Alex & JJ

by snoop6969

4 Jul 2020 1211 readers Score 9.7 (37 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Alex pulled into the drive way as Aaron was checking the mail box. “Hey Aaron, how’s the Monday treating you?” Alex called out with a wave. “Are you getting all your things moved in and getting settled?” he asked. “Yes, sir.” Aaron replied. “Moved in and glad to be here. Friends are really envious that I am here. Word on campus is this is in the top ten for housing so I’m feeling lucky to be here.” “Great” Alex responded, “But I’m just Alex. Not sir, just Alex. You are not working tables here and not a customer when at home so please, it’s just Alex, okay?” “Yes sir, or yes Alex. Sorry sir.” Aaron now totally flummished searched for an escape. “One more thing Aaron,” Alex said. “We need to sign off on that revised lease now that you are here. Whenever you and Jacob are free maybe you two could do the lease and stick around for dinner, nothing fancy. We can throw something on the grill, dinner on the patio.” “Thanks, Mister Hagen,” Aaron responded. “Weekends at Sardonies are big for me, so maybe a week night? Can I check with Jake and get back to you?” Aaron asked. “Perfect,” Alex confirmed, “Any time you are free just let me or JJ know what works. We are totally flexible.”

Hearing the garage door open JJ quickly completed his purchase andexited his jewelry search returning to his thesis paper. “Hey there studly,” JJ said greeting Alex as he came into the office. “Back on your paper again?” Alex asked. “Yes, been stalling but need to get my ass in gear. Need to stay on the good list with my advisor.” JJ sighed “Well I had an interesting phone call earlier today,” Alex commented. “Carl called to apologize for the way he and Ben handled the Marysville disaster last week taking full accountability for screwing up on the specs and especially the way they just bailed. Ended up begging for their jobs if I would have him and Ben come back.” “It took him a week to come around but that’s step one in salvaging that mess,” JJ said, “provided you can trust them.” “I can.” Alex said. “They’re good guys and they need the work and I really don’t want to or have the time to search for and train a new crew. Carl has been here for ages. Dad hired him when he ran the handy man business. Ben came on about three years ago, so yes, I’ll bring them back.” Alex said sounding a bit relieved.

Alex checked his phone responding to a text alert. “It’s Jacob. Looks like we’re on for Thursday. I told them they could sign the lease and stick around to put something on the grill and eat poolside.” “Sounds fun,” JJ said. “I haven’t met Jacob yet.” “Nice enough guy, super smart, he’s the one with black hair, the bike rider,” Alex said. “Oh yesssss” JJ smiled. “The legs, that explains those legs,” mentally ogling the picture of Jacob on his bike. “Okay perv” Alex joked. “Don’t go all giddy, he’s off limits if I we’re right about those two.” “Thursday is suppose to be a scorcher, forecast in the 90’s” JJ recalled. “Better tell them to show up ready to jump in the pool.” “Good call, mate” Alex said typing and sending a reply. “Salad, cob corn, super thick pork chops, butterfled and packed with seasoned Italian stuffing,” Alex thought out loud. “Wouldn’t need potatoes if we did that.” “Yum” JJ agreed. JJ’s computer chimed with a new email. Taking that as a cue, Alex said, “I’ll get out of your way and let you get back at it.” Alex stood giving JJ and quick rub on the shoulder and a kiss on the top of his head. Opening the email, it was confirmation of his order and express delivery to arrive Wednesday. Nervously drumming his fingers he asked himself, “What cunning plan do I need to have by Wednesday?”

“Aaaaaarrrgh” JJ let out a loud groaning growl causing Alex to come check on him. “You okay in here?” Alex asked. “Yes, just going twisty on this paper. Been pounding at this hard Monday and yesterday. Now today I think I’m about at my limit. I need a break.” JJ whined. “Well, I’m going to Pike Place to get the stuff for tomorrow with Aaron and Jacob. Want to come with and get out for a while?” he asked. “Oh, and this came for you a while ago” handing JJ a package. “What’d you get?” Alex nosed. “Just a little doodad thing,” JJ diverted. “Show you later. You go on without me, but what I really want to do is something I haven’t done in ages. I want to go spend some time knocking around at the science center, grabbing a bite then go up the space needle and watch the sunset.” “Holy smokes, that’s a great plan.” Alex agreed. “I haven’t been to the needle since high school. Spent that day with my folks at some display from Egypt then dad treated us to a ride up the needle. Ouuh, we could go into Fremont and eat at Bailey’s Bar and Grill. Old school kitchen, everything is fresh and servings are massive. They slice the meat as they make the sandwiches. French fries are the best, slicing the potatoes fresh for each order. Burgers taste like eating a t-bone and the hot Reuben sandwich is to die for.” “Okay stop, just stop,” JJ laughed. “I’m sold, so science center, Bailey’s, sunset at the needle. I’ll be ready to go say 4:00.” JJ waited until he saw the car heading out the driveway making sure Alex was gone. Opening his package he took out the two ring boxes. Two matching bands of brilliantly polished tungsten and a rich deep red mahogany inlay. “My god, they’re beautiful” he whistled. “Hope this doesn’t backfire on me. This is going to go really well, or go bust.”

Finding a spot in a parking garage they walked onto the science center campus. “Laser dome,” Alex yelled out looking at the billboards. “Saw a blurb on channel 5 about this and the guy that wrote the program. I want to get in to see that. Let’s check for time and tickets so we don’t miss it.” “Last laser show is at 5:00” JJ said,” so we got like twenty to kill. Astronomy hall is next door to the dome.” “Copy” Alex replied. A quick time check and they cued to the line for the laser dome. “Well that was a mind numbing experience,” JJ said shielding his eyes as they exited into the bright sunlight.“ “What I want to know is how you can get lights to do that!” Alex wondered. “Almost too much to comprehend. I say we leave the car parked and take a metro to Bailey’s.” “Okay,” JJ agreed slipping his hand into Alex’s back pocket as they walked.

Bailey’s was busy, always a good sign. They cruised the menus as they had about a thirty minute wait for a table. The hostess approached.“We have a table for you now if you’re ready. Rachel will be with you in just a moment.” Thanking her, they took their seats at the small table beside the pool tables. “Good evening, gents, I’m Rachel. I see you’ve had time to look at the menu, Are you ready to order or do you need a bit more time,” she asked with a huge smile. “We’re ready,” Alex answered. “I’ll have the hot Reuben, fries, and a large dark ale please.” “And for you?” she asked turning to JJ. “I think I want to tackle the one pounder monster burger, white cheddar, fries and the same to drink.” Taking the menus Rachel stepped off returning momentarily with the ales and told them it would be about twenty minutes. “Table is open,” Alex nodded. “Want to go a round of eight ball while we wait?” he asked. “Is this a set up? You’re a pool shark waiting to humiliate me!” JJ smiled. “Not a shark, can guarantee that. More a pool hack.” Pulling a quarter from his pocket Alex challenged, “Flip for break, heads it’s mine, tails for you.” “Tails” JJ called it looking at the flip. “This may be the only advantage I’m gonna get.” “Perfect timing” Alex said as their food arrived and JJ lined up for the final shot to drop the eight ball to a corner pocket.” “See, you worried for nothing,” Alex smiled.
“Dear god look at the size of that,” JJ sat wide eyed staring at the Reuben covering the entire plate resting on top of a large mound of fries. “Told ya servings were large,” JJ chuckled struggling to get a grip on his large burger and take the first bite.

As they stepped out of the elevator to the observation desk JJ commented, “Good call on the jackets there, A. It is quite a breezy chill up here.” “Wow, I forgot what a grand view this is,” Alex whistled. Finding a place on the side looking out over the water, JJ snuggled up behind Alex holding him tightly resting his chin on his shoulder. JJ began in a low soft voice, “So the day the desk was delivered and we were, ya know, going at it doing our business, somewhere in there you said you loved me. Was that a Freud thing or was that on purpose?” “No, not a Freud thing,” Alex turned his head giving JJ a quick kiss. “Most intentional, and I seem to remember you saying the same thing. Are you telling me that was a primal grunting slip in the heat of the moment?” Alex asked. JJ laughed, “Primal and grunting, yes, but not a slip. I was fully aware of what I was saying,” kissing Alex behind the ear. “I see.” Alex said wiggling tighter into JJ’s arms. Reaching into his jacket JJ took out a ring box. “So, having cleared that up, I was wondering…..” moving the box in front of Alex. “I was wondering if…” Alex interrupted flexing his knees, bouncing like a kid on Christmas morning, “No no no this is not happening. Oh god tell me this is not happening.” JJ opened the ring box and continued, “I was wondering if you, Alexander Ethridge Hagen would consent to marry me, this one Jackson Jamison Tillman because I am so much in love with you. “Oh my god, look at that!” Alex gasped staring at the ring. “The answer is soooo yes yes yes, Mr. Tillman. Yes if you will have me, and how in bloody hell do you know my middle name is Ethridge?” Alex asked turning to face JJ planting a deep wet long kiss on his lips. “That’s a secret that is best left a secret.” JJ laughed. “Now here’s the deal,” JJ continued taking the second ring box from his pocket. “The rings are identical except for the engraving. Inside yours is says, ‘All my love, JJ’ and mine is the same but from you. And we wear them on the right hand until we actually tie the knot. Then we switch them to the left hands as part of the wedding ceremony.” Taking Alex’s right hand, JJ slipped the ring on. Alex took the other ring box doing the same to JJ. “This is real, right?” Alex questioned still in a blurr. “Oh very very real I assure you,” JJ said with another kiss and hug.

The ride home was a flurry of conversation, mostly from Alex. “Okay, when? How soon? We need to set the date. Keep it small, not too many guests. The wedding, we could do this at the house, pool side, catered. I’m not prepping that much food. Who officiates? Neither of us have church pastors.” “Slow it down there buster. You’re about to blow a fuse.” JJ laughed. “I agree with everything you are rattling on about. Catered, small, by the pool all good, the date soon before the weather changes. I think we could pull this together in about three or four weeks, what few invites that need to be sent, time enough to secure the catering and a cake. I know we could get a chaplain from the university to officiate. He’s done a couple weddings for guys I know at the U.” “I know your folks will come down from Bellingham.” Alex pondered. “It will be interesting to see what my folks do with this. If they do come in from Idaho we have the third guestroom.” “Carol is going to absolutely explode.” Alex laughed. “She is so over the moon stricken with you. More than once she’s given me the razz, ‘Too bad he’s gay, if only he were straight I’d be all over him like white on rice’.” “Now you’re just yankin my chain, really?” JJ asked quite amused. “Really really” Alex said. Entering the house, Alex tossed his keys into the bowl, “Okay buster, it’s the two of us naked and in the shower asap.”

Alex stepped into the shower beside JJ already lathered and sudsy, his boner starting to grow sticking straight ahead. “Hold your hand up” he said. “Wow, that is one gorgeous ring. I must say, Tillman, you got style and good taste.” “I know, right?” JJ teased, “And I can pick out a pretty classy wedding band, too.” Turning to face JJ, Alex reached between them holding their cocks together. Kissing Alex, tongues dueling, nibbling at his bottom lip, JJ’s hand joined slowly jacking them to full erections. “Mmmmm,” JJ whispered breaking free of Alex’s mouth. “Feels like we could both do with a touch up shave.” “Later, take care of that in the morning.” Alex mumbled trying to nibble JJ’s tongue again. “Right now me and my fiance’ are gonna get busy doin’ the deed.” Taking care to be clean throughout, now dry, JJ lay on his back across the bed as Alex plopped down prone on top of him. “So, you going to tell me how you found out my full name is Alexander Ethridge?” he asked. “Nope” JJ said giving Alex a poke in the rib. “Told you, a secret that will remain a secret.” “Damn,” Alex complained. “What I am going to do is suck your dick.” JJ said twisting out from underneath Alex flipping around to take his balls in his mouth. JJ felt Alex swallow his erection, making him redouble his attention on the balls and start fingering Alex at his pucker. “MmmHmmm” Alex hummed as he bottomed out on JJ taking him down his throat. “MmmHmmm” again. Releasing his mouth from Alex, JJ asked, “Hey, where’s that fleshlight thing? I wanna se it.” Alex rolled to the side of the bed to open the bottom door of his nightstand. “Here it is” handing it to JJ. Examining it closely, JJ poked at it. “Geeez that’s soft and squishy” he said prodding at it. “It’s some kind of silicone gel. Feels pretty good for a fake hole. Easy to keep it clean.” Alex explained. “So you just poke your junk in there and go at it?” JJ asked. “Pretty much, but here, try this,” Alex said reaching for the lube. “Take a pump of lube, get your dick slicked up and slide in.” JJ put the tip of his dick at the fleshlight. Pulling the foreskin back he pushed it onto his bone. “Sweet jesus, that almost feels like the real thing!” JJ said with a surprise. “Oh my fucking god, yes. If I had one of these in high school I never would have left my room!” he laughed. “Here, let me,”Alex offered. “You just lay back and enjoy.” Locking his fingers behind his head, JJ watched as Alex slowly jacked the fleshlight on his dick watching as it slid in and out. “I’ll bet the guy who locked the patent on this puppy is going to die very rich,” JJ said. “Where did you get this gem?” “Got it at the Castle Megastore on Pike as a birthday present.” Alex replied. “It’s like what are you gonna give a 25 year old gay guy for his birthday, right? So some of my friends went together and got me a gift card. I had a choice of the clear or a flesh tone color. I wanted the clear one so I could see my dick and you can see the cum when you shoot.” “Good choice there, bud.” JJ said approvingly. “Legs up please.” Alex half commanded. JJ hiked his legs holding them at the knees as Alex moved in to rim JJ’s hole as he continued with the slow strokes. “Hells yes.” JJ moaned. “Sweet mother of god that feels soooo good.” Alex reached for the lube taking a small pump on his fingers. Never missing a beat with the fleshlight he rocked his thumb into JJ making him squirm and let out a low hiss. Gently blowing a warm breath at JJ’s ass, he inserted two, then three fingers working JJ loose. “I’m gonna stretch this hole cuz I think I’m just gonna fuck you while jacking you.” Alex warned as he buried his fingers to the knuckle. “Hold on there, horn dog,” JJ said. “I want to try something. Let’s see if we can make this work.” Scooting off of the bed, JJ put the fleshlight between the mattresses. “Okay, get over here and fuck me while I’m plugging my dick into this thing.” JJ slid his cock back in as Alex moved into position behind. Rubbing the tip of his dick at JJ’s hole he found his mark and pushed in. “Fuck yes, A. Fill me up. Stuff my ass with that beautiful fuck stick.” They quickly found their rhythm, Alex long stroking in JJ’s warm and hungry ass meeting JJ’s thrusts as he fucked into the fleshlight. “Feel good there J’s?” Alex asked. “You have no idea,” JJ whimpered arching his back trying to take his lover as deep as possible. Rubbing JJ’s back, Alex started to pick up his pace plowing into JJ’s guts. JJ felt the begins of a climax starting to churn. “Hold off there stud.” JJ warned. “I need a time out. I’m getting to close and don’t want to blow my load just yet.” Alex pulled himself from JJ’s ass and sat down beside him rubbing and kissing the perfect roundness of his butt. “So I’m betting you used this a LOT over the years, huh?” JJ mused. “That was a dumb question.” Alex laughed. “Hell yes. If I had a quarter for each time I shot a load, I could pay off my car!” JJ sat back onto his heels feeling his dick slide free and droop. Leaning over he lifted Alex’s face to his. With a wet passionate kiss asked, “You do know just how much I love you, right?” “Think I do,” Alex confirmed. “And not just when we’re doing this, although you are an amazing fuck and when you are inside me, you do things to me that no one else can do.” JJ purred. “Just please never ever doubt me when I say ‘I love you’, cuz it will never get old, and I will never get tired of telling you?” JJ stood, removing the fleshlight from the mattress as he lay back across the bed. “I wonder….” JJ paused. “Do you think we could get both of us in this thing, like double fucking it?” he asked. JJ moved up leaning his back into the headboard. “Scootch up here and put that killer cock with mine.” Holding their stiff boners together, JJ put the fleshlight on their cock heads and pushed. “Now that’s a tight fit!” JJ exclaimed. “But I think it’s working.” “Holy fuck balls” Alex moaned. “Never would have thought you could do this” he said starting to work his hips in a slow push and pull moving his hard cock inside. “Dude, dude” JJ blurted. “It’s like you are fucking my dick with your dick! Are you feeling this?” JJ panted excitedly. “Oh fuck yes” Alex hissed. “Fucking Christ this feels so weird but what an amazing weird.” “Try alternating” JJ suggested. “Me in, you out, like that.” Falling into the new rhythm they said nothing, only looking at each other in amazement almost giggling. “Alex, I’m getting close. I’m getting real close here. You want to blow our loads in this thing?” he asked. “Right there with you big guy. Let’s go for it,” Alex challenged. Matching each other with faster thrusts, Alex watched as JJ’s face turn red breathing harder with short gasps. “Ooooooo holy fuck A, I’m gonna blow. This is too fucking hot. Shhhhit shit shit shit….” JJ was yelling as he came. Alex watched as a massive amount of JJ’s load erupted, coating the inside of the fleshlight and his own cock sloshing in the warmth of JJ’s cum. Still hard and still fucking, JJ’s cock smeared his cum load. “Right behindyou, J’s” Alex whimpered. “Rigggghhhhht here, oh fucking hell, I’m cumming dude.” Alex let go with 5 strong shots of jizz. His load combined with JJ’s was too much as their combined spooge was leaking out onto the pubes and running down their balls. Feeling light headed and totally spent, Alex flopped onto his back with his hand on his chest feeling the pounding of his heart beat. JJ’s arms fell to his sides, panting trying to regain his composure. “What the hell was that?” Alex panted. “Feels like I got run over by a bus.” JJ lifted the fleshlight making a slurpy pop as their dicks broke free of the suction. “Look at the mess we made and look at aaaalll of this cum.” JJ said. Holding the fleshlight up, more spooge dribbled out onto his leg. “Let me clean you off” Alex eagerly said moving into JJ’s groin, licking the cum from his leg then taking JJ’s cum soaked cock in his mouth. “Let me have yours” JJ echoed, taking Alex the same way. “Hey” Alex jerked and let out a yelp. “Easy there, tiger. Junior there has never had a work out like this before and we’re still a wee bit sensitive, but that was just way too hot” Alex said still a bit short of breath. “That felt so great you riding beside my dick” JJ grinned. “It really did feel like you were fucking my cock with yours.” “Here, let’s put this over here for now” Alex offered, carefully laying the fleshlight on the night stand. “We can clean that up tomorrow cuz right now I don’t think I have the strength to get off the bed.” Rolling back onto the bed, Alex pulled the sheet up over them as he rested his head on JJ’s chest. “Thanks for today” Alex said fingering lazy circles on JJ’s stomach, “I love you, Mr. Jackson Jamison Tillman.” JJ leaned his head forward kissing Alex on his ear, “And I you, too, Alexander Ethridge Hagen.” “You’re not going to tell me, are you?” Alex asked. “Nope” JJ replied.

Alex was the first awake. Slipping quietly out of bed he found his underwear so hastily discarded from last night. Putting them on he adjusted his softening morning wood and headed for the kitchen. Returning a few minutes later with a fresh cup of coffee, he stepped to the shower stripping off, dropping his underwear in the hamper. JJ half stumbled into the bathroom scratching himself heading for the toilet for a pee. “Good morning, sunshine” he muttered to Alex. “I see we are tidying up a bit” he said noticing the freshly rinsed fleshlight on the corner bench then watching Alex carefully taking a razor to his shaft and scrotum. “Yes I am” Alex grinned. “After you so lovingly pointed it out to me last night and you were right. It’s time for a touchup.” “Want me to join you?” JJ offered. ”Actually I’m almost done. I’ll be out in just a bit. There’s a fresh pot of coffee.” Alex said. “Got it” JJ answered. “You can leave the razor and gel there for me if you want. Want a warm up on your coffee?” JJ asked. “Yes please, that would be nice.” JJ strolled off to the kitchen bare naked returning moments later with two coffees, handing one to Alex just as he was stepping out of the shower. Alex stepped to the sink to finish drying off and brush his teeth listening to JJ quietly humming in the shower. “I’m out, Sweets” Alex called. “What time did we tell Aaron and Jacob?” “Pretty sure we said 5:00 o’clock” JJ answered. “You gonna want some help in the kitchen?” “No, it’s all pretty simple. I got it covered, but you’re the grill master tonight” Alex said. “I’m hanging up my tongs this time.” “Understood” JJ called back.