The Art of Conversion

by Reese Polaris

9 May 2024 1099 readers Score 8.7 (14 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

They expected nothing less from this place.

TreeTop Landing was the cure, at least they claimed it would be. A place where boys of all ages could learn the art of conversion, could return home as men-- as normal.

And usually they were right. Usually this place could pray the gay away, beat the gay away; trick their minds into thinking it was wrong. But these six... they remembered all too well.

It was late, typically time to hit the hay after a long day or labor and lectures. But there was a contest the last few weeks, one that prized its winners with the gift of a night out-- at least by their standards. Instead of being cooped into their cabin and watched by the cameras, they were given a reprieve... an out.

Jay Hartman, production leader awaited for them as they lined up to their cabin door. "You boys have earned this night." Even his kind words came across as crude, "So enjoy it."

And he led all six of them to a secluded patch of woods, into a clearing where a large crackling fire illuminated the shadowed night. Each of them took a seat around the fire, being sure to abide by the rules and keep two feet of distance between each other.

"I'm sure you all are tired. I'm sure you all miss your families." He pointed out the obvious, even if they smiled at his statements; "Tonight you can be sure that you're only weeks away from seeing them if you continue this stroke of progress." He marched around them, searching for a fumble, a slip up; anything to send them back to the cabin-- anything to keep them longer.

But he only tightened his lips after one solid round, planting his feet at the path in which they came.

"Talk freely." He bowed, and disappeared into the night.

But it wasn't so simple. Not after weeks of conditioning. Each of them blankly stared, either at the fire or at their lap or up to the swaying darkness above. Never at each other, not until someone else broke first.

There was Andy, a shy kid, only nineteen and scrawny; shaken and beaten into submission by the hands of this camp.

And there was Jordan, a college jock who opened his legs to the wrong person.

Then there was Tanner, the straightest looking boy of them all.

Next to him was Carter, squinting his eyes at the roaring fire; the oldest of them all.

And Jacob, built and brooding but bubbling under the surface.

And finally, Mark; the one who broke the silence. "I can't wait to get out of here." He said in almost a whisper, though everyone heard and nodded their heads in agreement.

He sighed into his folded hands, watched the fire dance shadows across his beaten shoes. They weren't sure if this was a trap, wasn't sure if talking freely was a bold choice-- or a stupid one.

But Mark couldn't contain the sobs that broke from him, the memories that he'd forgotten.

"Don't cry." Carter demanded, more scared then caring.

But Mark could only shake his head, letting the tears fall; "Why?" He asked, "Why not let it out while I can." And most of them went tense at the words, debating if they should too.

Andy cleared his throat, "How did you guys get trapped here?" He asked, wondering if it was the same reason he did; wondering if he wasn't the only one tricked.

No one wanted to answer that question. No one had any room for error.

But Carter cleared his throat too, shook his head as he stared at the fire.

"I'll start."

A/N - Hope this grabbed you well enough. Be prepared for a chapter for each character, a story for each one. Some are nice, some are loving-- and some are down right despicable.

by Reese Polaris

Email: [email protected]

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