Flashback: Balls in Play

27 Jul 2018

Flashback: Balls in Play

You've been waiting for it, and as the tennis porn pic attests, it's here. Ted Swanson Revisited. I guess he was busy winning Wimbledon. Or at least leaning against a wall just inside an alley in whatever the cruisiest neighborhood in England was at the time.

Because clearly we couldn't have been lucky enough that he was based in the U.S. We didn't deserve him.

Okay, I'm being an ass about it because he's clearly from an alley in Los Angeles and actually played tennis in college. And by tennis I mean anal sex and by college I mean the cruisiest alley in Los Angeles at the time.

Flashback: Balls in Play

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I'm happy to make up backstories for all these guys because the reality may be less interesting. They each just answered an ad looking for models, or maybe were found at a gym or bar. 

Or maybe a man in wire-rimmed glasses would hang out at dance studios looking for young male ballet students and identify those willing to showcase their lithe bodies for camera. Thus the guy with the bow and arrow who is a dead ringer for Rudolf Nureyev. There is definitely not enough ballet porn.

While not a ballet moment, that bodybuilder in repose is sure pointing his toes like the classic physique model he is. What a lost art he represents. It's best to masturbate to him in his honor and makes your own toes point.

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