Alex & JJ

by snoop6969

2 Aug 2022 526 readers Score 8.9 (11 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Big Changes

(from the previous chapter 19. The rest of the summer flew by and before they knew it, Thanks Giving with the Hagen clan had come and gone. The Tillman Christmas bash was history. The new year was off to a good start. As spring came around the weather changed with news reports warning of a hurricane stronger than Katrina that wiped out New Orleans was going to make landfall on the Mexican Atlantic coast in two days with Belize taking a direct hit.)


Barefoot and wearing an old pair of boxers, JJ was headed to the kitchen for his morning coffee when he heard Alex in the office. Poking his head in he asked, “Heard anything yet? Do we know what’s going on?”

“I tried earlier” Alex replied sounding a bit frustrated “but couldn’t get through. Still no service. It’s killing me not knowing what is happening with them.”

“Understand” JJ said “but we’ll find out sooner or later. I’d like it to be sooner but it is what it is. Keep me posted.”

Two days went by when Alex’s phone rang. Seeing the caller id was Steven, Alex yelled, “JJ, it’s Steven. Get in here.” Answering the call he anxiously said hello putting the phone on speaker. “So how are you guys? We have been so worried. What’s happened? Is everyone okay?”

“Whoa, whoa there cowboy” Steven laughed. “Slow your roll and I will give you all the details. Is JJ there?” he asked.

“Yes, I’m here” JJ answered. “It is so good to hear from you so bring us up to speed on everything.”

“Will do” Steven told him “but this could take a while so you may want to get comfy. First off we are both just fine. Before the storm hit we got Ryan’s mom and went to a shelter on the other side as far away from the beach as possible. It was noisy and at times a bit scary but we are safe. Their house survived. When the storm surge hit a lot of the lower areas flooded but their house is higher up on a hill and the water didn’t get high enough to do any damage.  Now for some not so good news. Ryan’s dad was out at one of the sugar cane fields when the storm hit. He and some of the crew tried to take shelter in a building but the storm was so severe his dad was killed when the building collapsed.

“Oh my god” JJ gasped. “Is Ryan okay? How’s he doing?”

“He’s okay” Steven said, “or at least he will be. You know the situation of how it was with his dad. Deep down Ry always held on to the hope that maybe someday he and his dad would be able to heal the rift and reconcile but now the chance of that happening is gone forever.”

“That is so sad” Alex said sympathetically. “Is Ryan there?”

“Not right now” Steven replied. “He’s with his mom. They had to meet with an attorney to work through some legal stuff about his dad.”

“Be sure to tell him we feel for him when you see him” JJ said.

“Thanks” Steven said. “Will do and he will appreciate it. I’ll come back to Ryan in a bit. We have some legal hoops of our own to jump through before this is all done and cleaned up. The dive shop and charter business is gone, and I mean literally gone, not just damaged beyond repair. What was the dive shop and our apartment is now a pile of broken lumber and a total loss. What we have is what we put in a backpack and duffle bag before going to the shelter. There is nothing there that remotely looks like a building. All three of the charter boats broke up and sank tied to the docks which are not there anymore. Betty was literally picked up and blown out of the water. We found Betty three blocks away broken in half.

“Holy shit” JJ whispered in disbelief. “It’s difficult to imagine that kind of devastation. Do you have pictures” he asked.

“Yea, I got pictures” Steven answered. “I had to have pictures for the insurance claims but it’s too hard to look at them. Speaking of insurance, the whole charter business and dive shop were of course heavily insured. Not that money can solve the problem or heal the pain but when it’s the only compensation you have you suck it up, take the money and call it good. On paper the insurance on the dive shop, the three boats, our personal residence and possessions; the payoff comes in a bit over 1.2 million. Our legal advisors are telling us there is no reason for any of this to be challenged. That’s about it for me so let’s go back to Ryan. There’s more to tell you about that. Talking about insurance policies and coverage, his mom and attorney went through his dad’s business stuff and found a personal life insurance policy for $500k naming Mrs. Lewis as the beneficiary. They also found an investment portfolio with a market value of $400k. So that with the $100k in their personal checking and savings account at the bank comes in at one million.”

“Sweet Jesus” Alex whistled. “Are you kidding?”

“Dead serious” Steven confirmed. “But hold on to your socks cuz there’s more. His dad was high enough on the executive ladder that the company had a policy on him for a million naming both Mrs. Lewis and Ryan as beneficiaries. His dad never changed that. It’s a sure bet he would have had he remembered Ryan was on that policy. The bottom line here is his mom is taking the million from the personal policy, investment package and the bank funds. She’s signing over the million from the company policy to Ryan. That’s what Ry and his mom are taking care of this morning. So that’s the abbreviated version of us in a nutshell. The money is great but it doesn’t bring back the business, our apartment, your life as you knew it or your family.”

“So what happens now?” Alex asked. “What do you do to recover from something like this that has literally torn your life to shreds?”

“Funny you should ask about that” Steven mused. “You’re a step ahead of me here. Mrs. Lewis is moving back to Arizona. She was here with Mr. Lewis because of his job so now she has no reason to stay and wants to be closer to her family. Right now I don’t have the energy or desire to try and rebuild the charter business. I’m just done with all of that. Ryan and I are seriously considering doing like his mom, leaving Belize and moving back to the U.S. Ryan isn’t at all interested in Arizona. He has no childhood memories there and it’s all older relatives. I don’t want to go back to Louisiana. I don’t want the heat or humidity. It may be harsh and I sound like a snob but what relatives I know are there are the kind of people I don’t want to be around. To be totally honest, we fell in love with the Seattle area when we were there. Even in the gray days of winter we really liked what we saw. What would you say if we were to end up somewhere near Seattle?”

“You seriously need to ask that question?” JJ laughed. “You and Ryan being here would be awesome.”

“Fuck yes” exclaimed Alex. “That would be so cool having you close by.”

“Oh my gosh” Steven stammered. “Thanks for that. Ryan and I were talking about all of this yesterday and we thought about Seattle as a good place to try something new and start over. I’ll tell him going to Seattle got an enthusiastic ‘yes’ vote. Hey guys, I have to run but wanted to call and let you know what’s going on with us. If we get everything settled here, we were hoping to be out of Belize by the end of July. Will keep you posted but for now I gotta run and thanks. Take care.” With that he hung up and was gone.

“Amazing, just fucking amazing” JJ said with a smile. ”It’s a bummer that all of this happened to them and what with Ryan’s dad and all, but if you needed a happy ending, them coming to Seattle would be it.”

“Damn straight” Alex agreed. “Happy ending in deed.”


“Hey JJ” Alex called out. “I need to bounce something off you. You got time to listen and talk some stuff through with me? You can tell me if I’m setting myself up and fucking nuts or if I’m on to something that may be good?”

“You know I’m always glad to tell somebody what they should do” JJ laughed. “Seriously, let’s go sit on the patio and tell me what you got.”

“Okay, so you’ve heard me talk about Carl Ferguson from North West Construction. Over the years we have helped each other out. I’ve sent him some of my guys to help if he was in a bind on a project, and likewise I’ve used some of his crew guys to get me out of a jam. Anyway, Carl called me two weeks ago to tell me he wants to retire. He’s been in construction and contractor work for nearly forty years. Now in his sixties he is ready to hang it up and he was wondering if I would be at all interested in buying out his company. I would get his fleet of three fully equipped trucks, all of the heavy equipment like backhoe, forklift, bull dozer, all his tools gear and equipment like air tanks, pneumatic tools, saws all the small stuff that would completely flesh out his three job site shop trailers. I would get his pending contracts and accounts of his wholesale suppliers. Most of his crews would stay on as both Carl’s guys and my guys know each other and work well together. So here’s the dilemma. Right now I am running two crews full time and have enough contracts on hold to stay busy for the next six months or maybe longer. If I buy him out that would more than double what I am doing right now. I would absolutely have to have somebody to help me run a company that size not to mention more help for Carol. She couldn’t and wouldn’t survive handling all of that by herself. So here’s where you tell me of I am totally off my rocker. I called Steven on a ruse for his advice like what you and I are doing. Well the joke was on me. It would seem that Steven has an extensive knowledge of construction and contract work. He started to work construction during his summers in high school. He worked construction off and on all through college. Then he told me when he and Ryan converted the dive shop to their apartment he did almost all of the construction himself, from building plans, permits, dry wall, tile, plumbing, windows, the whole thing. There were a few things that he needed licensed specialty people for but he did most of the work himself so he knows how to build and he’s certainly not stupid and you know he’s business savvy. The guy started with nothing and ran a successful million dollar charter business. So I’m thinking about talking to Steven to see if he would be interested in working with the construction contracting company. I would even consider working it out to where he could buy in as co-owner with forty-five percent of the company. So what do you think? Am I on to something or am I totally whacked?”

“Holy crap that’s a lot to take in” JJ whistled. First thing that comes to mind is the old warning about lending money or going into business with friends or family. Then again, you can cite examples of good friends and families with a successful business. I would tell you to think it through by making a list to weigh the odds of the pros and cons then go with what your gut instinct tells you is the right thing to do. If it works, that’s a win, win for both of you. If it goes south and tanks badly that’s something the two of you would have to work out.”

“Okay, as usual you have a sound and rational way to look at things. I’ll give it some thought and make a decision but I can’t wait too long. I will need to have a serious conversation with Steven and Carl is pressing me for an answer.”

July 2nd

“So I talked to Steven” Alex said to JJ. “We talked about a possible partnership after the buy out of Carl. Steven is really looking forward to this. I’m feeling good about everything so I think it will all work out and be great. Now for a shocker that will knock your socks off. Steven told me Ryan landed an amazing job and you wouldn’t guess in a million years what it is. It would seem Ryan has been holding out on us with a secret that almost qualifies as a double life. Do you remember six months ago there was a national gaming competition?  Something like 1200 people signed up to compete and a sixteen year old kid from Ohio took the grand prize. It would seem that our Ryan Lewis is an avid gamer and was part of that competition. No big deal, right? But wait, there’s more. Out of all those gamers, Ryan came in at 8th place. Go figure!

“No fucking way” JJ protested. “Ryan, a gaming geek taking 8th place in a national shoot out competition? What a sneaky little bastard.”

“Not shit” Alex retorted. “Nobody remembers who came in second or third, let alone eighth for that matter except the execs from the gaming company that sponsored the whole thing. They remembered and know who Ryan Lewis is. When they found out he was going to be living here in Seattle they offered him a fan-fucking-tastic job analyzing and working with proposed new gaming platforms. Steven didn’t give up any specifics but did say they are paying him some ridiculous salary, full benefits, perks out the ass, who the fuck knew?”

“We need to have a party to celebrate” JJ said. We could do another pool party with Jacob’s friends to kick off their senior year and combine that as a welcome to Seattle for Ryan and Steven. What do you think” JJ asked.

“Brilliant idea” Alex agreed. “I would be in favor of watching or having the off chance to participate with a group of naked horny guys fucking their brains out around the pool. I’ll call Jacob and Aaron now to call the guys. Do you want to do the same grill and bar setup that we did for Ken’s birthday?”

“I thought we would” JJ replied. “Just like last time we let the guys enjoy the party while we man the grill, tend the bar and enjoy the view.”

August 20th - noon

“I was thinking this morning how great it is having Steven and Ryan here” Alex said as if thinking out loud. “I really like the condo they found. It’s a really nice place. I like the secluded patio balcony and the view of Puget Sound is amazing, especially at night. So are we ready for the party?”

“Ready, set and sitting on go” JJ answered. “I know how o.c.d. you are with organization so I made a check list. The bar is stocked with plenty of booze and  plastic cups. We have a fresh tank of propane on the grill. Hot dogs, burger patties, buns and condiments are in the fridge or here on the table ready to go. Cooler is at the bar ready for when Jacob brings the bags of ice. Mattresses and floats are aired up and scattered around the pool. I put clean towels in the changing room if anyone needs a shower. I think that covers it.”

6:00 pm

“Okay, I think everyone is here” JJ announced. “Just a quick word before we get started. We have two reasons to celebrate tonight. First is for you guys. We thought it would be fun to throw another party to kick off your senior and final year here at the university. You are going to graduate and then head out to the real world and start your life. So a pre-emptive congrats to all of you and here’s hoping you have a great year. The second celebration is for Steven Riggs and Ryan Lewis. We have told some of you about our adventures in Belize. Well this is the Steven and Ryan we told you about. The hurricane that hit Mexico earlier this year gave these guys the opportunity to make a change so they opted to move to Seattle and we are glad they are here. Steven is joining me to help run my company and for those of you who are avid gamers, you will be excited to know that Ryan is working for a major video game corporation.  These are the people that gave you games like ‘Halo’, ‘Grand Theft Auto’, ‘Call To Duty’, and ‘Assassin’s Creed’. We welcome you both to Seattle and glad you are here. That’s enough chatter from me. Let’s get this party started. You know the drill, the tubs are here for your personals, plastic cups only, no cell phones pictures, car keys in the big jar at the bar which is now open and the grill is ready with burgers or hot dogs when you get hungry so enjoy yourselves.”

“This is where we sit back and enjoy the view” JJ said with a smile. Steven and Ryan sat back on the lounge chairs next to Alex and JJ and watched as the  eight guys stripped naked and started to pair off.

“There is a lot of good looking meat and ass on these guys” Ryan whispered. “I’ve seen the orgy porn videos but seeing this for real …” his voice trailed off as one of the guys sporting a semi hard on came up to where they were sitting.

“Hey, Ken, how’s it going?” Alex asked.

“Hold up” Steven interrupted. “Is this the birthday party Ken?” he asked looking at the slender and extremely well fit guy standing in front of him starting to throw a seven inch boner. “They told us about that party and it sounded like a really good time for everyone, and for you in particular.”

“Yup, that’s me, birthday party Ken” he said blushing. “We set some records that night, or rather I did by taking seventeen loads of cum which brings me to my question. I was wondering if I could possibly persuade you, Steven, to fuck me? I’ve never bottomed for more than a nine inch dick and if these guys are right that you are an eleven, it would be a personal best for me. I’m sorry if this is too forward or presumptuous of me, but you don’t know if you don’t ask.”

“You’re absolutely right. You have to ask the question if you want an answer” Steven said shooting a questioning look at Ryan who smiled and gave a slight nod of approval. “Well, Ken, I would not want to be the one to deny a young man his goal and yes, my dick is an eleven.” Standing, he stripped off his shorts and jock. Naked, he reached for Ken’s stiffening dick. Turning to Ryan, JJ and Alex he said “I’ll see you later. I’m off the help Ken with his quest for success.”

A moment later another one of the guys came up to Ryan and introduced himself. “Hi Ryan, I’m Scott. I see Steven and Ken are going to be busy for a while. Not wanting you to feel left out, Andrew and I were hoping, or wondering if you would like to join us on the other side of the pool.”

Looking across the pool, Ryan saw a handsome dark haired guy waving. “Thanks” Ryan said with a smile. “That’s very thoughtful of you and yes, I would like very much to have some fun with you and Andrew.” Following Steven’s lead, Ryan quickly stripped out of his swim suit and strolled off naked with Scott to join Andrew on the other side of the pool. A few moments later they were going at each other locked in a three-some cock sucking daisy chain

“Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit” Alex laughed. “It didn’t take long at all for these guys to open up, literally, to Ryan and Steven.”

Jacob and Aaron came over and sat down in the two now vacant lounge chairs. “It would appear that Ryan and Steven both got appealing offers” Jacob observed. “If you are feeling neglected or unappreciated there may be something Aaron and I could do for you.”

“Uh huh” JJ queried looking puzzled. “And what would help us feel better?”

Aaron spoke up. “We were thinking maybe letting us blow you? You know first hand we are both damn good at sucking dick, and the bonus is we swallow.”

“Well now that you mention it” Alex said “I am feeling a bit left out and lonely” he said undoing the button and zipper on his shorts.

Aaron quickly stood and moved over to straddle Alex on his chair. Reaching down he pulled the shorts and jock off in a single move. “And there’s my prize” he said with a grin. Kneeling on the chair between Alex’s legs he gripped the cock in front of him and quickly took it to the back of his throat eliciting a hiss of pleasure from Alex. Feeling the cock instantly grow hard and erect in his mouth Aaron released his lip lock. “Wow, you are really horny, ready and wanting this” he said quickly returning his attention to the dick in front of him.

Jacob watched as JJ kicked his shorts off to the side and leaned back on the lounge chair, his arms over his head. Smiling at Jacob and with a nod of the head he was inviting Jacob to ply his skills. Tossing a pillow beside the chair, Jacob knelt cupping his hand on JJ’s balls, flipping the cock back and forth. “Hello there old friend” he said making eye contact with JJ. “It’s been a long time but it’s good to see you and these two beautiful boys again.” Jacob kissed and sucked on the balls. “As I recall you are a big fan of a good bit of ball play and long wet dick licks from taint to tip.”

“You remember correctly” JJ smiled. “I’m impressed.” Jacob went to work kissing and nibbling at the taint, massaging JJ’s balls, firmly sucking and pulling at them with his mouth. He kissed at the taint before dragging his tongue up the length of JJ’s cock. At the tip he teased and toyed at the head and crown with his tongue before taking it in his mouth, deep throating it to the base nuzzling his nose in the pubes.

Aaron was hard at work jacking Alex as he repeatedly swallowed the head of his cock. “Oh oh” Alex suddenly gasped. “Oh fuck no” he groaned. Holding  Aarons’ head in place he drove his cock to the back of Aaron’s throat as he blew several shots flooding his mouth with cum. “Fucking hell” Alex panted. “I’m so sorry. That was a total surprise and I came way too soon, much sooner than I wanted to.” Aaron continued sucking on Alex making sure he got the entire load down to the last possible drop. When he was done cleaning off the spent cock Aaron leaned forward kissing Alex. “No worries” Aaron said.  “Maybe I’m the one that should apologize. I feel bad. I wasn’t trying to make you cum so soon but it was great fun for me doing that to you and thanks for the yummy, yummy load. You still cum a lot and taste as good as I remember.”

With one hand Jacob gripped JJ’s balls jacking his cock with the other as he sucked in earnest. “I do love this dick. I can tell you’re leaking pre-cum and you taste so good” Jacob mumbled with a mouth full of dick. “I’m hungry for you to cum so I can taste and swallow your load.” Another tug on his balls and a deep throating dive on JJ was all that he needed. With a soft groan JJ bucked his hips upward as he came letting go with five heavy shots of jizz flooding Jacob’s mouth. So much that Jacob couldn’t keep it all as it spilled out, running down the length of JJ’s dick, pooling in his pubes. “Fuck yes” Jacob mumbled. “That’s what I was working for. That was a lot of cum, dude. Is Alex not taking care of you and you’re holding off saving it up? You do know you can call me if there’s a need to take care of your basic needs.”

“I know you’re teasing me” JJ laughed. “Trust me when I tell you Alex is very attentive and taking great care to keep me happy and yes, I did let fly with a good load but that’s what happens when I am properly motivated. I thank you for the excellent head. Now go back to your friends and fuck somebody or let them fuck you or both.” With a slap on his ass, JJ sent Jacob on his way.

“Okay, I think you’re relaxed enough and ready” Steven said working three fingers in Ken’s ass. “Let’s get you that personal best record.” With Ken on his knees, Steven moved in behind him holding his dick to Ken’s hole. He gently pushed forward feeling Ken’s hole stretch open to take his eleven inches. Slowly Steven pressed forward steadily burying his dick into Ken. As Steven got the last two inches of his cock in, Ken suddenly let out with a whine.

“Oh holy fuck, damn, damn, damn” he whimpered. Concerned, Steven froze dead still and paused.“Are you okay? Am I hurting you? Is it too much?” he urgently asked.

“I’m fine” Ken panted. “I’m doing great. It’s just that I’ve never had anything so deep in my ass or go that far up inside of me. I wasn’t prepared or ever imagined that getting fucked by a dick this big could feel so good. Please, dear god yes, please fuck me but start out with long, slow and gentle strokes. I want to feel and enjoy every bit of your dick working my hole.”

“Okay, as you wish. I’m here for you.” Complying with Ken’s request Steven began by taking long easy strokes. Hearing Ken softly moan with pleasure Steven pulled his cock nearly all the way out then slowly pushed back in until he bottomed out, his loose hanging balls touching Ken on his taint. “Let’s change this up a bit with something different” Steven said pulling his dick out of Ken. “Stand up. I’m gonna sit in this chair and I want you to face me and ride me.” Seated, Ken stepped up straddling Steven. Reaching behind, he took Steven’s dick, guiding it to his stretched hole. With one easy motion he took the entire length of cock into his ass feeling it go deep into his gut. “That’s it” Steven said encouraging Ken to keep going. “Fuck, you got a tight ass. You’re keeping my dick so hard” he said kissing Ken’s chest and nipples. Ken’s hard cock flopped about tapping on Steven’s abs as he steadily bounced on the dick in his ass. Without warning Ken leaned forward. Holding Steven’s face in his hands he pressed his lips to Steven, kissing him firmly pushing his tongue into his mouth, their tongues dancing around each other. “Hell yes, you are a smoking hot little fuck” Steven muttered gently biting on Ken’s lower lip.”You are one amazing piece of ass and a great kisser.” Taking his hand off of Ken’s erection, Steven told him “time for another change cuz you’re just the right size for this. Put your arms around my neck and hold on tight. Get ready to wrap your legs around me because I’m gonna fuck you standing up. I’m gonna fuck you hard and fast and you’ll know what taking a dick deep in your ass really feels like.” As he stood up, Ken held onto Steven’s neck as he wrapped his legs around his hips locking his ankles together behind him. “Hold on tight” Steven warned. “This could be intense and get a bit intense and rough.” Holding Ken’s butt in his hands, Steven raised him up slightly and suddenly impaled Ken on his cock driving it into him hard and fast. With a slight adjustment, Steven let Ken drop down completely as he buried his dick deep inside Ken, his balls flailing wildly underneath him. Panting for breath and breaking into a heavy sweat Steven gently bit and slobbered wet kisses on Kens’ neck.

“Oh my fucking god yes, yes, yes give me that dick” Ken yelped. “Holy fucking Christ that feels so good. Hell yes you’re so far up inside me. Fuck my ass hard and deep just like that” Ken screamed, his hard cock flopping between them.

Steven carefully dropped to his knees onto the air mattress keeping his dick firmly planted in Ken. Easing down, Steven put Ken on his back lifting his legs up hooking them over his shoulders. “Time to take this home” Steven whispered. “That tight ass of yours is gonna make me cum soon and I want to be looking into your face when that happens.” Giving Ken a wet kiss, his tongue pushing his lips apart searching for Ken’s tongue Steven returned to taking long and very slow strokes into Ken’s now well fucked ass hole. Ever so slowly Steven increased the speed of fucking his dick into Ken.  Feeling the intensity starting to build, Steven’s breath became more rapid. Sensing his impending urgency, Ken responded by pinching his hole tighter as he pushed his ass forward, keeping pace to Steven’s inward thrusts. “Holy shit you’re a hot little fox” Steven whispered. “I can feel what you’re doing to my dick with your ass. Not too many guys can do that but it really works for me.” With even faster strokes now, Steven warned Ken that he was getting closer.

“I’m right there with you” Ken replied pushing his ass harder into Ken with each stroke. “Oh fuck yes, I’m almost there myself. It’s coming on pretty fast. I’m not gonna last much longer” Ken warned with some urgency in his voice. A moment later Ken blurted out “Oh got yes, I’m there. I’m gonna blow my nut” he yelled. “I’m gonna blow. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck I’m cumming.” With his whole body giving an uncontrolled spastic jerk he stroked his cock as it erupted shooting line after line of thick jizz hitting his chin, landing on his chest and abs. “Oh fuck yeeeesssss” Ken panted. “Holy fucking hell, yes. Sweet Jesus, I’m still cumming” his voice rasping, his cock still dripping cum onto his pubes.

“Right behind you” Steven choked out frantically fucking his final strokes into Ken. “Here is comes” Steven warned. “Oh bloody fucking hell yes”, his eyes closed, his face contorted as his orgasm hit. His dick spasming, Steven lost count but put at least eight firm and full shots of his cum deep into Ken’s ass.

Keeping his dick in Ken, Steven bent forward, licking at the long trails of cum on his stomach and abs. Gathering the cum on his tongue, Steven kissed Ken sharing and tasting his load between them. “Dear god you taste so good” Steven said breaking the kiss. You’re cum is so sweet.” Steven licked up more cum from Ken’s chest and chin giving him another sloppy, sticky kiss. Steven’s cock now deflated, soft and slippery easily slid out of Ken’s cum filled hole. “That was a whole lot of cum. Do you usually come that much?” Steven asked.

“Oh hell no” Ken replied almost blushing. “That was most definitely not normal for me. I don’t remember when and really don’t think I have ever cum that much but I do know that this was a one in a million fuck. I would never in my wildest dreams believe that it could be as amazing as what we just did. Would I be hoping beyond hope that maybe, just maybe sometime during my last year here at the university we could get together again and maybe include Ryan?”

“That is certainly a possibility” Steven confirmed. “I would like very much to get together with you again and I know Ryan would be to the opportunity to meet and spend some time with you. If, or rather when that happens I hope you will consider returning the favor letting me bottom for you so you can fuck me.”


“Oh my god, I’m flattered and absolutely yes we will make that happen” Ken gushed. “I want to thank you again for this evening, and welcome to Seattle.”