The Exploration Of Nate

by What You Want To Read

27 May 2024 463 readers Score 9.6 (4 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt



Monday morning David got ready to attend a conference in the city. Getting dressed he thought back to the previous evening. Satisfied with the action he got, he gave out a little laugh. 

David wasn't done. He wanted more. Wherever he could get it. The idea of being submissive was even more exciting than overpowering an enthusiastic bottom. He could do that with his eyes shut.

He dressed in a dark grey suit. Deliberately omitting underwear today. Conferences were a hot bed of closets and pent up husbands. He was sure to get some action if he went looking for it. 

Arriving in the car park of the office complex he surveyed his surroundings. Full of expensive cars and expensively dressed men making their way in to the building.

David made his way into reception. Strong cologne and bravado filled the air while the businessmen boasted about everything from latest homes, cars and watch purchases to ruthless business decisions that probably ruined someone’s life in order for these guys to get ahead. 

David had always been reserved in these situations. Rarely breaking into shallow conversation or cracking a smile. Today was no different. He had a form of resentment for these men recently. Compared with the company of Gray, Jason among others, these nameless self proclaimed alphas just seemed soulless. Chasing money. They were usually sexually repressed and looking for any way to get a release. 

The purpose of today was for business leaders and companies operating in the area to discuss policy for supporting local communities in more projects. David saw through the sentiment. No way did these guys give a shit about ethics and community. They did give a shit about how not outwardly caring about these things would impact their wallets. None the less. It was an opportunity to shamelessly check out the meat on offer.

Seeing nothing massively inspiring in reception, while the men supped cappuccinos and talked rubbish, David looked to the stairs. 

He knew heading up the conference was Tim Reynolds. Tim was a local businessman who took it upon himself to spearhead community relations in the area. A shameless attempt at garnering himself more clout with local councillors and regulators. Nothing more. And he was winning. More than once David had heard him boast “there is absolutely nothing I won’t do to get what I want.” David very much believed it. 

As much as this was toxic, David was drawn to the self entitlement and self assurance. The cockiness was absolutely an aphrodisiac for him. Tim was a notorious player who had never settled down and most men waiting in reception became a little nervous when Tim was in close proximity to their wives. 

David quickly panned reception, no one caught his eye except a tall redhead. From memory of recent conversations, this guy looked very much like the man Nate had gone exclusive with. The thought of those two writhing around sent a jolt to David’s loose cock. 

He stealthily moved up the stairs. There were to many people loitering by the lifts. He remembered Tim’s office was in the conference centre itself. 

As he walked the corridor he got to thinking about Tim. A charismatic man in his mid 40s. He wore his black hair a little longer, skirting his shirt collar and flopping forward around his forehead. He was around 6’0 with a solid frame. A round arse David had salivated over for years. Wrestling with whatever suit Tim decided to wear at the time. He had deep blue eyes, a cheeky grin. Square jaw, strong mediterranean nose and year round tan given his heritage. 

They went back years. David always detested Tim’s confidence but always pondered what it would feel like to conquer this man. The irony of all the bravado and outward display of toxic alpha heterosexuality was that Tim would be hugely popular on the gay circuit, David concluded. No shortage of men trying to get under or over him. Tim was simple though. Never settled, a complete play boy. He seemed to like his reputation too. 

David reached Tim’s door. The office was as obnoxious as its inhabitant. Huge windows with closed blinds - good job given what David had come here for. 

David knocked politely. Feeling completely confident. After finalising everything with Laura and last night’s adventure he was completely focussed on hunting out new conquests to fulfil his desire for being used. He didn't even think about the possibility of awkward rejection from the beautiful man just the other side of the oak door. 

“Uh yeah. Come in.” Tim directed at the door. His voice was smart, sharp and confident. Powerful. Not gruff or booming. There was an eloquence to it. David’s cock jolted at the voice as he opened the door and their eyes met. 

“David, good to see you. Wasn't expecting a visit. Just thought I’d get some calls and emails done before we start. Have a seat. Seems like a lot has happened with you recently.” David appreciated the enthusiasm in wanting to catch up. 

“Good morning Tim. Thank you. You know me, I’m never one for schmoozing so thought I’d get away from the ruckus. All set for heading this thing up?” 

“Yeah pretty much. Let’s be honest, everyone is here just to save face. Nothing more. Anyway, tell me, you’ve decided now to come out? Congratulations. That must have taken guts.” 

‘Yeah. I’d have you churn mine you toxic prick.’ David thought. 

Tim looked sexy and David was growing hard. Dressed in a dark navy suit trousers, white shirt that was almost glowing, navy tie and tan brogues. His aftershave wafted across the room. 

David hated Tim’s attitude toward the local community but was salivating at the sight before him. 

“I have indeed. Something I’ve struggled with for years but Laura has been very gracious and we’re both out the other side now, happy and unscathed.”

“Good to hear. Shame you haven’t been able to do anything about it until now though. I mean find a partner and settle down properly?” Tim enquired. 

Now was the chance to lay it on thick David thought. Be blatant. Don’t hold back. 

“Don’t know about that. I’ve been fucking men and them fuck me for years. One on one, groups, you name it. The number of dicks that have smacked this face you wouldn’t believe.” David blurted with control. No flinch. He was utterly comfortable not hiding anymore. His cock grew over his left thigh. The coolness of his suit fabric against his arse made his hole pucker. 

Tim froze and looked at the desk. “Uh David. That’s hugely inappropriate. There’s no need for that.” He swallowed hard. 

“Right, right. It’s fine for you straight ones to talk like that but not us? I heard a bunch of men talking the exact same way just over coffee downstairs. You know what? Ive been with women and men. Women dont compare. You want masulinity? Rolling around with a full blown man is increible. Ploughing a solid arse or having them plough yours? Nothing like it.”

“David, stop.”

He didn’t. In fact David got up and walked around the desk, cock fully hard and visible over the left suited thigh. 

He stood, hands on hips and grinned down at Tim who was still trying to focus on the desk. 

“Just last night I had a suited guy fuck my face, then a couple of sport dad types, then a bunch of farmers and lastly an older business man type. I’m sure I clocked him downstairs actually. Truth is, I’m a shameless pig who can’t get enough dick. I’m not hiding who I am anymore.” David grinned and knelt. He undid his suit trousers and pulled them. He turned to expose his arse to Tim. Time snapped his head across. 

“David what the fuck are you playing at? Get the fuck up.” 

“See this pussy. Two cocks at once last night. Stretched me good. That’ll make you cum harder than anything a woman can do.” He slapped one cheek hard. The clap echoed in the room. 

He turned to face Tim who was still welded to his desk becoming more flustered. 

“David, you need to get up and leave. This is utterly ridiculous.” Tim turned to face David. His muscular thighs splayed. 

“Ah come on Tim. We’ve got what? 45 minutes before the conference starts. Don’t you want to empty your balls before hand? It’ll help you focus. I’ve always wondered what you’re packing. Must be something good given the reputation you’ve got. I just need dick. Bigger the better. I won’t hold it against you. I just want to get my hands on as much as I can. Help an acquaintance out.” David was on all fours, waiting. 

Tim subtly rubbed his forearms against his crotch and spread his legs a little further. Pushing his feet out a little more. Promising.

“Between us huh? You want dick you say? Getting head before heading out would probably help.” He moved a hand to his crotch. Running his fingers along what looked like a fat piece of meat already. “Make it quick. Get over here.” He relaxed his arms and shifted in his chair. 

“Use me. I’m just a mouth.” David said in a low voice as he crawled forward. 

“Don’t worry about that. I will. Get to work pig.” 

David crept forward and unbuckled the suit trousers. He pulled the trousers down with force. Jackpot. Tim had been hiding beautifully toned legs under his suit and wrapped in expensive, thin, black briefs was a thick cock, twitching to be released. 

“Ooooff. Been keeping this thing to yourself? Let’s give him some air.” David pulled the waistband down and an equally tanned heavy shaft flopped out and hit David on the nose. “Another cock to slap my face. Let’s get going shall we?” Next David planted his hands with a slap on Tim’s thighs, making him hiss with shock and took the fat 9” whole. Tim’s legs flexed at the effort. 

“Shit, how do you do that? Fuck.” Tim kept his arms loose at either side of the chair. Leaving David do the work for now. David laughed as he took the cock to its base repeatedly. Short bursts of gagging indicating a piggish greed. 

The head was thick and David needed Tim to shoot quickly. He rose up to kneel and wrapped his hand over the head and tongued it frantically. Slurping and letting spit collect all over Tim’s full sack. 

“I need to cum. Fuck this.” Tim grabbed David’s head and got up. Dragging himself over David and wedging David’s head against the desk. David gave out a satisfied huff, finally being used how he wanted. “That’s it pig, take it all.” Tim held David’s head as he drove his cock deep into his throat. David grabbed at Tim’s firm cheeks, willing him on. 

David’s retches filled the room, punctuated by Tim’s thighs smacking his head against the desk. 

Tim’s hips went faster, his sack slapping David’s chin. He began to shudder and his load surfaced and sputtered into David’s throat. It was almost too much but David kept with hit, grabbing Tim’s arse firmly, pushing his cock as far into his mouth as he could. 

“Jesus. I can’t stop. Fuck.” Tim’s ropes kept coming. David lapped them up and eventually pushed Tim back with a gag. He panted, wiped his mouth and laughed. 

Tim slumped back in his chair. “Fuck that was wild. You have a hell of a skill David. Who’d have thought?” He wiped sweat from his brow.

David began to rise and collect his clothes. “Well I told you. You’re in experienced hands. I’m going to skip the conference. Maybe take the day off. Yeah. I think I will. Like you said, everyone is here to save face anyway so why bother.” He  reached forward and tapped Tim on the cheek and grinned.

“David, you can’t do that. You have a slot to speak. You’re the most active with community relations. Come on.” Tim began to frantically dress. 

 At the door David snapped his head back. “Oh I thought this wasn’t actually a big deal? Tell you what? I’m going to go home, carry on with my own community conscious work from there. I’m going to jerk off remembering your cock in my throat while I do it. In the mean time, you can figure out what you’re going to say to those men downstairs. Good to see you Tim. If you ever need a mouth, let me know.”

He left. 

Tim fling his paperwork on the floor. “Fuck you.” He shouted at the door. 


In the past week David had been awash with a new sense of self. He felt happier, less uptight. He’d even shared his Sunday night bunker session with Jason over a few beers in the garden mid week. It was good to have friends to laugh without worry to. He had legitimate friends, it felt good. He’d kicked his fitness up a notch and got into more cardio in the past few days. Running through the country lanes near his home for miles. 

Friday morning, last days of September, it was still warm but the mornings had started to turn a little sharper. He put his black lycra running shorts on, omitted underwear again, he was starting to like the free feeling down below. He felt naked and sexy all the time. 

He ran along the lane that took him past the bunker from Sunday. As he turned a corner he heard a voice from behind the hedge, he assumed it was coming from the tractor he could just about make out behind it. “Recognise that arse anywhere.” The voice called out. David slowed to a jog but didn’t stop. “Will you stop? No point being coy now after Sunday.” David clicked. Farmer 1. He stopped, huffed and turned. 

Emerging to hang on the gate by his forearms was Farmer 1. David studied him but maintained a neutral expression. Farmer 1 was handsome. His hair was black, wavy and styled in a mullet. The silly mustache was still there above the lips in a permanent grin. He had huge brown eyes, strong almost film star features and rounded cheeks. He worse a grey t shirt, covered in sweat, blue canvas work trousers and muddy lace up boots. His arms were thick, toned but not overly muscly. Tight chest not overly developed, a flat stomach but only partially defined abs. He was fit but enjoyed himself. A man. David was smitten and suppressed a smile into another huff.

“God you’re one moody guy. Just wanted to say hello since you were running past.” He flung his arms up in defence. Armpit hair sprouted out of his sleeves. David salivated. He thought, looked each way, then moved toward the gate. 

“You don’t have to do this. Sunday was what it was. We all got what we needed.” David stood a little distance between them with his hands on his hips. 

“Yeah true. You took that like pro. It was hot. Now I’ve got you here I want to apologise.” 

“What for exactly? I don’t seem to remember complaining.” 

Farmer 1 laughed under his breath then looked back at David. “Yeah I know. But I went too far. Called you the c word, the whole DP thing. It was a bit too rough and I’m not always like that. I didn’t want our only encounter to be your impression of me. It’s good to see your face too. Like I said, I think you’re really hot. Still stand by that. Since you haven’t bothered to introduce yourself or ask me, my name’s Ben.”

David was impressed by the manners and kind but straight talking tone Ben spoke with. 

David melted and grinned. “Uh, my turn to apologise. I’m David. You don’t need to apologise, I think you did what was asked.” He edged closer. 

“I get that but it just didn’t quite sit right with me after. So yeah, I’m sorry. Good to meet you David.” Ben shifted slightly.

“So whose farm are you working on around here?” David asked. He was kind of interested to know more.

Ben stood up straight all of a sudden. “Not that you’re presumptuous. Assuming I’m a farm worker not a farm owner. I farm my own land. Most of what your eye sees around here is mine. My dad died recently and my mum isn’t well enough to look after it so I’ve taken over.” Ben came back to lean on the gate. 

“I’m sorry, that was judgemental. That’s a lot of work. It’s impressive. I assume your friends from Sunday help?”

“They were only passing contractors so won’t see them again round here. Just me most of the time.”

“Wow. I’m seriously impressed.” He really was. He went to the gate and rested his elbows on the top bar. Elbow centimetres from Ben’s arm. 

“You think so huh?” Ben moved his forearm to blatantly touch David’s. He rested his old movie star face on his forearm and looked at David. 

“I do.” He grinned back. He felt really good. 

“Give me your phone.” Ben held out his hand slowly. The dirt and roughness seemed disarming all of a sudden. David wanted those hands on him again. 

“Why?” David shifted back slightly. 

“I’m going to put my number in it for fuck sake. What do you think? Lighten up. Up to you if you message me. I’ll save yours too. Maybe I can show you my plough later.” 

David reached into his arm zip pocket and gave Ben the phone. He kept his face straight and looked him dead in the eyes. Ben grinned and tapped away then handed it back. In one swift movement he was in front of David and kissed him lightly. 

“You’re a funny one David.” He stood back and grinned before he dropped to his knees and pulled David up against the gate. His cock bulging through the shorts.

“Ben? What are you doing?” David didn’t resist but became startled. 

Ben dove his nose against the fat bulge growing in David’s shorts and sniffed hard. “Mmmm, runner sweat. I want to get my mouth round that fat dick of yours. Shoot your wad in my face. I can wear it all day up here alone in the fields.” He didn’t break his stare and pulled the waistband down. David’s thick, curved, pale pink cock sprang free with a light thud against Ben’s cheek. “Damn David. Packing a serious weapon here.” His brown eyes looking up and David with longing.

“You’re going to do this right here?” David gripped the gate and looked on at the handsome man below him. 

Ben held the shaft with his hands, bracing himself in his squat. He began licking at the raging shaft. “Uh huh. Don’t you want me to? Huh?” Lick. “Get you off on your morning run?” Lick. “Your turn.” Lick. “Your turn to have your way and use me. C’mon David. Fuck my face.” Lick. “It gets boring and lonely out here all day.” Lick. “You’re hot. Give me your load.” Lick, wretch. 

David had heard enough. He reached his hands over Ben’s head and shoved him fully onto his cock and held him there. Ben’s arms tensed and gripped the gate. 

There was something infinitely sensual about having a gruff man worshipping you in a field, David embraced every moment. 

“Take me down Ben. Let my head fill your throat. Push through the struggle. That’s good. Clamp your throat around my head.” David thrust away while Ben struggled below. 

Ben’s eyes streamed, spit dangling from his chin. He didn’t let go as David crashed his solid hips against the metal gate. Clashing and scuffing signalled each snap of David’s hips.

“Ben I’m so close.” David grabbed Ben’s head and shuddered. Ben pulled away with a huge retch and wrapped a dirty, meaty fist around David’s shaft. 

“Fuck yeah, shoot for me. Cover me.” Ben looked ragged and even more wild, his face red and sweaty. 

“Keep doing that. Here it comes.” David went to his toes and shoved his hips hard against the gate as his orgasm showered Ben. Was it Ben himself? The exposed situation, the running shorts, the feeling of sexual freedom he was embracing this week? David didn’t know but he came hard. Harder than he ever had recently. 

Ben went to all fours and rubbed the remains of David’s mammoth load over his handsome face. “Christ that was huge David. Mmmm.” He took the head in his mouth and drained with a slurp. David practically crumpled around the gate panting.

“Not blown like that in a good while. Wow.” David tapped the side of Ben’s face in approval. Ben let David’s softening shaft out of his mouth and got up. 

David grinned as he flipped his cock back into his shorts. Ben reached out and ran his hands over David’s close shaven head. Neat and clean, the opposite to his wild and dirty appearance. He brought David close. David grabbed a tanned, dirt smeared forearm. 

“Stop resisting. Let me fucking kiss you.” David stopped being rigid and let Ben pull his lips to his. He was conscious of the mess on Ben’s face and hair but for the first time, he didn’t care. He went with it and grabbed Ben by the back of the head. His wild black waves running through his hand. The warm dampness of sweat teasing his fingers. The taste of dick and cigarettes on Ben’s tongue set David on fire. He wasn’t some uptight closet misery of a man. This was him. Spontaneous encounters with beautiful straight forward men like Ben. 

Ben reached a hand down and squeezed at David’s solid cheeks. “My god. You’re arse, David.” He hissed. Kissed him once more and retreated slightly. David looked down. Like a love sick teenager.

“Hey, can I see you tonight? Finish this?” Ben reached down and grabbed his solid mound in his trousers. “No pressure but I really want to see you again.”

David laughed quietly. “We’ll see. Text me and I’ll see where I’m at.” 

“You’re the boss.” He shrugged. Then he ran to the gate, jumped it with a graceful athleticism that made David gasp. Ben landed and grabbed David by the neck, pushed him against the gate for another kiss. 

“Man you’re something.” He kissed him again and jumped back over the gate. David watched, speechless as he jumped back into the tractor and drove off without looking back.

Was he certain David was going to get in touch? 

David ran home. Smiling. 

Later he was in his study when his phone buzzed. 

BEN: I can’t stop thinking about you. I want to see you again. Come to the farm tonight. When you get to the yard, go to the barn on the left. Get on the hay stack and wait for me. Arse up. In that thong from Sunday. Can I fuck you senseless? Say 10 PM? There will be yard lights on so you’ll be safe. If you’re not there, I’ll take the hint. 

David grinned. It was one hell of an invite. His phone buzzed again. The address. David knew it, he drove past the entrance most days.

He sat back and decided to make his farm stud wait. 


David was making coffee when his phone buzzed again. Media clip from Ben. He hit play. 

A clip played of Ben’s crotch while parked up in his tractor. One of those dirty hands reached and grabbed at the huge mound and rubbed. Next the fly was ripped open, revealing a hard member wrapped in  black briefs. The thickness made David gasp. Next the hand pulled the underwear down and the fat 10” beer can cock sprung free. Ben smacked it against the steering wheel. The clip ended. 

Again, David felt no inclination to reply. He ignored his cock hardening in his trousers and went back to his work. 


Ben had sent further messages equally inviting and David refrained from sending any response. Did he want anything more from the gruff farmer down the road? He was drawn to his charm and handsome face. But did he want to go back to someone or just keep moving forward? He was enjoying the feeling of freedom and anonymity at the moment. He’d stopped things from carrying on with Steven and Brandon. He wanted give himself freedom to explore himself. Why was Ben playing on his mind.

It was 9PM. David decided this was way too good opportunity to miss. The sex, the attitude, the face, the curious feeling of fondness for Ben was too much to ignore. 

He showered and prepared. He put the leather jock on and a pair of black running tights and his black zip through windbreaker. He grabbed his phone and house key, concealing them in his arm pocket. Ben liked sweat? David decided to run through the lanes to the farm, that should drive him wild. He set off as his cock began to swell. 

30 minutes later he reached the main gate. Just a gravel drive ahead. There was a lingering dusk so he could make out the lane leading to the farm just about. 

He’d worked up a sweat all over. Wiping his brow with his hand, he reached into the tights and ran his sweat along his cock. He reached round and drove the remainder all over his cheeks. 

He pinged the waist band against his belly and walked the lane. 

He reached the yard. This was a proper farm. Ben wasn’t lying. David felt a pang of guilt as he stepped through the yard. He shouldn’t have just assumed Ben was a worker. There were lights around the yard giving a glow to everything. Although unfamiliar surroundings, they felt comforting and welcoming. David kept to the shadows. 

He clocked the barn Ben had mentioned and jogged into the open door. It was huge. Empty apart from a trailer and a huge stack of hay in the top left corner. It was humid, David started to sweat. He looked over the hay stack and looked up. His cock stirred at the thought of that mammoth dick punching his hole in a few minutes. That handsome cocky man throwing him around. 

He didn’t need to think anymore. He unzipped his windbreaker and threw it on the floor. Next he pulled off his tights and flung them in the same direction. He winced when he realised his phone was in his jacket. That’s what getting carried away does to you. 

Now, naked apart from his trainers and jock, he climbed the hay stack. It was high, bristly and even warmer the higher he went. The discomfort and effort made the wait even better. 

Reaching the top he noticed first off all - no blanket. He grinned. This man was savage. A bottle of lube was placed on the stone ledge, half gone and muddy. Ben bedded many a man here, clearly. He also noticed two chains with leather cuffs attached, fixed to the strut in front of him. 

Ben meant business. David was game. He grabbed the lube and reached to lather his pussy. Ben was thicker than anyone he’s taken, precautions needed. He clipped his wrists into the chains and knelt. Elbows in front and resting his head on his forearms. He squeezed his hole, trying to suppress the eagerness for Ben’s girth. The hay began to sting. 

A tractor pulled up on the yard, a door slammed and boots hit the concrete. A man whistled as he was about to rearrange another man’s insides. The barn door opened and the footsteps got closer. They stopped. Rustling of clothes was heard and material hit the floor. The hay stack groaned as a man’s weight ascended. 

David stretched his cheeks back. He just wanted Ben to fill him now. He gripped the chains. Something he’d never done before, he teased Ben. “I ran here for you. I’m covered in swea…” A huge slimy explosion of spit slapped  his hole. “Oh. You’re not wasting any time. Yes.” David raised his head and bit his forearm. 

Ben said nothing and palmed at David’s pale globes. He spat again, this time running a thick filthy finger deep into David’s immaculate pink pussy. He sprang his finger in and out, David shuddered and groaned.

David snapped his head back. He could make out the glistenning tanned silhouette of Ben crowched behind him. He clamped his hole. “Ben, fuck me. Smash me in.” He snapped his head forward and gritted his teeth. 

He felt Ben shift and his finger abruptly disappeared. Next he felt two solid thighs smack his hips and the thick spongey head of Ben’s barrel patted against his hole. David shoved his hips back. Ben pulled at the jock waistband for grip.

Ben grabbed a forearm round David’s neck and pulled hard. “Fuck you ignoring me all day. You know I wanted this, left me hanging all day on my own.” He growled in David’s ear. He pushed David forward and held his head by the chin. He slipped into David with a solid thud. 

“Oh my god yes.” David gasped as Ben filled his insides. He had no time to adjust, the filthy hand on his chin gripped tighter as Ben slammed his thick meat in and out relentlessly. 

“Give it to me. Ruin my insides. Biggest cock I’ve taken you fucking monster.” David reached a hand back to clasp at Ben. Ben grabbed the hand and sucked the fingers.

Moving to gain more grip, Ben grabbed the chains holding David’s arms and tugged hard. He slammed harder with David suspended. The wet claps echoed around the barn. Both men too focussed and too hot to do anything but huff and breath hard. 

The girth and size were too much. David could feel Ben hitting his sweet spot, pound after pound. One last thrust and David whelped as his cock erupted inside the jock. His load sputtered in front of him. He couldn’t say a word. He didn’t want to. He wanted to savour the moment. 

That moment the thrusting stopped and Ben pulled out and stood abruptly. “Shit.” Is all he managed before he let his cock explode all over David’s back. No hands, David’s hole managed to extract it from him all by itself. He clenched his arms while his cock spewed over David’s perfect skin. 

Ben collapsed on the haystack next to David. “Fuck that was hot.” He was covered in sweat and David marvelled at the tanned body beside him as he struggled to compose his breath. 

“It was.” David undid the chains and did something else he never did before. He reached across and lay his head on Ben’s chest. Ben reached a hand a softly laid on David’s head.

They both startled awake 20 minutes later. Only the yard lights giving some visibility. “Hey, we fell asleep. Shit its late. I’m sorry. I…” Ben started. 

“Sorry for what? Obliterating my hole? Giving me an orgasm without going near myself? What is there to apologise for?” David rubbed Ben’s chest.

“Ok, when you put it like that. Fair enough.” He reached a hand out and squeezed David’s right arse cheek. “David, this arse, seriously man. Jesus.” He kneaded it with his big rough palms. David kept his head on Ben’s chest. He watched as Ben’s cock grew.

“Someone’s waking up.” David scooted down and dived on Ben’s cock. Struggling joyfully to fit it in his mouth. 

“Oh shit yeah. Go on.” Ben sat up and pushed David up and down. Fresh retches and spluttering filling the barn. David went with it. Ben pulled him up and down like a toy, gritting his teeth. Quickly Ben filled David’s mouth again and David pulled himself off Ben and lay back. 

“Your dick is so good.” David said as he looked up at the ceiling, steadying his breath and words. 

“I kind of get that from the way you are with it. Never phased by my roughness either?” Ben got up to stand. David grinned at the dirty, sweaty handsome man in front of him.

“I live for it. Be warned, I need to top every so often. You offering up?” David laughed.

“If you want it. Sure. I don’t care. You’ve just got a fuckable arse. Just sayin.” Ben looked around to leave. David laughed. 

“Need to head in. C’mon.” Ben offered a hand. 

“Oh yes of course. I’ll make a move now. Sorry. Kept you up.” David scrambled.

“What the fuck? No, you’re staying with me.” Ben stopped, looking hurt. 

“Ben, I can’t stay. This is just sex, it’s fine. We don't need to make anything else of it. I only live 30 minutes away, running.” David started to jump down the bails until he hit the floor. Ben followed and pushed him against the stack again. David winced at the pricks in his back.

“No.” With a hand on David’s shoulder. “I don’t want you to leave and it’s not safe on pitch black country lanes. You could be killed by some fucking idiot drink driver. No.” He immediately turned and put trousers on. “And thank you for just using me as dick. I wanted to maybe hang out with you. First guy I actually think I can talk to in ages.”  

“I better have access to a shower, fresh towel, a glass of wine, a cigarette and some good conversation if I go in there with you. I love sex but I need to use my brain as well. I’m 50 Ben, why do you want to even bother trying to get to know me?” David was attempting to be objective but secretly very happy with this stud asking him to his home for the night. Still got it.

“Who cares? I’m 38. I’m hardly young. 20s, men are fucking childish. 30s, just too complicated. You guys over 40 know exactly what you and other men want. It’s simple and sexy.” Ben found his t shirt and shoved it on. “And yes, you can have all that. It’s a farm David, not a fucking cave.” He pushed David playfully. David shoved his clothes on and followed Ben. 

Ben showed David a guest bathroom he could use and left him to it. 

David checked himself out in the mirror. His torso, arms and legs were covered in scratches. He laughed to himself thinking about how he would never have put himself in this situation before. He was liking who he was becoming. A pang of nervousness in his chest reminded him that Ben seemed keen to not just look at this as a sexual gratification thing. He didn't know how he felt about it. He was already wrestling with his feelings. Ben had snuck in. 

He showered, Ben had found him a robe to wear. He showered and came down the stairs. The home was cozy but smart. David chastised himself about his judgemental attitude again. Why did he expect Ben to live in a shack? He liked the homely nature of the house, his was a museum to expensive furniture, art and appliances that were never used. More ‘look what I’ve got’ rather than ‘come in, sit down, get comfy.’ 

He went into the kitchen. A typical farm house kitchen with a huge fireplace and huge stove. Uneven stone tiles and a kitchen table with more bumps and scrapes than a car wreck. It was beautiful. 

“Hey. Good shower? I got you your wine and cigarette.” Ben pointed to the table. “More a beer guy myself.”

“What a shock. Thank you. Just for you to know, I don’t generally smoke, just one every now and then.” David felt the need explain.

“No judgement. You do you. I’m glad I got you to stay. I don’t want to come across strong but I like you being here. I’m just gutted we met that way. I still feel awkward about it.”

“Ben, don’t obsess over it.” He swigged his glass. “Truth is I’ve been married for years and just divorced from my wife. All amicable. We’ve been living double lives for years. Me with men her with women. I love sex with men. I just had a crazy thought to get completely used on Sunday night. I loved every minute. You were definitely my highlight.” He grinned bashfully. 

“So it was a help then?” Ben swigged from his can and rubbed a dirty hand over his t shirt.

“Absolutely. Be warned I’m going to carry on cruising, I love the thrill. It’s the most alive I’ve felt in years but now I’m free of guilt.” David set his glass down and waited for a reaction. 

Ben seemed uneasy. “Well I can’t tell you what to do. I’ll accept what you want. Can we still see each other one on one? Or am I just a rough fat dick to you?” 

“You are definitely that to me. And yes, I want more of it. I’m just not done with having fun. Don’t expect too much of me. That’s all I’m saying.” David said matter of factly. 

“I’ll have to take it. Maybe I’ll win you over eventually.” Ben grinned defiantly. David didn’t immediately rule it out. But he was trying to be realistic. 

“Enough talk for now. Didn’t you say you were going to rail me?” Ben got up and took off his t shirt. David laughed as the undressing continued. 

“Pour me one more wine and I’ll take another cigarette. Before anything, get your self in the shower. Do you ever wash?” He closed his legs to hide is awakening cock under the table.

“You can be a judgemental prick David. Yes I do. I just work outside with land. We can’t all fuck about in offices. But yes, I’ll go shower for you. He left, naked, marching upstairs. Ben’s boxers landed on the table along with his trousers. 

David grabbed the boxers and sniffed them, burying them on his face. Breathing in Ben’s sweaty musk and hints of precum. He pulled is robe open and jacked his cock frantically. 

He snapped his eyes open and threw the boxers. What was he doing down here, that stud of a man was waiting to be fucked and he was down here sniffing underwear.

He didn’t know where he was going, he went past the guest bathroom he had used and followed the water he could hear. 

He came to what must be Ben’s room. It was simple, stark and functional. David liked it. Free of pretence. 

He took the robe off and walked toward to the bathroom door. He marvelled at the tanned solid cheeks reflecting in the mirror. 

He went into the room and walked slowly to the shower. It was large and easy to step in without making his presence known. 

His cock was raging, he walked up behind Ben and grabbed a hand over his mouth and held his waist with the other. He slammed his cock up against Ben’s cheeks. 

Ben whelped and shoved his arse back in recognition. “I may want to cruise dick but you’ve got me here and now. Get on your knees and service me.” He turned Ben around, holding a hand over his mouth. Pushing Ben to a squat. “Give me your hands.” Ben did as he was told. 

Pressing Ben’s hands against the slick tiles he drove his cock into Ben’s mouth. Ben huffed with satisfaction and let David fill his mouth. David went rough, the view of Ben’s handsome face gagging around his cock spurred him on. 

Ben was greedy and helpless in David’s grip. Minutes passed and David decided he’d had enough. 

David reached down to a panting Ben and kissed him. The kiss lingered, Ben’s hands found David’s face. “Take me to your bed.” David whispered.

Still wet from the shower, they embraced. Ben pushed David against his bed and in silence got on top and sank onto David’s waiting shaft. 

“Ride me. Make me cum.” David reached and slapped Ben’s solid chest. 

“You got it boss. Ummm.” Ben snapped his hips back and forth. He was rough and intense. David took it. Wanted it. He gripped the metal bed rail behind him. Locking eyes with Ben. “Keep going, you’ll make bust.” He whispered red faced. 

“Blow on my face.” Ben whispered back.

“Ok, now!” David slapped Ben’s chest again. Ben jumped up, David’s cock fell out of him with a thud, he dived down and jerked David’s meat against his cheek. David gripped Ben’s head as his load erupted. 

“Yeah, come on baby. Cover me. Keep going. That’s it.” Ben’s muscly arm kept tugging at the shaft. His face glittered with David’s load. He locked his big brown eyes with David and wiped the big pink head all over his face. “That’s what I’m talking about. Fuck, you’re a shooter. Nearly drowned.” He slapped David’s belly before sucking David’s cock deep and hard.

“Ben stop.” David laughed and crumpled. 

Ben jumped forward and kissed David, smearing his cum on his face. David pushed him away playfully. “That is disgusting. Go wash your face.” David ordered, smiling at how comfortable Ben was around him.

“Ok baby. Can we sleep and snuggle then?” Ben jumped up and went to the bathroom.

David wiped his face with tissue on the bedside table and sat back. Baby, sleeping over? What was this? David panicked. He got up, ran down the landing. Grabbed his clothes, shoved them on along with his shoes. 

He ran. He sprinted. All the way home. Ragged from the evening. He fell on the drive and cried. He cried into the stone. He hadn’t cried in years. 

He ran from the possibility of falling for a man. He cried at the thought of wrestling with building of feelings for someone else again. He cried because he felt guilty at leaving Ben like that. 

He peeled himself off the drive and went inside. His phone buzzed incessantly. He looked at the screen with heavy eyes.

BEN: What happened? Where are you? Are you safe?

BEN: David just let me know if I did something wrong.

Calls came through. 

More texts.

BEN: Just let me know you’re ok. I’ll leave you alone. I won’t bother you again. 

David sighed. He knew he was being a prized idiot but the thought of being anything but just sex to someone else right now made him prickle with anxiety. Ben needed a response at least.

DAVID: I’m so sorry. I just couldn’t handle it. I think I just need to get myself together. Take care of yourself, you’re a brilliant man. 

Ben liked the message and that was it. 

David didn’t sleep a wink.

by What You Want To Read

Email: [email protected]

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