Cameron's Story

by 243907

12 Feb 2024 2447 readers Score 8.2 (48 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

CHAPTER ONE,  In The Beginning

Hi, I'm Cam. I was brought up in Brighton, on the South East coast of the UK. Growing up, I always knew I was gay. Brighton, being one of the most liberal cities in the UK, this was never a problem. I lost my virginity at 15,to a classmate. We were in his bedroom, his parents assuming we were doing school homework. It was summer, we were in T shirts and shorts. Nervously, I stroked his thigh, feeling no resistance, I slipped my hand under the leg of his shorts. He turned his head towards me and I had my first real kiss. It sent shivers up my spine and my young penis responded, making my underwear uncomfortable. I cradled his balls, giving him an erection. He put his hand down my shorts, found my penis and helped straighten it, so it popped out the top of my schoolboy Y fronts. We kissed more deeply and removed our shirts. He was more muscular than me. I ran my hand over his chest and abs, then under the waistband of his shorts to his surprisingly big willy. I had only been masturbating about a year, but instinctively started stroking. We dropped our shorts, our dicks standing proud. He bent down and took my dick into his mouth. I thought I would explode. I was moaning in pleasure as I felt my balls tighten and I shot cum into his mouth. He kissed me, so I tasted my own cum, then I wanked him till he came over my hand. I tasted it, it was sweeter than mine. We kissed some more and at such a tender age, our erections soon returned. I bent over and sucked on his cock. He eased his hand under my bottom and a finger found my bum hole. He wriggled his finger till it went inside me, making me yelp in pain and pleasure. He laid me on my side, working his finger more. Then he slapped baby oil on my arse on on his dick. He positioned himself behind me and pushed until his cock entered me. I gritted my teeth until the pain was replaced by a warm glow. He started fucking me as I wanked myself. After about 5 Minutes, he pulled me on top of him. I spun round so I faced him. He lifted me up a little and pumped into me. I wanked myself harder till I shot over his tummy. With a final groan, my bum received it'e first cum. We tidied ourselves up and went downstairs where his Mum was preparing tea. Word must have got out as at morning assembly a couple of days later the headmaster delivered a stern lecture on the importance of forming a relationship before engaging in sexual activity and reminded us that the legal age for sex was 16. We giggled and smacked each other's bottoms.

By 16, I was growing facial hair, looking much older. I had a part time job and was buying my own clothes. I was looking quite the young twink I was becoming. I had fucked another boy on a school trip to Paris. I'd sometimes wander round Kemptown, Brighton's gay area, Being eye candy for lecherous guys. I was too young for pubs, but sometimes took my chance at a cottage (public toilet) to have some pretty disgusting sex. At 17 I got fake I.D. so I could get into pubs, where I was chatted up a lot, mostly by guys much older than me, fancying their chances. I hung out with a few guys my age, one of which, Pete I quite fancied.

We went on to the same college, studying I.T.. We had no money and relied on being bought drinks by guys who wanted to get inside our pants. One day, I jokingly suggested we should whore our way through college. I think he took me seriously.............