
by Lil Guy

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CHAPTER 4 - Scotty’s Story Continued From Chapter 2 

I was glad to get back to our place in Denver. We had a nice two bedroom in an old brick building in Wash Park, I really liked the neighborhood and Chip was an awesome roommate. And now that we were both out we had an even deeper connection than before.

I like my job, I mean I don’t want to stay there forever, but it’s a good first job. It pays the bills, the people are nice, and the benefits are good – dad talked me into putting a big chunk into my 401k every paycheck. I work in HR for a big firm and I’m really learning a lot. They keep telling me I have a future here, but I’m not so sure that’s what I want. We’ll see.

On my first day back at work everybody was asking me about the wedding. I never really realized what a straight-centric world we live in. I don’t know if it’s always been that way or if I was just more aware of it because I was coming. The questions and comments from coworkers all assumed that everyone is straight. Sherry, who sits in the cubical next to me asked if I “hooked up with any of the bridesmaids,” Linda in customer service asked me how my mother “liked her new daughter in-law.” All day long, comment after comment like that. So by the time Marilyn, the head of HR (and my boss) said “I always cry at weddings, especially when the bride walks down the aisle. I’m sure she was beautiful.” I’d had enough of faking it and just answered “Well, my brother married a man and they both looked extremely handsome walking down the aisle to Whatta Man from Salt-N-Pepa.” There. I corrected her. She just stood there and looked at me for a couple of seconds then said, “I had no idea, that’s awesome do you have pictures?” So I pulled out my phone and scrolled through. I told her that I officiated the ceremony and love my new brother in-law, and she went on about how her son was gay and getting married in a few months. We ended up having coffee together and talking for about fifteen minutes. I was pleasantly surprised that I opened myself up and instead of getting dismissed we made a connection.

I think that was the moment I made up my mind that I wasn’t going to flaunt my sexuality, however, I was going to correct assumptions. I was tired of letting people assume things about me that weren’t true. It happened all the time. Someone innocently assumes you’re straight and wants to set you up with a friend, now you get to fake straight, awkwardly make excuses, or correct them. The thing about correcting them is that you’ve come out. The information doesn’t stay with one person, it moves fast. So, once I made the decision to be honest, I had ultimately decided to come out and let “gay Scotty” emerge from his solitude.

I got a call from my Bro-mo (that’s what I call my brother Kevin) a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving.

“Hey Whoops” he said – my brother and sister say I was an “accident” and call me “Whoops” short for whoops-baby, they were pretty successful in making that name stick. Anyway, Kev told me about his honeymoon and then said, “We’ll miss you at Thanksgiving this year.”

“You don’t have to” I retorted.

“Really? You’d come? Please, come!!!” He begged. My brother loved to have family around.

“Well… I already bought my ticket and will be there Wednesday morning” I said timidly, a little embarrassed that I invited myself, but then again, I always did, and Kevin liked it when I just showed up.

“OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! REALLY??!” He yelled excitedly. I could hear his husband, Randy, in the background asking what was going on and Kev telling him I was coming. Randy was yelling “Whoops there he is…” in the background. Kev’s friends started doing that when they were all in college, and like the nickname, it stuck with me.

“Yeah, I need a little Bro-mo time. Anyway, can we spend some time, just you and me on Wednesday? I need my big bro’s advice” I said priming him for the big coming out.

“You okay? You need money? You sick? What’s up?” he said worriedly, sounding a lot like my dad, and ready to solve all my problems. That’ how my big brother is. He’s there for me.

“Nah, nothing’s up. I’m just thinking about my future and want to run some thoughts by you” I said. It was true.

“Of course. I’ll pick you up from the airport, then it’s just you and me for lunch” he said in that reassuring, big brother tone of his that always made me feel safe and loved. I truly love my brother.

“Awesome, and I’m buying lunch” I said. Kev laughed, I’ve always been the broke baby brother. We said our goodbye’s and hung up. My heart was pounding. I was really doing this. I was going to fly to Phoenix, come out to my brother, then go on my first real date with a man. A hot man. I really felt like I was starting to grow-up. I was gonna nail this adulting thing!

The next two weeks flew by as my every thought was on my big coming out trip. By the time I left for Phoenix the rumor mill had taken over at the office and I was pretty much out at work. It actually felt very freeing, a couple of people avoided me but that was no real loss. It actually made work more pleasant. Chip was heading to Saint Louis to see his dad for Thanksgiving, so we drove to the airport together and said goodbye in the terminal. Damn, I was lucky to have him as a friend, he really helped me talk through all this coming out shit and kept me centered. He was a great sounding board and a great friend. Of course, that is when I could get some time with him. He was constantly on Grindr and hooking up with anyone he could find. Me? I was focused on Brad, at least for now. We texted constantly and talked on the phone at least once a day. If this doesn’t work out, then… we’ll see what happens.

I landed in Phoenix the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and Kev was waiting for me at baggage claim wearing a chauffer’s hat and holding a sign that said “Whoops” on it. That fucker. I walked up to him and gave him a huge hug. I almost started to cry, coming out had brought out this emotional part in me that wasn’t really there before.

“I am so happy you’re here, ya’ little shit!” Kev said as we made our way to the parking garage and walked up to Aunt Bessie. Aunt Bessie was my Grandpa’s 1960 Rambler convertible. He gave it to my dad on his wedding day, and dad gave it to Kev on his. I guess that leaves me out of the loop (see more about aunt Bessie in chapter 31 of Exploring My True Self).We jumped in and hit the road with the top down, it felt good in the November desert air. We pulled up to the little Café that Kev’s neighbor Jordy owned and went in.

Jordy greeted me with a huge hug “Scotty, I hear you’re joining us for dinner tomorrow. We’re all excited to hear what’s going on with you.” He said, I just thought to myself you have no idea.Kev and Randy were having a bunch of neighbors and friends over for thanksgiving. They’re the ultimate hosts and love to have the house full of people and chaos.

We sat down and ordered. Kev gave me his full attention and asked, “So what’s up Whoops?” I really hadn’t planned on diving in like this, I was hoping to ease in… but here we were, and I was determined to do this so…

“Kev, I’m gay and I’m struggling with what that means for my future.” I blurted out never breaking eye contact. There it was. The moment I had been psyching myself up for. I was naked to the world.

Kev just looked at me. His serious face changed, and it almost looked like he was going to laugh, like he thought I was kidding. Then, he got it. He realized I had just come out to him and it was very real. He was silent for a few seconds then said “That took a lot of courage, Scotty. I’m proud of you” then he got out of his chair and came over to me, I stood, and we hugged for a couple of minutes. He whispered in my ear “I had no clue. How the fuck did I miss THAT?”

“I hide it well” I responded. Kev went back to his chair and sat down again, he looked at me with a smile on his face and a tear in his eye as he searched for the words. I broke the silence “I’ve wanted to tell you for the last year. I came out here to tell you last Thanksgiving and then all the frat bros tagged along and blew that plan. Then I was gonna tell you at Christmas, but you and Randy announced your engagement and I didn’t want to ruin the moment. Then your career and wedding took over and the moment was just never right. Until now. And frankly I’m glad it took so long, it gave me time to get more comfortable with myself and think things through.” I said

“Damn, you have grown up a lot baby brother. I am so fucking proud of you and I’m here for whatever you need.” He said, then he paused and asked, “What do you mean by you’re struggling with what it means for your future.”

“Well, once it’s out there I won’t be me anymore. People will see me differently. I’ll be “Gay Scotty,” some gay stereotyped version of my former-self.” I said. Kev looked at me empathetically, he understood what I was saying.

“I get it Whoops. But when have you EVER been anything or anyone but you? Never. Period. You’re a strong, smart guy. YOU and only you get to decide what part being gay will play in your life. I found my place pretty quick once I came out, you’ll do the same.” He said. I nodded, I knew he was right, I also knew he would be there to help me be me.

“Who else knows?” he asked

“Chip, you, and now some people at work because I got tired of people setting me up with their fat, Jesus-loving daughters” I said with a sneer and Kev laughed out loud. When you’re single and in the closet the world assumes you’re straight and looking for the right girl. Everyone with a lonely daughter, homely neighbor girl, or friend from church comes out of the woodwork trying to set you up. I’m sorry to sound so mean and judgmental, but it’s true.

“Been there!” He laughed “So what’s next? Telling Mom and Pop? Joanie? Can we tell Randy?”

“Yeah, I think I’ll tell the family at Christmas, and yes we can tell Randy tonight” I said then hesitated. “But there’s something else.” Kevin looked intrigued. I leaned across the table and whispered the words and looked around to make sure no one heard me “Well, I’ve only had sex with one guy…” Kev was all ears “It was a few years ago, and he is an awesome guy. We were both very closeted at the time and avoided each other.” I told him how Chip looked Brad up and reached out and we’ve been talking. “…aaaaand He lives here in Phoenix and I have a date with him tonight.”

“OH MY GOD!” Kev screeched, now half the restaurant was looking at us. “Marry him. Move to Phoenix near us” He was excitedly building his fantasy in his head.

“Jesus, Kev. It’s a first date and you have me married in the burbs and joining the PTA” I shot back snickering at his giddiness.

“The PTA!!! We could raise our kids together, and Mom and Pop would move here to be near all their grandchildren, and….” He was babbling his fantasy of having his entire family around him. He loved that shit.

“Kev, focus!” I said. “I have my first fucking date with a guy tonight. I have no clue what to do or how to act.”

He shot me a huge grin “just be the little shit you are, he will LOVE you. And make him pick you up at our place so we can check him out. Can we go tell Randy now? He’s home cooking.”

“Fine, let’s go.” I said pulling out my wallet. I paid the tab and left Jordy a huge tip.

Kevin babbled the entire ride home, interrogating me about Brad and continuing to daydream a fantasy future for us all. It actually helped me so much! I was so worried about the limitations being gay might put on my future that I didn’t think about the opportunities it created. I’m lucky to have Kev as a brother. When we got to his place he ran in yelling for Randy.

Randy was in the kitchen wearing a “Kiss the Cook” apron “WHOOPS!!!” he yelled dropping whatever kitchen gadget was in his hand on the counter and running to give me a hug. “Perfect timing, I’m ready for a break. Anybody want a cocktail by the pool?” He said as he took off his apron and started pouring us drinks. I went into the guest room to put my bag away then I went out to the pool and joined the guys. “I got some steaks marinating for the grill for dinner tonight” Randy said as he handed me a drink.

“Um… I’m sorry Randy, I have dinner plans with a friend” I said. I noticed Kevin was sitting back in his lounge chair watching and just waiting for the show to begin.

“Oh, cool. I didn’t know you had friends in Phoenix.” He said casually, not realizing what was coming next.

“He’s an old college friend.” I said, “We have a date.” Kev had a shit-eating grin on his face as he watched Randy’s face waiting for a response. He didn’t react, so I added “Randy, I’m gay and this is my first date with a guy.” I could tell he was thinking, trying to figure out if I was being serious or not.

Kev just looked on waiting, he could tell Randy was unsure what to make of all this. He finally broke the silence with “He’s being serious.”

A weak smile came to his face and a tear formed in his eye as he got up, came over and hugged me “Whoops, you’re a brave dude and we love you.” He held me for a minute. “I seriously had no clue. How are you doing with it all?” he asked with genuine concern. I told him the story I shared with Kevin earlier. That’s one thing I learned about coming out, you seem to do it over and over again. From there we talked for the next couple of hours about everything until I realized it was time to get ready for my date. I jumped in the shower trying to psych myself up as the water rained over me. The doorbell rang as I was getting dressed. I finished quickly and went to greet Brad.

By the time I got there he was in the kitchen and Kev was pouring him a drink and sizing him up. Randy was still by the pool. We hugged hello and he shot me that dimpled smile. Damn, he looked great. He’d let his hair grow out since college and had a five o’clock shadow. He was even hotter than I remembered and I was damn glad I made the trip. Kevin handed us each a drink and we went out to the pool to join Randy. Kevin let Brad go first so he could mouth “Oh my god he’s hot” to me behind his back.

When we got out to the patio Kevin went to introduce the two “Brad, this is my husband Randy…”

Randy cut him off “Bradley?” He said as the dimpled smile on Brad’s face morphed into a forced grin and a nervousness seemed to come over him.

“H -h-hello Mr. Ashford?” He said with a confused tone.

“Welcome, Brad. Call me Randy, I hope this doesn’t make you uncomfortable. I had no Idea you were gay or were friends with Scotty.” Randy said in a comforting, nonjudgmental tone.

“Well, I’m not exactly out at work, sir” Brad said sheepishly. It turns out that Brad works for Randy’s firm, but as he said he’s not out at work and I think the situation was scaring him.

“Don’t worry about me. That’s your information to share, not mine. This is a safe space” Randy said reassuringly. I could see the relief on Brad’s face.

“Seriously, Brad. You don’t have to worry about Randy” Kev, said reinforcing Randy’s point. We all sat down and talked for a bit, Brad was getting more and more comfortable. We hung out for about an hour before we had to head to the restaurant.

We said good night and headed to Brad’s car. He had a cute little Audi TT Roadster, it was older but looked brand new. It fit him well, sleek, sporty but understated I thought to myself. When we got in, Brad slumped over the wheel and rested his head in the crevasse between his elbow and forearm “I had no idea Randy was your brother in-law.”

“Are you cool with all this?” I asked. “Randy’s a good guy, you have nothing to worry about,” Just then I got a text from Kev that said “Make sure he knows he has nothing to worry about. And invite him to thanksgiving dinner. Randy says he’s a really good guy, and I say he’s Hot!!!” I just read it silently and laughed.

Brad sat back in his seat, shot those dimples at me and said “Yeah, I was just caught off guard. It’s all good. Now let’s get some sushi” and we drove off in the little silver sports car. He convinced me that Randy being my brother in-law didn’t freak him out too bad. We talked the whole way, it was so natural, like we’ve known each other forever. It was the same thing all through dinner. We talked about coming out and updated each other on our progress. He told me a friend outed him shortly after he and I met a couple years back, and his fundi, Christian, conservative father disowned him and forbid the family from contacting him. I could see the hurt in his eyes as he told the story. Some people just suck.

We were so at ease with each other and I was having a jut loved listening to him and talking to him. After we ate, we got into his car and he said, “Do you want to see my condo?” I had a total flashback to the night he asked me back to see his dorm room in college. We both laughed.

“Are you inviting me back to your dorm room, Bradley?” I asked

“Absolutely!” He responded as he took a left out of the parking lot and we headed towards his place. Brad owned a condo in one of the few high-rises in Phoenix. His place was really nice, sophisticated, yet understated just like him. Everything about this guy seem to reflect him perfectly. As soon as I walked in he shut the door behind me, pushed me up against it and brought his hot lips to mine as he pinned me against the door, and kissed me passionately. He tugged at my shirt, I lifted my arms and he pulled it off over my head, the he held my arms above me while he buried his face in my armpit taking in my scent, then he licked my pit, then moved to my nipple, biting and nibbling as he did, then to the other nipple, then the other pit it was so fucking hot! He was driving me over the edge with every little lick and movement.

He moved his way down my body and licked my abs, undoing my belt and pulling down my zipper as he did. Then he yanked my pants down to my ankles. There I was pinned against the door with my pants around my ankles and goddammit I loved it! I was hard as a fucking rock. He looked up at me and smiled as he took my cock in his warm mouth, just like that night in his dorm room two years ago. I smiled back down at him doing my best to be in the moment and just feel the sensations he was giving me. It was incredible. I put my hands on the back of his head and guided his head down as I pushed my cock into him. He was moaning around my cock and swirling his tongue around the shaft, he knew what he was doing, and I started to get a little intimidated. I was such a novice, he was the only man I’d ever been with, I decided to just follow my instincts and do what came naturally.

I pulled him up, kissed him and spun us around. Now it was my turn to pin him against the door and strip him bare. He lifted his arms and I pulled his shirt over his head revealing that lean, muscled swimmers body. He had let his chest hair grow out since college and it was trimmed perfectly, just dusting his beautiful body. Having no real clue what to do I just followed his lead. I inhaled his armpit, I’d seen that done in porn and always thought it a little gross. But Wow! Now I understood! His scent was freaking intoxicating, it send shivers through me making my eight inches strain in my pants. I needed more of him. I followed his exact moves and went onto his nipples, licking, nibbling and biting my way across his chest to his other armpit where I inhaled as deeply as I could to get a hit of this new, intoxicating drug I’d just discovered… Brad’s musk. Instincts and lust took over as I moved my way down his body stopping to admire his solid abs, rubbing my hand up and down his upper body as I looked up and locked eyes with the beautiful man smiling down on me. I fumbled with his belt and zipper then yanked his pants and underwear down in one fell swoop until I heard the clink of his belt buckle on the floor.

As he watched, I grabbed his cock and licked the head seductively, then licked down his shaft to his balls. There was his scent again in droves and I inhaled deeply. My hand worked his shaft as my tongued bathed his balls and worked its way back up to the head. When I got to the tip I took him in my mouth. He moaned and put his hand on the back of my head, gently guiding me down his sweet cock. I gagged a little as I tried to take it down my throat, a little gag reflex wasn’t about to stop me from devouring him. I opened my throat and swallowed him whole. “Oh my fucking god that feels awesome” he moaned breathlessly. “You wanna see my bedroom. The view is amazing” He said with that dimpled smile on his face.

I stood up and kissed him “I came 900 miles for this view, let’s go.” We kissed our way to the bedroom, I stepped out of my pants along the way leaving them somewhere between the living room and kitchen, I have no clue where his pants ended up and didn’t care. By the time we got to the bedroom we were both naked as the moment we came into the world and as hard as cement. He pushed me on the perfectly made bed. I was laying on my back and he slipped between my legs, licking my cock, then my balls. He put a hand on the back of each thigh and pushed my knees to my chest. I was NOT prepared for what happened next, His warm, wet tongue licked my asshole. He fucking licked my asshole and god did it feel incredible. “What the fuck are you doing, Brad?” I asked quietly and innocently.

He looked up from between my legs and said, “giving you the best feeling you’ve ever had.” He didn’t lie. He went back to my pucker licking and slurping until his tongue breached my sphincter and I gasp “holy fuck,” it was a-fucking-mazing. NEVER have I felt anything like this or even imagined it. I’d seen rimming and ass eating in porn before but always thought it was really hardcore shit, not first-date fodder. But I sure as fuck wasn’t about to complain. At that point I was just hoping he didn’t expect me to eat his ass… I’m not sure I could do THAT. I pushed all those thoughts out of my head and just enjoyed the most incredible sensation I have ever felt. Brad’s tongue working my sweet, tight, virgin pucker. He pushed his tongue in and out of me as it swirled around, then pistoned in and out, like he was fucking me with his tongue OH MY GOD! I reached down and grabbed his head, pushing his tongue deep into my tight hole. Brad groaned and smashed his beautiful face into my ass crack, I bucked back as I filled the atmosphere with my moans of ecstasy.

Brad slowed his pace and then popped his head up between my legs. Smiling widely he asked, “Do you like that?”

“What the fuck do your think, Bradley?” I snapped back as he dove back in. This man seriously ate my ass for at least a half hour. We were both obsessed… him with my ass, me with his tongue. When he finally came up for air he got on top of me and we kissed passionately, I could taste my own ass on his lips. That would’ve grossed straight Scotty out, but gay Scotty was fueled by it. I rolled us over, so I was on top. And got between his legs taking his cock down my throat in one gulp and fucking my own face with it. I couldn’t believe I did that, and I couldn’t stop myself from swallowing his magnificent manhood. I was possessed by his scent, the texture, the taste, it was all so incredibly new and exciting.

Brad was writhing under me moaning and groaning uncontrollably as he kept one had firmly on my head “I’m gonna cum, Scotty” he said as I continued feasting on him, drunk on all the new sensations. “Scotty, I’m gonna cum, pull off.” I didn’t, I kept going working that cock for all it was worth. Last time we were together I wasn’t ready to swallow his cum and I regretted pulling off. Time to right that wrong. He literally screamed “FUCK I’M GONNA SHOOT!” I can’t imagine every person living in the building didn’t hear him. Then he thrust forward and pulled my head hard against his body. My nose was smashed against his pubes and I tried to inhale his addicting scent. Then I felt a warm sensation in my throat. His cum bypassed my mouth and went right down my throat and into my gullet. I struggled against his hand to pull back, so the head was in my mouth. I wanted the full experience, I wanted to taste his load. I sucked on his staff like it was a straw, trying to get every remaining drop. It was like nothing I had ever tasted before. I won’t call it “delicious” because that’s not how it was. It was clean, it was sweet, it was salty, it was Brad. The taste complimented his scent perfectly and I fucking loved it. Why in the fuck did I wait so long to try this?

Brad pulled me off his cock and up to his lips, I shared his load with him. That would’ve grossed straight Scotty out, but gay Scotty couldn’t get enough. It was so sensual, so erotic, so… so.. fucking nasty and I couldn’t get enough of it. After a couple of minutes I rolled onto my back still hard as a rock. Brad gave me a peck on the lips then moved between my legs and took my manhood deep into his throat, working the shaft with his hands. It took maybe five strokes before I shot wordlessly down his throat. He swallowed shot after powerful shot, then licked my cock clean. I have NEVER blown a load that big before. When he was finished he crawled on top of me and shared my own load with me. My own fucking load. Again… Awesome!

“That was great” I said heaving breathlessly.

“Was” Brad said “Buddy, we’re barely getting started” then he flashed me those dimples and kissed me.

I looked at his phone on the night stand and “It’s past midnight” I said. “Kev and Randy will be worried.”

“Text them and tell them you’re staying the night. We’ve got more work to do” Brad said. We kissed, then I texted Kev, “See you tomorrow.” He responded with a wow face emoji, a happy face emoji, and eggplant emoji, and the words “brunch is at 10:00. Bring his fine ass with you” I just sent back a “k”

Brad looked at me, stroking my face and said, “Ready for round two?”

To be continued…

by Lil Guy

Email: [email protected]

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