Going With The Winds

by Draven Moorcock

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Chapter Twelve


The Enchanter’s heal allowed me to lean back against the main mast. The way was sparkling warm, the ocean lay about us. The breeze the smells of the sea tickled my senses. I was hard in my little thong, some of my cock rearing up out of the waist band of the skimpy nothing I pretended to wear.

Conscious of grey eyes watching me, I let my hand fall down my torso to my abs and the waiting pre cum glistened head that hungered throbbingly for my touch.

Those grey eyes seemed to hunger as well, a wolfs eyes, intent, patient for its prey to reveal itself.

My hand closed over my cock as if I pretended to hide it from those eyes. My body arched from the mast as the pleasure overwhelmed me from my own touch. Oh, fuck that felt good.

Slowly, I became aware of those eyes, those sexy grey eyes drawing closer, moving down then up on the top mid deck salon where I stood with my back against the mast. Those grey eyes, so heated, framed by flaring black brows, over a slim but strong nose, flaring nostrils, the broad sensual mouth framed by deep sexy dimples… my Jake…

He knelt at my feet, his eyes leaving mine to fall down my torso to my throbbing pole. Then his lips were on me, sliding up and down and I shuddered, already on the brink of release…

That’s when I woke up… to see black hair and a bobbing head and an exquisite suck that teased me right to the brink.

“Al, mmm that feels so good.” I said, thinking my bunk mate was back from his fun with the lawyer.

The hair and the head wearing it lifted and I felt a shock go through me. It wasn’t Jake, or Alejandro, but Lawrence Pattin. The sexy Italian looking stud smirked at me and ran his tongue around on my cock head teasingly.

“Morning. I hope you don’t mind, but I was looking for your lover, Alejandro, and found you here, moaning in your sleep. You were clearly in need, so I thought I would help you, gorgeous.” He winked and did it again, swirling his tongue over my cock head.

My body arched under the pleasurable assault, even as my brain slowly caught up with what was going on.

I remembered, groggily, that I hadn’t locked my door, figuring Alejandro would be back sometime during the night.

“What are you doing?” I groaned, and reaching down, pulled Lawrence up to be face to face. I realized then that he was naked, his hard cock sliding up my left thigh to jostle with my own. His mouth was on me, kissing me, and for a moment I reeled, enjoying his skillful kissing, yet alarmed at what was going on here.

“Lawrence, stop!” I protested, my voice husky with being on the brink of explosion.

He lifted his head and looked down at me. God, but he was a gorgeous fuck, and he clearly knew it.

“Lawrence, your husband! You can’t tell me Miles is ok with this. I’ve seen the way he possesses you.”

Lawrence tried to kiss me, again, his cock grinding on my hip, but after a moment, he relented and sort of collapsed half on top of me.

“You must think I am terrible; I am sorry.” he said. Hah, he didn’t sound all that sorry.

“No, I don’t. I don’t pretend to know what is going on with Miles and you. But I don’t want to be the cause of trouble between you.”

He looked at me, dark eyes still filled with heat, but then he sort of collapsed in on himself and rolled partly off me. His hand drifted down to tease my cock with his fingertips as he said, “I am really very bad, I know.” He sighed. “The thing is, my… Miles…, please can you keep a secret?”

“I… mmm sure.” Fuck, I was putty in his brushing fingertips.

“I don’t think I love Miles anymore, not really. I am not even certain I ever did.”

“Then why are you with him?” I asked, foolishly. Did I really want to know?

“His money, of course.” Lawrence said as his fingers teased my balls and the base of my cock, keeping me frozen but for my pelvis which kept flexing and rocking in response to his teasing. “I was working in Vegas as an escort when I met him. He swept me up, paying for everything and anything I wanted, as long as I swore to be faithful and only fuck others as he directed.”

I blinked at that. Didn’t that make Miles Standish some kind of high-end pimp? If this was true, any sympathy I might have had with Miles was up like a puff of smoke.

I arched a little as Lawrence licked my earlobe and his fingers closed around my cock giving it a stroke. It was almost enough to make me cum. “Stop that,” I hissed, weakly. Belatedly, I also realized my left hand had closed around his throbbing cock. He had a nice one, big, fat… STOP it! Shit, I hadn’t said that out loud, had I? I should have, I really should have, but it was like an electrical current was flowing through me from my aching churning balls and that delicately brushing evil hand.

“What are you going to do, if you don’t want to be with him, anymore? I hope you have enough money saved?” I heard myself ask in a breathless tone of voice.

“More than a few mil…” He shrugged.

Good lord, the boy was rich. “But what will you do?” I repeated, trying to gain some will power with my body on the very edge of release. He was playing me like a violin, nibbling my ear, my neck and lightly teasing my inches.

“You are so big.” He commented. “I could easily love you. You need someone, yes? I can tell you and Alejandro are not really a couple.”

What? Fuck! Could I see myself with Lawrence? Could I see myself making Miles an enemy? Nope. I didn’t trust Lawrence further than I could spit a wad of cum. Those puppy dog dark eyes didn’t full me one bit.

“My heart belongs to someone else.” I blurted.

“Mm, who?” He asked, lifting his head to look into my eyes.

“Not saying.” I managed to say, surprised in fact that I had said my heart belonged anywhere at all. I mean where the fuck had that come from?

He sighed. “It is ok. I only said I could love you, but I think my heart wants to belong somewhere else, too.”

“Oh?” Now, why did I even ask him that? Why did I make that “oh" sound like a question? This boy was dangerous, but like all situations where I was too close to climax, and having to think at the same time, I didn’t do too well.

“Who else? Who is so sexy he makes my cock drool whenever I look upon him?” Lawrence breathed into my ear, causing me to coo with pleasure.

I had a horrible suspicion, but he answered before I could, firmly confirming that suspicion.

“Our handsome captain Jake. Mm, he showed me the ship yesterday, giving me a tour and everything. Fuck, but he is so hot.”

“He is at that.” I agreed, fighting off a spurt as the name of Jake and thought of him coupled with those teasing fingers took me almost over the edge. I shuddered frozen between ecstasy and the pleasure of the edge.

“I could tell he wanted me as he showed me around, you know. His hand on my back felt like he wanted to lower it to my ass. And in his cabin, we just couldn’t help it and we were kissing and ripping off clothes… I thought he was going to fuck me, and I wanted him too so bad, but then someone told him Niles was looking for me and on his way.” Lawrence giggled huskily. “Oh, gawd I don’t know how close we came to getting caught.” It came to me then for a split second, that Lawerence got off on the thrill of risk.

I felt a bolt of shock slice through me just as I heard a voice calling out softly, “Larry, Larry, where are you, baby?”

Lawrence froze for a split second, and then he was up grabbing some briefs off the coverlet that I supposed were his and leaping into the head and closing the door behind him with a soft slam.

Great, just great! I got up, going to my stateroom door, getting there just as there was a soft rap on it.

I opened it a slit to see Miles Standish in a terry cloth light blue robe. “Morning, Cass, sorry to disturb you but have you seen Lawrence anywhere? I can’t find him, and I am worried. What if he fell overboard?”

I thought a moment but fuck if I were going to play their game. I slid the door open, letting Miles Standish get a good look at my condition. I was naked, rock hard, throbbing, with a bead of pre decorating the tip of my cock.

Standish took a long look, alright. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb.”

“Just your typical morning wood.” I said, shrugging.

“That is not a typical morning wood.” Standish observed with a strong note of lust.

I put one hand on my hip. Horny as I was, I wasn’t having it. “Your man came by and needed to use the head. He is in there.” I said jerking a thumb toward my state rooms head.

Standish’s eyes suddenly glittered with menace, but I raised my brows at him, daring him to say anything to me. He looked like he was going to barge past me, but I didn’t budge. He raised a hand to my shoulder and when I didn’t move, he said, “Look, do you mind?” he half growled.

“Yes, I do. You want to deal with your partner with whatever you think is going on, fine, but leave me out of your games. You’ll wait here while I go get him.” I said, as cold and ice.

I turned from him and stepped to the head door, opening it on Lawrence who had his briefs on, and was washing his hands, his back to us, but his eyes wide and accusing in the mirror as if to ask me how I could betray him.

I gave him the same look I had given his partner.

“Done in here… Larry?” I asked him dryly.

“Huh? Oh! Yes, thanks for letting me use your head.” He managed to say, his eyes suddenly contrite.

Yeah, which head I wondered did he mean? But I said nothing about that, of course. Instead, still rock hard, I stepped back while he walked past to join his red faced, slit eyed husband, who ironically looked more furious at me than at Lawrence.

I followed Lawrence to the door and said, “Have a good morning, gentlemen,” closing the door in their faces. Fuck em!

Taking a deep breath, I vented it explosively, shook the tension out of my arms, and went into the head, turning on the shower to cold. I had wanked off last night. I didn’t need to do it again, particularly when I was grumpy and irritated.

I am not a great morning person, anyway, usually relying on a cup or two of coffee to get going.

This day was no exception. However, I did not expect how cold the water was. It was icy and I jumped with shock when I stepped in without warning to my system. Wow, that was bracing. Needless to say, my cock shrank down so fast it was almost funny.

When I got out and took a welcome towel to my body to dry off and warm up a bit, my thoughts went back over what had happened with Lawrence. I was not particularly proud of myself for not just hopping out of bed and shoving him out the door when I discovered him sucking me off. I had resisted cuming, hadn’t I? But only by a hair, letting myself get pulled along with his bull shit. Fuck the power of my cock to get me into hot water was just as strong as ever, wasn’t it? I was on a ship load of hot men, all of them above average, many of them successful strong men with strong personalities. I needed to be careful!

Of course, then my mind went to what Lawrence had said about Jake giving him a tour. After my own experience with Lawrence, and my own wariness of his credibility, I decided to give Jake a pass, and overlook him. Hell, if he had done anything with Lawrence to forgive him. Jake wasn’t mine, anyway. Who was I to forgive something I had almost done, myself, anyway.

He didn’t need any forgiveness from me. Jake was a sexual man, very driven, probably almost as much as I was. If Lawrence had come on to him, I can imagine he might have lost some self-control.

Meh, I put it out of my mind.

Breakfast was served in the Ship’s Mess, which was immediately forward of the galley, and below the open cockpit. Most of the guys were all there when I showed up in white jeans and a blue sweater, my hair brushed and feeling almost there. David and Lev, the dynamic duo, were serving this morning, both of them looking delicious in light blue shorts and nothing else.

David saw me coming and gestured to a seat, pouring me a cup of coffee. “Black, cream, sugar? Coffee mate?”

“Sure mate, black with a dollop of honey.”

David gave me a very nice smile and said, “Honey coming right up.”

Lev glanced at his serving partner with a fond smile. I grinned inwardly. Those two were definitely in love.

The captain appeared just as I was done giving my breakfast order. He sat at the other end of the table and gave us all a nod, his grey eyes sweeping the table. Did I imagine those eyes lingered on me for a moment?

Not long after him, Miles Standish and Lawrence Pattin appeared. Lawrence wore a long-sleeved shirt, open at the front and some black boxer briefs and his arm was hooked in his older husbands. They both waved “good mornings’ before taking seats across from me. Lawrence flashed a smile down the table to the captain, pretending to ignore me, while his husband proceeded to engage me in a staring contest.

I leveled a look at him and stared right back and eventually he gave up and broke contact. After that, I ignored him, enjoying my breakfast while listening to the breakfast banter. Eventually, Kent showed up wearing nothing but a g string pink thong, with his older half blind husband Sebastion trailing along behind.

Kent walked down the table to sit right beside the captain, with Sebastion taking a seat across from his young partner.

“Good morning, Captain.” Kent purred.

“Morning Kent, morning, Sebastion.” Jake murmured politely. Hah, judging from the way Kent leaned into Jake all through breakfast, Lawrence was going to have some competition!

“It looks like it's going to be a lovely day. Hard to believe a Hurricane is still working its way up the coast. Any word on that, Captain?” Sebastion asked.

Jake nodded. “It's heading North at a steady twelve knots at the moment but picking up speed. At the moment its being clocked as a category 2, but they say it might reach category 3 before nightfall. It’s going to skim Georgia, hit the Carolinas pretty hard and come in on Virginia right up the Chesapeake. I am keeping an eye on it. If it looks like it's going to really hit the Chesapeake hard, I am going to suggest passengers and owners and all but Jim and Kieth and I to go stay in a sturdy hotel in Annapolis, or if we decide to shift harbors, I am thinking about St. Michaels. That will still leave most of the Chesapeake to sail down to reach Virginia Beach, but I’d rather stay up the bay until the storm has passed. For today, I suggest we relax right here at Still Pond. The beach is nice and interesting in its way. There is a rocky outcropping that is pretty and the scene for many paintings by artists who know the bay well.”

“I know this part of the bay." I piped up." And I know Still Pond. My aunt and Uncle’s marina is not far from here up the Sassafras River we passed last night. Can we go ashore?”

“Absolutely. We’ll lower the dingy and ferry anyone who wants to go ashore. The water is way too cold for swimming, but not too much maybe for wading off the beach if you…mmm… like.” Jake said.

That pause for an involuntary moan made me look up the table at Jake. Kent was leaning in close as if mesmerized by Jake, and his arm … yep, his bicep was flexing rhythmically. Fuck, was he masturbating Jake, or just feeling him up?

As I watched, Jake, with a flinching smile seemed to move his right arm. It was hard to tell as the table hid the action, but Kent’s flexing bicep went still, and he sat back a little in his seat.

Poor Jake, I thought. The man must get hit on all the time. But he seemed to handle it well, for the most part. I was no one to judge, that was for sure.

Sebastian, Kent’s partner seemed completely oblivious, lost in his stack of pancakes, eating them with relish.

I was looking forward to going ashore, stretching my legs, seeing a familiar beach I had grown up experiencing more than a few times on family outings.

Annapolis, I had only been to once. St. Michaels just once as well. St Michaels had a nice Maritime Museum and a very charming small-town atmosphere, the sort of place one could imagine settling in.

Annapolis was a well-known hotspot for gay bars. A surprising number of Cadets from the navy academy hung out there in those bars, though perhaps not as much as they did in Virginia Beach, which was a big Navy Port.

Who knew what we would run across, or whom?

When breakfast was over, I was one of the first to go ashore in the familiar cove, Still Pond, donning a light windbreaker over my sweater.

Lev and David were given rowboat duties. Wearing life jackets, we boarded the boats from the swing down stern diving platform and were soon pulling for shore with Lev on the tiller astern and David rowing.

Still Pond was just as I remembered, a modest beach backed by a low bank and forest, with a reddish brown flat stoned outcropping that formed a natural point and jetty. I did as I usually had done when here at Still Pond and set off for a walk.

I was surprised when Miles Standish caught up with me, almost trotting.

I slowed up for the older man who gave me a short smile. “Hey, Cass, I wanted to apologize for this morning. Lawrence explained he just needed to use a head and your door was ajar. I am sorry if I thought the worst of you.” He uttered a short abortive laugh. “As I guess you can tell, I am a very jealous partner. Lawrence is a young beautiful man, and I’ve seen many guys try to take advantage of him.”

I had come to a stop, listening to this. I waited my moment and then answered.

“Look, Miles. I don’t want any trouble, ok? But if you or Lawrence try to put me in some sort of compromising position again, I will bring such drama to this ship you have no idea. You keep him away from me, and you keep away from me, yourself. I am sure you have a lot invested in your boy toy, but that has nothing to do with me, got that?”

Miles eyes had grown wide at this, and his face flushed. “You watch your tongue boy. No one speaks to me like that.”

“I do. And I will do worse if I find it necessary. Now if you will excuse yourself, Mr. Standish. I want to finish my walk, in peace.”

I stood there staring at him as he flushed and made fists in silent frustration and surprise. I didn’t think there were many men who stood up to Miles Standish. He was a man used to getting his way.

He snorted, “I don’t know where you get your balls from, boy, but I will put it down to your ignorance and innocence. I will overlook your bad temper, this time.”

Shaking his head, he turned away and trudged back down the beach.

I let him have the last word. Gods, and to think I had thought Jake a dick. He was an angel next to Standish. I was almost sorry for Lawrence until I realized the hotty was taking advantage of his pimp as much as the other way around. Pfft. They could have each other.

I walked slowly further out the beach, pausing to look out the bay. There were some nice flat stones, and I took some time to skip a few before heading back. It was a beautiful Fall Day, and I scowled at myself for not bringing my phone to snap some pics... My cousin Alex was always looking for good scenery to paint.

As I neared the outcropping, I saw the captain and our first mate, Jim standing there close together, their backs more or less toward me. Their voices were low but as I grew close their words became intelligible. “you’ve always been amazing Jim. Like a rock. You know how much I love you.”

“I’ve always loved you, Jake.”

Then the two were moving closer together. They kissed and it was no short affectionate peck, but a long tongue tangling, sensual sexy kiss that made my cock jump in my jeans. What? Were they lovers too? I kept walking past them as they kissed and don’t think they even noticed.

I thought about it. Keith clearly did not act like he and Jim had a closed relationship, so maybe Jake was included. Always loved? How long had that been going on? Did Dan even know, or was this another reason why Jake and his man Dan were divorcing? Sheez, just when I was getting one idea of Jake Saunders, I was thrown into the sea by evidence of something different.

Still, what business was it of mine? I took some deep breaths, calming myself. There was doubtless a rational explanation. It could be anything. Maybe they had once been lovers but no longer were, but still loved one another like two really close best friends. But that kiss? It had definitely had a sort of comfortable sexuality to it.

Well, I wasn’t going to let it affect me. I stopped, turned back and walked right up to them. “Beautiful day for making out on a rock.” I said, casually.

The two of them parted, chuckling. Jake flushed a little red. I couldn’t help glance down at their crotches. These were two well-endowed men and it showed, but I didn’t think they looked particularly hard. Well maybe a little.

“We weren’t really making out.” Jake murmured.

“Speak for yourself, Skippy.” Jim said, chortling and Jake laughed. Yup, definitely old friends.

“It sure looked like it to me.” I said, shrugging with a smile.

Jake laughed but looked at me warily. “Jim and I were together some time ago…” He paused and added, “Before Dan. But we are best friends, and, well you know, we still like to kiss.”

“Nothing wrong with kissing.” I said lightly, with a shrug.

Jim growled, “Amen to that.”

Jake just smiled, flashing those pearly whites in a sort of bashful smile that warmed my heart.

Then my nosey mouth took over and I heard myself ask, “So why aren’t you two still together that way? If you still love each other…” I spread my hands in a silent question.

Jake blushed again, even darker, and it fell to Jim to offer a crooked grin. “We both like to top too much, and wrestling for it every time got a little old.”

I had to laugh at that, and thankfully, because it covered my own excitement at hearing their preferences, they both joined in. Jake liked to top, eh?

Well, well, well…Slowly, Cass, slowly!!