Creepy Stalker Hate Fucks a Former Flame

18 Sep 2023

Creepy Stalker Hate Fucks a Former Flame

Who do people in Cory Potts' (Dante Colle) life keep showing up dead? Wyatt Foster (Carter Woods) is desperate to have Cory in his life and he's inched his way into the man's life ever so slowly, so as not to raise suspicion. And now that Cory and Wyatt are friends, Wyatt isn't satisfied, he wants more than a friend. He's playing the long game, but his patience is wearing thin.

Creepy Stalker Hate Fucks a Former Flame

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Wyatt thought his chance was coming after Cory's wife's funeral. He was consoling Cory and they came close to kissing, but Cory pulled away. Wyatt leaves his friend and goes home.

He calls a former flame (Theo Brady) and relieves his tension with a serious hate fucking. So intense that Theo asks afterward, "What's gotten into you?" Wyatt tells Theo he's in love, then suggests firmly that it's time for him to leave.

What's going to happen next? Stay tuned for the four episode of For You, I Will now playing at ASG Max, the exciting new gay porn network with 58 channels and packed with 12,000+ videos.

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