Tyler's Desires

by Alan J

13 Apr 2024 1884 readers Score 9.8 (20 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Tyler and Alan have now worked out together and showered.  Alan is cooking them dinner and spending the night.  This section will involve more watersports, bondage, control, chastity, fucking, spit, romance, and a surprise that some might find unsavory, there is not scat but it comes close, just to warn you.

Tyler turns off the shower, and hands me a towel, without hesitation I dry him off first.  He looks almost surprised as I do this, but just smiles at me.  He then uses the towel and dries me off.  He walks to his closet and grabs himself a pair of shorts and t shirt.  He then goes and picks up the jock that he was wearing that he worked out in, yes the one I wore the previous day.  He says, “for the record you will always be wearing the underwear the day after I wear them”.  He also stated, “sometimes I wear them for more than one day”.  This was incredibly hot to me, to be able to feel that much closer to Tyler was fantastic.  I slide the jock on and I can feel his sweat from the workout.  I instantly strain in my cage.  Although by now I will point out and slight breeze also gets me straining.  He then says, “well get out there and get cooking, I’m starving”. 

He posts up at the bar on a stool and I begin the prep.  I cook everything tasting it as I go. It all is tasting fantastic.  I had a bit of a quick surprise for him, I also snuck the ingredients for my favorite cookies.  I asked where his mixer was, he looked at me quizzically.  He then got up and walked over to the pantry and grabbed a Kitchen Aid, and set it on the counter.  I said, “well color me impressed Sir”.  I began mixing the cookie dough.  He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and latched on to both of my nipples and kissed my neck.  He said, “what do you have here”?  I said, “I wanted to make a little extra surprise for you”.  I told him, “it’s my favorite cookies, my grandmother used to make them for all of us grandkids”.  He continued playing with my nipples and grinding his cock into me, to which I moaned in response and ground my plugged hole backwards.  Just then the timer went off and I said, “ope it’s done, let me get these cookies in and I finish up and plate dinner if you want to go set down Sir.”  He reluctantly moved away, I would see his erect cock in his shorts and I remembered he did not put on underwear.  Man if I was not careful, we would be saying screw dinner and I beg him to screw me again.  But I take cooking very seriously.  I popped the cookies in and made the final preparations with the salad, and cut the bread.  By now the cookies were done I took them out and set them aside.  I plated his food and walked it over to him.  I set it down and said, “there you go Sir”.  I went back to make my plate, I turned around and noticed he was waiting to start.  I took my plate and set down beside him.  This would be another first for me eating in only a jock strap, although I had a feeling it would be happening a lot more.  I looked over at him and he grabbed my collar or necklace or whatever we were going to call it, I’d have to ask that later.  He pulled me in for a kiss and said, “babe, this smells amazing, thank you”. I said, “anything for you Tyler”.  He took his first bite and asked, “ do I even want to know what is in this, and am I going to have to workout twice a day for a week to work it off”?  I just said, “well lets just say there is a lot of dairy”.  We both kind of chuckled an dove in and ate.  We chatted about a few things like what our life goals were, I said mine was to sort of be like my mom, get my Masters and PhD and probably work in education, he said he would love to just farm and share his life with someone special.  We talked about hobbies, we both love the mountains and hiking, fishing is a good way to spend a day, we like the beach and traveling.  The meal went quick with all of the small talk that easily flowed.  We finished about the same time and I popped up and took the dishes and began to rinse them and then I located the dishwasher and loaded it.  I plated the cookies and turned around, Tyler had this look of complete joy on his face.  I said “what has you smiling”?  He replied, “I’ve been watching you bent over loading the dishwasher and fuck I am going to need in your again real soon”.  We both consumed way to many and I was completely stuff at this point.  It was not to late yet and was still light out.  Tyler suggested we take to the couch to watch some TV.  Just so happens Sunday Night Football would be on soon.  Like most games on Sundays this one was not a real barn burner.  But I finished cleaning up and took to the couch with him.  He was laying sprawled out and fuck did he look fine!  He scooted back and patted in front of him and I laid down in front of him.  He pulled a blanket over us and the game began.  WE were both sports fans and enjoyed the beginning but the score was quickly 21-0, and we lost interest.  Honestly I was kind of lost in Tyler at this point.  Clearly he was enjoying his time too, I could feel just how much he was enjoying it in the crack of my ass too.  He had not made a move to pull his shorts down or remove the plug.  He just nuzzled my neck and had his hands wrapped around me, one tweaking my nipple and one holding my nuts in the pouch.  It was clear that I was super horny, I was leaking through the fabric of the jock. 

I admit I was at this point afraid he would pull the plug out and fuck me.  It have been in a while and I knew I would need to use the bathroom soon.  I was not sure how that was going to go given what happened this morning.  Soon it was like he read my mind, he said, “get up and follow me”.  I popped up off the couch as did Tyler.  He led me through the bedroom into the bathroom.  He had some things laid out on the counter, I recognized a few.  First thing he did was cuff my hands behind my back.  He then removed the cage, I immediately sprang into action, if you know what I mean.  He chuckled and said, “nope, that is not why that is off”.  He then plugged in a pair of clippers, and went to work on my pubes, I opened my mouth to protest, and he beat me to it by saying, “this is unnecessary on you”. He buzzed all of the hair off, and continued to do so on what hair I had on my torso.  I was a bit shocked, he really did not say much just took action.  The then said, “turn around”. I did, he buzzed the fuzz off of my cheeks, then what he did next shocked me, he went to my ankle and buzzed all the way up my leg.  I said, “what the fuck Tyler”?  He turned off the clippers, pushed me over the sink and immediately retrieved his belt from his jeans.  He then said, “boy, I am in control, if you have a question about what I am doing you may ask but do not ever curse at me like that, you will now be punished”.  He looked me in the eye and said, “open your mouth”.  I did, and he spat right in my mouth, and told me to lean forward over the counter, with my hands cuffed he moved them up to the middle of my back. He proceeded to use the belt on me and give me 5 hard lashes with his belt doubled.  I was gritting my teeth by the third one and by the fifth one I yelped.  He then stood me up and hugged me and rubbed my cheeks and said, “are you ok boy, I hated to do that but you have to learn what being owned means”. There was that word again.  I said “thank you Sir, yes I am fine Sir”.  I grew up getting spanked but this was no different, I knew it was to modify my behavior.  He then picked up the clippers again and continued to remove my leg hair, and then the hair on my arms.  I stood silent.  He then got out a pump bottle, at first I thought it was lotion, then I seen, hair removal cream.  He applied it to my crotch, and said ok stand there.  He then said, “in case you didn’t figure out, I want you without hair right now, it may not always be like this, but for now I want you to see that you are submissive and I can do what I want”.  I replied, “yes Sir I understand Sir, and I am sorry for my reaction earlier it just surprised me”.  He then had me step in the shower and rinse the cream off, I was now completely smooth around my cock and balls.  When he was rinsing me I was so horny I thought I was about to cum, and I said, “Sir it’s ver sensitive, and I am horny”.  He said, “boy you better not orgasm”.  Thankfully it was over quick. I stepped out and was about as hard a steel rod.  He took a cold washcloth and applied it to my balls and well it subsided quickly.  He then reapplied the chastity, which I expected, but also was a bit crestfallen.  He then said, “ok moving on, I know that plug has been in a while so its coming out, do you feel like you have to really go”?  I said, I do not think so”.  He said, “ok then bend over”.  I did and he removed the plug and tossed it in the shower.  He proceeded to remove the hair from around my hole and out of my crack.  He then held up a red bag with a white nozzle.  He said, “this is an enema bag, and I am going to help you clean out”.  I knew what this meant.  He pushed in the tip, and released the clip.  He then said, “get down on your elbows and knees”.  I complied and he hung the bag on the towel rod.  The water flowed and I felt fuller and fuller.  Tyler bent down beside me and started to rub my abs in a circular motion and the pressure subsided some.  He said, “this will get it moving further in”.  The bag finished.  He said, “just relax and let it work.”  I stayed there and began to cramp a bit.  I said, “um I think its time”.  Tyler replied, “hold it a bit longer”.  I did.  Then he said, “ok up on the toilet”.  I gingerly rose and set down.  To his credit and my embarrassment he stayed.  Everything was happening and kept happening.  He just stood there and rubbed my head and back.  I said, “I think it’s done”.  He said, “ok back on the floor for round 2”.  We did this a total of 4 times.  The water was clean.  He then sent me in the shower and stripped off and joined me.  He massaged me and kissed all over me.  I asked, “didn’t that gross you out”?  He replied, “I grew up on a farm I’ve seen and smelled much worse”.  I said, “yeah but still”.  He said, “remember when I said I control everything and a lot of things you think are private will no longer be for either of us”.  I just said, “ok Sir”.  We finished up and got out, and this time he dried me off then hisself. 

By now it was later and he led me out to the bedroom still cuffed, he put me in bed like the night before. Cuffed to the head and footboard. I said, “will this be how I always sleep”.  He said, “if I want you to yes”.  I just replied, “yes Sir”.  He slipped in bed behind me.  I felt his warmth and then his cock sliding in my ass.  He was not fast or hard this time, he was tender and loving.  He was slow and passionate.  He was kissing me, holding me, and then he said it, “Alan, I know this is about my desires, but I think I love you”.  I replied, “Tyler, I know I love you”.  He continued to fuck me and soon he was about to climax.  I felt it slowly build and he just held in me deep and unloaded.  After he laid there in me for a few minutes and softened.  He then got up, went to the bathroom and returned the plug to my ass.  He crawled back in bed and said, “good night babe” and I replied, “good night sweet prince”.

by Alan J

Email: [email protected]

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