Going With The Winds

by Draven Moorcock

29 Dec 2023 407 readers Score 9.8 (16 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


 Waking up to the quiet of the post hurricane, with sunlight beaming through the ports, with the sweet musky smell of the young beauty in my arms, and the rock-hard pulse of my hard on pressed to his crack, was heaven. Pure heaven. I did not want to move a muscle.

However, my right arm was under his angel’s head, his platinum blond thick hair in my nostrils. The arm was asleep. Dragging the dead thing out from under was going to cause needles to fight the pleasure pounding up from my cock where it was wedged between those cheeks. I didn’t want that fight at all. I just wanted to maybe thrust a little. If I woke Cass, would he retreat again, would he raise that wall up, not wanting a married man to fuck him? I didn’t want to move a muscle, unless it was to press into that pucker that was so close to my throbbing tool, or just kiss him all over. Yeah, I wanted to nibble on that neck, lick his ear, maybe bite it a little. I wanted to…

Then I heard it, the beeping of my damn phone.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to face the world, but the phone beeps stopped only to start again. Someone really, really wanted to talk to me. Dammit, couldn’t they see I had a piece of heaven in my arms?

Carefully, I pulled that arm free, sat up and got up, going to my desk where my cell phone waited in its holder. I read the name, “Alex” and felt a jolt of concern.

Picking up I said, “Alex, good morning, buddy. Everything ok?”

His voice came back all shaky, sob driven, and I felt myself go to full alert as he said, “Oh Jake, thank God, thank God, thank God.”

“Ok, slow down. What's happened, babe?”

“I’m at the hospital, Dan and Keen are both in the hospital. Mike is out helping with rescue stuff. I don’t know what to do. Dan was calling for you.”

“What? Ok slow down, start at the beginning. What happened?”

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Cass sit up and look over at me. I held up a hand to him as Alex sputtered out, “Last night, after the front blew over, we got the news of damage, it was right in the middle of the eye. This earie calm, but all these calls coming into Mike. Mike took off to try to help. Keen tried to stop Dan, but Dan had to go see what happened to the hotel and the beach house. I wanted to go with them, but Mike had told us all to stay put and I knew he would shit a brick if I went with them. Next thing I knew the rest of the storm came in. I thought this place was going to be turned into a wreck. Mike's house had windows blast in. I was hiding in a closet. I fell asleep in there with the phone in my hand. Then I got a call from Mike. Dan and Keen are both in the hospital. Dan has broken ribs and a broken arm, and Keen is still unconscious. Their HumV was lifted up when the back of the hurricane came through, we think it was a tornado that just came down the street they were on. Oh God there were several twisters that just ripped Rehoboth apart. It's bad all over. Mike came and got me and took me to the hospital. Mike was part of the team that got them out.”

“My God.” I uttered, listening carefully as I could to this somewhat disjointed narrative. Alex was doing well, considering. But then he knocked the deck out from under me as he went on.

Alex sobbed. “Jake, Dan has been calling for you when he was conscious. He is um, sedated now. But… I know you're on that cruise and everything but… Keen is in a coma…”

“Ok Alex, sit tight. I am on my way.” I said, already looking around for my clothes.

“Please can you bring Cass?”

“Of course,” I said, remembering they were cousins. I handed the phone to Cass, who took it with a grave glance at me. He was already half dressed.

He kept talking to his cousin as we dressed. I used the intercom to alert the ship.

“Morning folks. We seem to have ridden the storm unscathed but that’s not the case in Rehoboth. Cass and I are headed there to see what we can do. Jim is in charge here.”

I took a moment to listen to Maritime News and the weather report before picking up the intercom again. “Seems like shipping on the Chesapeake Bay has suffered some casualties. Freighters and a Tanker are blown aground overnight, and there are reports of lots of flotsam and hazardous obstacles to navigation floating around, so we would be stuck in port here for a few days, anyway. Dan and Keen have been injured so we’ll be going in to visit with them and make sure they are ok. We’ll be back in a few days.”

Martin and Rion met us in the cockpit, both of them looking sleepy, but alarmed and concerned.

“We’ll be fine, Jake. You and Cass go and do whatever you need to do.”

The rest of the crew started making their appearance. Jim and Kieth appeared, and Jim gave me the nod. “We’ll keep it together here, Jake.”

“I know you will. You always do.” I told Jim and gave him a warm hug.

Cass and Alejandro, the latter looking tired and shadow eyed, exchanged a kiss. Will give me a nod, and Cass and I were off. Martin had called a limo service, and one was pulling up as Cass and I reached the shore. The Limo driver told us he was at our service until we returned to Annapolis. That was a relief. Sometimes it paid to work for an almost billionaire.

The trip across the bay bridge was educational. To the North we could see a large Freighter laying at an angle well outside the channel that led up toward Baltimore. To the south and even larger tanker was still with it’s bow into the western shore, below the mouth of the Severn river, clearly lifted up at a slight angle. The water below from the bridge looked brown and full of drifting detritus and muck.

When we reached the Eastern shore, it was worse. There were signs of damage everywhere, trees down, buildings with windows smashed in, other structures flattened, roofs ripped away.

What should have taken about an hour, took three as the limo was held up by traffic stops and checks. Police twice told us we should wait a day or two and would be better off turning around. They didn’t have authority to stop us, and seeing we were insistent, that we had loved ones in a hospital that needed us, including my at least official husband, we were allowed through.

Hours later we pulled up at the huge hospital north of Rehoboth, finding a parking place in the huge garage, and were admitted.

Alex was waiting. He’d been in touch with Cass all during our drive. Looking disheveled and red eyed, he ran to Alex, and they met, hugging tightly. I stepped into the hug, and Alex turned into me burying his head in my neck.

“How are they?” Cass asked.

“Keen is still totally out. Dan is in and out. He keeps calling for you.” Alex looked up into my eyes.

“Ok. Who do we see for permission to visit with him?”

Cass said, “I’ll look in on Keen. You better check on Dan, Jake.”

I nodded. Unstated was the message. “Your Dan’s husband and they have to let you in.”

He was right. It was a male nurse who was holding the I pad, an attractive black man, and when I gave my name, he offered a smile tinged with sympathy. “Ah, your right here. Your husband’s been asking for you. Here, Alex?” The nurse knew Alex apparently. “Alex has already been keeping track of both your friend and your husband. Were a bit short staffed, so I’ll let Alex take you up to them.”

“Thankyou.” I wanted to hug the guy. I’d fully expected a bureaucratic run a round.

We were given clip on tags to wear so hospital staff would be tolerant of our presence.

Alex led the way through doors to a hall, heading down it to a lift that took us to the fourth floor, down another hall, past a nurse's station. Alex said, “Cass, Keen is down the hall that way, room 453. Jake, Dan is this way.”

Cass nodded, sent me a glance but headed away to find Keen without another word.

I followed Alex the opposite direction past the nurse who eyed us, saw Alex and gave him a nod.

Dan was in room 412, sharing the room with another patient, an old man with bandages around his head who was clearly out of it.

I was shocked to see Dan. He had a bandage around his head, most of it on one side, bruising around one eye, his right arm in a cast and bandages wrapping his torso. He’d looked better.

I stepped closer and bent over him to give his unbruised cheek a kiss. Then I sat down and took his hand in mine. I gave his hand a gentle squeeze and was relieved when he squeezed back.

He stirred and his eyes worked themselves open. “Jake.” He whispered.

“Dan, I am here, baby.”

“Jake.” He said again and then began to cry.

“Easy baby, I am here.”

“Jake I am so sorry.”

“Shhh, no need to be sorry.”

“I’ve killed Keen.”

“No, no you haven’t. He’s not conscious, yet. But you haven’t killed him. He’ll be ok.”

I wasn’t sure of that at all, but this was not a time to express any doubts.

“I don’t know what I would do without him.” Dan said, and I almost smiled. Any fears I might have had about Dan refocusing on me poured away. Dan was focused on Keen and needed me for emotional support. Well, I was here, and happy to be of service.

I studied his face. Even half bandaged and bruised, he was still an incredibly handsome man.

“I should have done what you and Mike told me." Dan said, looking into my eyes, though it clearly pained him to turn his head. "I had no business driving your HumV to the hotel with Hurricane still coming on." I tried to shush Dan, but he went on. "It was so quiet. It was like it was all over and I panicked. I was so worried about the hotel and the house. That stupid big house.”

“Dan, easy. Its ok. Everything will be all right.”

“Jake, stay with me? Find out what's happened? Kenneth, call Kenneth. He was here. He said he would take care of things.”

“Shhh, you need to rest.” I soothed.

“Jake, stay with me.” He said again, but he was drifting off, and after another moment he slipped into sleep.

I waited a little and then pulled out the phone and called Dan's secretary, Ken. He answered on the first ring. "Captain Jake!"


I didn’t know this man at all. Keen Mathews was someone I had met at Dan and Jake’s place. He had seemed pleasant, kind, but sort of quiet and a bit shy. Sitting here, holding his hand, I sort of wondered what I was doing there, except I knew I didn’t want to intrude where Jake was, probably sitting with his husband the way I was sitting here beside an almost complete stranger. Keen’s head was wrapped up, but his face was without a scratch, his body, what I could see of it, totally free of damage.

Concussion was bad though, and it could have long ranging results. I knew that much, so I talked to him in a quiet near whisper, “Hey handsome. You won’t remember me, but we met at Dan’s. Alex is my cousin, yanno? Anyway, I know Dan is worried about you, and you need to heal and then wake up soon, ok?" I might have said more but a baritone voice interrupted.

“Hello there, are you a friend of ahh, Mr. Mathews?"

I looked up to see a handsome doctor in a white coat, consulting a large tablet pad.

He looked at me and sort of did a double take. I could see his eyes dilate and felt the jolt of electricity. I knew that look. The doctor liked what he was looking at, namely me, and my cock, having a mind of its own, stirred in my white jeans.

“Um, Alex, who I guess you met, is best friends with his partner and I am Alex’s cousin. Dan Atwell. Ahh, Dan has his husband visiting him.”

“Dan Atwell, ah, right, got him here. I am headed there next. They are both my patients along with several others. We are a bit crowded with injuries coming in.”

“I can imagine. Can you tell me about Keen Mathews, here?”

The Doctor looked at me for a moment and seemed to reach a decision. “Absolutely. I am Doctor Tye Mussen and you are…”

That was smooth, I thought. The Doc did have a name tag which I had already read. I guess he wanted to make sure I got it. I glanced at his hands. No wedding ring. Hmm. “I am Cass Alexander. Good to meet you, Doctor…”

“Call me Tye.”

“Tye.” We smiled and then I glanced at the patient whose hand I was holding, and the doctor nodded.

“Mr. Mathews here has a bad concussion and he arrive in a coma. We’ve had a good look at the damage, we’ve relieved some swelling on the brain, and he appears to be, as I said, stable and should be fine. When he wakes up, we will be able to get another read on that, but until then, we just have to wait and see.”

“Any idea how long he might be under?”

“Could be a day, could be a few days or even weeks. He is a strong fit young man, very much so, which should improve his chances for a full recovery.”


“No problem.” The Doctor smiled and reaching out gave my shoulder a squeeze. “I will go check on Mr. Atwell.”

Alex returned just then with a can of Iced tea and a water for me. He stopped the doctor. “Any chance my bestie, Dan could be moved in here with Keen?”

The doctor turned into Alex and smiled. “I don’t see why not but lets give that a day before we move Mr. Atwell around. I’ll go check on him now.”

I could almost see the invisible desire of the red haired foxy handsome Dr. Mussen to move closer to Alex, maybe even kiss him. The spike of lust was palpable. Our Dr. Mussen was horny. I hoped that meant he would take good care of Dan and Keen.

Alex watched the man go and then turned to me. “I think the doc is really into you.”

“Hah. I think it's the other way around, cous, then again, I don’t imagine it’s everyday Dr. Mussen runs into so many hot men on one floor under his care.”

“I am not under his care.” Alex snorted.

“Would you like to be?” I winked.

Alex drew himself up. “I am Mike’s now.”

“Ohhh, ok.” I said, grinning at my cousin, and after a moment, despite the dire situation we were in, he grinned back. But then he said, “You mind keeping watch here. I’ve been wanting to go see how my bestie is doing.”

“Sure, go ahead, Alex. We’ll be fine.”

Alex nodded, all bleary eyed, but he stepped to me and kissed me before straightening and saying, “Thanks.”

I was left alone with an unconscious man whose hand I held, who, however beautiful, was not Jake. Jake was down the hall, caring for his husband. I took a deep breath, imagining jake’s furry sexy bass voice in my ear telling me to breath deep, stay calm. Yeah, right. Sure. I breathed deep, and did it again, trying to deal with the fact that my heart was trying not to dash itself to pieces on the hospital room floor. Sure, yeah, right.


After telling me how grateful he was that I was there, Dan slipped off to sleep again.

The doctor came around to check on him and I took note of how handsome Doctor Mussen was, and how friendly he acted after shaking my hand, his green eyes taking me in from head to toe to crotch and back again. He was super careful to downplay Dan’s injuries, but he catalogued them for me and told me Dan was probably lucky not to have sustained worse, or even have been killed considering the police had told him the vehicle was turned over, had likely been airborne, tossed by the twister that caught it before crashing. “Totaling a HumV isn’t an easy thing to do, but your husband was lucky to be in one, all the same.”

I think that was the moment I belatedly snagged onto the fact that Dan had been driving my HumV. Shit!

Somehow, I hid my consternation over that news in front of the Doctor who passed me his card and clearly hoped I would pass him mine back. I didn’t have one, but I promised to call him soon. An intercom page echoed through the hall calling for Dr. Mussen. With a wince of regret, he left us. The doctor wasn’t gone long before I was on the phone to my insurance company. Of course, understandably, considering what they were dealing with in the aftermath of a nasty as shit, hurricane, I was put on hold…

Shit, shit shit!