So Many Twists and Turns

by Slutty Texas Btm

31 Jan 2020 2908 readers Score 9.4 (75 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I met Tripp at an art gallery opening. He was hard to miss, not only was he the tallest person in the room but he was also the best looking. I’m over six foot and I had to look up at him and man did I look. So damn hot with this rich sexy voice and fabulous style. He wasn’t dressed up but everything was impeccably tailored to fit his long sleek and muscular body. Like myself, he had long hair, his fell well past his shoulders and it was the most luscious shade of brown with deep dark flashing eyes.  I couldn’t take my eyes off him. My friend Davis had come with me to this and he was giving me a hard time about it. 

“Go talk to him”

“What am I gonna say, I don’t even know his name” 

Over the next hour I just kept watching him but he never noticed me so I just watched like a silly kid. I’d just never seen anyone that good looking in person before. So Davis and I are standing to the side talking and a deep voice starts talking over my shoulder. 

“So if I get you a glass of wine, will you finally talk to me?”

I turn and look up into his beautiful face and still I was stumped. Davis started laughing and told him I had a crush on him. 

“OH MY GOD! I do not!” 

I broke out in a sweat and blushed then he started laughing. 

“Didn’t mean to embarrass you. I just noticed you looking my way a few times and wanted to say hi. So how about that glass of wine?”

“I didn’t mean to stare. I like your look is all”

“Damn, I was hoping you liked more then that. I like your look too. By the way, I’m Tripp”


“I’m a third so they just call me Tripp, and you are?”

“Oh, hi, I’m ah, ah...”

“He’s Oliver and I’m Davis. Nice to meet you”

We talked and he put me at ease as the night wore on he asked me out for dinner. We traded numbers and set a date the following week. Then he kissed me, holy shit what a kiss. We made out for a bit and he had me so turned on, I was hard instantly. He pulled me in and slipped his arms around my waist and then he cupped my ass as he held me close. 

“Would you like to get out of here, pretty boy?”

I agreed and I told Davis I was leaving with Tripp and I’d call him later. We walked out front and the valet pulled a silver Aston Martin up and off we went. He pulled into a high rise on Turtle Creek Boulevard, a doorman greeted us and once in the elevator he was all over me again. He pushed his hand down the back of my pants and a finger found my horny little puckered hole and worked its way in. I gasped as he found his mark and jerked into him and looked up. 

“So my pretty boy likes his tight hole worked. I’ve been wanting in that ass since I spotted you. You’re a sexy fucker, ya know that? I’ve had a hard on almost all night”

He took my hand and put it on his hard cock. Damn his pants were packed full. The doors opened and he walked me to the door and of his penthouse, never once pulling his fingers from my hole. Once inside he guides me to the bedroom and finally pulls his hand from my pants. 

“Strip for me pretty boy”

I’m getting out of my clothes so fast and he’s just watching me. He slowly takes off his shirt, his body is perfect. Like something carved by Michelangelo, he’s just so beautiful, like tanned marble come to life. He pushes me to my knees and the he opens his pants and I see he’s naked underneath. I put my hands on his hips and slide them down. As I slowly lower the rich fabric I see more of his long cock. I figured he was hung but this is crazy long and it keeps appearing and is so thick too. His public hair was completely gone, totally smooth. I looked up and I saw all his body hair was gone. The only hair was on his head, GOD he was sexy. That incredible body the beautiful face and a huge cock. He was breathtaking, standing before me totally naked and erect. All of a sudden I’m embarrassed by my body and start trying to cover myself. I’m starting to freak out and he sees it quickly. He pulls me up and takes me in his arms. 

“What’s wrong baby? Something is bothering you”

I start to hyperventilate and then everything went dark. I awoke to find myself in his bed in a cold sweat. He’s got a cool cloth on my brow and he’s wiping down my chest and arms with another. 

“Relax baby, just be still and let me take care of you. You fainted”

“I’m so embarrassed, I’ll get out of here. I’m so sorry. I’m a big fool” 

Tears roll from my eyes. He gently helps me up a bit and I sip some water. 

“First of all, you’re not going anywhere without telling me what happened?”

“You’re gonna think I’m an idiot”


“As I pulled your clothes off.... oh my god. I gotta get out of here”

“No you don’t. Talk to me. You can tell me anything”

“You’re beautiful”

“Thank you but I’m just a man. No better no worse than any other. I just work out and work with what I got. Haven’t you even noticed what I keep calling you? Pretty boy, if I wasn’t attracted to you I’d have never invited you here. You don’t even know how handsome you are and that makes you even more beautiful. So relax and stay with me”

“I’m so skinny and gawky looking....”

He stopped me with a kiss. He help me close and reassured me I had nothing to worry about. He dried my eyes and just held me and at some point I drifted off to sleep. Sometime in the night I woke up disoriented forgetting where I was. A dim light was coming from outside the door and I could see his sleeping form beside me. Then it dawned on me what woke me. His hard cock was pressed into my side. I took it in hand and stoked him until he was dripping. 

“I see my pretty boy is awake and wants some loven”

I get on my side and takes his spit soaked fingers and worked them in my ass again. His fingers are so long, he hits my love knot and I gasp. 

“Found it. You like that, don’t ya? You want my big cock in that sweet boy pussy, don’t ya?”

I’m panting and groaning and arching my back, pushing against his probing digits. 

“Hot pussy boy needs it bad. Tell me what you want boy. Come on baby boy, tell me what that little boy cunt wants”

“Please, oh please, fuck me! Use me!”

I’m nearly yelling at him and then he pulls free from my hungry ass and I hear him spit on his fingers. His spit lubed cock is lines it up and starts pushing into my tight hole. He pulls me tightly to his chest and pulls my leg up high so he can get deeper in me. 

“I’m gonna breed you pretty boy”

He is still slowly fucking me and that long cock is pounding my love knot and my cock is leaking like mad. It feels so wonderful inside me. His hands are all over my body as we fuck. He raked his fingers gently across my hard nipples and I gasped. I love them played with so he really worked them big time. 

“Please Tripp, please breed me. I can’t take it anymore” I begged 

He pinched my left nipple really hard and I started shooting off hard. My ass gripped his cock and that set him off and he was breeding my hungry hole. We lay like that in his embrace and tried to catch our breath. It was so fantastic to be in his arms,  his scent was intoxicating. I felt him relaxing around me but his big cock was still deep inside me. After a long while, he rolled on to his back and I lost his cock and I felt so empty. I could feel is cum seeping from my hole. I loved that feel too. I started to get up and he grabbed me. 

“Where ya going baby?”

“I was gonna go get cleaned up”

“No darling boy. I want you this way”

So I just snuggled into him and soonI was asleep. Next thing I know I smell bacon cooking. I open my eyes and Tripp is propped up in bed drinking coffee and looking at his IPad. 

“Good morning pretty boy. How are you feeling today?”

“I’m a bit embarrassed by my little scene last night but the rest of the evening was wonderful. Thank you for being so kind to me. I’d have pitched my silly ass out if I were you”

“Well baby, you’re not me and I think your silly ass is adorable”

It occurred to me that someone other than Tripp was cooking and I asked. His personal assistant/houseman, Jeffery was making us a bit of breakfast. I looked at the clock and it was a bit after 8:00 and my first class wasn’t until 10:45 so I had plenty of time. 

He said breakfast should be up in a little while and asked what I wanted to drink. I jumped up to put clothes on. He laughed and again told me to relax. 

“Jeffery already saw your pretty little ass when he came in this morning”

I blushed and broke out in a sweat. This seemed to be a trend since I met Tripp. He just thought it was funny and loved seeing me squirm. Evidently when Jeffery came in to open the curtains and take the breakfast order, I was asleep on top of the covers and as he was gay he wasn’t shocked a bit. A few minutes later an intercom buzzed and Jeffery asked what I wanted to drink. I told him milk and he thanked me and was gone. Tripp laughed at my choice. 

“I hope I haven’t made a huge mistake but how old are you?”

“I’m almost 18. Don’t worry, age of consent is 17 In Texas. I’m not jail bate”

“You’re so tall I thought you were older. You scared me for a second”

“How old are you?”

“Who old do you think?”

“Well, I thought you might be 25”

“Close, I’m 28, a mere 11 years older than you”

Soon Jeffery was walking in with a cart with fresh strawberry’s with clotted cream, an assortment of tiny muffins with whipped butter, crisp bacon with a pot of coffee and a carafe of milk in a champagne bucket. 

“Jeffery, this pretty boy is Oliver and if he’s agreeable, we will be seeing more of him around here”

“Good morning Oliver, it’s nice to meet you”

I’m blushing again and Tripp is teasing me about it. We had our breakfast and then Jeffery came back to take it away. The bedroom door was barely closed and he’s flipping me back on the bed and my legs are over my head and his tongue is deep up my ass. After a good eating out of my hole he gets up closer and slipped his dripping cock back up inside me. The sweet gentle fuck of last night was a distant memory. He’s slamming into me hard and fast. His load from the night before is still in me so I’m already lubed up for him. He’s fucking me so hard my vision isn’t clear. I’m begging him for it now and he’s a fucking like a wild man as he’s fucking me. My own cock is brick hard and leaking a lot. It wasn’t long and he was breeding me again and I just barley touched myself and I was shooting all over myself. 

I got cleaned up and dressed and Jeffery drove me home because Tripp had a meeting. By the time I got home I had just enough time to change and get to class. My head was spinning from everything the night before. I called Davis on the way to class and he wanted to know everything. I told him what happened and he was sympathetic but he kinda called me out for going on about how beautiful Tripp was. Davis asked me if I noticed how much Tripp and I looked alike.

“You’re crazy, he’s the most beautiful guy I’ve ever seen. I wish I looked like that”

“I’ll give it to ya, babe. He’s fucking drop dead handsome but he looks like he could be your brother. Whether or not you admit it, you’re handsome too. He’s just way more polished and put together than you are. You’re a skinny version of him, he’s fucking built. The hair and eyes, even the bone structure is similar. When y’all go out, do a selfie  together and see for yourself”

“Thanks, sweetie. That’s really nice of you to say”

That day I got a text message from my apartment manager saying I had a delivery and to stop by and pick it up. I walked in and this huge vase of white flowers was waiting for me. I open the card and it said

“My beautiful boy, I look forward to seeing you again soon. 3”

That’s so cool he signed his name with a 3 instead of Tripp. Clever. I hauled the huge vase to my little apartment and sat down to call and thank him. 

“Thank you, the flowers are beautiful. You shouldn’t have done that”

“I thought about you all day today. I thought you might like them”

All that week we texted and talked on the phone. He was so easy to talk to. Even more than his physical beauty, he was so nice to me. By the time Friday rolled around, I was so excited about our date I couldn’t stand it. He picked me up and took me to this incredible restaurant on the deck park downtown that he was friends with the owner/chef. Latter we went for walk in the park and just talked then he took me home. The perfect evening, the perfect meal with a perfect gentleman. The most we did was hold hands and kiss. 

“Can I see you tomorrow? Maybe pick you up for breakfast then see where the day takes us”

“I’d love to, I just don’t understand why you’d want to. I’m so much younger than you”

“Eleven years is nothing my parents are about that far apart. What does it matter if we enjoy each other’s company?” 

I didn’t get it, I’m a 17 year old sophomore in college and he’s 28 and obviously doing very well for himself. I graduated high school at 15 and working on a double major in art and architecture. I was tall and skinny with long dark hair and dark eyes and yes I’ve been called cute but Davis exaggerates. I’m never gonna be anywhere near as good looking as he is. I will agree that a basic description of both of us is exactly the same thing but he’s a good 5 inches taller than me. Oh and that cock, I thought I had a big one but he makes mine look like I’m a little kid. Damn he’s hung. 

The next morning he swings by and picks me up and off we go. No Aston Martin this time, he had a Jeep with the top and sides off it was a fantastic day. 

Life went along like this for months and I was falling for him like crazy. The long Thanksgiving weekend came around and he asked me to go skiing in Aspen so off we went. My parents agreed but I had to promise I’d be home for Christmas and they wanted to meet my new boyfriend. I’d never told them he was so much older than me. So when we show up  in Kansas City for Christmas my parents were a little shocked he was so much older.  Everything was going great until my older sister showed up. She kept staring at Tripp and hardly said a word to him. I don’t know what was wrong with her but oh well. We were 16 years apart. She the oldest and me the youngest with two between us. That last day before Tripp and I headed back to Dallas, he asked my sister if they had ever met before. She looked so familiar and he couldn’t put a finger on it. Had she ever been in Dallas, he asked. She mumbled something and ran out of the house. Oh well, she’s always been kind of a fuck up so no telling what that was about. We packed up and headed home. It was a nice Christmas but I was glad to be back and relax before winter break was over. That next Saturday mom called me. 

“We’re in town and we need to see you right now. We are at your apartment so get here ASAP”

I was with Tripp so he drove me home. We walked in and my parents and sister Amy were in the lobby waiting. She looked at Tripp  and started crying. My mom looked like she had been crying too and my dad looked sick. 

“What the hells going on and why are you all here?”

“Let’s go to your apartment and talk”

Tripp and I are a little surprised when they said he needed to hear this too. My parents sat on my little couch and Amy just kept walking around the room like a caged panther. Dad told Amy to start talking. As it turned out, Amy and Tripp did know each other. My parents used to live in Dallas before I was born and my dad was transferred to KC where I was born. The deal is that my sister used to babysit kids when she was a teenager and had watched Tripp for a few years. I looked at Tripp and he went white. 

“I remember you! You took my virginity when I was a little kid! Holy fucking shit!”

“What’s all this mean and why are we all bringing this up now?”

My mom started crying again 

“Honey we have to tell you something. Amy’s not your sister..... she ah well she’s she’s your mother”

“What the hell are you talking about ?”

“I was 16 when I had you and mom and dad raised you as my brother. Legally they adopted you. We were moving and no one would know the difference so we never told. We thought it would be best this way. I never thought you would ever meet Tripp”

“What’s he got to do with this?”

“Honey, he’s your father”

“No, it can’t be. You’re wrong, I love him!”

Tripp just sat there in stunned silence. He got up and walked out the door. I stood to run after him and my dad stopped me. 

“Let him go. He’s had a big shock and he needs to process all this. Give him some time” 

The long and the short of it was that my sister, I mean mother was Tripp’s sitter and when he was 11 she caught him beating off. Even at a young age he was pretty hung and she talked him into fucking her. Amy was kind of a slut and had been talking guys into fucking her since the 8th grade but it was Tripp that knocked her up. She confessed to her misdeeds to mom and because they were afraid if word got out what Amy had done, Tripp’s wealthy parents might file charges against her so the hid it. About that time they moved to Kansas City, Missouri and it was decided her parents would adopt me as their own son and no one would be the wiser. So I turned out to be really gifted and just flew through school and ended up graduating at age 15. I got a scholarship at SMU in Dallas and moved into a dorm that first year. I’d always been very mature for my age and after my first year I begged and got my own apartment off campus. It didn’t hurt that I appeared much older because I was so tall, I never got questioned. 

Meeting Tripp and then falling in love with him was wonderful and now everything had changed. I was shocked and mad at my family for lying to me about everything and now Tripp was gone. He wouldn’t take my calls and texts were answered with short replies “can’t right now” “I need time” stuff like that. I was a fucking wreak. The family left town at my demand, I couldn’t deal with them. I just threw myself into school work. I needed something I could control or I’d lose my mind. A week later he called me and asked to have dinner. I couldn’t get to his place fast enough. When Jeffrey answered the door, he just quietly pointed to his den and walked away. He was sitting in a big chair looking out the window when I came in. He stood to greet me and hugged me but it wasn’t the same. 

“I don’t even know what to say” he just looked at me with sad eyes as we sat opposite each other. “I feel so strange. Are you ok? I’m so sorry I put you off like that. I was, hell I still am freaked out. I’m your dad...words I never thought I’d be saying”

“What are we gonna do? I mean everything about this is just fucked up. I was so in love with you, I think I still am but I shouldn’t want to be. I look at you and I see the beautiful man who gently made love to me but now I know you’re my father”

“I know, this is just strange, no other words for it. Baby, oh god, can I even still call you that? I just want to hold you in my arms and make it all go away. What’s wrong with me? “

Jeffery tapped on the door and announced dinner. We walked quietly to the table and pretty much ate in silence. As usual it was a wonderful meal but nether of us had much of an appetite. We retired back to the den but this time I sat beside him on the couch. I needed to be closer to him. 

I started softly crying and he pulled me closer to him. 

“I’m sorry but I still love you but I’m afraid of losing you too”

“Ollie, baby, you’re never going to lose me. I love you too, that hasn’t changed. It never will. I can’t believe I never knew you existed, I have a son...I’m a dad even”

“Remember when I told you Davis said we looked alike? That first night we met he told me. Sure enough, we have a reason for that”

“I never told you but Jeffery said the same thing, said we could be brothers”

“That’s what Davis said. He told me to do a selfie with you and see for myself but when we were together I never remembered to do it”

“Get your phone, we’ll do one now. Better yet I’ll get Jeffery to take it” 

He buzzed and Jeffery appeared and took the pictures for us and like that he was gone. We sat together looking at the pictures. It was pretty clear they were right. I asked if Jeffery knew about us and sure enough he did. He had been here when Tripp came home that day just a week before and did all he could to help Tripp come to grips with all this. Tripp said he was very helpful and encouraged him to reach out to me that he was sure I needed him more than ever. For a guy so young, he was very wise. We sat together and talked and he kept his arm around me. He asked my forgiveness for not talking to me all week. 

“I’d like you to think about something. No pressure here, it’s all up to you. I’d like you to consider moving in with me. This place is huge and I have plenty of room. You could take that room next to mine or which ever one you wanted. I’d like us to be together. I realize I was just a kid when you were born so I could never have been a real father to you but I’d like us to be something and form some kind of family together”

“I think I’d like that too. You know this is going to be hard for me because my mind knows one thing but my body still wants you” 

I watch him closely as I say this. I don’t want to ruin anything but I have to be honest. He’s still the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen and my body craves his touch. He looks at me for a bit and then his long elegant fingers come up to my face. He strokes my cheek and then he gently kisses my forehead.

“I still want you too. I want to take you in my arms and make love to you again. I want to be inside you all the time”

“I’d like to be here with you too. I think we need this. Can I stay tonight?

“Oh god yes, baby I love you so much. JEFFERY!" He yells out

He comes running, thinking somethings wrong. 

“Everything’s ok, I just wanna tell you something. My baby boy is moving in and your work load just got bigger! I’m gonna be needing a lot of help from you. This is going to be a big adjustment for us and that includes you. I need to know if you’re on board here. You know all the back story and as strange as it is, I don’t want to compromise the working relationship we have here. You might as well know it all up front so have a seat. We all need to talk”

He took a seat across from us and Tripp laid it out for all of us. He had told me early on that Jeffery was not only an employee but a confidant and more of a friend. He knew that even though this revaluation of his paternity had come out he was still in love with me. He’d counseled Tripp that it was different because we were both men. He said it wasn’t like I could get pregnant and have screwed up babies or anything. Because we were closer in age than the average father and child, no one would think anything about us as anything more that a couple if we decided to remain as such. He thought we were beautiful together. He helped us both greatly. In the end, Tripp paid out my apartment lease and I was soon all moved in. I never did take another bedroom, Jeffery just made room in Tripp’s closet for my things. My parents thought we were just living together and we kept our sex life from them. 

Amy was really left out of the picture for the most part. She tended to stay away and we only saw here on special occasions. As a matter of fact, most everyone had no idea he was my father, I didn’t think of him that way so it was cool. Besides Jeffery, I told my best friend Davis who just loved it. Over time a few close friends were told but that was just for us. Both of us got off on the fact that the same DNA that helped make me was shot deep in my ass all the time. I got to the point of wanting him to breed me every morning so I could take him with me all day. He still calls me his pretty boy only now I fit the name better. We work out together and because our bodies are so similar we looks more alike now than ever before. We turn heads when we walk In someplace together, it’s exciting and fun too. He keeps me all waxed and smooth like him. As a playful name I sometimes call him daddy but it’s just a fun thing. I don’t have daddy issues, my dad was wonderful. We really don’t play that up so no one would ever think anything was off. It’s funny how things change, so many twists and turns and who would have ever guessed. 

by Slutty Texas Btm

Email: [email protected]

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