
by Major Tom

24 Jan 2020 2808 readers Score 8.9 (39 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

10 years ago, at Beldon University a coed was gangraped during a party by several wrestling team members. The scandal was contained by the chief trustee Jackson Alden, who was from a prominent wealthy family of alumni for generations. The girl was paid off, the boys were persuaded to transfer to other schools and the wrestling coach resigned.

Mr. Jackson hired at considerable cost, the up and coming wrestling coach, Frank McGuire. A former wrestler himself, Coach McGuire was then 27 and had established himself at Stilton College, having won the state championship the previous year. McGuire’s edict was to see that a situation like that gangrape never happened again and was given a free hand. Coach McGuire implemented a policy he developed at Stilton. In the years since, Beldon had won several national championships.

Coach McGuire’s pragmatic solution was accepting that horned up young athletes needed an outlet other than troublesome girls for their sexual urges. He set up his team with live-in gay boys to keep them satisfied. Coach McGuire established a network of paid high school guidance counselors who would identify potential candidates and refer them to him for interviews. The ideal candidates would have either have outed themselves, had gay tendencies and were from disadvantaged backgrounds or academically borderline. Those who could not have normally gotten in to Beldon.

That’s how Michael Stanton was now sitting in a conference room at a local hotel with Coach McGuire, with his parents waiting outside. Michael and his parents had been surprised at receiving a letter from Coach McGuire, as Michael had not applied to Beldon. There was no way the family could afford it. Michael’s pharmacist father was impressed and excited for him as Coach McGuire was famous.

“Nice to meet you Michael.” “Likewise, sir.” “Please, call me Frank.” “Yes, Frank.”

“Now, I’m sure you’re wondering what this is about. Beldon is always on the lookout for expectational students and we’re often are privy to applications sent to other schools. I’ve seen some of your drawings and they’re great and exhibit your talent for scenic design. Beldon’s theater department is one of the best in the country.”

“I know Frank, but I didn’t apply because of my family situation, it isn’t possible.”

“Michael you have to think big. If I told you that a full-scholarship was available along with room, board and a stipend so you wouldn’t have to work and could concentrate on your studies, would you be interested?”

“Wow! Would I ever!”

“This is unique scholarship is awarded to an elite few. There’s some personal matters involved.”


“Are you gay?”

“Uh, gee. I know I how I feel inside. Yes, I’m gay. I’ve only told my guidance counselor. I’m not really ready to come out.  My parents kind of suspect I’m sure, but we haven’t spoken about it.”

“We’re very enlightened at Beldon and seek diversity. Have you had much sexual experience?” Michael blushed. “Uh, no. I’m still young and haven’t met anyone yet.”

“Of course. You’ve concentrated on your schoolwork. In your mind, you must have  fantasies, that’s healthy, do you think of yourself as a top, a bottom or versatile?”

“I’ve never discussed this with anyone before. Honestly, I feel that when I begin having sex with men that I will be a bottom.”

“I admire your straightforwardness and candor. Those are great qualities to have.”

“Thank you Frank.”

“I am going to be equally straightforward. My job and obligation is to see to the welfare and success of my team. Part of that is keeping them out of trouble. These are solid young men like yourself. They’re all straight and consumed with sexual urges that can lead young men to make bad decisions. I believe these urges should be taken care of simply. In the last 10 years, I’ve met with many fine young men such as yourself who would benefit from an education at Beldon. That’s possible in return for fulfilling my team’s needs. Again, many young men have seized this opportunity, and no one has ever felt compelled to back out. I know this a lot to take in.”

“Uh, yes it is Frank.”

“To be clear, you would room with three team members and be available to sexually gratify them. It’ll all be discreet and cordial. During the four years, you’d eventually be assigned to different team members as some would have graduated. Other than your private obligations, you’d be a regular student and free to do what you like, such as dating and outside sexual partners. No one, certainly your parents would need to know these details. The cover story of the scholarship being based on your tutoring your roommates has been useful and plausible. It could simply be called a special scholarship based on your artistic talents. You should check out the team’s website and get a sense of your possible roommates.”

“I see, Frank.”

“Of course, this must be startling to you, it’s also a matter of learning how the world really works. Now, I don’t expect an answer from you this second. It’s a lot to take in. I’m interviewing other candidates today and making offers. Tomorrow, I will be here from 10:00am until 2:00pm to finalize acceptances and go over other details. You’re more than welcome to return to discuss any issues you might have and to give me your decision if you choose.” Coach McGuire stood up, and he, Michael shook hands.

Michael’s parents plied him with questions. He explained about a full-scholarship dependent aiding wrestling team members with class work.

“That sounds like a good deal!” said Michael’s father. “How wonderful!” said Michael’s mother. “Oh, you really wanted to go there so much, and now it would be possible. Later that day, Michael went to the office of Mr. Stark, the guidance counselor. “Michael, what a wonderful opportunity! You should take it.”

That night, Michael’s head was spinning. How could he do THAT? He sat at his desk and on his laptop went to the Beldon’s wrestling team’s website. He watched videos of practices, matches and interviews with the wrestlers. The footage of these hot guys in their singlets! THOSE bulges were too much. It was easy to imagine the wrestlers’ dicks and balls since the outlines were so visible. He’d checked out guys at school, but this was so revealing. He felt himself overcome with lust thinking about the wrestlers. He unzipped and began stroking his dick and soon off and shot under his desk. It was difficult falling asleep.

“Super!” said Coach McGuire at the hotel conference room the next morning. “Michael, this will change your life. A degree from Beldon will open doors for you and you’ll always have the support of the alumni. There’s just the matter of training, but you’ll have all summer for that. Here,” said McGuire as he handed Michael a card. “We’ve used him many times for our candidates. Set up an appointment that fits your schedule.”

“Uh, training?”

“I can’t put a virgin into an apartment with three horned up young studs. They’re used to expertise and have too much on their minds to be patient. Vince is a top specialist in the field and will professionally help you gain the necessary experience.”

by Major Tom

Email: [email protected]

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