The New Terrans

by PCLatex

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Chapter 17


Our ‘station’ was a remote outpost and it took several days to reach it. As it had been one of my ‘maintenance stations’ I noticed immediately that someone had gained access. It had been a simple routine all us EMs on this work had practiced — a simple ‘seal’ in an inconspicuous place. The one I knew I’d placed was now missing. I told my companion.

“Okay,” he studied me, his expression amused. “I should have known you EMs had some telltale … Now we know someone’s around. I’ll alert our support.”

There was nothing further to do, for me at least, but to continue with the task we were supposedly there to perform. As my first Compo, and later Jorge, had done, I did the normal droid tasks, fetching tools and parts, fetching his meals and refreshment and twice, draining his sperm bladder. Naturally he reciprocated, but these were ‘rushed’ and basic need, not pleasure — except for me. An oral orgasm is really something …

“Our team are in place,” Eight-Four-Seven said, quietly. “And we’ve got company. You know what to do … we need to distract them until we’re sure our side have them all where we need …” 

He stopped and stood as four rough-looking individuals rushed at us from cover, two aiming weapons at my companion. One of them fired, to my relief it was a stun bolt and Eight Four Seven collapsed.

“What have we here,” sneered the leader. “Looks like an Exile Freak to me — and not wearing his orange suit. We’ll have to punish him, boys.” 

“Hey, look at this.” One of his companions, grabbed my arm. “He’s got one of those fancy sex droids as well. We can have some fun with it.”

“Good idea. Always wanted to try one of these. You two, put this filthy freak in irons, we’ll deal with him later. Goven, check the ship out, we need it.” He advanced on me, his lust obvious. “Now, Droid, I want a good fuck …”

“Yes, master. Do you wish to fuck me, or …”

“What do you think …” he snarled. “Bend down, I’m going to fuck that nice man pussy …”

Several more men emerged from the surrounding vegetation as I moved to obey.

“Argus, fancy fucking this droid? We’ll take it with us once we’ve had our fun …” The leader laughed as the man he’d addressed called back.

“Hang on, those units can give a damned good face fuck, and this is the very latest series. Let’s kebab it!”

“You’re on,” the leader replied. “Help yourself.”

His erection rammed into my anal grommet. “Fuck, they’re right … this model’s fantastic!”

Compared to Jorge, my Guardian companion, Erik and Jorge’s father … he didn’t have much to boast about. It was thick, but not long, and the ‘head’ was quite small. Oh well, I tightened my opening and began to match his thrusts with my muscles. His companion lost no time in pushing his penis at my mouth, and I obediently accepted it. Neither of them lasted long. The leader shot his load within a few seconds, swearing and cursing that he’d not had a chance to enjoy it, and his companion ejaculated almost as quickly. I used the vocaliser to suggest that if he wished he could use me again when he was ready. 

By now there were several of the men demanding to be allowed to use me, and I submitted to their demands, hoping our SWAT team were closing in. It seemed the plan to use us as a distraction was working as more and more of the rebels gathered around where I was the centre of the action, and cock replaced cock. About all I could say about the guys now getting their rocks off was that I was getting a good feeding out of it …

“Hey, why don’t we try its cock? Who’s up for it?” I couldn’t see the speaker, but he seemed to have several supporters, who were encouraging another of their group to either try giving me fellatio, or getting me to fuck him. “Go for it, Lonz, you know you like it …”

“Lie down, Droid. Let’s see that dildo stand to attention.” The order came as the latest pair shot their loads and withdrew. 

Rolling from my kneeling position onto my back, I raised my penis and submitted to their rough examination of it.

“Lube your cock, Droid.” One of their number straddled me, his anus open.

Releasing the lube through the tubules under the flared edge of my rubber glans, I let them test it and coat the rubber shaft, then remained still while the man lowered himself onto my erection. As he did so I noticed that he showed signs of mutation in his genitals, which appeared ‘normal’ in size and form, but his member was neither flaccid, nor tumescent. As his sphincter began to stretch to admit me, I released a little of my own ‘lube’ and let him sink onto my rigid member, his own semi-erect cock and small scrotum obscuring the penetration from my view.

He’d obviously done this before, and knew exactly how ride a partner like this with small movements. I withheld my own cum, instead feeding lube into him to keep him eager, but not yet satisfied. One of the now tightly gathered spectators decided to make use of my mouth, and positioned himself over my face to do so.

The ribald comments and activities turned to alarm and anger as the SWAT team arrived. The man riding my cock made to rise, and I expelled a large load of my cum into him even as he slumped onto his companion’s back with both of them paralysed by stun bolts. Despite my restricting program I felt pleased. As what sounded like a fire fight raged around me, I knew at least one of my users would, now he was full of my cum, spend at least a day with his libido driving him mad …

I had good reason to be glad my breathing was not through my rubber face. With a cock deep in my mouth, and the man it was attached to lying over my face, and further held in place by the man still impaled on my penis tentacle, it would have been difficult. And I had to wait while the Guardians mopped up, secured those they’d immobilised, and finally removed the pair on me.

“Well done, Five-Zero,” The leader of the SWAT team grinned as I he helped me stand. “Looks like you could use cleansing and recharging. We won’t be needing you for the moment, your Master may need you later.”

“Thank you, Master.” Entering the ship I placed myself in the charging unit and let myself relax as it fed me and cleaned my anal sleeve and rubber body. In my view I could see my assigned Guardian sitting in the observation space, one of his colleagues attending him. He’d evidently been beaten by our attackers and injured in some way.

Eight-Four-Seven looked very much the worse for wear as he lay on the bed in the ship’s sleeping quarters. The medic was now resting in the observation space, and had instructed me to feed my master and give him whatever service he needed. Placing the food I’d prepared for him on the nightstand, I noted the bruises on his face and upper torso, the light cover over his lower body hid the damage there.

“Thanks, Five-Zero,” he croaked through his swollen and bloody lips. “Did they injure you in any way?”

“No, Master, my core suffered no injury. What did they do to my Master?”

“Beat me up a bit.” His bruised face managed a sort of smile. “No permanent damage the medic says. Even paralysed, we mutants have a few self protection reflexes …”

So they’d tried to injure his genitals. I knew what he meant. Our tentacle penis has a reflex that pulls it tight to our crotch, and our testes withdraw into our pelvic area at the first sensation of pain. Being muscular, our penis can resist blows, though it is painful, and leaves it painful to use — which is itself a problem thanks to the need to empty our sperm bladders regularly …

“Five-Zero, will you do something for me?”

“It is my function, Master. What do you wish me to do?”

“I need, but they … uh … gave my ‘head’ special …” Flicking the cover aside, he exposed his genitals. “Can you just … just the tip … my sperm bladder is overfull …”

“Of course, Master …” Kneeling beside the bed I positioned my ‘mouth’, appalled at the bloody swollen mess that was his glans. “If Master can move his ‘head’ to my lips, I shall do my best to receive his cum …”

The effort obviously cost him, but he managed, and I released as much lubricant as I dared, mixed with some desensitising fluid, letting it coat the brutalised organ. A long moan escaped him as the swollen part slipped into my oral tube.

“Release your cum, Master …” I said though my vocaliser.

The response was a flood. Pulse after pulse erupted into my oral sleeve. It was difficult to swallow without moving my head and causing him further pain, but I managed. The sensitiser and the lube evidently helped, as he inserted himself, slowly, deeper into my mouth, the erupting cum gradually subsiding. I responded by releasing more of the desensitising fluid …

“Thank you, Five-Zero …” his voice was barely a whisper. “You can stop now.” He waited until I’d released his damaged cock and stood. “If I turn on my side, can you lie behind me and insert your gorgeous penis into me … I need  your cum now …” He managed a laugh. “I don’t know why, but I just know it’s what I need to recover …”

“It is a pleasure to serve you, Master.” I waited as he moved carefully into position, on his side, his leg drawn painfully up. Laying myself on the bed behind him, and taking care not to jolt him or touch any of his injuries, I noted that they’d obviously attached his anus. The sphincter was swollen and a little bloody, and his buttocks showed multi-coloured bruises. I released a heavy coating of my lube around my glans. “What have they done to you, Master?”

“Beat me, raped me with a dildo …” He winced as my dildo sheathed glans touched his damaged opening. I released more lube and gently eased into him as he whimpered and moaned. “Don’t stop … I must get … as much of your cum as you can give me …”

“But why did they do this, Master?” I began to inject cum into him as my dildo-penid slid slowly deeper. 

“To … teach … filthy … mutants … we have … no right … to be alive … just to be … used … by … real humans …”

“Where they trying to kill …?”

“No. Just to maim or cripple.” He sighed as I stopped moving and settled into position, holding his injured body to mine. “No … they want us as their slaves.” He sighed in contentment as I injected more of my cum into him. “That feels so good …”

I sensed that he was now asleep, so remained absolutely still, my dildo-sheathed member joining us and periodically injecting more of my cum into him.

The medic visited us several hours later and, without disturbing my master, checked his condition. I could sense through my penis that my ‘master’s’ sperm bladder was filling again and would need to be drained again soon, but could not leave him.

“Whatever you’re doing there is good for him, Five-Zero, stay there and I’ll bring you anything you need.”

“Thank you, Master. I require nothing at present, but my master will need his sperm bladder drained … May I suggest you find the penis milker he keeps in my charging station? If you lube it well with my lube refill unit, and apply it to him … it will relieve him and you may leave the control for it with me.”

Eight-Four-Seven groaned as the milker was installed, but it relieved the discomfort from his overfilled sperm bladder, and he slept again. Eventually, now in need of some relief and refreshment myself, I was able to withdraw, and went to take some rest and refreshment in my charging station. 

The journey back to the Guardian headquarters was very different to our outward trip. We were now escorted by several Guardian Patrol ships, and accompanied by a large freight carrier now loaded with the prisoners.

“There’s still a few of these idiots on the run, but we’ve got all the ringleaders and over a thousand of their followers in custody.” The Commander greeted us as I helped my ‘Master’ down the ramp. “Your team took down the single largest group, Agent 847. Very well done to you both.” He smiled, “The League for Human Purity is finished. None of the bastards will be at liberty again in this lifetime and the group on Austropia has already started to disintegrate.”

At a distance I could see the prisoners being disembarked from the freighter, all of them apparently wearing manacles and supervised by armed Guardians.

“Good,” Eight Four Seven growled. “I’ve a few scores to settle … but better to leave it to the courts.” He laughed. “And their ‘friends’.” 

“Yes,” the commander paused, surveying my companions visible bruises. “I’ve seen the report on what they did to you …”

“Bastards. Hit me with the stun bolt, then did their utmost …” Pulling me close, he said, “But my wonderful droid has done everything … worked a miracle or two I think.” Turning his face to me, he teased, “I’ve told him there’s no way I’m returning him voluntarily!” He stopped as we were approached by the Admiral and several more agents, each accompanied by a droid. Leaning closer, he said quietly, “Damn! Five-Zero, I think the cavalry have arrived to prise you out of my possession!”

“I’m sure that my fellow droids would not object to your joining our regular assignment circle, sir.” Reading the serial numbers as they approached I had a moment of anxiety as I couldn’t see A 47-J-78 at first, then one of the others moved aside, and I saw him. I felt a surge of happiness, then my droid program kicked in. The human me wanted to run forward and hug him; the droid program wouldn’t allow it.

We both stood wanting to greet each other, next to our ‘assigned’ master and almost within touching distance, but unable to initiate the contact. I knew he felt as I did, by the tiny movements in his dildo sheathed penis, carefully curled over and under his scrotal orb. My own member twitched in sympathy …

“Very well done, all of you.” The admiral stopped in front of Eight Four Seven. He flashed a smile. “For obvious reasons I can’t shake hands with you all — we may need to use this disguise again, and the League’s adherents don’t know about it.” Looking around the group, he said, “You all took an enormous risk, and some of you have suffered injury, but the operation has been a huge success. Now we can all build a better system, and, dare I say, embrace what we are all becoming — even though some of those deluded idiots over there don’t want to recognise it in themselves.” Pausing, he considered for a moment. “Words are cheap, my friends, but I have every intention of showing you all my thanks — our peoples thanks — for what you’ve endured and achieved. Commander, I think your people have earned a rest, and some enjoyment. I’ll leave it to you and to them to decide what’s appropriate.”