Clammy Clem

by Caliban

28 Sep 2019 3062 readers Score 9.2 (217 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

When Clem’s parents got married they were in their mid-twenties. Naturally, they hoped that their union would be a fruitful one, but sadly, after several miscarriages they had almost begun to give up hope. Fifteen years later, however, a miracle occurred when a male child was finally gifted to them. By now, Clem’s dad was already in his early forties and his mum in her late thirties.

It goes without saying that Pete and Dora, Clem’s parents, doted on him. Not only was he seen as the perfect child, but as Clem grew up, Clem became the idyllic farmer’s son. He loved being with his dad and farm life was totally suited to him. Where city kids would gag at the various smells that farm life consisted of, to Clem, these odours were completely natural to him. Being a ‘grubby’ farm boy; as most towns people would refer to him was simply his normal existence.

As Clem grew older, an odd dichotomy developed in his life. Much as he absolutely loved living on the farm, attending school became anathema to him and the other kids ostracised him. Their avoidance didn’t cause him any concern and Clem was very happy to keep to himself.

Clem was always seen as the smelly farm boy, because being up at five in the morning he would join his dad with essential chores on the farm, for an hour and a half, before heading off to school. Although he would remove his overall before doing so and dress in regular clothing, there was always hint of the farm aromas that seemed to infuse his essence. These, naturally, always drew disapproving looks and crinkled noses from fellow students.

Physically taking after his dad who was a huge thickset man, Clem was never bullied at school. Not only was he larger than all his classmates but bulkier than most boys, one to two years older than him. Instinctively, fellow male classmates knew that taking on Clem would be a bad idea.

As Clem matured and reached puberty, he resembled his dad more and more, both facially and physically.

Regrettably, however, Clem also inherited an unfortunate characteristic from his father. Pete, Clem’s dad, had always ‘suffered’ from hyperhidrosis. Having grown up with his dad this had never fazed Clem at all, and seeing his father continually drenched in sweat had become perfectly normal to him. Clem, after all, was a farmer’s son.

Furthermore, the affection that his dad had always displayed toward him and his mother, albeit a very soggy one, was totally natural to Clem. The warmth of being embraced in his father’s clammy clasp had always been a source of unbridled happiness to him, and unlike all the other boys he had encountered thus far in life who only ever shook their father’s hands in greeting, Clem had always hugged and cuddled platonically, by both his parents.

For Dora, Clem’s disposition was unimportant. When she had married her husband she had initially taken the strain with his condition. Pete, however, was simply the greatest husband she could have wished for and her sensitivity to his hyperhidrosis soon became a nonentity. Dora was fortunate in one aspect nonetheless, because many sufferers of this ailment often have the added affliction of a really unpleasant acrid odour that accompanies their problem. Fortunately for Dora, although Clem and his dad gave off a very masculine aroma, it wasn’t disgusting.

Clem’s adolescence also heralded another aspect that began to perplex him. At sixteen when his peers were discovering their ever-growing attraction to the opposite sex, this was not a comportment that emerged in his development. Strangely, he also began to feel an attraction to other guys. Initially, this bewildered Clem enormously.

The one guy in particular, who aroused these emotions, was a boy at his school named Dempsey, and Dempsey became an ever-escalating beacon of lust in Clem’s life. More and more, Clem’s masturbation fantasies turned out to be focussed on Dempsey. In addition, malicious rumours about Dempsey possibly being gay began to abound at school. Dempsey was so totally magnificent and there wasn’t a guy at school who did not covet his good-looks, or a girl who did not wish to be kissed by him.

As one would expect, Dempsey’s fellow male students often let their animosity boil over into resentment as the girls fawned over him, regularly resulting in confrontational situations. Dempsey wasn’t a wimp and could stand-up for himself, but ultimately as conditions worsened for him, he left the school and went to live with his godparents for the remainder of his school days.

Clem’s greatest regret was that he was never in attendance when one of these bullying episodes took place, because he would definitely have intervened on Dempsey’s behalf. Dempsey’s departure saddened him incredibly, because Clem had always hoped that he and Dempsey may eventually become buddies.

At the age of sixteen, Clem eventually had his first sexual encounter. This opportunistic event happened when an old buddy of his dad arrived for lunch with his eighteen-year-old son and wife one Sunday. Although Seb, the son of his dad’s buddy was really not attracted to Clem initially, when they arrived at the distant pond that Clem and his dad had created a few years before and removed their clothes for a swim, Seb’s eyes were dazzled by Clem’s endowment. After their brief swim, Seb literally begged Clem to fuck him to which Clem willingly obliged. Although Seb was not really Clem’s cup of tea, this encounter, nonetheless, made Clem fully realized that man-love was very suited to his taste.

After this experience, Clem went through a barren patch for the next five years. Aged twenty-one, Clem ultimately had his next encounter with a guy fifteen years older than him. This occurred one evening when Clem was finally able to legally visit a bar in the town that serviced their rural community.

Once again, this man named Terry did not really appeal to Clem, who had never stopped thinking about Dempsey, but it was better than nothing. Once they had engaged one another in the toilets at the pub, once more Clem’s impressive endowment had sealed the deal.

For the following year, Terry and Clem had a ‘relationship’ of sorts. They weren’t really involved, but their weekly get-togethers were not only pleasurable, but also taught Clem a great deal about gay sex.

Regrettably, while this was transpiring, Clem’s life took a turn for the worse after his dad had a stroke. Pete’s health regressed rapidly and ended in his passing. This was a very sad period in Clem’s life because the existence he had always loved seemed to be fading before his eyes. In addition, his mum, devastated by this turn of events, also decided to spend more time with her sister who lived far away, and whose husband had died a few years before.

Dora, his mum, had always been a pillar of strength to him and his dad. Truthfully, however, all the years of a very isolated life had taken its toll on her and she yearned to be part of a far more dynamic social milieu, which she had known in her youth.

Dora also figured; that her son needed to get on with his own life and hopefully meet a woman who would become a farmer’s wife. With her out of the way, she believed that Clem would finally embrace his adulthood comprehensively. As if all of this wasn’t enough for Clem, Terry, his fuck-buddy, also moved on. To Clem, it was as if his entire existence had imploded.

Consequently, because Clem was not a great cook and although able to feed himself, he took to visiting the diner in his town, three to four times a week, thereafter.

In the midst of this despair, one evening as Clem visited the diner his heart leapt for joy when he unexpectedly saw Dempsey working in the kitchen.

Clem was scarcely able to eat his meal, completely stunned by this development. Clem was also aware that the diner closed after eight and was determined to chat to Dempsey prior to his departure. As he constantly stared in Dempsey’s direction, Clem was delighted by the recognition of acknowledgement that soon followed. A further enchantment then followed, when Dempsey eventually sidled over to greet him prior to closing time.

Losing no time, Clem instantly took the bull by the horns and asked Dempsey if he would like to join him for a drink at the pub next door, afterward.

“Sure, I would love to,” Dempsey replied.

Clem’s heart was practically bouncing in his chest as he joined Dempsey at a quiet corner table after retrieving two beers from the bar counter, later.

Dempsey then went on to tell Clem about his uneventful and an unsuccessful life over the past few years, which had resulted in his return to their town. Uncharacteristically, Clem then took over the conversation and told Dempsey about his father’s death and his mum’s departure.

“So… aren’t you married yet?” Dempsey finally inquired, bewildered.

“Nah, women don’t really do it for me,” Clem answered with unbridled honesty.

Stupefied, all Dempsey could think of replying was, “Oh.”

Clem was now on a mission and decided to go for broke. “So… how are you enjoying your job?”

“It’s okay. Toddy, who is the owner of the diner can be a real prick at times, but I’m coping,” Dempsey replied with a shrug.

“How much does he pay you, if you don’t mind me asking?” Clem asked.

Gingerly, Dempsey mentioned the amount.

Without pause, Clem then asked, “Would you like a job working for me?”

“Huh?” Dempsey queried, totally confused.

“Hear me out,” Clem next countered with a smile, before explaining himself.

“When it comes to farming, there is little my dad didn’t teach me. But when it comes to cooking and running a house, I am fuckin’ useless,” Clem bashfully stated. After a pause, Clem then persevered, “I really need someone to take care of all those sorts of thing in my life.”

After another brief pause, Clem then enthusiastically commenced making his pitch. “You can obviously cook… and fuck knows… you most definitely have better taste than me. The house will be your domain and you can redecorate and do as you please, no questions asked... Your accommodation and food will obviously be part of the deal and as far as your salary is concerned, I can easily better that.”

In the sustained silence as somewhat of an afterthought, Clem then asked, “Do you have your own transport?”

“Kinda,” Dempsey answered, before explaining that his jalopy was on its last legs.

“No problem,” Clem retorted with a smile, before he went on to say that both his parents’ vehicles were practically new and that Dempsey would have the use of either of them.

With a serious look on his face, Clem completed his offer. “I really need a companion in my life. I am never going to marry.” Then, after a profound pause, he added, “I am fuckin’ lonely.”

Observing the confused look on Dempsey’s face, Clem then made his final pitch. “I am a very easy person to live with and I won’t put any strain on you… Dempsey, you can come and go as you please, as long as you feed my fat gut,” Clem concluded rubbing his stomach with a hearty laugh.

Dempsey was totally stunned by Clem’s offer. He had always liked Clem and found him oddly attractive, despite his clamminess. This proposal, however, which had just come out of the blue had totally dumbfounded him.

Picking up on Dempsey’s dilemma, Clem quickly made one final suggestion. “Dempsey, if I’m not mistaken, you are off on Mondays. Why don’t you visit the farm next Monday and check it out? I promise you that I won’t expect you to work on the farm and shovel shit,” he said with guffaw before finalizing, “That’s my domain.”

In one of those rare moments as an epiphany strikes, Dempsey agreed. He really didn’t enjoy working for Toddy who was a real ‘know-it-all.’ In the few days that Dempsey had been employed at the diner it became apparent that his initiative was not welcome, nor would ever be. Toddy was a, ‘It’s my way or the highway,’ kind of guy.

As Dempsey lay in bed that evening, he had a very good feeling about working for Clem. There was an overwhelming calmness to Clem that he really liked, and which he remembered from his school days. Naturally, he would insist on a formal contract with Clem that he was sure wouldn’t be a problem.

For Clem, however, he could scarcely fall asleep with excitement. He was not delusional and fully realised that if Dempsey moved in with him it wouldn’t be a recipe for never-ending love. It would nonetheless, hopefully, be worth the effort, Clem figured.

Monday’s visit proved to be a triumph and by Friday, after Dempsey’s replacement had commenced working at the diner, Dempsey moved into his new abode.

From the moment Dempsey arrived, he knew he had made the right decision. Clem’s, joy was totally unbridled by this turn of events. In all honesty, Clem would’ve loved to ravish Dempsey on the spot, but he knew that he would have to take things very slowly.

In anticipation, Clem had bought all kinds of colognes and deodorants in the days preceding Dempsey’s arrival. Clem also embarked on a new routine by shower and perfuming himself fervently before joining Dempsey downstairs for dinner. Although Dempsey found this rather odd initially, he refrained from comment. A week later, however, he couldn’t hold back any longer.

“Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?” Dempsey asked.

“No. Go for it,” Clem answered.

“Well… every evening when you come indoors you go upstairs and shower, before dousing yourself in deodorant and cologne. Is this your normal daily routine?” Dempsey asked with a look of total astonishment.

“No,” Clem sheepishly replied.

“Then why are you doing it now?” Dempsey inquired.

“Well… I’m a smelly farmer and I just thought that you would be more comfortable with me if I didn’t pong,” Clem replied.

With a giggle, Dempsey then said, “Clem, you’re a farmer, not a French tart. Please stop doing that.”

“Huh?” Clem replied in a shocked voice.

Continuing to chuckle, Dempsey then persevered, “Clem, I know the kids at school gave you a hard time about being a smelly farmer. I also know that your hyperhidrosis gave you the nickname of Clammy Clem. Truthfully, that never bothered me. Please throw all that shit in the dustbin and just be who you are.”

“Are you serious?” Clem asked in disbelief.

“Sure. You’ve always smelled good to me,” Dempsey assured him.

“Fuck… do you mean I don’t have to scrub myself every morning and evening anymore,” Clem said laughing, before continuing, “My dad always believed that those unnatural smells spooked the animals,” Clem uttered still sniggering.

As both guys finally finished laughing, Clem then asked, “Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”

“No, go for it,” Dempsey replied.

“Well… at school, there was a rumour that you were gay. Well… are you?” Clem inquired.

After a thoughtful pause, Dempsey uneasily asked, “Would you have offered me a job if you believed that to be the case?”

“Dempsey… I’m also gay,” Clem declared in a solemn voice, dispensing with all the bullshit.

There was a total look of shock from Dempsey, who in his wildest imaginings would never have thought that Clem was gay.

“Are… you… serious?” Dempsey stuttered.

“Yes,” Clem replied, with a stern look on his face.

A myriad of thoughts now crossed Dempsey’s mind. Happy as he was about his new job, he realised that he may have been set up by Clem. Was this a job offer or a proposal to become Clem’s sexual partner? He was both intrigued, but concerned by his status in this ‘relationship.’

The following words that Clem spoke, however, totally beguiled Dempsey.

“Jesus, Dempsey, I have been in love with you for fuckin’ ever. You have no idea how I have dreamed about you. I have practically ripped my cock off my body fantasising about making love to you. When I saw you at the diner several days ago, I thought my heart was about to halt in my chest. There has never been another person I have coveted more than you,” Clem declared.

“I… had… no idea,” Dempsey uttered, as tears welled up in his eyes.

Clem immediately moved toward Dempsey and embraced him.

Holding Dempsey tightly he pleaded, “Please, just give me a chance.”

After a minute of tenderness, Dempsey looked up into Clem’s eyes and said, “No, not as long as you smell like a French whore.”

As they practically fell on the floor laughing, they hugged and kissed passionately.

“I never knew that you felt like this,” Dempsey softly said.

After Clem stared at him for a very long time, he sincerely replied, “I am nuts about you, baby.”

Dempsey had contemplated this scenario in his life, then, as he looked up into Clem’s ardent eyes, a complete fulfilment washed over him.

How the hell did I never see this before?’ Dempsey pondered.

“Why did you never tell me?” Dempsey finally asked.

“Because I thought you would reject me,” Clem replied, quietly.

With a rueful smile Dempsey answered, “I don’t blame you. I was always a self-absorbed little cunt at school. Fortunately, I’ve become more of a human being in the last few years.”

“Well, to me you’ve always been spectacular,” Clem answered.

As they moved through to the main bedroom Clem, went the bathroom to have a shower and rid himself of his ‘tartish’ odour.

Dempsey had never been a heavy drinker and with all that had just transpired he had imbibed an extra glass or two. Unsurprisingly, once his head hit the pillow he was dead to the world.

When Clem finally entered the bedroom and saw the sleeping body of Dempsey sprawled out on the bed. He was neither disappointed nor annoyed. In fact, the sight that met his eyes was totally wondrous to him. The man of his dreams was after all, lying on his bed. Gingerly, Clem climbed on the bed and embraced his treasure. As he drifted off to sleep minutes later, a feeling of total satisfaction overcame him.

At five the following morning, Clem awoke and went for his customary morning piss. When he re-entered the bedroom he looked at Dempsey who was still sound asleep. As Clem dressed for work, he once more smiled as he observed the vision sleeping soundly on the bed.

Jesus,’ he thought to himself, ‘I cannot believe that this has happened in my life.

Later, at seven-thirty, when Clem walked through the front door of his house, Dempsey, only wearing his boxers, smiled at him and asked, “Hungry?”

“Yeah,’ Clem said, smiling.

“I hope you like omelettes,” Dempsey coyly inquired.

“Mmm,” Clem said enthusiastically, as he walked up and embraced Dempsey from behind.

“So… do I smell better?” Clem murmured.

“Mmm,” Dempsey replied with a giggle, before resuming; “now you smell like a man again.’

Unable to restrain himself, Clem instantly lifted Dempsey’s body and carried him through to the bedroom. Clem’s clammy embrace after a few hours of hard labour was awesome.

“I need to fuck you right now, baby,” Clem growled, as horny as hell.

“Yes, daddy,” Dempsey whispered as he lay on the bed.

Overcome with lust, Clem tore Dempsey’s boxers off his body before pouncing on him. The word ‘daddy’ had acted like a trigger in his mind. Like a sex fiend, Clem was no longer in control of himself as he attacked Dempsey’s backside. Grunting like an animal he went totally berserk as he subjugated the object of his age-old fantasy. Dempsey’s excited whimpers paled into insignificance as Clem manically pounded his arse. Overwrought with anticipation, Clem soon commenced roaring as he thumped his load into Dempsey’s backside.

As reason began to return to Clem, he panted frantically before saying, “Jesus, I’m sorry… please… please, forgive me, baby.”

Dempsey’s arse was aching as he lay there. Strangely, however, it was the best and most exciting fuck he had ever had.

As Clem remorsefully awaited the response to his overenthusiastic assault, Dempsey’s reply almost blew him away.

“I loved that. It was the greatest fuck of my life, daddy,” Dempsey replied in a voice laced with horniness.

Clem couldn’t believe what was he had just heard, because it simply didn’t get better than this.

“Are you sure?” Clem asked with trepidation.

As Dempsey lay there, compactly encased in a soggy manly body odour of lust, he had never been more turned on.

“I don’t care if I drown in you sweat right now, please don’t stop fucking the hell out of me,” Dempsey wailed.

As Clem annealed his large body Dempsey’s in a consecration of lust, with a hog like grunt his huge hips again commenced thumping enthusiastically.

by Caliban

Email: [email protected]

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