Designated Buddy

by A4F Tales

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Coming Aboard

Justin’s buddy Alex was a fine young man in his own right - polite, intelligent, an attentive listener and a good conversationalist. Officer material, for sure. I could see why he and Justin paired up so well, and why they’d worked it out to be each other’s required buddies while they were ashore for the craziness of their first Fleet Week in New York.

But there was a point where I was ready for him to move along. Me and Justin were past due for some time on our own together. He already had a designated buddy while he was in Manhattan, and I had lined up a series of activities for us today, all the way up to his curfew. He was only here for a few days, and then it might be a whole year more before this kind of opportunity came back up again. I was itching to get to that part of Fleet Week, and the sight of these two handsome young men in their summer whites sitting across the table from me at my favorite steakhouse wasn’t helping to ease the near-jitters of excitement I was feeling.

I didn’t want to seem rude, or pushy, but when Alex politely excused himself to hit the head, his ass tight and round and flexing almost as beautifully as Justin’s did in his white uniform trousers, I had to press the issue a little.

“Alex seems like a good guy,” I said, toying with my bourbon glass.

“He’s the best,” Justin said, with that little smile of his, a just-between-us-guys smile that I recognized well. “We’ve been tight since we first met each other. It’s easy to get to know a bunch of dudes out there - you know how that is - but he’s a true friend. We’ve got a lot in common.”

In spite of myself, I felt my loins tingle at that. Justin was a many-layered young man - athlete, scholar, serviceman - but beneath all that, he was a lusty, red-blooded, all-American young horndog with a kinky streak a mile wide. My kind of man, in other words. I tried not to picture the muscular young redhead sitting across from me and his equally fit, equally handsome olive-skinned sailor friend together in the many ways Justin and I had been together since he was in high school. Tried real hard, but didn’t entirely succeed, because my cock was starting to stir in my suit pants, and I found myself adjusting the napkin in my lap to cover the growing bulge of it. It made me all the more eager to get the alone time with Justin we’d both planned for with so much excitement.

“So… does he have any plans for the rest of the day?” I asked with studious casualness, leaving the implication that me and Justin definitely did.

Justin’s smile twitched a little wider as he gave me a level, almost playful look across the table, and the sudden realization that he really wasn’t a kid anymore, he was well and truly a man, sent a kind of wistful thrill through me that I hadn’t quite expected.

“I’ll tell you what,” he said, leaning forward on the table, his voice a little lower and deeper, confidential, man-to-man, and sexy as all get out. “Why don’t you ask him when he gets back, Dad?”

I was still mentally scratching my head at that, wondering just what my son was up to, when Alex returned. He was a damn fine-looking young man, I thought to myself as he slid into the booth, his crisp white shirt pulling tight against the flatness of his stomach. Soccer and wrestling, I decided, maybe baseball - he was trim, tight and agile, just like my boy. I’d fuck the living daylights out of him, if my even hotter son wasn’t sitting right here. If I wasn’t already planning on a long afternoon and evening of fucking the living daylights out of my boy Justin.

“So, Dad was wondering what you had planned the rest of the day, bro?” Justin said to him, and the grin and the look Alex gave him, the quick but deep moment of silent communication between them, pinged my radar.

“Well, Justin mentioned that you and him had a few things planned, sir,” Alex said, turning his smile on me.

“Uh… he did, did he?” I managed. My mouth was suddenly very dry. Justin was looking right at me with that Mona Lisa smile of his, almost like he knew I was squirming inside, wondering just how much he’d shared with his best friend here.

“I don’t know if Justin told you, sir,” Alex said, “but I was raised by my mother. Never knew my father. I guess maybe Justin did tell you that him and me, well… we’ve got a lot in common.”

That smiling, communicative look between them. My cock was starting to throb beneath the table now.

“Permission to speak frankly, sir?” Alex said, leaning forward on the table, the muscles tensing under his tanned skin. I looked at Justin, and nodded.

“I think the bond you two have is… well, it’s awesome, sir,” he said, his voice deep and low and quiet, respectful but manly as hell too. “It’s the kind of bond I wish I’d had. Me and Justin, we talked a little on the way back to the States… and I think the plans you two have for the rest of the day sound amazing, sir. If it’s not too much of an imposition, well… I’d love to tag along, if you’d have me.”

The two of them smiled wider at me, their young Navy officer charisma in full effect, as the tumblers inside my brain clicked into place and I got what my son’s friend was really saying. Blame it on the steak and a couple of drinks, I guess, but I was catching up real fast.

“Maybe we should get another drink, Dad?” my son suggested.

“And then the check, I think,” I said, amazed at how cool and in control I sounded, because inside, I most definitely was not.

We decided to take that next drink at my place, and pouring the bourbon gave me something to do while I figured out how to proceed. Usually when Justin came to visit, it was easy - the front door would close, and we’d pretty much get right into it. Alex was an unknown variable, though. I’d just met the kid, after all, and with the taboo secret me and Justin shared out in the open so unexpectedly, I was thrown a little off guard.

But Justin showed the man he’d become by taking charge of the situation. I’d just turned to hand them their drinks when I saw them leaning into each other, familiar grins on their faces as my son wrapped his strong forearm around his buddy’s tight waist, and drew Alex in for a kiss. A good one, long and slow and easy, familiar and incredibly sensual. My cock quickly returned to full hardness, because I love watching two men kiss as much as I love being one of those men doing the kissing, and watching my stud kid kiss was on an even higher level. Add to that the equally hot young sailor enthusiastically kissing him back, and well… I was kind of glad my hands were full with drinks, or else I’d be groping my straining cock like a monkey in the zoo.

I was suddenly aware that it was early afternoon, broad daylight streaming into the apartment through the big windows, and if any of the people across the street cared to look - and this was New York, so they practically didn’t even have a say in it - it might be a little awkward. I set the guys’ drinks down on the coffee table and moved over to close the curtains. That gave my hands something else to do, but it also put me in motion, and by the time I was done, the room was dim and they were waiting for me, smiling, boned big in their flattering white pants, uniforms practically gleaming in the low light.

“C’mon, Dad,” Justin grinned. “I missed you. You’re not gonna keep me waiting are you, you big fucker?”

I loved talking dirty with my kid, and I loved how he literally cursed like a sailor when we got together. That brushed away any indecision I had left, as I pushed between the couches and came at him.

My boy was ready for me, smiling lips parting wide, ready to receive my tongue. His mouth was hot, wet, smoky with bourbon, and just as eager as mine. We both grunted as we plunged deep into the kiss, with the hunger of two men who’ve been apart too long. He slid his muscular forearms around my waist, squeezing me tightly as I returned the favor. I could feel the steely hardness of his young officer’s cock, throbbing hard against mine, against the hardness that had brought him into existence. My hands slipped over the familiar, incredible terrain of his ass, those twin high and tight mounds of steely flesh. His ass deserved another ribbon to add to the ones on his chest, and as he flexed it in my squeezing, rubbing palms - my kid knew exactly what I liked - I pulled him even harder against my cockbulge, letting him feel its thickness and length, showing him what he was doing to me.

“Fuck yeah,” Alex murmured with something like awe as he watched us. I’d nearly forgotten he was there, engrossed as I was in my boy’s powerful sexual allure, the way it had been between us since he’d hit high adolescence and started giving me the signs one man gives to another when it’s right. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye as my son’s tongue battled mine and soaked it in his spit. Alex was staring at us, mouth open, his hand squeezing the handsome tent in his trousers.

“Fuck, you guys are just… fuck,” he said. So much for the articulate young man from lunch. I reluctantly extracted my tongue from Justin’s mouth, and the disappointed little animal noise he made sent a buzz the length of my steely cock.

“Are you two serious, with this thing you’re trying here?” I said, because we were about to get into something very deep indeed. The first time me and Justin had shown this side of our relationship to anyone - anyone we knew, at least. Part of the thrill of what we’d been doing these past years was the taboo of it, of course, and I guess the thrill of a taboo is the possibility of getting caught doing it. I tried not to overanalyze it these days.

“We’re not trying anything, Dad,” Justin said, running his hand over my ass and squeezing it. “We’re here doing it.”

He reached over to his best bud, put a hand on his ass and pushed him to me. Alex got a deer-in-the-headlights look for a quick instant, and then I saw the confidence come back. As much a man as my son had become. I felt weirdly proud of him, almost like I was of Justin. Like a father might.

“I’d never betray your trust, sir,” he said as he stepped up close to me. “I meant what I said before - I admire what you and Justin have, a lot. And I wish I had it too.”

“Then go get it, bro,” Justin said encouragingly, and Alex was leaning up, lips parting and a little moist, and I slipped my arm around him like I’d done to my own son, and kissed him too.

I knew from the satisfied grunts my son had given a few minutes back that Alex was his kissing equal, and now the young officer showed me in person. No wonder Justin liked him so much - he used his tongue on me skilfully, taking the lead and drawing mine out and deeper into the moist warmth of his mouth. I felt his hand slip down into the small of my back and then lightly over the upper curve of my ass - not quite tentative, but almost looking for permission. I gave it to him, by reaching behind him and giving his a deep, appreciative squeeze. He made a noise inside my mouth and repaid the favor, and then we were both grabbing double-handfuls of man ass. I felt the heat, and then the hard bulge of Justin’s cock through his uniform trousers as he pressed up close behind his best friend and ran his hands up my forearms to my shoulders. The big arms and shoulders he’d inherited from me, along with his ass and just about everything else but his hair color. He nuzzled his way up the side of Alex’s neck, making the kid shiver lightly all over, and then I felt his warm breath on my face as he nudged his way into the kiss me and his best friend were sharing. A battle of tongues and lips, in which everyone was the winner.

They both still had their combination caps on, and I watched them set the hats down carefully on my bureau with a mix of pride and approval as I undid my shirt. They turned to each other, grinning nonstop, it seemed, and reached for the other’s shirts to undo them. It was like a slow-motion strip-show, only instead of being sleazy, the two young officers undressed each other with an intensely hot mix of respect for their uniforms, and lust for one another. I could see that most clearly in the raging tents in their boxer briefs as they skinned each other’s undershirt off and came back in for another hungry, noisy kiss, groping one another’s ass and slowly grinding their cockbulges up and down together.

“Christ, you men are beautiful,” I murmured, and they broke their kiss off to grin widely, proud of themselves and glad for the compliments. And then they came for me.

My son and his best bud had me stripped down to my shorts in seconds, a mix of efficiency and kissing and groping that had me soaking my boxer shorts with precum. Even more when they nuzzled their way into my crotch, loudly inhaling my scent, running their lips and tongues up the length of my cock as it strained at the fabric to free itself. Justin took care of that, though.

“This is my Dad, bro,” he murmured to his buddy, Alex all lusty and awestruck at the same time as he watched my son free the length of my proud, shiny paternal cock from my boxers.

“Fuck,” Alex said, staring at the bead of precum welling in my slit. “Dude… can I?”

“Go for it, bro,” Justin said, ruffling Alex’s neat, short dark hair as the kid leaned in and got his first taste of me. He seemed to like it, as much as I liked the sensation of his warm, wet tongue running up the length of me, over and over, up and down, making more of those hot, hungry little noises the whole time. Then Justin joined him, adding his own tongue to the symphony being played on my proud paternal cock, and I clutched at the bedsheets and tried real hard not to cum as the two of them lapped their way up to my head and met in another wet kiss, my precum smeared all over their lips as they did.

These guys knew what they were doing, for sure. I was pretty proud of having taught my boy how to harness his natural skills at this, but I wondered how young Alex here had learned to savor and worship another man’s cock. My boy had the benefit of a loving father right there in his own home to teach him - Alex didn’t. Hell, even I’d learned how to do it on my big brother. I knew me and Justin weren’t the only ones to get familial instruction in mansex. I knew Alex wasn’t the only young man out there who wished he’d had that, and had been looking for it ever since.

The two of them alternated between my balls and my cock, making it shine with sailor spit in the dim light of my bedroom, making my balls churn and tingle, making the precum flow like syrup. Justin showed Alex how to nuzzle up and down my inner thighs, up into the fork of my crotch, where things got real sensitive. They’d take regular breaks to meet in the middle and kiss, exchanging my flavors on their tongues. All I could do was watch, and rub their heads encouragingly, and try my damnedest not to cum. Every time I touched the back of his head and told him how good he was doing, Alex got this big, shiny-eyed smile on his face. If there was ever any doubt he was a Daddy’s boy through and through, that shit had long gone out the window.

When we got together, me and Justin generally let things flow naturally, letting our bodies and our lusts dictate what we did, and who did it to who. But I got the sense that he and Alex had planned much of this out, that they had certain objectives to achieve here. I chuckled to myself at my son’s sureness that this would work, but like I said, my boy knew me well - knew I was way too much of a kinky, horny fuck like him to pass up this opportunity. He’d teased me with the idea of what him and his fuckbuds in the service got up to, seen how hot the idea of watching - or joining - him at play got me. I’d done the same to him, telling him all about my own adventures in my Navy days, making him jealous that he couldn’t be a part of them.

I knew which way things were going when he nudged Alex further up my body, and my boy disappeared behind his bud’s fine young ass. Alex shivered and moaned as I heard the lewd, wet sounds of my son eating him out. I took his handsome face in both hands and curled up to kiss him, then guided his handsome face down to the line of thick fur that ran up my stomach into the valley between my pecs. He nuzzled and whimpered and licked and moaned, and I knew Justin was delivering an expert rimjob, just like I’d taught him to. Alex latched onto first my right nip, then my left, encasing them with his lips and suckling needfully as he lashed each bullet-stiff nub with his tongue, and now it was my turn to moan and shiver. Then I felt my son’s expert lips and tongue back on my cock, and I knew it was time to complete the mission.

“Still keep the lube in the same place, Dad?” he said as he stood up, lips and chin gleaming, his cock arced up hard with that delicious curve it had, bobbing wetly in the air in front of his muscular young body.

“You know exactly where it is, son,” I growled. “Same place it always is, you little fucker.”

“Oh god damn you guys are amazing,” Alex moaned, kissing me hard.

“How’s he taste, son?” I said.

“He’s so sweet, Dad,” Justin said, kneeling up beside me on the bed and leaning in. “Here, see for yourself.”

My son kissed me, feeding me first his tongue, then his spit, the salty-musky taste of his best bud all over his mouth. I grunted at the flavor - not literally sweet, but I got what my boy meant, bigtime.

“I gotta taste the source,” I grunted, then manhandled Alex around so I could get at his ass. I took a moment, just a quick one, to appreciate its firm, dusky beauty, all dusted with fine dark fur in the deep crevice, hard with dimpling muscle and begging for my tongue. Definitely wrestling, I thought to myself with a grin as I nosed my way into his cleft, all damp with sweat and my son’s spit, and set to work getting a good, deep taste of his tight, sweet young sailor’s tail.

I heard Justin open my bedside drawer, the pop of the lube cap, and then the cool flow of it, streaming down the hot, sticky hardness of my cock. His hand wrapped around it and worked the lube all over me, and then he gently pushed my sweaty face back out of his buddy’s crack to lay a coat all over Alex’s tight brown pucker.

“Do I taste good, sir?” Alex said almost breathily as he turned to face me.

“You’re delicious, buddy,” I growled as I pulled him in to kiss again, feeding him his most secret flavor.

“Are you ready, bro?” I heard Justin murmur to him, his voice husky and deep. Alex moaned and nodded in reply, craning his head back to tangle tongues with my boy.

“You, Dad?” Justin asked me, and I nodded once.

“This is my Dad, bro,” Justin said to Alex again, his hand on my cock, guiding it into position against the slick, pulsing heat of Alex’s hole. Then that heat started to envelop me, the depth of his cleft swallowing my cockhead, nudging his hole more firmly against it, a sense of pressure and resistance slowly starting to give. Justin’s eyes met mine as he wrapped himself around his buddy’s back, big hands rubbing soothingly over Alex’s smooth, finely-honed torso. A deep, intense look in them that I remembered well, from the first time he’d told me to fuck him.

“This is our Dad… brother,” he murmured. Not just for Alex’s benefit, but for all of us. I saw a look wash over Alex’s face, that intense mix of need and lust and something even deeper than that, and god damn, but this all felt so right.

Not 'bro'… but 'brother'. That really meant something. It was just what Alex needed to hear, and he opened up and slowly slid down the thick, curved length of my paternal cock, until I was buried to the hilt inside of him and struggling yet again not to cum.

Alex’s cock was a piece of curved, gleaming steel itself, big and handsome and hard as fuck, as he fucked himself on my length while my son murmured encouragingly in his ear. I ran my hands up the hard-carved muscles of his thighs, bulging as he leaned forward, hands on my pecs, and fucked himself on me. No way he was cherry, especially not if he was this close with my boy. The way he worked his body on me, drawing me deeper into the fuck, this wasn’t even his hundredth time, I was willing to bet. I pictured these two young sailors hidden away somewhere in the bowels of their ship as it churned across the sea, fucking one another like this. That wasn’t helping me not to cum, so I took control, exerting my still considerable muscle mass to roll Alex onto his back, loving the way he grinned and gasped and welcomed me inside of him at a whole different angle.

Justin’s hands roamed over the sweating muscles of my back and ass, licking the sweat from my shoulder as his hard cock leaked against my hip.

“I wouldn’t have brought him… wouldn’t have told him… if this wasn’t right, Dad,” he murmured in my ear. “He wants what we have… wants to be like us… with us. Can he, Dad?”

I turned to Justin, his eyes deep and blue and intent on mine, and I saw every bit of the man I’d created. A man I was intensely proud of. A son every father deserved. We drew in close for another kiss, a little slower, deeper, less about our kinky lusts and more about our intense connection. Then I turned back to look down at Alex, who was staring raptly up at us both as I continued to slow-dick his fine, tight ass.

“You’re sure this is what you want, Alex?” I said as I thrust slowly in and out of him.

“It’s all I ever wanted, sir,” he said. Then, after a moment, with a slow-spreading blush across his handsome young face: “Dad.”

I couldn’t help but moan at that, and drove my throbbing cock faster, harder, deeper inside of him.

“Then welcome, son,” I moaned. “Welcome to the family.”

“Welcome home, brother,” Justin added, reaching down to ruffle Alex’s sweaty hair, and I saw the kid’s orgasm start to wash over his face.

Ohmygod!” he gasped, and I looked down to see his cock bobbing, the head angry and dripping, and then he started to shoot, hands-free. Pure white streaks of thick young sailor cum, all across the tan smoothness of his skin, his flexing muscles, his glowing sweat, the dark fur fanning across his lower abs. His hands clutched my bulging upper arms in an intense grip as his face worked, frowning and gaping, his eyes gleaming.

“Make him ours, Dad,” Justin grunted in my ear, his fingers trailing down my spine, into the damp fur at the top of my ass, down deep into the cleft, rubbing over the tight clutch of my sweaty hole. I grunted and growled and tensed up all over as my orgasm tore through me, spurting the cum I’d made Justin with up inside his best friend, his brother, my new second son.

“Come on, bro,” Alex murmured, looking over my shoulder as he reached for my son’s cock, a look of pure brotherly adoration on his post-orgasmic face as he stroked it once, twice, three times. I was still shooting the last of my own load when Justin’s cum blasted across the hard-flexed muscles of my arm, shooting over Alex’s heaving chest, adding to the thick streaks of young sailor seed painting the kid like a canvas.

I swore I could taste the salt of the sea in their cum as the three of us shared it back and forth. When Justin sucked the remains of my cum from Alex’s hole and introduced it to the mix, I was sure it didn’t have the same briny character as theirs. They sure weren’t complaining, though, and we lapped it all up, mixed it together, and shared it around until there was nothing left but the sticky traces in our spit.

We made out awhile longer in the sweaty tangle of my sheets, and in between, Justin and I told Alex more about how we’d got to be as close as we were.

“Damn, you guys,” he said, staring at us with a kind of wonder. “You’re so lucky. I always wished I’d had that.”

“Well, now you do, brother,” Justin grinned, ruffling his hair again and giving him a deep, sweet kiss. The kind me and my brother used to share, when John was in the right kind of mood.

“You’re one of us for sure, son,” I said, and the way his face lit up at the word really got to me.

I woke up later on, the sheets even more of a wreck, to the sounds of the shower in my bathroom shutting off. Justin appeared in the bedroom, dark with night now, beautifully naked. I felt that bolt of pride and love and lust for him that I always got when I saw him. Then Alex followed him out of the bathroom, and I felt a little bit of it for him, too. Like an ember glowing in my belly, something that could be nurtured and stoked into the kind of raw, intense, natural passion I felt for my biological son. I watched them slip their uniforms back on, getting themselves squared away for the return to their ship for midnight curfew.

“Let me get you guys an Uber,” I said, climbing out of bed and reaching for my phone. They smiled at me, set their caps on their head, and came over to greet me at the bedside.

“This was amazing, sir,” Alex said. “Thank you. Really. I can’t begin to tell you…”

“You don’t have to… son,” I said, leaning in to kiss him. Slow and soft, like I did to Justin. Like fathers and sons should kiss, when it’s right between them, like it was between the three of us.

“Gonna take some adjusting to that,” he chuckled.

“We’ve got time,” I said. “We’ll just let it be what it is, and see what happens next time.”

“How about tomorrow?” Justin said, with that grin that got him just about anything he wanted. Every inch my boy, this one. “We have another day off, and I’ve already seen the sights.”

“And I couldn’t care less about 'em,” Alex grinned. “Not when there could be more of this.”

I wanted to drag them both into my arms and another three-way kiss, but I still had dried cum on my naked skin and didn’t want to mess up their crisp white uniforms. Besides, my phone was vibrating to let me know the Uber was here. Well, looked like there could be plenty more of that kind of thing tomorrow. I’d never been so glad for a holiday long weekend in my life.

I pulled my gym shorts on and walked them to the front door, then stood there and watched them walk down the hall to the elevators. Sure, I was watching the way those blue-ribbon asses of theirs moved in their uniform pants, but I was also watching over my boys. Making sure they got under way safely. It’s what a father does for his son, and now that it looked like I might have two of them, it was a duty I was glad to take on board.

To be continued...

by A4F Tales

Email: [email protected]

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