Straight to Servitude

by masterC

23 May 2024 2583 readers Score 8.1 (24 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Chapter 1

Contact and preparation

I had been made aware of Tom through my university housemates, he was a friend from home and ever since the first time I saw a picture I could not stop the fantasies of transforming him into the perfect submissive bitch boy. He appeared to be the perfect sub, the man had spent the entire of his teenage years pining for girls who could not be less interested, girls who would drag him along and milk him for all of his worth, whilst having no intention of actually entering a relationship with him. Hence, I figured that it’s time for a cock to enter his straight boy hole and unleash his obviously submissive nature to flourish to its full potential under the reign of a superior man.

I paced round my room planning where the boy would live once he is mine. My room features a bay window which would hold a dog cage perfectly, the boy will be kept in a cage just slightly too small, so that whenever he is released, he is grateful for the freedom. A juxtaposition really as he will never be a free man ever again, just a caged and controlled boy. He will watch the world pass by through the window whilst kneeling and crawling around the room, dreaming of a past life before realising that a life of servitude and slavery is all that his pathetic brain actually craves. But let’s not get ahead of myself, I still need to contact the boy and begin to prepare him for weeks of intense training and conditioning.

I scrolled through Instagram and found his profile and mentally prepared my first message whilst scrolling through the endless posts. The boy had posted many pictures of his time with the women who had clearly seen and used his innate submissive nature, I giggled to myself as my cock harden at the thought of such submissive nature being dedicated towards me for the rest of the boys pathetic life. The boy appeared to be part of a football team, with many posts feature him on his knees amongst the team posing with trophies and medal, on his knees… a fitting position for a future slave boy to already be accustomed to. I began to wonder if he has ever experimented with the fellow boys on his team, I sincerely hope not as I would like to be his first experience with a real man, a man who has the ability to strip him of all worth and be his only reason to live. I tapped on private message and began to write.

“Boy, we have never met before, but I simply captivated by you. I am aware that you are a straight boy, but I feel it is in your nature to be a submissive slave to a superior gay man like me. I am going to claim your life whether you like it or not as it is simply my right to show you the submissive nature you are so desperately trying to hide. Tomorrow evening at 7pm there will be a knock at your door, I expect you to be home and I expect you to open the door and welcome me in, wearing nothing other than a pair of trousers. I will let it be known that if you do not complete this there will be consequences with deeper implications than you losing the rights to your already pathetic life. There will be no further contact from now.” The boy immediately read the message and began to type.

“Who are you and why would you expect me to do any of that shit?”

 I quickly replied back, “Boy I told you no further contact, you know to expect me at 7pm tomorrow evening, where your future will be explained.”

I continued to pace my room deciding what would be needed to provide for the boy once he arrives at his forever home. I constructed a shopping list and headed to the shops. The first stop was the local pet shop, I needed to grab some supplies for my new pet. The first course of action was to pick out a collar and lead for the animal, I chose a studded collar and a metal chain lead to ensure no escape for the animal. I then paced down the aisle holding the dog cages trying to decide on the correct size, before picking up some dog bowls and making my way to the tills. The lady commented on the fact that I appeared to be welcoming a new pet into my life.

“Yes, I will be collecting him tomorrow night, he’s only young and is going to need some training but I am excited for the new chapter in my life.”

After loading the goods in the boot, I made my way to the local adult store to purchase some toys for the slave. I had placed an order online and simply had collect it, the order included chains and handcuffs as the slave was going to be bound and locked away when I’m not present as a way of showing him that I am still in control despite not being there. The box also contained butt plugs and a plethora of sex toys to be used on the boy as both punishment and for pleasure when his master decides he’s allowed to feel such things. I quickly left the store and returned home to set up his new home. The cage fit perfectly under the window, and I cleared out a draw to hold all of his new toys. In the kitchen I placed his new dog bowls next to the bin, to symbolise how low his within my household. The house was finally ready for its new addition, and I couldn’t be more excited to become a master. I spent the evening pleasuring myself to the thought of owning my new slave boy and I came to the realisation that I will never have to pleasure myself again, why would you when you have a submissive slut who is going to worship you.