Chatting Surprise

by Karcamel

14 May 2024 6654 readers Score 9.0 (80 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

My wife is a nurse and I am a salesman in a hardware store. We are very ordinary, living in an apartment building. The apartment has two bedrooms, a living room, a combined kitchen and a bathroom. The building has five floors, and our apartment is on the third floor.  I am a middle-aged, slightly overweight, bald man. The height of an ordinary man and the appearance of an ordinary man, so you could say that I am average in every way. Neighbors and co-workers probably think I'm the kind of trustworthy and responsible father in the family. And that's what I think I am. At least when I am asked. 

My wife is a few years younger than me. Not slim, but not fat either. She is quite short, pretty nice ass but small tits; a normal woman with brown hair and glasses. She's not very sexually active, which sometimes annoys me. I've fucked whores, but it wasn't my thing; I gave up that hobby pretty soon, but I discovered a new area of interest. 

I have a son, eighteen-year-old Jackson, Jack as we call him. He is a mediocre student in senior high school; not bad, but by no means excellent. He's not dumb certainly not, but he can't concentrate on anything other than what interests him. Comics, computers, hanging with friends, football. All of these things are typical for a old boy of his age. He is not very athletic, but slim and sinewy. And that's how I was when I was a young man too. 

Our daughter is Tina, a fourteen year old teenage girl who is angry all the time. She gets mad at everything and nothing is ever right and  think she's sometimes too funny. She wears too tight clothes to be fourteen, and her mother lets her; my opinion wasn’t asked. The girl has small pretty tits and a pretty tiny ass, and sometimes when I look at her, I get strange thoughts, but I get them out of my head and try to think of something else. Anyway, she looks like every young stud in town would want to fuck her. 

Like I said, my sex life with my wife has diminished. We have sex maybe a couple of times a month, and as a man with normal desires, I had to come up with something else. 

I started watching porn, but even that felt dull after a while. I once accidentally followed a link to a gay porn site. There were banners flashing with boys or men doing it with each other. I don't know what happened, but I noticed that I got an erection.  I have never experienced myself as homosexual, but the thought of having sex with another man become to arouse me. I watched the videos and felt a compelling need to burst out.

The rest of the family was already asleep; it seemed halfway through the night when I sneaked into the bathroom and got the toilet paper. The computer was placed in the living room, which has no doors to the hallway or kitchen.  I clicked on a video of two men my age kissing and fondling each other. Their stiff cocks were touching, and it was so exciting to me that I cum immediately.

I stayed at the computer for a while, then closed the video, and wondered if I was becoming gay. I hadn't lost my interest in women, so I thought it was just a passing phase.  But it wasn’t temporary. I started watching videos almost every day, sometimes several times a day.

I did it whenever the opportunity arose, and began to feel kind of stupid that I was wasting my sexuality by masturbating in front of a PC. At the same time, I might be able to set up something more concrete with the same device. So I googled dating sites and found a few. At first I just chatted with other men, until I found the video chats. I masturbated with the men, but even that felt empty, and left me wanting more. 

Finally, I decided to be encouraged and asked a man out on a date who was my age and whose body was similar to mine. Stubble, short hair…. That's what this guy was like. He had an insanely large penis that almost didn't fit in my mouth. Sucking a man's organ for the first time was a different experience than I had imagined; the cock was somehow soft, even though it was hard. The man sucked me better than anyone had ever sucked me before, he really knew what he was doing. He swallowed all my cum that I shot into his mouth. 

Like I said, he had a really big dick. And he wanted to fuck me with it. It was scary, but at the same time exciting to think of such a big piece of flesh coming inside me and letting him enjoy my ass. I got down on all fours and he carefully lubricated his cock and pushed it slowly but firmly into me. At some point I was sure my anus would tear, but he told me to relax, and when I did, everything became easier.  He fucked me hard, and with each thrust, I moved forward a few inches. It felt crazy that what I was usually doing to my wife in bed was now happening to me.

He grabbed my cock as he fucked the virginity out of my ass, and I shot my seed onto the sheets and pillow. He picked up the pace, and at some point his swollen cock began to swell even more in my ass and began to spurt cum. I felt it inside me. It was incredibly arousing to think that another man's semen was deep inside my anus.  I met this man a few more times, and he taught me all about male sex and how two men can pleasurably satisfy each other.

I continued to chat and met a few other men, and all I was doing was just meeting up to get laid. I didn't want to create any emotional feelings with these men; somehow it felt against my character.  One day, while I was at work, I was setting up the storage area of the shop and was left alone. It gave me a chance to get into a chat and see if I could find someone who was interested in fucking. By googling I found a new chat where I could choose a chat partner based on his age.

I never thought I would fuck younger guys, but in this chat I could set the age limit to eighteen. I never had any serious thoughts about a search at that age, but I did it just for fun. So I set the age limit to exactly eighteen, not up from it, and waited for it. Since I was in my fifties, I had no expectations and just continued shelving.

I had been working for about fifteen minutes when I heard a small "ding" coming from the computer. I sat down at the desk and saw that a chat box had pop up on the page. It said, "Bigboy wants to chat with you.”

I thought about what to say, but couldn't think of anything clever.  

>> Hi Bigboy, what's up? - I thought for a moment before replying. 

<< Hey. I'm okay, how about you? 

>> Okay too. Where are you writing from? 

<< I’m home, I just came from school. Where are you? 

>> At work. What brought you here to chat? -I asked. 

<< Curiosity, I guess. 

>> So you're eighteen? 

<< Yep.

>> Okay, so curiosity brought you here to see what's going on? 

<< Something like that, yeah. I know well what kind of chat this is. 

>> So what are you looking for? Just a friend? Sex? Relationship?

<< I don't know. I just watched porn and played with myself, and then I found this site 

>> Me too. What is it you like.

<< Maybe to meet someone, I guess, and see where that leads.

>> Maybe I'm too old for you. Are you sure that you have noticed what age limit you have set for yourself in your search? 

<< I set it on purpose.  

>> Why is that? I guess not many guys your age are interested in older guys. 

<< An older man makes me feel more reliable. You are the same age as my dad, that makes me feel safe.

As I said, I had no intention of seeking out the company of the young boys, but somehow, behind the text of the boy, I found an exciting person. 

<< Am I too young for your tastes? So are you leaving now? -He continued.

>> I'm not going anywhere, but I just wonder… I have a son of your age and… I find it hard to imagine him being interested in these things.

<< All guys my age are interested in sex, I'm pretty sure your son is no different.

>>  I heard voices from the warehouse door, someone was coming.

>> I’m sorry, I have to go now.

<< Can you give me your e-mail address? The boy finished.

I gave him an anonymous e-mail address that couldn’t be traced., because I didn't want any problems for myself. At the end of the chat, the boy said he would send me some interesting mail. Finally the workday ended and I went home. My daughter was upset about something, as usual, and Jack was on the computer playing a loud game with guns firing and bombs exploding. My wife was making dinner. Typical everyday evening.

Sometime in the evening, before I went to bed, I remembered what the boy had said. He had told me to send something, and I felt I had to see if he had.  I went to the e-mail on my phone. There was a message from an anonymous account from bb2011. The subject of the message was just a short "Hello" with two words in the message: "Answer me."

The message had an attached with image that I had to click to open. I don't know what it was, was it shock or surprise, but there was a photo of the guy's dick. It was stiff and pointed toward the roof, though it had been taken standing up.

The tip of the prick was darker red than the rod, and was clearly visible because the foreskin was pulled back.  I stared at the picture. A nice, flawless, shaved, ready-to-go 18-year-old dick. I felt my own organ begin to harden. The photo aroused me and it felt sinful. I wasn’t sure if wanted to feel that way about the young man, but I had to admit that he was starting to interest me big time. Meanwhile, my son walked past me and had only a towel in front of him when he went to take a shower. I looked at his bare back and round buttocks and thought that the guy I was talking might be just like him.

The next day I worked at the store, so I didn't get a chance to check my e-mail. However, during lunch I went to a coffee shop around the corner. I ordered two slices of pizza and a large coffee. I sat in the booth and looked at my phone. An e-mail had arrived. The nickname -bigboy- asked if I got his picture and if I liked it. I replied that it made me feel hot, but that I wasn't sure if it was wise to go any further.

Anyway, I set the phone to notify me of incoming messages, and in the afternoon, I felt the phone vibrate in my pocket, telling me about an incoming message. The lad asked if I could chat with him. I said I couldn't do that at home and thought it would be best for us to let it go and forget the whole thing. However, I took another look at the picture he had sent; stiff, beautiful penis. I wondered what it would be like to take it in my mouth and suck it.

I tried to banish such thoughts, but finally I replied that I could go to a cafe after work and chat with him for a few minutes. After I hung up the phone, I was amazed at what I had promised the guy.

I was back in the cafe around the corner. I sent him a text message saying   could chat with him for a moment.. I didn't understand myself; this kind of behavior was not in my nature. Soon the phone made a silent ping.

<< Hi, I'm glad you still wanted to talk to me..

>> Well. I don't know if I should. I feel funny because you're my son's age. It's exciting, of course, but it feels wrong somehow.

<< I don’t understand... What did you think about the photo? Be honest with me.

>> I don't know what to say. It was bold of you, as far as I can tell.  

<< Do you have a picture?

>> Of my dick?

<< Yes. I'd like to see it.

>> I can't send you one. - The boy's request made blood run in my lower end. I was wondering what it would be like to have a young man look at my dick and maybe masturbate while he was looking at it.

<< Please., please be so kind. No one will know. Tell me, did you like my... thing?

>> Umm. It was undeniably a great picture. I shouldn't say this, but you have a nice and good sized dick.

<< Oh, thank you, but it's not that big.

>> It was very, very desirable. I had a terrific erection. 

<< I measured it yesterday. It's exactly 6.3 inches (16 cm), I think it will do the job, don't you?

>> I'm sure you'll be making many guys happy with it, and maybe girls too.

<< Not girls.

>> A sworn boy lover. Good for you.

<< Guess what I'm doing here. - The guy changed the subject.  

>> Heh, you are wanking.  

<< How did you guess that? 

>> This is just for us... I would love too, but I'm sitting in a cafe. - I started to get into a mood where I couldn't control myself.  Then my phone rang. My wife called and asked if I was coming home and gave me a list of things to pick up at the store on the way home. I promised the guy we would be back as soon as possible. I started to feel like there was only one way I could get out of it. 

At night I sat in the corner of the couch. My wife was watching some stupid reality show and I was playing with my phone. I opened the Duck Duck browser and searched for images with the keyword 18 yo boy. Thousands of images came up, of course. I imagined what it would be like to share an intimate moment with someone in the pictures. I found a lot of pics of boys just in their swimsuits.

Firm and slender bodies, tanned skin, tight butts. Some bulges in the trunks. I liked what I saw. It felt crazy that just a few days ago I wouldn't have reacted at all to pictures like that, because I was into men of my age. I told my wife I was going to clean up a bit, and jerked off shooting my cum on the shower wall. Then I shaved my genitals and took a picture. After the shower I went to the balcony to cool off and then I sent the boy a short and simple message with a picture:

>> Would you like to meet me?  Just before I went to bed I checked my emails, the boy had replied with just a one word:

<< Yes.  

I replied that I would get back to him the next day and wished him good night.


by Karcamel

Email: [email protected]

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