spit run down from his mouth onto it. he bent it back up to a better angle and wrapped his big right hand around it. His Master had room to sit straighter now and locked eyes with him and began to jerk his cock.

Oh, his slave felt like a rocket about to take off, that big strong hand felt good pumping his cock up and down. His Master did not look hostile, or mad or demeaning, he had a look of pleasure in his eyes and on his face. It was not long till he began to tingle a little bit.

“Now, Master.”

The big man stopped, slid back to the wall, and pulled his socks off. He crossed his ankles in front of the slave with his right foot on the top.

“Now, bitch, slowly and thoroughly lick the bottom of my right foot. No breaks and unless an emergency, keep your trap shut and worship my feet.”

The slave leaned forward and began to deliver long and strong licks across the length of the bottom of his Master’s right foot. As he worked the foot, his Master spoke.

“I am sure you know I am edging you, there are so many stupid people in the world it is amazing, that if aliens exist it’s a wonder, they don’t exterminate us for vermin. When one is to do a thing, understanding the processes involved is key. See you are the math, well pretty much everything wizard, my sorcery is chemistry and biochemistry. To trigger ejaculation, there are several chemicals the body produces that triggers it; Nitric oxide, prolactin, oxytocin, which in women is what is used to chemically induce the birthing process. Vasopressin, norepinephrine, and serotonin. They all play a part, you see these idiots on that use the start and stop method, it takes a couple of minutes for these to go back down in level. So, they are just spinning their tires and wasting their time, without a proper cooldown between each stimulation.”

The Master reached over to his bedside barrel, which is what he used as a table and got his phone. He keyed it and said, “Siri, set a times for 180 seconds.” – “Okay timer set.”

“Lean back bitch and when feel it begin to tingle or burn then immediately let me know.”

The slave set back and said, “Yes Master.

The Master leaned forward, spit on his slave’s dick again, and seized it strongly with that powerful right hand. He began sliding it up and down and holding eye contact. He went for a few minutes and the burn started again.

“Now Master.”

The big man immediately stopped and slid back placing his let foot on the top this time.

“Oh, the left foot got jealous, it wants some attention and homage as well. Get to work bitch.”

His slave began licking the bottom of that foot and he was breathing harder, but his ejaculation was calming slowly down.

He Master started the timer on the phone. “Once I learn your body well enough, we can lay in here on a Sunday when there is not much to do, and I can edge you all day. Sometimes I get a mean streak, might do it for hours, then hold your cock in my mouth with some ice cubes to make you lose your hardon, and put a cage on you. That makes one hell of a punishment, though it limits me to blow jobs, while you are caged.”

His timer on his phone beeped, so he leaned forward, spit on his slave’s cock and began to work it with that strong hand again. He started intently into his slave’s eyes and was grinning.

“Damn, I have to admit I like looking into those nice eyes of yours.” He worked it steadily but not too quickly, another mistake when doing this. People go so fast they get flooded with those biochemicals and neurotransmitters, and the deal is sealed.

“Now Master.”

He stopped and freed is ball sack through the bottom of his shorts he was wearing. They were the soft fabric kind, and it was not uncomfortable.

“Let’s change to some worshipping of my balls, do them one at a time.”

His slave leaned forward, and his Master stuck the left one all the way into that nice mouth of his. He lightly sucked it in and licked it slowly and carefully.

A voice outside the curtain, “Sorry, King, I know you want privacy.”

“Stick you head in here Eubanks, just edging my bitch.”

The big thick necked head eased through the curtain. “Damn he is really after it. Sorry boss, but we got the stuff that was carried in by Marco as well. I checked it is all accounted for.”

“Just bring it in and lay it on the desk Eubanks, appreciate it. Make sure that curtain is good and closed when you leave.”

The Master’s timer went off, the slave leaned back, more spit was delivered, and that big hand was at work again. The big man came in and put down about the same load of stuff his slave had and quietly left closing the curtain good behind him.

The slave Max’s world felt like it was shrinking, he felt so good now. He stared back into his Master’s eyes and saw he was on a control high. He was absolutely in charge here, which is what he wanted. It wasn’t long before he began to tingle.

“Now Master.”

The big man stopped, leaned back and out came his balls again through the bottom of the shorts. The slave leaned forward, and the master fed him his other ball, and restarted his timer. He laid his left hand on top of his slave’s nice hair. He thought, ‘You surely enjoyed that kiss cousin, but sorry this one is mine.’

The slave dutifully worked that ball over, and the timer dinged again.  The slave leaned back without having to be told and the Master leaned forward and spit, all over his cock, locked his right hand securely around it and began working it slowly in a strong grip. He leaned forward and put his mouth to his slave’s and shoved his tongue in his mouth. He wanted to see what he would do, with a mouthful of tongue, and was unable to speak. Spontaneity and creativity if he failed to come up with something. He would spurt everywhere, and the Master would make him lick it all up good and cage him for a week. He stoked him with that hard grip evenly and with the same rhythm he had been using.

His slave was in a place he had never been before, his Master’s tongue in his mouth and that powerful hand sliding up and down the head and shaft of his slickened cock. It was hard to think, but he was already doing so. Difficult to concentrate, but his Master had not told him what to do in this eventuality. He had been told never to interfere or to resist or pull away from him. Those were all out, he had one thing to try, perhaps that would work?

The Master was loving this, and his huge cock was throbbing, time to get it the attention it needed. This slave was going to suck it a bit and then take it up the ass. If he didn’t come up with something that would not alter anything. His 8” s would be sucked and would go up his tight ass anyway, if he did, he would finish fucking his load out of him.

The slave was starting to feel a bit of tingle, so he ever so softly did something he had not been trained what to do. He gently took his teeth and lightly bit his Master’s tongue, not enough to really say a bite more a ginger brushing. He did it three times, rather rapidly.

His Master grinned and pulled away from him and stopped pumping his cock. He sat back and opened the fly of his shorts and fished his big 8” cock out through them. The fly expanded widely, so he could get it all and reach the root of it.

“Good job bitch, now suck my cock slowly and all the way down on it.”

Max, his slave was burning up, he was sweating and perspiring profusely, it had made the ends of his stylish hair wet and looked sexy as hell. His Master had pushed his big cock out a little so he could easily get down on it. His slave leaned forward and looked into his eyes as he took it into his lips and on into his mouth. His mouth was watering, and he quickly swallowed any excess saliva down and took deep breaths as he went further and further down on it.

He had grown to like the silky-smooth texture of it, got blasted with a salty taste of precum. Master had put a big hand on the top of his head to assist him with a little pressure. He went all the way down, fought back the impulse to gag a couple of times, and was soon resting with his lips on Master’s pubic region.

Richard, the Master, loved the feel of that tight throat around the top 1/3rd of his cock. As he held the slave in place, he thrusted up with his hips a few times and got as deep as he could possibly go. He took both hands and began to guide his head up and down the length of himself. He only wanted a quick primer and let him run the length of it up and down several times. The timer went off, and he clicked end and put his hand back on the side of his head. He let him slowly suck it for about five minutes.

“Off my cock and down in the floor on your knees bent over, so I can handcuff you the steel circle at the corner leg.”

As the slave got into place, he grabbed his bottle of lube from the barrel beside his rack. He was up and uncuffed his hands from behind him. His slave placed his hands just right for him, and he ran the cuffs through the steel ringlet and snapped it back snugly onto the wrist he had to pull around. He made sure they were both tight, so the slave would know they were there He got his knees behind him, squirted some lube on his cock, and jacked it a few times to distribute it well.

He grabbed his slave by both sides of his hips and moved him into the position he wanted him in. This time he just squirted a little lube on his finger and worked it round the outside is his cock’s destinations hole. No loosening this time, he wanted resistance and a tight fit, for his pumping.  He put a foot up beside his slave’s hip flat making one knee pointed up he was angled perfectly to wear that prostate out. He put the head of his cock to the hole, and began to immediately push, he had a good angle.

It took a second, but it gave, and he began to slide in, something a bit different this time. He got the head and about another inch inside and held it there for about thirty seconds. He got a solid hold on the slave and then drove it all in at once. He could feel the interior give to him as it slid over his cock, and it felt so fucking great.

“Uhm-Uhm!” His slave could not stop from making the noise, it was a bit painful, but it felt good too as he adjusted. He held perfectly still and allowed his Master to pleasure himself.

Master Richard did not have a hold and stretch period this time, he immediately began to pump his slave as hard as he had yet. His had him held firmly in place and in and out it went.

He said, “OH-Damn, tight!”

His slave moaned, as he was really rubbing that prostate from this angle.  He was not slowing down, and the slave had been so close several times, it would not take long. He was going hard and fast, and it was rocking his slave’s body.

“Uhm Master, cum.”

His Master drove on the leaned over to see, he wanted it jetting onto the concrete floor or the slave’s belly and dripping down to it. There it went, squirting mostly onto the floor perpendicular to the corner of the bed, a little was hitting his belly as the Master rocked him, but it dripped down as well.

Richard was beginning to tingle as he reached around and seized his slave’s cockhead strongly. He worked it quickly and wanted that post orgasmic sensitivity out of him. The slave jerked his hands against the chain cuffs, there it was. He kept pumping away on that cockhead.

He was burning and drove deep into his slave and his balls emptied and his cock began jetting it all up inside his willing captive.

“Some-Fucking-Cum-For-You-Bitch!” He said a word every time it shot up into him. He pumped a few more times, then pulled free, fuck!

He undid his slave’s cuffs, kneeling beside him.

“Lick and suck my cock good and clean, the lick up your mess off the floor you made bitch.”

The Master watched his slave carefully clean him, till he got up and he started to lick up his own cum from the floor. His Master went to the bathroom and wet a cloth with warm water and cleaned his privates well and put the cloth in the dirty clothes.

He came over and sat down on the desk and began inspecting the packets that Johnny Eubanks had left. His slave would be a few minutes, lots of cum, and he was being thorough.

“That was fucking good bitch, you are learning, get as much as you can with your tongue then mop it good. No need to answer.” He inventoried the contents and put them away. He opened a 500mg pack of edibles, and got out two, they would sleep well tonight.

He watched the bitch work, and now there was no doubt, he genuinely liked this one. Fuck any sharing this one was his, and at all the things they would do. Sometime before midnight the lights went out in H-110, the King and his bitches cell. Tomorrow was another day, now it was time for sleep after a monster fuck like that.