Tyler's Desires

by Alan J

5 Apr 2024 3995 readers Score 9.4 (50 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

This is just the beginning; I plan to write quite a bit. The kink will definitely come into play. I welcome feedback, but there is a plan and some of this is loosely based on fact. This is my first time writing a story like this  .

I was just beginning my junior year of college at a small midwestern university in a rural town in Missouri. The university had been very good at football as of late and, had been successful on a national level. This is sort of how our story takes up. No, there will not be football players etc, just that life in a small town often revolves around a few things. So does this story. Most students who went to college here went home on the weekends. It was, for all intents and purposes, a suitcase campus. For football, some would stay for the home games. This story begins on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. The team had a national semifinal game. We were in a division that had playoffs, unlike D1. They won the game in fairly dominating fashion. The fun always began after the game. Lots of house parties, bar hopping, and shenanigans would ensue. We were the defending national champions and getting back to the championship was no surprise.  

So, after the game was over and the goal posts were carried to the pond on campus, or cut into parts and hung in bars, houses, and dorm rooms. The fun was about to begin. I was headed to a house party.

Let me now introduce myself, I’m Alan. A 21-year-old environmental science major with an ag minor. I was a farm boy, grew up on a big farm, raised livestock and was involved with all that went with small town farm life. I went through high school not really knowing what I wanted, but I knew it wasn’t girls. So, I was quiet about it all and just went along with others.  “Yeah, she’s hot” and all that. I also didn’t fawn over guys, even though I suspected I liked dudes, I would not act on it (yet). I am tall, about 225 and built like a farm boy, dark hair, green eyes and if you must know an 8-inch-thick cock whose only action had even been my left hand.

So back to the Saturday after the game. It was cold enough outside the kegs were by the basement door on a concrete slab. So, to fill your cup you went outside.  As the night went on keg stands were bound to happen and did. I was given the gift of being able to shotgun a beer and do keg stands for a long time, more on my throat and swallowing skills later. So, to do a keg stand you brace yourself in the keg with your arms and someone holds your legs up and someone else holds the tap open in your mouth.

Oh, the college fun! Well, it had gotten kind of chilly so not many were outside, in fact most were just filling pitchers and heading back in. There were a few of us “brave” souls, yeah that’s what we will go with. I noticed a guy at the party I didn’t know but that’s not unusual, but still I knew most everyone and they me. I was, after all, the IFC vice president and quite popular, but mostly, I could talk to anyone and did. I headed outside to fill my cup and the “new” guy followed.

Outside already were Myles, Rob, and Brian three guys I knew from the track team. Myles piped up and said, “hey Tyler how are you liking being home and getting to celebrate an actual good football team”.  Well now I know mystery man’s name is Tyler. Everyone chuckled and Rob, my friend that I grew up with greeted me and there was some uneventful small talk.

Brian suggested keg stands were in order, me being a big guy usually did the holding of the legs.  So two of them finished and went in and it was just Tyler, Myles and I left. I learned that Tyler was Myles’ older brother and he had went away to college to play Baseball. He graduated and moved home to take over a couple thousand acres of the family farm outside of town. I kept noticing that Tyler would look at me and I at him.

We had not talked much, and Myles said, “hey Alan how bout a keg stand, everyone knows how good you are at them”. I said, “well kind of hard to do with just us”. Tyler’s said, “all good, I got you”. So I braced and Tyler lifted my legs and Myles held the spigot in my mouth. I chugged and began to get light headed after about 20 seconds of swallowing upside down and drinking natural light. I tapped and the flow stopped and Tyler was putting me down.

I could have sworn in doing so his hand went up my thigh and to my crotch, but then again I was pretty intoxicated. Once down with Tyler behind me, I wobbled a bit and Tyler grabbed my chest and steadied me. In doing so he brushed my nipples and I sighed. Those were my go to when I jerked off. I am sure the sigh didn’t go unnoticed by at least Tyler, and I was embarrassed. Myles had turned to head inside and Tyler seems to hang on a little bit.  

I  decided to head back inside too, embarrassed and noting that I was becoming aroused. I didn’t want to out myself. By now it was close to midnight. The bars close at 1am and the cops roll up the streets. So, I mingled around a bit and the crowd thinned. I was about to make my way home, walking of course, it was only about short distance across town.

I said my goodbyes and watched as the desperate tried to hook up. I had my own left handed plans. As I walked out the front door Tyler and Myles were on the porch taking. I said goodbye and headed to the sidewalk. They asked if I was driving, I said “absolutely not, I walked”. Myles asked Tyler if he was ok to drive and he said he only had 2 beers all night. Tyler called my name and asked if I wanted a ride home.

I said, “nah I’m good, thanks though”. He then said, “come on dude it’s chilly”. I then thought well a ride home gets me to my “business” quicker. So I hopped in his truck, and I directed him to my place on Walnut Street. I chuckled to myself it was going to be something nut street soon, once I was inside and alone. It was a fairly short trip, even with the one stop light. Tyler broke the silence and said, “big plans when you get home”?

I snorted and said “nah” then for some reason I offered.” Probably just rub one out and sleep it off”. It was then his turn to snort and laugh. His next statement left me speechless. He said, “well if my calculations are correct we’d be better off doing something together”. I stumbled on my words and said’ “um, what, um I’m not”, but I couldn’t finish it. He said, “I got you, I have an idea, how bout we pass Walnut Street and head to my place”? I again eloquently said, “um, I, um. Tyler chuckled and said, “my place it is”.

He then put his hand on my thigh and said, “ I thought I read that correctly”. So off to his place west of town. I still hadn’t spoken coherently. I wasn’t still drunk just sort of dumbfounded. Tyler just seems to naturally take control.

We drive for about 5 miles and turned into a gravel road.  We pulled up to a nice metal building. He said, “this is home, my place is upstairs. In my hesitancy Tyler came around the truck and opened my door and in a dominant tone said, “get out, let’s go”.

For some reason I replied, “yes Sir”. Tyler said, “nice already learning”.  He opened the door, and we entered a big shop, there were 3 big John Deeres setting there and he directed me to an internal staircase. Up we went, him behind me, I could almost feel his eyes boring into me.

by Alan J

Email: [email protected]

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