Kink Spotlight: Muscular Calves

11 Apr 2017

Kink Spotlight: Muscular Calves

There's a very simple, practical reason to get into calves, especially when it concerns calf watching in public. You're generally looking at a guy from behind so he can't catch you easily and potentially go homophobically crazy at the attention.

Dark but true.

Now when you approach him and offer a calf massage, no promises on the reaction you'll get either way. If you offer a calf humping session, definite promises that you'll get some sort of reaction. Like maybe his calves will twitch in anticipation.

Kink Spotlight: Muscular Calves

I've noticed that sometimes big bodybuilders don't have the biggest calves. It's mainly genetics, unless someone goes the implant route. Though if getting implants, they should make sure to balance it out with forearms aka arm calves.

Do you like to see calves flex and swell? Do you like them in major motion? Or casually moving up and down as a guy anxiously taps his heels?

Or do you like to hold onto them as a guy is on his back below you? Like when you're both doing crossword puzzles. Anally.

Ultimately, a guy doesn't even need to be self aware that he's turning you on. They're not even seen as nudity really. Which again makes it highly convenient to get a rise out of you at any moment. Just wait for shorts weather. Or outdoor sports weather. Or running weather. Even in tights calves can look damn good.

Now go practice your calf massage skills. They may come in handy.