Devil Dawg Donnelly's: Revelations

by Ulf Raynor

29 Dec 2021 1490 readers Score 9.8 (32 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“The United States Marine Corps, with its fiercely proud tradition of excellence in combat, its hallowed rituals, and its unbending code of honor, is part of the fabric of American myth.”

Thomas E. Ricks

* * * * *

"Quit being such a pussy!"

Gavin Hollis had this phrase playing in his head on repeat for most of the day.

It was Thursday, and it was his birthday. Officially, he was now eighteen, but right now, that seemed to be the least of his considerations. No, what was first and foremost on his mind was what he had agreed to do in just a little over an hour.

Ever since Billy, Jason, and Princess/Timmy cornered him the other night after they had some pow wow down by the lake, they had come to the conclusion that not only would they see that Arlis Gundarason would undergo his Heritage ceremony, but they had decided that because he bore some of the same distinguishing attributes that had allowed Timmy to change, that he too should undergo a similar ceremony.

Other than being gay, Gavin had never noticed any other similarities between him and Princess, but Jason and Billy assured him that because of the way he smelled (like freshly dug dirt and honey) that he and Princess had some sort of shared ancient ancestry.

At first Gavin was certain they were just talking about him being gay, but it was a chat he had later with Danal's friend and colleague Hadrian Mumsford that had added some clarity to their assertions.

Hadrian, in his somewhat seemingly addled and roundabout way, alluded to that ancient book they were always talking about, the Codex. The wizened, grey-bearded, rosy-cheeked elder assured him, that not all homosexual men shared that scent, that in fact, less than half did.

Brock had piped in and added that Atticus and several of the other guys had basically told him that those of the Heritage found the scent particularly alluring, which explained a lot as far as Gavin was concerned, recalling, with some degree of embarrassment, how several of the guys would eye him from a distance or smile suggestively, especially at the end of their daily workouts, when his scent would definitely be the most prominent after sweating all day, and while that didn't really particular illicit a positive connotation from him, it did happen to occur to him, that Arlis was now amongst those of the Heritage and if that meant he might have some possible advantage that could aid him in attracting his long time crush, then he was more than willing to risk being only the second gay guy transformed by the Heritage medallion.

At first he'd sought and hoped for more illumination from either Danal or Hadrian about what to expect, but they seemed either unwilling or unable to offer either speculation or clarity, leaving his only alternative for advice, the only other person who had experienced what he might potentially go through.

That had been a conversation he had hoped to avoid, finding Timmy/Princess fluidity of thought often a bit tedious and arduous to circumnavigate. But, in the end, he was left with little choice and had approached him the night before, right after dinner to engage him in what he might expect to happen.

Most of what Princess had to say sounded like a mushroom induced hallucination, leaving Gavin to roll his eyes in skepticism until Princess chuckled mockingly before pointing out how they were surrounded by a bunch of shape shifting lycanthropes right before the bright blue irises of his own eyes flashed a brilliant glowing azure, forcing Gavin to conclude that perhaps it was best if he just listened and kept his doubts and skepticism in check.

Gavin listened intently as Princess vividly relived his own experience, stopping only to point out events that had coincided with real world events later, such as Aphrodite's insistence he side with Billy during the Quorum and him winning the first half of a goal he as of yet still had little understanding of and what the inevitable world changing outcome the Goddess had spoken of could possibly be, though Gavin agreed that if the prize of that battle was him claiming the first half of Gemini, that it must, in some way be related to either Billy, Paul Lakatos, or as Gavin pointed out, him acquiring Dalton Becker as his gamma, which was due solely to his victory in besting him in combat, though it was unclear how any of those possibilities had anything to do with the duality that is Gemini.

They both agreed, there was something they were either overlooking or hadn't yet considered, but Gavin assured Princess, that if his ceremony lead him into an encounter with the Goddess, then he'd try to remember to ask for clarification.

Despite his previous trepidation in speaking with Princess, he found himself easily engaging in the various metaphysical speculations Princess postulated about his entire ordeal and concluding there was far more behind those blue eyes than a rapacious penchant for sexual innuendo.

Princess had a very keen sense of the space around him and his movement and interaction within it. It became evident to Gavin, that Princess was fully aware of the effect he had on others, especially those of the Heritage and he didn't mind at all if someone thought his libido overshadowed his intellect, in fact, he seemed to prefer they saw him that way and Gavin began to see a certain wisdom in his behavior. It kept people of balance, never fully knowing what he might do next, or as Gavin humorously chided him, stating Princess was predictably unpredictable.

Princess/Timmy personified adaptation, survival of the fittest and he achieved that by appearing to be the most unassuming person in the compound, vacuous and deceptively vulnerable. Even amongst those that were around him day after day, and had seen him take down opponent after opponent. Most still saw him as this naive caricature, when in fact, he was methodical and calculative, a precision instrument honed to near-human perfection. There was a confidence behind those blue eyes, one most passed off as a capricious hunger for sex, but Gavin was now seeing it for what it really was and it was why he accepted Princesses generous offer to be his guide through his ceremony, much in the way Danal was for the others.

Gavin had of course asked Billy to stand with him, or sit as the case maybe since he fully expected that what would happen would be similar to what happened to Princess/Timmy, Danal suggesting that perhaps it would be best if he did it from the safety of a bed or somewhere equally comfortable that would allow him to lay prone. Jason had suggested the cabin, but it was Elizabeth Dunne who pointed out that since they were dealing with a relatively unknown variable that perhaps it would be best done at the Lodge where she had set up a small makeshift lab and triage unit.

Considering how Princess/Timmy had slipped into a nearly catatonic state just by holding the silver medallion, the prevailing opinion was that Elizabeth's suggestion would probably be for the best, and they planned accordingly.

Both Billy and Jason insisted on being there. Princess/Timmy would be the one to place the medallion around his neck, foregoing the example Princess had set, and the near panic Danal had when it was nearly impossible to extricate it from Princesses grasp.

Gavin debated inviting Arlis, but decided against it, knowing how upset it would probably make him seeing Gavin lying on a cot in a near catatonic state for what could be nearly an entire day, that is if Princesses experience held true to form; besides, Arlis was still feeling a bit overwhelmed from his own unexpected ceremony just a few days prior.

That had been a tough one at first. Arlis didn't understand what was being expected of him and he definitely didn't like the idea that Gavin wouldn't be there with him, and though Gavin was still pissed at Arlis's parents, he found himself being actually grateful that Billy had arranged for Barin to escort Douglas Gundarson, Arlis's father, to the compound so that he could stand with Arlis as his sire as their custom dictated.

Gavin had worried the entire day that Douglas might refuse to come, but was eventually relieved when Barin Young returned with Arlis's dad in tow, late in the afternoon.

Jason and Danal had whisked Douglas Gundarson away before Arlis was even aware he was there and though Gavin had no clue as to what either of them had said or discussed with him, when they returned and Arlis saw his dad there, it had the stabilizing effect they had hoped for. Arlis had obediently done everything his father instructed him to do and though Gavin didn't get to see what happened that evening, the change in both Arlis and his father were palpable.

There was now a sense of pride in Douglas Gundarson's gaze, every time he looked at his son. Gone was the stoic, secretive authoritarian Gavin had always known the man to be, he had been replaced by a more sedate and respectful persona who listened with rapt attention and practically genuflected every time Jason spoke to him, something Gavin couldn't help notice, that most of them did. Even to an outsider like Gavin, there was no doubt how they all regarded Jason, and Billy for that matter, making Gavin even more curious than ever about this whole lycanthropic hierarchy that permeated throughout those of the Heritage.

There was something else that was noticeable as well, even in Douglas Gundarson. The furtive, cautiously hopeful, expectant stares that followed Jason and Billy everywhere they went in the compound by every single one of them.

The closest analogy Gavin could make was the time he and his mom had visited the local dog shelter with his uncle when he wanted to pick out a dog as a gift for his cousin.

The way all those dogs in that shelter stared longingly at his uncle as he made his rounds trying to pick the perfect fit for a family pet was almost exactly the way they stared after Jason and Billy and it also didn't escape Gavin's attention, that neither Jason or Billy seemed to notice this themselves, either that, or they were consciously choosing to ignore it. A fact Gavin fully intended to discuss with both of them when time and opportunity permitted.

The next day, as the moment approached and he found himself walking with Billy and Jason toward the compounds central hub, otherwise known as the Lodge, he found himself more contemplative of the various changes already blossoming around them.

Monday had not only ushered in the initiation of Arlis into the Heritage or the birth of JD and Jake's son Jakson, but it also signaled the start of massive changes in the compound itself.

Heavy machinery seemed to pour into the compound, the bivouac they had stayed at since their arrival a couple of weeks ago was now completely bulldozed over, clearing the way for a road that curved up to the top of the hill where they proceeded to flatten and extend the top until it was nearly twice the size of the parking lot at the bottom of the raven where the Lodge was located.

Brock had informed them that the newly cleared space would eventually house two double-storied structures that would serve as the compounds barracks, while the Lodge itself would be transformed into the information and administrative center for all compound activities.

Brock and Danal had assured them, that neither the front lakeside or ceremonial grounds would be altered, but the area they had been using off to the side of the ceremonial grounds to train in, would be transformed into a more traditional and structured and permanent training course, instead of the makeshift one they had been using.

Gavin had noticed Monday morning when he, Billy and Princess had made a quick trip back home to visit JD, Jake and their new baby, that construction had already begun on clearing and leveling the dirt and gravel road into the compound in preparation for paving later and they all took note of the area cleared right at the turn-off from the main road where foundations were already being cleared for a guardhouse as well as large metal fence post being secured that would eventually become the security fence that would traverse the entire circumference of the compound.

These were just the beginnings of the many changes that would develop throughout the coming weeks.

Brock and Jason had spread out the blueprints on a large conference table that had been set up in the communications section of the Lodge and had outlined all the eventual changes.

Gavin was happy that they intended to preserve the austerity of the cabin, though it was scheduled to be modernized with a the addition of a bathroom and basic plumbing and electricals throughout, but would eventually serve as Jason's home once the upgrades were completed.

The blueprints had also shown a future road that would swing passed the cabin and eventually circumnavigate the entire lake.

The area to the left of the lake would house storage and maintenance buildings and even a small armory and eventually their very own landing field for small aircraft. Brock had already secured a couple of helicopters that could be used for quick transport when needed, so the airfield was a central focus for the time being and construction would begin on it the following week.

They had all seemed the most curious about the plans for a resort that would be built into the hillside on the other side of the lake, though no one present knew Max's reasoning for this, it seemed rather grandiose and palatial for a small unit of Marine Corps recruits and a handful of civilians.

The only other large area on the plans that seemed rather incomplete was a road that would wind around the right side of the lake before forking, with one continuing to the far right end of the lake, where Max and Carl had carved out an area for their own use, with the other branch in the road leading out into the middle of a large, mostly level clearing surrounded by hills.

Brock had said that he thought that eventually Max intended this area to become a private housing area for those who worked here and had aspirations toward having or starting families.

What was glaringly obvious though, Max fully intended to expand the operations of this compound well beyond just hosting the occasional Heritage ceremony. Gavin knew this by the sheer size of the double, two-story barracks. Knowing full well, by the dimensions provided on the blueprints, that Atticus's unit would barely occupy less than half of one story in one building. It was clear, Max expected their operations to grow exponentially, and judging by the aggressive schedule of construction, he was expecting that to happen sooner than later.

Whatever Max's reasons or future plans for the compound were, they could debate it later, as Gavin, Jason and Billy entered the Lodge, where Atticus and Brock steered them toward the far end, where Elizabeth had set up her triage area.

Gavin found himself surprisingly calm as both Elizabeth and Princess stood waiting by one of the cots with both Danal and Hadrian off to one side.

Danal held in his hands a small, but ornate carved wooden box that he presumed contained the ancient silver medallion that served as the catalyst for his expected transformation.

Gavin had given a lot of consideration over what that change might entail over the last few days. He didn't expect his outcome to be the same as Princesses, who all the others had assured him was Alpha level in stature, though completely different from any Heritage alpha.

Even though he didn't expect any kind of physical transformation to result from the actions of this ceremony, Princess had assured him, it had fundamentally altered him on the inside, though he couldn't exactly elaborate on how or to what extent, only that he felt different; stronger, quicker reflexes and heightened senses.

While all those things would be welcomed changes, the part Gavin had the hardest part accepting was that like Princess/Timmy that an ancient Greek Goddess had told him that they were her direct descendants and that her blood, the blood of a Goddess, flowed within his veins.

Above all other considerations, that was the part Gavin was having the hardest part accepting. His entire life had been one devoted to study and to some degree science, or at least it's methodology.

Basically, he still held what he considered to be a healthy bit of skepticism regarding what he perceived to be Princess/Timmy's experience, still thinking it little more than a vivid hallucination fabricated by an overactive imagination, speculating to himself, that Princesses belief in what had transpired had in fact only released the last mental blocks on the full extent of his own innate and natural abilities and that he was only attributing these perceived changes as a direct result of some metaphysical divination manufactured in his own subconsciousness.

Either way, as Gavin removed his shirt and lay in repose on the cool, crisp sheets of the cot, and Danal lifted the lid on the wooden box containing the medallion and Princess carefully removed it while wearing a pair of brown leather gloves provided by Danal, Gavin braced himself for the unexpected, while simultaneously wondering if anything would happen at all.

"Seeya on the other side brother" Princess whispered, smiling ear to ear disarmingly as he lowered the silver chain over Gavin's neck and rested the cold metal medallion over the center of his chest.

                                                                       * * * * *

As curious as Brock was about Gavin's ceremony and how it would all pan out, Atticus had felt like he were intruding on something private, similar in fashion to the Heritage ceremony, where one would expect only to find those closest to them attending.

Billy's had been the exception, mostly due to the expectation surrounding it. Still, Brock had been curious about that as well and if it had been an option left open to him, he would have availed himself of the opportunity, then again, judging by the provocative look Atticus had given him, when he suggested they call it a night and head back to their tent, the bulging lump in his trousers reminded him that it had been a couple of days since he and Atticus had some private time together and if they were both on the same wavelength, then the choice between the two options really wasn't that difficult, at least were he was concerned.

As they drew nearer their newly relocated tent, Brock turned to Atticus, nudging his shoulder against him playfully: "We should grab some beers before we shut ourselves in for the evening" Brock suggested, thinking that Atticus would simply agree and they'd head over to the new bivouac and fetch a six-pack from one of the coolers.

"No need." Atticus rumbled, a capricious expression on his face, as he yelled at Barin Young, who had been standing down by the fire talking with several of the other men from their unit, ordering him to grab a six-pack, nodding his head in the general direction of their tent before ushering Brock forward, in the same direction.

That reminded Brock, there was another thing he had been meaning to discuss with Atticus. The ever-present Barin Young.

Truth was, he didn't so much mind the camaraderie of his companionship, he found the youthful Marine at times amusing, but it was more about his constant presence.

Brock was certain, even if Atticus had said nothing to Barin, that no sooner had they entered their tent, that Barin would have showed up to stand guard outside it. Sometimes Brock wondered when he found time to sleep, since he always seemed to be hovering.

He had tried discussing Barin's constant presence with Atticus, but he had merely dismissed his concerns by insisting Barin was merely doing his duty since he was now bound to Atticus and by happenstance, Brock as well.

Not that Brock was complaining about that either. He knew the main reason why Atticus was always persistent that he orally service Barin as often as possible, that other than blood, there was no richer source for Heritage DNA than their sperm. But the last week and a half had been rather lean, and necessary duties had, at times, deprived Brock of both of them. Something he now intended to rectify by spending a little alone time with him tonight, which brought a devious smile to Brock's face as he hatched his own little plan, implementing it no sooner than they had entered their cozy tent.

As Brock pulled off his boots and lay down upon the double-wide air mattress they slept on, he focused his attention on Atticus, who stood, waiting expectantly by the entrance to their shared tent for Barin to appear with the beer.

Brock smiled deviously to himself, clearing his throat, knowing it would call Atticus's attention to him.

"Excuse me Mr. Walker, but have *WE* forgotten something?" He queried, arching his right eyebrow mischievously while staring lasciviously at his still fully clothed mate.

Atticus glared back at him for a moment, pausing as if he was formulating a response, before finally shrugging his shoulders and began disrobing, all the while giving Brock some serious side-eye glances.

"Don't go giving me attitude when you know perfectly well what the house rules are." Brock taunted, smiling devilishly as more and more of Atticus hirsute muscular body revealed itself as he stripped, much to Brock's obvious delight.

"Technically, we're in a tent, not a house," Atticus mumbled defensively as he knelt to unlace his Corps issue, dessert camo boots, before slipping them off his large hairy feet.

Brock sneered back at him: "A distinction without a difference, this tent is our home..." he waited to see if that would get a rise out of Atticus before adding: "Is it my fault you haven't provided a house for us to live in yet?"

It wasn't really his intent to shame Atticus for their current accommodations, he knew full well Atticus had no control over the situation, but it didn't hurt to hammer home, that with the start of construction on the compounds barrack structures, that was intended to house those of the Heritage that lived and trained there, that he had no intention of letting Atticus think that was a viable option for them as well.

Atticus stripped off his slacks and tossed them to the side, now standing completely nude in front of him, staring back at him: "I've already talked to Max and have made certain arrangements, but if this is becoming to cramped for you, I suppose we could discuss renting an apartment or something in Macon until those plans come through."

It was the seriousness of Atticus tone and facial expression that had made Brock chortle: "I was just pullin' your chain Walker, where we live means less to me than who we are forced to share that space with is all I'm really say'in'."

Atticus's brow furrowed as his eyes bore into Brock's: "Is this about the proximity of the others during our downtime or is this about Barin?" he asked, his voice twinged with the concern showing on his face.

Brock regarded him for a moment, rather surprised Atticus had so quickly zeroed in on the core issue.

"I know you've said that you claimed Barin and I understand how that relates within the Heritage, but how does that translate with me?" Brock asked. He was basically putting Atticus on the spot and he knew it, but he couldn't help but wonder how Atticus would define what Brock and Barin shared since it was done on his behest, but more than that, since he was Atticus's mate, what were the does and don'ts, if any?

Atticus looked at him quizzically, as if unclear as to what Brock was asking and responding in kind: "Are you asking me what the limitations are?"

Brock cautiously probed: "As it pertains to sex and our overall interactions..." He paused briefly, adding quickly: "I need to know the ground rules, like whats off-limits and what are you comfortable with?"

Nodding his head, a slight grin forming on his thick lips, Atticus mused: "Technically, the only limit is the same one you have with me, at this time you can not mount either one of us..."

Brock interjected: "Because of the whole alpha thing and not being chosen and saving yourselves, just in case one comes along that decides you're worthy to be made part of his pack?"

Atticus just shrugged his shoulders as he crossed the room to plop down beside him, his large callused hand coming up to caress his cheek affectionately: "We've discussed why I chose Barin to assist us, and I certainly hope you're not concerned with me becoming jealous or worse yet..." Atticus leaned forward and kissed Brock gently on the forehead: "I hope you don't think I don't care about you because of it."

Brock smiled broadly back up at him: "I don't think that, because I'm fairly certain if you did you would have probably ripped his head off by now."

Atticus just rolled his eyes thoughtfully before nodding his head in agreement.

Holding Atticus's gaze, Brock had one final question, the most pertinent one of this whole conversation: "Just to be clear, you've claimed Barin and he's now part of you, at least until some alpha comes along or you release him, correct?"

Atticus nodded his head cautiously his face a mask of unanswered questions.

As if on cue, there was a disturbance at the flap to the entrance of their tent and Brock pushed Atticus up into a sitting position as he turned sideways facing that general direction: "Come in Barin!" He announced, bringing his hand up to Atticus's lips to caution him into silence.

Atticus just shook his head knowingly, realizing that Brock had just somehow bested him in some way as he watched Barin Young enter the privacy of their tent.

He had no sooner closed the flap behind him and held the six-pack of beer up, offering it as proof of his purpose for being there, when Brock locked gazes with him and in his most matter of fact, conversational voice, he stated: "I know it hasn't been discussed previously Barin, but the standing rule in my domicile is that no member of the Heritage, who is cohabitant with me, is allowed to be clothed in my home."

Barin's face was an unreadable mask, but Brock caught the furtive glances he shot Atticus, in obvious deference toward his team leader and the very reason for his hesitancy.

Brock snapped his fingers tersely, drawing Barin's attention back to him: "Perhaps I didn't make myself clear, as per the conditions stipulated in the Coaptandas, in our home, I make the rules." Brock emphasized his point by reaching between Atticus's legs and gripping his flaccid, thick phallus and began stroking it, before adding: "In here, Atticus obeys me and by association, now so do you..." He glowered sternly at Barin before smiling impishly at him: "Strip Lance Corporal, then bring that beer over here and join us in our bed."

There was a lingering moment Brock thought Barin was about to object, but instead he just shrugged his shoulders once again and quickly stripped, snatched up the six-pack, tore one-off, and offered it up to Brock as he knelt on the edge of their mattress and waited further instruction.

Brock took a healthy swig of the proffered beer before handing it to Atticus, who did the same, and in turn, handed it off to Barin, who finished it.

"A little liquid bravery gentlemen before the real fun begins." Brock chuckled as he sat up and thrust his mouth over Atticus's, kissing him deeply, drawing the man's wet tongue from the moist confines of his oral cavity, before turning his head and doing the same to Barin.

Barin was hesitant at first, it having been awhile since he had the occasion to kiss someone, but soon finding himself surrendering to Brock's probing oral digit and offering up his own in return.

Back and forth Brock traded spit filled, succulent lip smacking wet kisses with both men, before trying to push the two together, hopeful of watching the two swap spit, thus fulfilling one of his more tame fantasies regarding the pair. But Atticus bulked and turned his head away, resisting Brock's direction, his message loud and clear. Kissing Brock was one thing, kissing Barin was another.

Brock made a mental note. No fucking, no kissing. He hoped there wouldn't be many other such limitations or this was going to go to hell in a handbag real quick and spoil the fun he had been envisioning for quite some time now.

Atticus maneuvered himself directly parallel behind him, his thick hot lips seeking his right nipple as the tip of his tongue circled and teased his taut areola and his front teeth nibbled lightly on the nub, teasing it further into an erect state while his large sausage sized fingers reached around him and sought his erect, drooling cock and toyed with it, eliciting more than a few grunts and groans from him.

Not wanting Barin to feel left out, Brock reached for his thick swollen eight-inch erection and indicated for him to flip into a sixty-nine position and began teasing Barin's drooling cock-head with the tip of his own tongue, delving into the oozing piss slit and lapping up the copious amounts of dick dribble he managed to milk continuously from the swollen glans, before stuffing the peach sized, lavender-hued, mushroom-shaped knob into his hungry, sucking mouth.

Brock didn't know who had instigated it, but he soon felt a pair of wet lips encircling his own six-inch boner and he felt the entire length slip throat deep into Barin's moist mouth.

When he managed to look down his body, he could see Atticus's large hand on the back of Barin's head forcing him up and down on his dick, fucking his face faster and faster until it felt like he was practically skull fucking the stalwart, golden-haired young jarhead.

As much as Brock wanted to succumb to Barin's oral talents, he had other ideas, ones that would push the envelope of what his mate had experienced thus far.

Throwing his arm around Atticus broad thick neck, Brock pulled his lover's lips from his nipple and covered his mouth with his own, while simultaneously pushing Barin's hungry sucking mouth from his prod, gripping the short hair on the top of his head, and guiding his mouth toward Atticus's prodigious fourteen-inch cock.

Just as he had suspected, as soon as Atticus felt Barin's wet tongue begin to swirl around the massive, helmet-shaped glans of his dick, slaving, massaging and caressing it with his spittle, he felt Atticus try to pull away from him.

But Brock was prepared. Locking his free arm around Atticus's neck as he sucked his tongue into his mouth while forcing Barin's mouth over his massive knob, until it was securely sheathed in his oral cavity.

Brock could feel Atticus struggle slightly against him, he knew Atticus was uncomfortable with this new intimacy with another of his kind, but Brock wasn't having any of it and held fast, letting Barin's oral talents work on him a few more moments before breaking their kiss.

With a voice fully laden with lust and desire Brock instructed Atticus to stand up.

Never breaking eye contact with his mate, Atticus did as instructed, until he towered over Brock and Barin, his massive maypole dangling in midair above them, pulsing and palpitating in a near feverish heat, beckoning the two of them like moths to a flame.

Almost in unison, they both dove for it, their hungry wet lips and tongues swaddling and stroking it in copious amounts of spit and saliva, from the tip of its bloated head to the two lemon-sized, hirsute balls dangling below, before Brock swooped upward and engulfed the near apple-sized glans in his overstretched and straining mouth as he guided Barin's mouth to Atticus's large gonads and began stuffing them in Barin's mouth.

Brock pulled back momentarily, commanding Barin to suck his balls until he indicated otherwise, then dove back down on Atticus's schlong and began gulping its substantial girth and length down in spurts, like a snake consuming its prey, until the entire organ was completely subsumed within his mouth, throat, and esophagus, clear down to his thorax, and he was grinding his lips into Atticus thick, course pubes.

Not surprisingly, their actions elicited pangs of grunts and groans from his mate as his hands grasped the back of the suckling pairs heads and ground them into his groin, obviously relishing their twin endeavors.

Years of training on Max Donnelly's big cock was paying off for Brock, knowing full well his oral skills were second to none.

Long ago he had learned to work his throat muscles like an undulating sheave, milking even the biggest member without once having to back off, not even a fraction of an inch. Learning early on, at Max's insistence, to breath through his nose and around the girth-some thickness of his impaling dong.

It wasn't often he got to practice these skills, since Atticus seemed to prefer fucking, usually viewing oral sex as just a prelude to copulation, but not tonight.

Brock was determined to milk his man, force him to experience the sensation of having his balls and cock properly serviced unto completion.

Those efforts soon paid off, evidenced by the increased tightness of Atticus grip on the back of their heads as they both redoubled their efforts, sucking as hard as they could in alternating unison until they felt Atticus's massively muscular thighs begin to tremble and shake as the full force of a mind-blowing orgasm swept over him.

Every muscle in Atticus's body grew taut, sweat poured down his hairy body as he ground their faces into his crotch, his body jerking and spasming as he released the first pent up juices form his exploding cock.

Brock almost regretted not being able to taste the copious amounts of sperm that rocketed down his throat, but the near growling snarls escaping between Atticus's gritting teeth, was rewarding enough, knowing that he had given his mate yet another new experience he could add to the lexicon of ones he hoped to introduce his younger lover too.

With Atticus though, he knew that patience would be the key, Rome wasn't built in a day and good lovers were made, not born to it.

As they all three collapsed on the air mattress together, panting for breath with Brock sandwiched between them, he turned and kissed Barin on the lips before pivoting to his mate and doing the same.

Brock eased backward, his arms around both men's necks, eliciting a few chuckles when he asked between panting breaths: "Whose up next boys?"

                                                                       * * * * *

"Wow, did someone get the number of that truck?" Gavin heard himself say out loud, even though he had only intended it a passing thought.

He struggled to open his eyes, feeling very much like he had an elephant sitting on his chest.

In the span of mere seconds he went from wondering not only if the medallion Princess was lowering over his head would have any effect on him at all, to speculating how long it would take for him to feel any effect if his doubts never materialized. But the moment the cold metal of the silver medallion touched his skin, it had felt like someone had whacked him with a hundred pound feather sending him careening sideways across the room until he landed where he was now, on what felt like cold, smooth stone. But even more disconcerting than that, he also felt like he wasn't alone. That he was being watched.

The bizarre sensation he was being watched unnerved him enough to cause him to flutter his eyes open, while using his hands to push himself into a semi-prone position on what appeared to be a white marble dais or altar.

"Damn Gavin, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!" he mused to himself, his own voice once again sounding slightly odd and echoic, like he was in a cavern or something.

Gavin swung his legs over the side of the altar, letting his feet dangle over the edge as he used the palm of his hands to rub his eyes and try to bring them into focus, before pushing his weight forward until his feet found purchase on the smooth, polished stone floor below him.

As his vision began to clear and the golden mist that seemed to permeate his surroundings began to dissipate and fade, Gavin came to the realization he was standing in the archway of a large Grecian style structure, with massive colonnades spanning out on either side and stretching far into the sky above him, to only disappear in the thick foggy mist that wafted above, obscuring what he was certain was the true vastness of the structure.

Though his thoughts were still muddled and he still felt slightly discombobulated, the memories of Princesses experience nagged at his consciousness. Hadn't Timmy spoken of large white structures built atop a rocky mountain off in the distance from the shore he had stood upon?

Gavin knew the imagery that had invoked upon him at the time and had been mirrored by several of the others.

Taking into account who Timmy said he had encountered previously, it was no big leap of logic to conclude that where he stood now was Olympus or at least a reasonable facsimile of it.

Scared, but cautiously curious, Gavin pushed forward, stepping through the arch slowly as he clung closely to the gilded, intricately carved framing and molding, peering around its edge as he tried taking in the contents of the vast room that opened before him.

He had barely crossed the threshold when he haltingly stammered out a rather reserved *Hello?* almost instantly regretting it when to his left the cacophonous sound of snarling growls thundered noisily in the dark obscured shadows, breaking the silence at the far end of the room.

"Who dares invade the sanctum of the Gods?" came a booming, deep guttural, masculine voice from the murky void.

Wide-eyed and cautious, Gavin backed up a few paces, withdrawing from the large shadowy figure shrouded in the thin veil of gloomy distorted shade.

Gavin could just barely make out the large hulking form as it drew nearer the edge of the divide that separated light from dark, but not even his own fearful imagination could have prepared him for the massive figure that suddenly lurched ominously into the sun-dappled rays of golden sunshine.

If there had ever been a single representation of masculine perfection hone from the hardest stone or metal it now paled in comparison to what muscular sublimity now stood merely two yards in front of him.

Head to toe, he had to stand at least eight feet tall, his shoulders broader than the widest single doorway, just one of his large, massive hands could have easily encircled the entire circumference of one of his thighs.

To date, the single, largest, most muscular person Gavin had ever seen was Jake Bauers, with Arlis and Atticus Walker coming in a close second.

None of those three men held a candle in either size or stature when compared to this humongous creature. Any mental attempt of his to do so was shockingly laughable.

His shoulders looked like basketballs, his pectorals like two massive slabs of granite. His neck alone looked as wide as Gavin's waist and corded with thick ropes of striated muscle. His forearms were as broad as Gavin's thighs and his biceps were like cable wrapped bowling balls covered in thin, overstretched gauze.

Tight golden brown curls crowned the top of his otherwise shaven head and his large thick lips sneered tightly over flawless, pearl-colored teeth. There was the slightest shadow of thick facial growth spattered across his broad chin and squared jawline and his nostrils flared widely on either side of his upturned pug shaped nose. But it was the two heavy-browed, smoldering, fiery eyes that now bore icily into him that sent the chilling waves of trepidation shuddering through his body and a thin patina of sweat to break out all over his now cold clammy skin.

A sinister, bassy, rumbling chuckle echoed from the depths of the gargantuan beast of a man if he was in fact a man at all: "Does my presence so intimidate you daughter/son that you are reduced to quiver and cower like a spineless cur before your Sire?"

The fear that now gripped Gavin, caused his eyes to cast furtively about the room for anything he might use as a weapon, while simultaneously wondering if there was even the smallest chance he could outrun this creature and as he pondered the futility of his predicament, he happened to notice the twinkling glimmer of golden metal, flashing from a gossamer-thin chain wrapped and pulled tautly around its straining neck, cutting into his flesh.

As impossible as it may have seemed, it was apparent that this hulking creature was being restrained by the merest whisper of a thread thick metal chain circumventing his thorax.

Throwing caution to the wind, Gavin straighten his back and his resolve, bolstered by the fact that whoever this prodigious titan was, his blustering bravado was all he could truly muster from his current distance.

Still though, Gavin thought to himself, it might be best not try and antagonize him further.

"I'm sorry sir, I meant no disrespect, I don't even know why or how I got here, let alone where I actually am." He stated, as calmly as he could under the circumstances.

The giant snorted gruffly, eyeing Gavin with disdain, before snidely responding: "I know who you are daughter/son and I know why you're here and who you seek audience with." he paused for moment as if to study Gavin's physical reaction before continuing: "Like the mother of your kind you seek to undo mine and he who sleeps work, but unlike your mother, I yet hold agency within your realm, my sons even now work to thwart you and all of your line daughter/son, you will not prevail against me and against the will of he who slumbers."

Gavin's brain kicked into overdrive, running through everything Princess/Timmy had said and what he already knew about Greek mythology. He was certain this entity was referring to Aphrodite, something that became obvious when he invoked the word mother to describe the one who gave people like him birth. Princess had told him Aphrodite had said she was the mother of their kind, but what Gavin didn't yet understand, was why was this guy calling him daughter/son, the implication being that if Aphrodite was the mother of his kind then he considered himself to be the father, but hadn't Aphrodite told Princess that Trojan prince Anchises was the mortal male who sired their line?

"Excuse me..." Gavin interjected thoughtfully, positing: "Aphrodite said that Anchises was the sire to my lineage, are you saying that's who you are?"

Upon hearing his question, the entity lurched forward, pulling hard against the delicate gold chain around his neck, every muscle in his body straining with near Herculean effort, his fist clenching, eyes two blazing, smoldering flames as he snarled and growled back at him.

After a few interminably long moments, that left Gavin more than a little shaken by his ferocity, the entity seemed to regain some of his former composure, though he didn't totally relax.

Visibly restraining the vehemence behind his words, the entity responded: "While what you say is truth, it is also true, that through the mortal maiden Rhea, a descendant daughter of Aeneas, I sired my sons and your line in accordance with he who sleeps blessings."

Gavin felt a gust of warm air push past him from behind him as the entity finished speaking, when he heard a light, lilting almost musical voice intone from the same direction of the jasmine-scented breeze that brushed past him.

"I think only you and he would consider rape a blessing, plaything."

Gavin whirled around to confront this new presence, instantly recognizing it by previous description, as Aphrodite.

Princess/Timmy had been perfectly correct, the beautiful creature with the golden glow that now moved slowly toward him in motions of pure, suggestive liquid grace, belied every notion of gender or sex, appearing neither male or female, yet also defying the notion of androgeny.

To Gavin, with every diaphanous movement, the creature he thought of as Aphrodite seemed to shift between the two as fluidly as light reflecting off of polished crystal.

Gavin didn't even flinch as the entity's soft and nimble fingers clasped him by the shoulder and pivoted him away from the now growling giant behind them: "Ignore Ares, he gets a little testy before his daily milking."

The entity said this while batting its eyes coyly in what Gavin could only describe as feigned bashfulness. He was slightly impressed by it being able to tint its cheeks a rosy color just to add to the obvious illusion.

Finally finding his voice, Gavin asked timidly: "You are the one Princess calls Aphrodite aren't you?"

The entity threw its head back and laughed whimsically: "I see our daughter/son has chosen their name, I do not see you as having such a problem."

Gavin thought for a moment, before nodding in agreement: "Nope, no problem at all..." he lifted his hand in a gesture of salutation, thinking maybe perhaps a more formal greeting was in order: "My name is Gavin Hollis, its a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

The entity brushed his hand aside and threw its arms around him in a warm and affectionate embrace: "No need for such formalities daughter/son. Come, walk with me, we have much to discuss and little time to do so."

Gavin allowed Aphrodite to guide him down a long portcullis, putting some distance between him and the entity it had called Ares, before speaking again.

They walked together in silence for awhile, until Aphrodite slipped a hand in his and guided him to the edge of a rampart that overlooked a vast sparkling azure ocean.

Off in the distance a large, white bilious cloud seemed to float and hover on the ocean and it was this cloud that Aphrodite pointed out to him: "There is the purchase into this realm I granted your sister/brother..."

Gavin tried to recall everything Princess had told him about the small island and what Aphrodite had told him about it, but he said nothing other than to acknowledge he was aware of what the entity was talking about.

"The way has been prepared for all my daughter/sons to enter at will, but the one called Princes is the key that will unlock that door..."Aphrodite squeezed his hand firmly, drawing his attention and locking their eyes together: "Daughter/son, beseech the one called Princess to pursue the second half of Gemini, only when both are united can they unlock our daughter/son and prepare the way for the unification with the chosen mate. Tell our daughter/son, that until this happens, the path to this realm will remain blocked and none of my daughter/sons will be able to fulfill their great purpose."

Gavin looked at Aphrodite quizzically before asking: "What is this great purpose? Princess spoke of it, but didn't understand either."

The entity smiled softly, bringing its right hand up to brush across Gavin's belly as it batted its glimmering blue eyes suggestively at him: "That must yet remain unspoken, there are ears that may yet hear and grasp our grand design, leaving an opportunity that might yet vex our purpose."

Gavin sighed in frustration, realizing pursuing that train of thought was going to lead to nowhere, he decided to change course: "You said that Princess had achieved the first half of Gemini, what is Gemini and where can Princess find the second half?"

Aphrodite giggled before sweeping its index finger up and tapped him on the nose: "Gemini is not a what, it is half of a whole, split at birth, but forever tethered together...Our daughter/son has already claimed half, but the second will not be so willing and may take some convincing, but we are certain the one called Princess will prevail, though our daughter/son may need to enjoin favor with their future mate to achieve it."

Gavin scratched his head, almost to afraid to ask what he was certain was the most obvious question of all: "Who is Princesses mate?"

The entity twirled away from him, laughing gleefully as it pirouetted into a graceful bow: "Why the beast who most covets their affections, but is to proud to make his feelings none directly so soon after meeting!"

Aphrodite rolled its eyes as if what was just said was the most obvious thing in the known universe, before concluding: "Tell our daughter/son not to worry, the beast will visit soon and his intentions will become more clear as well as his link to the other half of Gemini."

Exasperated, Gavin was about to push for more details and clarity, when the entity slipped their arm through his and began nudging them back the way they had come.

"Enough of this discourse..." Aphrodite said, the entities visage growing more focused and resolute: "Our time grows short and we have tarried to long on this topic, there is more you must yet hear and take back with you."

Gavin took that for what it was, a brush off and he willed his mind to refocus, knowing there was nothing further to be gained by persisting, choosing instead to listen, even though everything that seemed to come out of Aphrodite's mouth sounded like a riddle wrapped up in a conundrum.

They had barely taken a few steps before the entity once again began to bombard him with more tales of caution and potential future portents and Gavin did his best to retain it all without eating up their time with to many questions.

"Daughter/son take heed..." Aphrodite began, the entities voice soft but firm: "I know of your fondness for one particular beast and I commend you for your selection, but caution you to proceed slowly, to achieve the outcome you desire from him, he must first find his own worth..." The entity paused, turning to him to lock gazes momentarily: "This is true for most beast and men, be patient and supportive without smothering him with affection. The time will come soon when you and he must align yourselves, choose wisely and not from a sense of camaraderie and loyalty, for that will occur with the fullness of time"

As Aphrodite began walking again, Gavin followed, contemplating the entities words as it continued: "The White Wolf grows stronger with each passing day, but you must caution him to personally stay his hand when events unfold and the opportunity to strike at the weaker of his enemies presents itself. If needs must, convince the twice-born prince that you and your sister/brother will aid in this enemies fall."

The tone in Aphrodite's voice grew darker, tinged in ominous wariness: "Be aware, even this move will push your true enemies hand and the White Wolf must tread carefully and conserve his strength, for his second challenge might prove fatal if he is not prepared."

Gavin didn't like the sound of that, but had to ask: "If that is his second challenge, what is his first?"

The entity glanced at him, but didn't stop this time: "He already knows what he must do. He, our daughter/son and the twice-born prince have started down the correct path, but you would be wise to implore him, to push the twice-born prince to stake his claim and for the White Wolf to cajole or command, if need dictates, the elder beast of his tribe to summon the leader of the twelve, for it is he that will seek to restrain the twice-born prince, and that must not be allowed to happen or the White Wolf will not be strong enough to face his second challenge, though, if our daughter/son has not yet united Gemini and unlocked the passage to the space within this realm, then the White Wolf and others, and even our daughter/son, my fall and the future of the world will be plunged into eternal darkness."

Aphrodite had no sooner finished conveying this last ominous portent, when Gavin found they had returned to their starting point.

"I fear our time is up daughter/son, your realm calls to you and I must release you to it."

Gavin could feel it too. It felt like invisible hands were pulling him back toward the altar that he had awoken upon and as he fought to resist it, he watched as Aphrodite approached Ares, who appeared not to have budged an inch from where they had left him.

He glowered between both of them, though he barely reacted when Aphrodite reached up to pat the side of his face.

Ares dwarfed Aphrodite, yet the entity seemed to be in complete control of him, evidenced when Aphrodite's hand drew back and slapped him hard across the face, drawing his fiery gaze, blazing full of venomous rage.

Aphrodite just tugged suggestively at the white linen sheet that covered his body like a toga: "Who gave you permission to cover your body!?" the entity demanded, before raising its hand once again as if to strike him another blow.

To Gavin's surprise, Ares flinched, before bowing his head and like a child caught doing something they shouldn't have, whipped the sheet from his body to stand completely naked, with his head bowed.

Aphrodite turned to face Gavin one more time and just winked at him as the entity stepped aside slightly, giving Gavin a full view of Ares naked body.

Gavin's eyes went wide in shocked amazement, even as his backward momentum brought him into contact with the marble altar.

Between Ares legs, flopping limply between his thighs was the most massive, gargantuan cock he had ever seen draped over a pair of melon-sized balls.

He was certain he heard himself gasp as he marveled hypnotically at the magnificent appendage.

It had to be as thick as his forearm, completely flaccid, the head was at least as large as his balled-up fist and the thing hung down between his knees like a fleshy, pendulous trunk.

The last thing Gavin saw clearly before a white mist subsumed him, was Aphrodite's delicate hand petting Ares's cock making it grow and expand as it engorged with blood, and as the hazy fog obscured his vision completely, Gavin was certain, the last thing he saw was Ares's half-hard dong growing bigger and longer than Gavin's entire arm.

As his consciousness slipped and he fell into the vast void between time and space, the last thing he heard was his own voice saying: "Well, that certainly explains a lot!"

Thanks for reading the continuing adventures of Devil Dawg Donnelly's.

Just a reminder, I also post this story, as well as others over on my own site, where I also post related and nonrelated artworks at Devil Dawg Donnelly's

by Ulf Raynor

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024