Review FAQ

Notification Pop-Up

Pop-ups that prompt users to enable website notifications are a common tactic for driving user engagement.

Photo Score

This score refers to how good the photos look.


A pop-over is a small overlay window that briefly appears over the content in your web browser.


A pop-up console is a small screen that pops up over your browser; it's usually easy to close.


PPV stands for "Pay-Per-View."


Join pages sometimes include pre-checked offers to join additional sites, meaning the offers are automatically selected.


The billing company that handles the subscriptions, upsells or charges for the PPV videos.


A membership that automatically is renewed for another period of time.


A membership that automatically renews at the end of every period.

Recycled Updates

Recycling updates refers to the practice of reposting old videos as though they were new content updates on a website.


Screencaps are photos taken from a video rather than shot with a camera.


Semi-exclusive content refers to content that is shared between a limited number of sites.

Size Score

How we score a site based on the amount of content a site offers its members, compared to similar sites.


Streaming is when you play a video online without having to download it.

Streaming Membership

Streaming only membership refers to member sites that don't include downloads.


A section of a website where visitors can preview the content available to members and get a glimpse of what to expect.

Trial Membership

A trial membership is a membership that is usually less expensive and lasts for shorter than a regular membership.

Uniqness Score

The uniqueness score factors in content availability, site-specific production, and niche distinctiveness.

Update Score

Updates are when a site adds a new piece of content. We consider a full update to be an episode with videos and pictures that is added to the site for the first time.


A membership site updates by adding a new piece of content, usually a video.


A sales tactic that offers you ways to pay to get more from your membership.

Usability Score

Usability encompasses elements such as site navigation, accessibility of content, and availability of member downloads.

Video Feed

Member sites can lease video content to supplement their current offerings to members.

Video Score

Our video quality score refers to the visual quality of a video and video related factors.


VOD stands for Video On Demand.

Zip File

A zip file is a compressed archive that holds multiple files within a single container.