Going With The Winds

by Draven Moorcock

29 Sep 2023 2294 readers Score 8.9 (27 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

So opens a new multi chapter series in the saga of Jake Saunders, our sexy former navy Seal, Lifeguard, Martial Arts teacher, and Ship Captain that began with “Edgings” and ended with “Falling Off the Edge.” This series will connect up to "My Island" chapters, but as those are being rewritten, who knows where all this will end? I can’t promise some old characters may temporarily or even permanently fade away, but Jake has always been the fulcrum of this series. Whatever happens, wherever my imagination takes me, predictable or surprising, he will, probably, remain.

A note to some of my most critical commentators out there. I apologize if my chapters and mini novelettes don’t keep your interest. There are many finer, more worthy, writers in this outlet, and I am grateful if only a few enjoy my contributions. I have no claim on your time and am grateful for any constructive feedback. Happy reading!

Going With the Winds

Chapter One


I was up early, full of nervousness. Things had become very complicated, and it was my own fault. Jake lay half on top of me, his breathing slow and deep, letting me know he was sound asleep. But I knew if I so much as moved an inch he would wake. Maybe it was his military training, but the man could go from super relaxed to super alert in a split second.

I had resolved to cool it with Keen, at least over the Thanksgiving weekend, to put my focus back on Jake where it belonged, but dammit, all I could think about was how much I missed Keen at this moment, and that was, fucking, wrong. Worse still, despite the long love making Jake had given me the night before, I felt Jake sensed we were on an emotional precipice. It had almost been as if he was saying goodbye to me, and that hurt.

How can two people fuck and be saying goodbye at the same time? I don’t know how. I only know he managed to do it. It was in his eyes, in the super gentle, and then super rough hard fuck he’d delivered that sent us over the edge a third time in one hour, leaving us panting, exhausted and my ass pleasantly sore.

I ran my hand down his muscle ridged back, slowly to his muscular butt cheeks and felt his breathing stop.

Then his handsome head with its tousled mane of black hair, rose and lifted it to look down into my eyes with his sea grey blue beauties.

“Morning, love.” I said.

He smiled, but it was a slow tired smile, and that look was back again. Finally, he spoke, his voice a furry bass baritone that I so loved. “Baby, last night was great, but it also told me something.” He just waited, waiting for me to prompt him, but I didn’t want to.

After a full minute I gave in. “What did it tell you?”

He sighed and gave a little shrug of his broad shoulders. “Only what it told both of us. You love me, and I will always love you, but Keen, whether he meant to be or not, is your man now, and I don’t play for seconds. Let’s just get on with it, baby. I will always love you. But I’ll be getting my lawyer to start divorce procedures, right after the holiday. I hope there are no hard feelings. But you need to be free to see where your love for Keen will take you. At least Keen is a really great guy, so I don’t have to feel bad on that account. And I need to be free as well.”

“Couldn’t this wait until after the Holidays?” I said and winced at my own peevish tone. I was such a little shit!

“No one else need to know.” He said, serene as always. “You can tell them after Thanksgiving is over.”

“Jake, dammit. You know I wanted this, for all of us to get together… live here together and all. And now all that’s falling apart? Without you here…” I started, about to remind him he was going away for a couple of months…

“You know that’s not it, baby.” He overrode me, interrupting forcefully. Jake NEVER did that, so I went quiet. He had my full attention.

“That was your plan. I knew what you were doing. What you're trying to do. But have you seen Alex with Mike? There is something powerful going on there, same as with you and Keen. You guys can try for a manage a quartet if you like, but I doubt it will hold up. And I am on the outside looking in. I’ve felt that way for days now, and as I said, I don’t play for seconds.”

There was a long silence as we looked at each other, and I felt tears coming. “This is a hell of a Thanksgiving.” I finally said.

Jake smiled that sad smile that broke my heart to see, particularly as I was the cause of it, whether I wanted to admit it or not. “Naww, baby. We can thank God for opening our eyes and giving us the freedom to see what we need to see.”

That statement made me look at him. “And what do you want, Jake Saunders?” I asked him softly, pausing for a bit to see if he had an answer. He simply waited and I went on, “I know… I know I have kind-a gone off the rails, first with that bastard, Dean, then Alex, and now Keen, but you seemed to like me playing around.”

I wished immediately I could take back that last wheedling toned statement. I sounded like I was trying to point the finger back at him.

Jake shrugged and looked down. “I admit I am a perv, but maybe I am finding out that in spite of enjoying a little spicey edge, I am more closed and possessive then I realized.”

Jake turned over onto his back to look at the ceiling. “Maybe if I had realized it, I would have kept us together. But if I had, would you have met Keen?”

“Oh, don’t even try to blame yourself, Jake. I’ve been totally out of control.”

Jake turned toward me onto his side and patted my chest.

“I suppose there is blame to go around, but since when has pointing fingers solved anything?” He shook his head. “Give me a little credit, Danny boy. I can also recognize a good thing when I see it. Keen and you click on so many levels it isn’t funny. And I don’t think he will let you get away with too much naughtiness. He hasn’t shown it yet because he doesn’t feel like he can claim you. Not yet, not with me around, at least. But I’ve seen the look in his eyes when he is watching you. There is a possessive tiger in that boy, baby.”

Then Jake actually chuckled, and I had the urge to swat him, even as a part of me felt as if a great weight was lifting from my heart. I had to admit that, and at the same time I felt like a shit for feeling any weight lift off. I didn’t deserve it. I didn’t deserve Jake. Well guess what, it looked like I wasn’t going to have him, anyway, which was probably exactly what I did deserve.

I gave him a long look and he looked back at me. “Are you sure, Jake?”

He just nodded. “Yup. Couldn’t be more certain. I didn’t fight for us when I should have, and you deserve something better. You’d best be about getting it.”

He poked a playful finger at my tummy and I “ooffed”. Then he commanded, “Go put your bird in the oven. I’ll shower and then take over with the other stuff while you clean up.”

“Aye, aye, Sir.”

He just laughed as he got out of our bed and sauntered toward the door to the huge bathroom in our new master suite. As I watched that sexy ass saunter away, I couldn’t help but wonder what I was giving up. Jake was literally the most magnificent man I had ever known.

A little later, after we’d both had our turns using our luxurious new bath, neither of us had much for breakfast, just a soft-boiled egg each, and a dish of fruit, some much needed coffee. Then we were at it, a well-oiled team, chopping veggies, peeling sweet potatoes, with Jake making his Jake original salad, that always had a lot of onion, mushroom, hard boiled eggs, tomatoes spinach, kale, ice-burg lettuce, and raisons. I don’t know what he did with that combo, but it was always delicious.

Jake had pulled on some snug jeans, baggier than usual, and a loose flannel shirt. Definitely a non-sexy statement, and more of a comfort one. He still looked amazing. Hell Jake would look amazing in a burlap bag.

Everything was humming along when the doorbell rang. I’d put on shorts and a sweatshirt, myself, and momentarily between jobs, I elected to get the door.

It was Keen, looking sexy and edible in a pair of cream-colored dress slacks that fit him like a glove, and a maroon sweater under a denim jacket. Adonis had arrived. I found myself marveling at his beauty all over again and he just watched me marveling. Such a quiet soul. Yet, just seeing him made me feel safe and loved and like everything was clicking into place.

He had a lidded tray in hand but managed to step into me for a kiss. The kiss lingered, tongues tangling for a long moment. Keen was an incredible kisser.

“Hello love,” he said, quietly. “Happy Thanksgiving.”

“Hello yourself, sweet man.” I said.

He half grinned.

“What’s this?” I asked looking at the lidded tray.

“Jello, Just in case someone shies away from the usual pies.”

“Hah, that will be the day. Hmmm, maybe I will. I don’t work out like you and Jake do with your classes.

“You work out enough. How is Jake?” Keen asked.

“He’s fine.” I lied. “He’s In the kitchen.”

I followed Keen back and to the left through the dining room and into the kitchen beyond.

“Master Jake.” Keen said,

Jake turned his head from chopping some celery. He was working on the stuffing for the bird. “Keen, what’s that you got?” I had to admire the calm warm tones of Jake.

“Just some Jello. I know others may be bringing the usual pies, so I thought…”

“It’s a good thought.” Jake said, gesturing to the counter.

Keen put down the tray and then responded to Jake’s extended arm, going over to exchange a hug and a kiss.

I felt something ease as their kiss lasted more than a brief second, and more like a sensual tongue touching smooch.

The sight made my cock twitch in my shorts. After all, two incredibly handsome men, one more tanned and rugged, and the other younger and strikingly gorgeous, pressing together and exchanging a sexy smooch, was bound to make me take notice.

Once released by Jake, Keen glanced at me, looking just a bit flushed and I gave him a salacious wink.

Mindful of Keen’s beautiful tight cream slacks, which didn’t need food spots on him, I put him to work setting the table. I hadn’t gotten fully into the swing of mashing the now fully baked sweet potatoes when the door rang and Keen called, “I’ll get it.”

Soon, I heard the familiar bass rumble of Mike Scott, along with the peeling laughter of Alex Sheerer, my long-time best friend and occasional lover, and then a smooth sounding baritone, a stranger.

It took me a moment to realize this must be the cousin Alex had been talking about. Curiosity pulled me away from mashing sweet potatoes to the hall where I saw the four men, with Alex introducing a platinum blond beauty to Keen.

“Keen, this is my cousin, Cass Alexander. Cass, Keen Andrews, oh and the stud coming out to see all the ruckus is Dan Atwell, our host.

As I drew closer, I could see a resemblance to Alex in this Cass. They were both blond, but Alex’s blond was a few shades darker, a gold with pale highlights. Cass’s hair was that light blond that was close to being white, and he had very pale blue eyes to Alex’s turquoise. But like Alex he had those dimples that had to be a hallmark of that family. He was a bit taller than Alex too, perhaps six feet on the dot.

The main thing was, he was stunning. He was built like a dancer, but toned like a gymnast or swimmer, with the most kissable looking lips. “Down boy!” I told myself. I had caused enough relationship trouble already. Besides, he wasn’t really my type, or so I told myself. I was attracted to darker haired studs, like Jake or Keen. But fuck!

This wasn’t helped by the fact of those skintight white jeans that showed something very big. oh, fuck I am such a size queen! All the men in my life seemed to be bigger than average by a long shot. And Cass was clearly A One model material.

I yanked my gaze from him to glance at Keen, but my beauty wasn’t even looking at this Cass. He was looking at me! Well, that’s a relief, I thought as I stepped forward and casually hooked my arm in Keen’s. Ok, I know, typical, bitchy jealous housewife move, but I found myself doing it anyway and using my other arm to shake Cass’s hand.

“Welcome to our family, Cass!”

“Thank you, Dan.” He said, those lips trying out my name as if tasting it.

Alex was holding a box and Mike two bags, a computer bag and a small carry-on sized suitcase.

“Oh! Here, let me show you your rooms, gentlemen,” I said.

Proudly, I led them down through a lushly appointed parlor decorated in tones of blue and cream with seascapes on the walls, on the other side of the hall from the dining and kitchen, and into a short corridor between two suites. Alex and Mike had already moved into their suit, but Cass needed to see his. It was right across the alcove from theirs. “Please, make yourself at home.” I said after showing him that he shared a bath with Alex and Mike.

During all this, I noticed Mike’s deep blue eyes steadily eating up every move Cass made, most often dwelling on the spectacular pale blond god's ass or crotch. Mike seemed to be bulging even more than usual in those black jeans, his lust for Alex’s cousin, heavy in the air.

Well, I thought that would hopefully keep them busy and Keen, who’d gone back to setting the table, free to be distracted by someone else, namely ME!

Leaving the three to themselves, with Alex offering to show Cass the rest of the beach mansion, I rejoined Keen as he was placing salad and dessert forks, moving up behind him to press into that incredible ass and slide my hands around to cup his bulge as I kissed his neck.

“Mmm, I love you,” I murmured in his ear.

He turned his head back and our lips met in a kiss that lingered and moved into slow tongue play as he turned in my arms.

Unseen by either of us until he spoke, Jake had poked his head into the dining room and was watching us. “Ahmmm, the Turkey won’t be ready for another hour. What say you get folks to the bar in the living room and put on some music. Maybe dance?”

The living room was huge. Facing the sea, with a terrace we would not be using much as it was cold, and an eternity pool beyond. There was plenty of room for dancing. We had a den but It was upstairs, with a mammoth tV where the guys could do the usual Thanksgiving thing like watching football. I knew Mike, and Alex and maybe Jake would be into that. Keen, like myself, preferred to watch golf or tennis. But so far as I knew we all liked to dance.

With Jake looking at us, I did not separate from Keen, but simply nodded and said. “Right, good idea.”

Jake smiled and disappeared into the kitchen again, and I breathed another silent sigh of relief. The last thing I wanted was more drama like the last time I had pulled us together for a dinner.

“Jake really seems ok with us, doesn’t he.” Keen said softly as I went for another lip lock with those beautiful lips of his.

“Mmmhmm. We had a talk this morning. Everything is good.” I said, my hands roaming down over his butt cheeks through the thin creamy linen slacks.

“Good!” Keen blurted in a whisper. “I so respect your husband.”

“I know, but don’t worry. We’re good.” I assured him. I wasn’t exactly lying. Jake and I were good. Ok we were going to divorce but it was an agreed peaceful divorce.

I wondered if Keen wasn’t feeling more than a little respect for Jake. Jake had a powerful effect on men and Keen could be no exception. Briefly I thought, maybe a threesome… but I dismissed it just a quickly as I thought it. No! Keen, was mine!

Wow! It shocked me how quickly I clamped down on that. But, hey, I had reason, didn’t I? Jake was about to leave for his yearly job sailing as a boat captain and we’d agreed to separate, with divorce proceedings to be triggered. It would be an amicable break up. Hell, a lot more amicable than most divorces. So how could I encourage a three way with Keen only to see it snatched away from him? He was sure to think it was his fault.

The answer was easy. However hot a three way would be, it would open a can of worms that it was better not to open, right?

Right! If only my hard-on pressed to the growing bulge in Keen’s sexy pants, was amenable to reason. It wasn’t and as images of being pressed between Jake and Keen flooded my mind, all I could do was suppress a moan.