
Alphabetical list of porn & sex terms starting with P, from Pansexuality to Pyrophilia.


Sexual orientation in which one is attracted to, both emotionally, sexually, and/or visually, to any gender.


Pantyhose are stockings joined together at the crotch by an incorporated panty.


A small collar, around the scrotum, used in BDSM sexual sessions.


A sexual arousal to objects, situations, or individuals, that one could say was not normal, by society standards.


A sexual arousal to non sexual body parts.

partner slang

The various terms used to describe one's sexual partner.

pearl necklace

The drops of cum when covering the neck and upper chest area.

pearly gates

A variation of the Acrobat position, that affords better intimacy, but restricts the mobility of the Giver more. Usually performed on a flat surface, like a bed.


The relationship between a man and a boy, in Greek Times. Forerunner to Homosexuality?


A unique way to suck a guy off, by poking one's head through their legs, while both are in a prone position.


The anal penetration by another person, wearing a strap on dildo, where generally the person wearing the strap on is female, the receiver usually male, or female.


The act where one inserts an object, mostly a penis, into the vagina or anus of a person, for sexual gratification.


The organ found on most male mammals (man) and reptiles, that is the method of reproduction. Man's sex organ for the delivery of sperm.

penis enlargement

The surgical enhancement of the penis, either in length, or in girth, or both.

penis panic

When a person or group believe that their penis is actually shrinking into their body, disappearing.

penis pump

A device fitted over the penis, that then forces the blood to flow to the penis, through a pump like action.

penis sizes

The considered average length, and girth of a male penis, as conducted under proper guidelines.


The desire or love of exposing one's penis, generally in public. Part of the overall term, Exhibitionist.

percussion play

Relatively new term, among SM'ers to denote or group together all forms of striking the body with implements.

perve around

A person who seeks sexual partners, without care, or restrictions. To seek and engage in indiscriminate sex, with any willing partner. To engage in a sexual affair or relationship, outside of their existing relationship.


What once was the concept, used by Psychiatrists, to describe those who had an abnormal desire to deviate from accepted social behaviour patterns. In many cases, it had a sexual connotation or was in reference to specific sexual behaviour.


Someone who acts out of the accepted norms, usually in relation to sexual activity. One who has enjoyment or satisfaction in doing what the majority consider to be abnormal, or not socially approved of.


Items that are manufactured for basic uses, that are non sexual, but which can be converted to use in sexual activity, most notably in BDSM sex. Basic household items, whose primary purpose is non sexual, or for sexual use.


Slang term for one whose sexual antics are beyond the acceptable realms of the culture they are in.

pet play

Playing the role of a pet, an animal during a BDSM sexual session.

petticoat discipline

Making the male submissive dress up in woman's clothing, such as a dress, or woman's under garments. Can include wigs, make up, in order to further heighten a sense of humiliation. Used by Femdoms to humiliate their male submissive's.


When attached to some words, refers to a love of, or deep affection for something, someone.


Piercing the body to insert pieces of jewelry.

pig sex

Gay pig sex is someone who is into extreme limits of sexual activity, in that they push the boundaries of what is, what isn't, acceptable.

pile driver

A hard butt pounding sex position, that requires some flexibility and stamina, and a nice sized dick. The thrusting is like a pile driver, a relentless constant pounding of a stationary object, by a moving one.