What is a gay chub?

What is chubs?

A sub community of the Gay Community, that feature men who are overweight, and/or obese.


Chub or Chubs is a community of males, who celebrate their being overweight, rather than making it a detriment. It is a group who accept their fatness, or being overweight and slightly related to the term or group called bears.


Within the Gay Community, the chub social culture has long been noted, however the first organized social group, was formed in San Francisco in 1976 (Girth and Mirth), with another group, opening in Boston in 1977.

In 1978 a New York chapter or social group was formed. These groups grew and are now across the States and world, holding events similar to other large gay communities.

Conventions were first held as far back as 1976, and continues today, known as Convergence.


Not a small group or culture either, as some might assume. It is similar in nature to the Fat Admirer's Group within the heterosexual community, that adores the more larger proportioned women.

It is a growing community, that includes having its own bars and clubs, just like other sub groups do, such as Leather Men, or Bears.

Chubs do align themselves more with Bears, than other groups, but do have significant differences. For them, it is about accepting the weight differential, and accepting even the more extreme obese males.

There are many who seek out men that are substantially overweight, and are known as 'chubby chasers', and they too frequent the bars and clubs of this community.

Practice (Associated Acts): Chub for Chub (Chub4Chub) - Internet shorthand for an overweight male seeking another overweight male, generally for sexual

  • Chubby or Chub - a person who is quite overweight, not a few pounds, but several pounds.
  • Super Chub - a person who one would consider obese, or extremely overweight.
  • Girth and Mirth, along with Big Men's Club, are generally names associated with bars, clubs, groups, that cater to, or are about overweight males coming together in a social setting.
  • Chubbychops - supposed humorous, affectionate term for an overweight person.

Noteworthy: There are large regional events, conventions if you will, called Convergences, in which participants gather from all over, to socialize, and indulge in being gay, and fat.

These 'convergences' can also have pageants, with winners receiving various titles. Similar to other such events, titles usually awarded are 'Mr. Chubby International', 'Mr. Chaser International'.

As well as national conventions, there are also many regional conventions held across the USA, as well.

There is an European annual event as well, that is held in different major cities each year. These are called 'European Big Men's Convergence'

Similiar Terms

  • Chub - teenager slang term for a small penis, especially if it is short, and fat.
  • Chubbies - slang for larger female breasts
  • Chubblies - Australian slang for a larger female's breasts.
  • Chuberteens - denoting small breasts on a woman, just developing breast, hence the addition of 'teens' to the term.
  • Chubs - female breasts that are firm, not too small, or overly large.
