Flashback: Pose and Cum

9 Jun 2017

Flashback: Pose and Cum

Even when the guy in the picture isn't mid-ejaculation, nothing's stopping you. And consider you're following a well-worn and well-wetted path when you jack off to vintage pics.

Guys from dozens of years ago did the same thing. Meaning these models deserve a gold watch for years of service to the company (of jackers). Knowing them, they'd proudly model the gold watch. And nothing else.

Flashback: Pose and Cum

One of the many losses associated with much of printed gay porn (and the start of digital design) is the loss of embellished page layouts. Like the example above of the swirly frame. Nowadays, I guess that's covered by an Instagram filter but it's not the same.

There was someone saying it's not enough to have this spread be a hot naked guy. Let's frame him reverently and precisely.

And don't we all want that treatment? To be acknowledged, given a space, and spotlighted from time to time?

So give your body acknowledgment, your needs and wants, give yourself a space, and spotlight yourself to yourself and others. As we know this Pride month (and maybe it varies when Pride is internationally), there is strength in numbers. But there is also strength in one.