What is a gay fay?

What is fairy?

A old fashion derogatory term used to describe a male, that is homosexual. Used to imply a man is somehow less than a man, or has feminine mannerisms. Not used as much today, though still considered an insult.


Derogatory term used to describe a male, that is homosexual. Used to imply a man is somehow less than a man, or has feminine mannerisms. Not used as much today, though still considered an insult.

As a normal term it's another word for a fay (a magical creature). Such as those in elves, sprites, imps, mermaids, etc.


The derogatory use of "fairly" to refer to a gay person likely originates from a historical association between homosexuality and effeminacy. The term "fair" or "fairly" has been used to describe someone who is effeminate, delicate, or weak, which were traits traditionally associated with femininity and often used to stereotype gay men.

Throughout history, societal attitudes towards homosexuality have been largely negative, with homosexual individuals often marginalized and subjected to discrimination. In many cultures, masculinity has been highly valued, and any deviation from traditional gender norms, such as displaying traits perceived as feminine, could lead to ridicule or ostracization.

As a result, terms like "fairly" or "fair" may have been used as derogatory slurs to mock or demean gay men who were perceived as not conforming to traditional masculine ideals. These terms were likely employed to reinforce stereotypes and perpetuate prejudice against the LGBTQ+ community.