Alex & JJ

by snoop6969

17 Jul 2020 1531 readers Score 9.8 (25 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Stirring awake, JJ reached under the sheet rubbing Alex on his chest and abs, his hand going to his groin feeling his morning wood. “Good morning, husband” JJ said rolling on top of Alex pressing his own erection into Alex giving him a deep wet kiss. “That sounds so good to say I have a husband. Yesterday was just perfect, don’t you think? Carol really put it all together for us. We should do something nice for her when we get back.”

“Yes, she really pulled it off” Alex said. “We’ll come up with something to let her know how much we appreciate everything she did. I smell coffee so that means mom is up and in the kitchen.”

Getting out of bed, JJ pulled on a pair of pajama bottoms and a tee. “Think it best not to be naked for my morning coffee. Can I bring you a cup or are you getting up?” JJ asked.

“I’m up” Alex answered. “Gotta pee then I’ll put some clothes on and be there in a minute. You got everything packed that you need?” Alex asked. “I think we can both make it with only one luggage piece.”

“Yup, won’t need much considering where we’re going. Taking mostly shorts and tees, a couple undies and a few jock straps. Threw in a few of our toys and a new bottle of lube. Got the douche bulbs too, the blue one and the white one. Gonna miss the shower wand. Have to be doing things old-school while we’re there” JJ grinned. “If we check the luggage we won’t be subject to an embarrassing bag search at the gate.”

“Good morning, mom” JJ greeted Mrs. Hagen with a kiss on her cheek. “Coffee is smelling pretty good. Yesterday was so great, thank you for everything you and John did to make it so great for me and Alex.”

“You’re so welcome my dear” Mary replied. “So how’s my second son this morning? Are you worn out from yesterday?”

“We’re good” JJ answered. “It was a full day. Mostly nerves and excitement.”

“Morning mom” Alex greeted his mom with a kiss. “I’m gonna toast a bagel. JJ you want one?”

“No, I’m good with just a coffee” he answered.

“What time do you need to leave for the airport?” Mary asked. “Your dad and I will drop you off at Sea-Tac on our way out. You got your tickets and all yes? And what made you choose Belize?”

“Yes, we got the ticket confirmation. We need to be at the airport no later than 10:30” JJ said. “We’ve done Hawaii, done Mexico, Belize just sounded really exotic. A friend of mine from the University was there last year. He hooked us up with a little bungalow cottage on a private beach with a coral reef to go snorkeling. No neighbors, very quiet, private and no touristy traffic.”

“Oh that sounds like you two are will have a great time. Who’s going to look after things here for the two weeks you are gone?” Mary asked.

“Two of the students from upstairs are going to be getting the mail and checking on stuff.” Alex said. “We’ve gotten to know them pretty well. They’re pretty sharp and dependable, and they get pool privileges while we’re away.”

“Time check” JJ said looking at the clock. “We have thirty minutes before we need to head to the airport. ”

Getting through the t.s.a. check point, JJ and Alex got to the gate just as they announced the boarding call. Settling into their first class seats, Alex took JJ’s hand. “This is really happening, right” he said. “This isn’t a dream and in a couple hours I will wake up at home still in bed.”

“I know what you mean. If it is a dream, we are both having the same one. That’s not probable so I’m pretty sure this is really happening. We’re really heading off on our honeymoon” JJ said leaning in to kiss Alex.

Eight hours later, they were leaving the airport to secure the rental car. “When Ken and Barry were here last year, Ken said this place is pretty far out into the boondocks so take a load of groceries and rent something four wheel if possible. That way we can drive on the beach” JJ said.

Leaving the market, Alex and JJ put five bags of grocery supplies in the back of the four wheeler. “You drive” Alex said, “and I’ll navigate. Got the address loaded on g.p.s., let’s hope they don’t steer us into the gulf” he laughed. Forty minutes later they had gone twenty miles down the highway turning off onto a gravel road which turned into a one lane trail through a thicket of low shrub growth and palm trees suddenly coming to an open white sand beach and a bungalow on stilts at the edge of the sand dunes about five hundred feet from the breaking waves. “Holy shit!” Alex exclaimed. “Is this for real? How awesome can this be! Look at this place!” Taking it all in, they saw the hammock and two basket chairs suspended by chain on the front porch. Walking into the bungalow they found a small but very functional kitchen, a four place dining table in the corner, a couch and two lounge chairs in the living room, two bedrooms with one large bathroom at the end of the hall. “Barry was right” Alex said, “This place is perfect. We may not want to leave here” Alex said hugging JJ.

Having stowed the groceries, JJ asked, “How about we change into cooler clothes, do a quick pizza in the oven then take a stroll down the beach?”

“Liking that plan” Alex confirmed. “I’m going to do a quick shower and get cleaned up while we wait for the pizza. I just feel grungy after the flight. You can join me if you want but it’s not like our shower at home, not enough room to have much fun but we can make it work.”

“Be with you in a sec” JJ answered. “Get the shower warm and we can conserve the hot water. Don’t forget the douche bulbs” JJ cautioned.

Out of the shower and dried off, Alex put on his denim cut-offs, JJ had on his khaki cargo shorts. Finishing off the last of the pizza JJ asked “Okay, you up for a walk on the beach?”

“Ready when you are” Alex responded. “Hey, husband of mine” he paused, “have I told you yet today how much I love you?”

“No but it’s wonderful to hear” JJ replied giving Alex a hug and a kiss. Heading to the beach, they walked at the edge of the waves breaking over their feel. JJ slid his hand into the back pocket of Alex’s shorts, as did Alex to JJ’s pocket. After twenty minutes of walking in silence Alex spoke. “I haven’t seen another house or cottage yet. This place is really remote, huh?”

JJ replied, “Yup, Barry said the guy who has this place, a Mr. Howard, owns two miles of beach. We have a mile of beach in each direction from the bungalow that is private.”

“Whoa dude, this guy must be like loaded rich” Alex whistled. “Even with the Belize economy, that must be a pricey chunk of real estate. Let’s turn around and head back.”

Coming back to the bungalow JJ suggested, “Let’s sit here on the dunes and watch the sunset.” Sitting on the crest of a dune Alex snuggled in tight between JJ’s knees. JJ rested his chin on the top of Alex’s head as he wrapped his arms around Alex gently rubbing his hands on his lovers’ chest sitting silently listening to the waves breaking, watching the sunset. “So husband” JJ quietly spoke, “are you feeling at all frisky?”

Turning his face up to JJ for a kiss he responded, “Honest answer?” he asked,

“No, dirt bag. Lie to me.” JJ laughed. “Of course you better be honest.”

“I don’t understand why sitting in a plane for eight hours is so exhausting” Alex sighed. “We could give it a go, but I wouldn’t really be into it. Sorry, but that’s the honest answer.”

“Understand, I was asking more for you than for me. If you wanted to get busy I would be there for you, but I’m Iike you, eight hours in a plane, I’m shot. Let’s just sit here and watch the sunset. We’ve only been here a few hours and we’ve got two weeks ahead of us. I love you Alex Hagen-Tillman.”

“If you want to know what I would really like” Alex said rubbing JJ’s arms making sure he was hugging him tightly. “Feeling just a bit overwhelmed right now and I would really like to crawl into bed and be the little spoon to your big spoon just to have you hold me. I know we love each other even without the sex but I just want to feel you next to me knowing that I am yours and you are really mine, that we belong to each other. Is that weird?” Alex asked.

“Not weird at all” JJ said, kissing Alex gently on his head, hugging him tighter. “I would love to be your big spoon. I understand how you feel. I was feeling somewhat the same on the flight into Dallas. C’mon, let’s go inside, get naked and crawl into bed so I can hug you and squeeze you tell you I love you.”

“I’m gonna set the coffee ready for the morning” Alex said. “I’ll be there in just a minute.” Coming into the bedroom JJ was stretched out on the bed naked, beckoning Alex to join him. “Come here, little spoon” he said, patting the mattress. Alex lay down on the bed snuggling his back into JJ feeling the full body contact from shoulder to toes. “How’s this?” JJ asked, his arm around Alex, breathing soft kisses behind his ear.

“Mmmmmmmm” Alex hummed rubbing JJ’s arm trying to wiggle and press his body even tighter into his husband’s embrace.

Alex stirred awake feeling safe and protected still snugged up against JJ. Moving just a bit he felt the morning erection of his husband pressing at the back of his legs. Rubbing JJ’s arm still wrapped around him, JJ came awake. “Good morning” he said rubbing Alex on his chest caressing his abs as his hand went to Alex’s cock. “I think Alex Jr. is awake too” he said, kissing Alex on the neck stroking his erection.

“Very much awake” Alex giggled. “As is the little JJ” he said, lifting his leg just enough to let JJ’s wood poke up between his legs resting at his taint, prodding at the back of his nut sack.

“You want me to frot you while I jack you?” JJ asked licking behind his ear.

“Maybe” Alex purred. “Shoot it or save it for later, your call, but it’s gonna leave a crusty spot on the sheets. Whadya think?” he asked.

“Two things” JJ cooed between more kisses. “It’s a renewable resource, we can make more, and if we are doing this honeymoon thing correctly there will be more than a few crusty spots in this bed before we leave.” Alex giggled feeling JJ move is erect cock, his hardness passing in and out of the foreskin as he pushed and prodded between the legs.

“Never done this one before” Alex said watching JJ’s hand wank his bone. “Feels different when you tickle my taint and poke into my balls with that weapon of yours.”

“Feels good though, right” JJ asked kissing Alex on his shoulder. “Just lay back and enjoy the ride” JJ said long pushing his thrusts a bit faster.  Kissing and biting Alex tenderly on the shoulder he fell into a comfortable rhythm stroking Alex in sync. After ten minutes JJ felt the beginning of his orgasm starting to churn. “Yup, this is gonna do it, A.” JJ said. “I can feel it.” Increasing his speed JJ stroked Alex faster as his orgasm peaked. “Oh oh,” he said. “Get ready there husband. I’m going to squirt this load.” With a few lasts pushes, JJ grunted biting Alex a little harder on the shoulder. “Yup….. yup…. Oh fuck yesssss…. Here it is” JJ grunted again as the first volley of cum shot into Alex’s scrotum. Four more spurts of cum and Alex’s taint and balls were completely slathered in cum.

“Fucking awesome” Alex mumbled feeling the slickness of JJ’s load. “Put some of that on my dick and jack me with your spooge” Alex begged. Raising his leg, JJ wiped up as much as he could taking it to Alex’s cock making it slick with cum lube. “Oh hell yesssss” Alex moaned. “God that is so hot. C’mon J’s, jack my bone, make me shoot. I’m getting close.” With just a few more strokes on the cum-slick cock, Alex suddenly barked, “Oh god… I’m cumming… now… now… now…” he panted as the first of five spurts landed on the far side of the bed. As his orgasm waned, Alex turned his face back to JJ for a wet tongued kiss. “That was pretty hot” Alex purred, his hand caressing JJ’s head.

“Agreed” JJ whispered, kissing Alex behind his ear. “Crusty spot number one” JJ laughed. “I need to pee, brush my teeth and get a coffee” JJ said rolling himself away from Alex getting out of bed.

Alex stayed in bed looking at the beach through the window. “Coffee’s ready” JJ shouted breaking him out of his daydreaming. Padding naked to the kitchen, Alex poured a coffee taking it to the porch sitting in a basket chair next to JJ. As they sat in silence watching the waves break JJ caressed Alex  on his leg and toes with his foot, absent mindedly fondling himself feeling the drying cum on his junk. “This is so nice” JJ quietly commented. “I’m starting to relax now after the jet lag and all the excitement from Saturday. Think those grass mats by the door are beach mats to use instead of getting towels all gritty with sand” JJ thought out loud. “When we’re done with the coffees, how about I put some sunscreen and a couple waters in the mini-pack, we grab the grass mats and lay out on the beach?” he asked.

“I could go for that” Alex mumbled tickling JJ’s foot with his toes. “It’s not like we have anything else to do, right? That’s the whole point of being here.”

“Okay Alex, got the sunglasses, waters, sunscreen, snorkels. Grab a couple mats and let’s hit the beach” JJ said, still bare naked heading for the door.

“Think we should have our suits or shorts with us in case someone comes down the beach?” Alex asked.

“Nope. Don’t give a shit” JJ retorted. “If someone does come by they are trespassing on a private beach, and I’ll bet it wouldn’t be the first time they saw someone bare-ass naked with their junk hanging out.” Laughing, dicks and balls dangling free, they walked out onto the beach. Setting the mats on the sand about thirty feet from the water they laid down on their backs stretching out feeling the warm sun bath their entire being. “Ahhhhhh couldn’t get much better than this” JJ mused taking Alex by the hand, pulling it to his lips for a kiss. Keeping his grip, he let their hands rest between them, a finger idly toying at the wedding band of his husband. “We should remember to turn over every so often so we don’t lobster burn. That would put a serious cramp in our fun if we were to get sunburned and blistered.” JJ cautioned.

“I’m going into the water” Alex said sitting up. “I need to cool off then bake the other side for a while.”

“Right behind you” JJ replied stepping into the surf. Wading in up to his navel JJ turned to Alex giving him a bear hug feeling their cocks bump together. “Have I told you yet today that I love you?” JJ asked.

“Yup” Alex replied kissing JJ dueling his tongue into his mouth. “Think I heard you say that while you were juicing between my legs earlier, but I never get tired of hearing it. Damn you are such a hot kisser” Alex gushed, locking his arms around JJ’s neck wrapping his legs around his hips. JJ’s hands grabbed Alex by his ass, holding him up as they deep tongued each other chewing on the bottom lips, noshing each other’s tongue. “Mmmmmm you’re getting me excited there mister” Alex purred feeling his cock come to life. Dropping his legs, Alex kissed JJ on the neck working his way lower, licking and kissing the nipples, alternating sides before coming back to kiss him hard on the lips. “Yes sir, this could really get my motor running” he said his hand tugging at JJ’s dick.

“Careful there buster” JJ cautioned. “Don’t get me started just yet. I still need a bit more recovery time from this morning. Give it another hour or so then we’ll see what kind of mischief we can get into” he said lifting Alex in a bear hug, spinning around as the waves crested over their shoulders.

“You better figure it out cuz I’m horned up. I’m either gonna get fucked, fuck you or jack off” Alex laughed, kissing JJ hard on the mouth.

Coming out of the surf, JJ lay down on his stomach adjusting to a comfortable position pushing his manly-bits down between his legs. Turning his head to face JJ he brought his hand up to caress his face. “Hey, guess what?” he asked, seeing JJ look into his eyes in anticipation. “Do you have any idea how much I love you. I love you, Mister Jackson Jamison Hagen-Tillman?” giving him a wet tongue probing kiss.

“I think so” JJ responded, “but tell me again so I am totally convinced” returning the kiss, darting his tongue to meet Alex’s probing. “Sorry” he said apologizing, “I need to pee.” Starting to stand, Alex stopped him.

“Where you going?” he asked

“Gonna go take a piss in the dunes” JJ replied.

“That’s crazy” Alex countered. “Just roll over to the side off the mat and drain your snake into the sand” he said. “Besides, I think I’d like to see how it tastes ” he added.

“What the fuck” JJ scowled. “Are you serious? You want to taste my piss? Ewww, that is just gross.”

“Fuck yes” Alex answered. “Ever since I tasted my own I have always been curious if other piss was as salty as my own.”

“Fuck, dude, you are sooooo kinky.” JJ said astonished. “Really, it tastes salty?” he asked, ”You seriously want to taste my piss?” he asked in a quandary.

“Hell yes, salty, hot and erotic” Alex replied. “Okay, just back up a minute. The body creates some amazing stuff. You can lick up cum and eat it no matter if it’s mine or yours. If I cum in your mouth you take it, taste it, swallow it, no problem and I know you like it. When you are munching on my ass rimming me, how gross is that when you realize you are licking and sticking your tongue in my shit hole. The same hole that I shit through, but you have no problem with that. So is tasting pee any more or less disgusting? What’s the gross part of tasting what the body naturally produces when you pee? Did you know that if the kidneys are working correctly, piss is sterile?”

“Dude, how do you know all this?” JJ asked.

Alex explained, “I was in the hospital in high school. They needed a clean urine sample so the nurse came in with a sterile specimen cup and an antiseptic wipe explaining I needed to wipe the head of my dick to get it super clean before peeing into the cup to make sure it was a clean specimen.”

“Huh” JJ grunted. “Were you ever on a debate team or something?” JJ asked, “because you made a compelling argument that time when we ended up having a go fucking with Aaron and Jacob. Now there is a certain logic to what you are saying that actually has me a little bit more than curious myself.”

“Well good on ya for having an open mind” Alex complimented. “Kneel over here and as you pee I will lick at it and see what it tastes like.”

“Okay” JJ said, kneeling in a position at the edge of the mat. “Here it goes” he said pulling the foreskin back, flopping his dick. As the stream of pee flowed, Alex leaned forward lapping his tongue through the flow. “Well?” JJ asked. “Is it what you expected?”

“Mmmmmmmm” Alex purred. “Yup, just as salty and yummy as the time I tasted my own” he said.

“Okay, this is too weird” JJ said pinching off the stream of piss. “I gotta see what this is all about. Hold some pee in your mouth and then kiss me so I can taste it” JJ said. “Not a lot, just enough so I can see what it is.” Letting his piss flow again, Alex let it fill his mouth, Holding it he sat up bringing his lips to JJ’s mouth and with a kiss let JJ stab his tongue into his. “Holy fucking hell” JJ exclaimed pulling his mouth from Alex. “You are right! It’s soooo salty, and warm, and totally not disgusting” he said in awe discovering something new. “Not sure I would want to drink it, but holy shit, that’s amazing. Think we may have found another way to have some kinky fun” he said darting his tongue back into Alex. “Not done pissing, do that some more” he said.

Giggling, they both lay back on the mats, backs to the sun. His face towards Alex, JJ rested his head with eyes closed on folded arms. Alex reached out letting his finger trace JJ’s face, over the eyebrow, around the crest of his ear tickling at his neck before tracing down his jaw line feeling the unshaved stubble. “Oh what a beautiful face” Alex whispered. “I get to look at this gorgeous face every day knowing you’re my husband.” JJ responded with a quite sigh. “And this chin, and these lips” Alex continued, trailing his finger under JJ’s chin coming to rest at his lips. “This beautiful mouth and these lips that can kiss me like I’ve never been kissed before” he cooed. JJ poked his tongue out to lick the finger pressing at his lips. Drawing the finger into his mouth he sucked at it slathering it with his tongue. “Oooo” Alex grinned in surprise. “That’s cool. Makes me think you may be ready for a bit of fun, yes?” he asked putting a second and third finger in JJ’s mouth.

“How about this” JJ mumbled. “I want to suck on your nuts while you butt much my hole then I want you to fuck me with that joy stick of a dick.”

“Talked me into it” Alex said walking on his knees to straddle JJ’s head. “You know how I love it when you work on my balls.” Positioning his distended scrotum over the eager mouth underneath, Alex gave a love pat to JJ’s leg. “Get that ass up here” Alex commanded. Throwing his legs up over his shoulders, JJ bent himself double, lifting his butt straight up locking the legs under his armpits.

“Sweet jesus” Alex cooed, “Would you just look at that awesome dick and fuck hole! Damn it you are one hot piece of work JJ and to think this is all mine for the taking.” “Ya ya I get it” JJ snarked. “So take a picture already it will last longer. Are you gonna admire it or eat me and fuck me?”

“Patience my cum hungry slut” Alex laughed slapping JJ on his butt cheek. “I’ll fuck this gorgeous pucker when I’m good and ready, too bad we don’t have any asstroglide lube with us” watching JJ flex his pucker in and out. Reaching into the small pack, JJ tapped Alex on the leg handing him a foil pack. “What’s this?” Alex asked, looking at the sliver foil the size of a fast food ketchup pack. “Castle Mega Store single use lubricant” he read out loud. “Well aren’t you just the quintessential boy scout, always prepared” Alex chuckled tearing the foil open with his teeth.

Feeling JJ draw his balls into the warmth of his mouth Alex let out a hushed moan. “Oh…. God yes, you know how good that feels. Sucking those balls is gonna get me so hard” as he let half of the lube pack drip onto JJ’s hole. “C’mon J’s suck on those balls while I get you ready” he said working his thumb into JJ. “I’m gonna slick this dick and fuck you into oblivion” he said emptying the remainder of the lube on his erection, tossing the empty foil aside.

“Oh yes, there it is” JJ moaned feeling Alex penetrate him as he was bent double jacking his erection towards his face. “That dick is a perfect fit to fuck my hole. Give me that dick” JJ moaned. “Not fast, just hard and deep. Is that hole tight  enough for you?” he asked pinching his sphincter.

Alex drove his bone in deep stretching his lover open feeling the sphincter gripping at his invading erection as his balls brushed into JJ’s taint. “Oh fucking hell…. yesssss” JJ grunted jerking his dick at his face.  

“Have you been exercising this hole?” Alex asked between thrusts. “You feel tighter than usual. Either that or I got a harder bone this time. You keep this up and I won’t last long”

“Maybe” JJ giggled. “A bit of the Kagel exercise to keep everything toned up and in shape. Guess it’s working. Double payoff” he said feeling his orgasm churning. “Tight fuck for you and I get a harder bone. You got me pretty close here, stud. I’m gonna pop my nut in ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, oooon, gaaahhhhhd damn, fuck, fuck, fuck” JJ yelled splaying four long thick ropes of cum the entire length of his torso chin to navel. “Bloody fucking hell, A. Look what you made me do” JJ panted still stroking himself, milking the last few drops from the tip of his dick. Wiping through the streaks of jizz, he raised his cummy fingers to Alex letting him taste his man juice.

“Shit you taste soooo good. Give me some more” Alex begged increasing the speed of his assault on JJ’s ass. “I can feel it, J’s, I’m about to cum.” Licking JJ’s fingers as he fed him again Alex grunted, “Unnnngh yup..,.. there… it…. Is…” flooding six shots of cum into JJ. “You are just one hell-uv-a hot fuck mister” Alex whispered freeing his cock from JJ. Lowering himself to lay on JJ he said, “Whatever you’re doing with that hole of yours, keep it up cuz that’s the tightest you’ve been in a while. You’ve always been tight, but this was different, even better” he said as JJ kissed him on the cheek.

“Glad you like it and I can make you happy” JJ purred petting Alex on the back of his head. “We are so great together. Sometimes I can’t believe it’s real. You make me feel so wonderful. I love you so much Alex Hagen-Tillman.”

“Hey” Alex said abruptly, “I’ve been thinking we should do something really special. I only plan on doing this once now that I’ve got you. I want to make this really something to remember.”

“Like what?” JJ asked. “Like a piece of art or something for the house?

“Nnnnooooo not exactly” Alex hesitated. “You’re probably going to laugh and tell me ‘no fucking way’ but here goes. I was thinking more along the lines of a discretely placed tattoo on the butt or hip under the waist line. Ooorrr, and this is the crazy one, you’ve seen the guys in pornos, always thought it would be a fun twist to get a piercing with a nipple ring. Like a small loop with maybe a small birthstone chip. My birthstone is blue sapphire. Yours is amethyst. So is that too crazy for you?” he asked.

“You never cease to amaze me” JJ laughed. “There is a whole kinky side of you that I am discovering more and more. Won’t say a flat out no but want to think on it for a bit. Why not both, a tat and a nipple ring?” JJ asked. “I mean if we’re really going to do this, let’s just do it. What would you choose for a tattoo?”

“I would like two rings hooked together” Alex said. “Like us, locked into each other, unable to break or separate.”

“I really like that one” JJ said. “You’ve been thinking about this for a while. Tell you what, let’s jump in the shower, get cleaned up and drive into town. We can do lunch at that open air cantina then check out some tattoo places.”

“Serious?” Alex asked. “You would really consider doing this?”

“For you, for us, absolutely, but only because I am so in love with you” JJ said giving a deep kiss to Alex’s lips. “Race you to the showers.”