The New Terrans

by PCLatex

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Chapter 11


The change in my circumstances was enormous, and that, of course, meant a change — a big one — for Jorge. For me the first step was in learning my given name, and who my ‘family’ were. It took a lot of getting used to having a name, rather than a number. As for the ‘family’ … well, I’d no memory of them, and while I initially felt anger and deep hurt at what they’d done to me, I soon realised thatI now had a lover and loving partner in Jorge, my freedom, and, as a bonus, the friendship of Sirius … It took days to answer to being addressed as Felix …

“Master Felix,” Jorge began as we lay together savouring the post coital feeling. Sirius had just gone to the food preparation area to prepare two of the special containers he and Jorge now used to feed themselves when out of ‘public’ sight and so we could all eat together. “When we are moved to the estate with Sirius, do you think we might be allowed to visit Circe?”

“I don’t see why not, though with Sirius travelling with us, we’ll need to check with the Guardians.” I’d insisted that I wanted to retain my little airship, and a certain amount of freedom of movement. It had been my only home, my refuge, my ‘safe’ place, away from those who regarded mutants as something to be despised. The ship was currently being modified to allow me to take companions with me, and, of course, getting a change of livery. For our move to the Admiral’s family estate we would be carrying a Guardian as well. “I’ll ask the Commander when I see him after my next Rehab session.”

“Our refreshment, Master,” Sirius vocalised, entering with three of the containers that allowed them to feed on the nutritious puree they lived on. 

When we were alone, I joined them in sharing their food, only eating in the normal way when I was in the company of anyone else. The container with the puree had a dildo-like spout set at right angles from its base which they could insert into their oral sleeves, and I simply took into my mouth. We each took one, and my two companions inserted their feeders into their mouths, and began to feed. I followed suit, taking my time. They had the advantage here, and could speak without removing the feeder from their mouths, I had to do so every time I wanted to say anything.

Far from being bland and boring, Jorge’s mother, and now the cooks who prepared food for the Admiral’s family, had gone to some trouble to make it tasty as well as simply nutritional, and I’d actually developed a taste for it. 

“Will we be able to travel in our own ship?” Jorge asked.

“I hope so.” Pausing I thought about the Commander’s suggestion we would travel with an escort. “It depends on the Guardian’s … They are concerned about the risk of being intercepted by some of the anti-change rebels. But Circe seems to be secure. It’s where the first rejection of the Mutant Police started.”

“We can ask tonight. The admiral wishes to join us after his dinner.” Sirius informed us. “He will advise us on the security situation he says.”

I looked at Sirius as he sat, in the typical droid posture on my left awaiting instructions. On my right, Jorge held the same pose. I’d never really given it much thought, but now I wondered about what it felt like to have to surrender your human — albeit mutant human — freedom of action so completely to the constraints of these android bodies that encased them.

“Sirius, I’ve never asked … how difficult has it been for you to be confined to being a droid like this? Especially now you have to remain like this for far longer than you expected.”

For a moment he was silent, then his hand found mine. 

“It has not been easy, Master Felix.” He paused. “At first it was very difficult being restricted to what a companion droid is able to do and initiate — especially as I was used to having responsibilities and to being in charge. It was hard to accept this role as a servant whose primary role is to serve a human mutant and provide him with companionship and satisfy his sexual needs.” Pausing, he added, “But I have adapted. It is pleasant … I have learned to like it.”

“Did you have a mutant partner before ..?”

“I was partnered with trusted Guardians. None of them mutants.” There was a pause. “They did their best, but then I met a fellow mutant and we became lovers. I miss my beloved, Jens. We grew up together, but he was captured by bounty hunters and taken to a place … It was better when they brought me here, and you and Jorge were given care of me.”

“Are you eager to return to your human status?”

“I’m not sure. I dream of my lover being returned, but … I am now accustomed to this state, and have come to realise it has certain advantages. I hear things people would not say to me in my normal state, or to my father. I am also able to see for myself things I was never shown because of who I was.” The vocaliser was silent for a moment. “I’ve seen things and heard things that I think must be changed and my father agrees … Thank you both for giving me the chance …”

The admiral’s visit was brief, but interesting. He told us what was happening and how the changes were being implemented — and gave permission for us to visit Circe. This despite the fact that his enemies were still plotting and Sirius, though no longer danger of kidnap, was still a target, though this was not explained and I didn’t dare ask.

“Sirius, I’m afraid you’ll have to stay in this as long as … well, until the threat is removed.” The Admiral hugged his ‘droid’ bodied son. “We want you home as soon as possible, but, for the moment you are in grave danger as yourself.”

“I understand.” There was an edge of disappointment in the vocalised response. “Has Jens been found?”

“Yes, but there’s a problem … What they did to him …” The Admiral released Sirius, and made an angry gesture. “Go to Circe. Felix, Jorge, I’ll be sending someone to Circe. He will need what you have done to Sirius. Be careful with him, and take care of Sirius and bring them both to the Citadel — I will have Erik sent to escort you there.” 

Addressing me, he said, “You and Jorge have saved a number of young men whose lives were in danger from the League of Human Purity.” He saw my blank expression, I’d never heard of these people. “Remember that group that tried to force you down? They were operating under the League — a sick bunch of absolute …” he stopped, his expression angry. “We are still rounding them up. What they have done to people like yourself, my son, Jorge … It’s unforgivable and they will be punished as soon as we’ve found them and all their filthy little supporters.”

“Who are they, sir?”

“Many of the leaders are from high ranking Command Families.” He snorted angrily. “They have convinced themselves that the mutations are down to ‘bad breeding’ within the community, and have sworn to eliminate mutants, and repopulate the colony with carefully selected and ‘pure’ genetic selection. The fools don’t believe the science — your mutation is actually our species evolving to live on this planet and in this environment. It’s natural, and they can’t reverse it — but they could exterminate all of us with their ‘purist’ ideology.”

“We’re evolving, sir?”

“Yes.” He rose to leave. “Jorge’s mother was working on studying it before Jorge was born. Talk to her about it. Now, you must excuse me.” He smiled. “Take care of Sirius and Jorge — and yourself, of course. You are all our future.” 

It was strange to take my modified airship aloft again, and stranger still to have two ‘Companion Droids’ as company. I plotted a route to Circe that would take us over some of my favourite landscapes, while aware we were being very discreetly ‘escorted’. Once we were at our cruising altitude and the pilot set, I stood and walked to where my companions were semi-reclined in their charging stations.

“I need a load of your special lube, and my sperm bladder drained. Who wishes to do which? The choice is yours …” 

Jorge chose to offer his pussy sleeve to my cock and Sirius filled mine.  Thus coupled we watched the landscape slip by beneath us, changing places at intervals until we all been satisfied. Then Sirius made me a meal and Jorge prepared nutrition for them We ate in the enlarged observation space, enjoying the view.

I manoeuvred the ship toward the waiting hangar at Circe as dusk was falling. The place looked different. There were several Guardian patrol ships in the external bays, but no sign of any uniformed presence awaiting us as we eased into the spot the Controller indicated. Grounding the ship, I began the shut down procedures and withdrawal of the lifting gas that puts it back into the pressure tanks, withdrawing it from the lifting bags.

“You guys had best stay in your charging stations until I know what to score is.” Standing I moved to the cabin door. “It looks like your father is still in charge, Jorge.”

With the ramp down, the Controller boarded. “Welcome back, Fifty … Felix.” He smiled happily. “Has your companion droid performed satisfactorily?”

“Perfectly, sir.” Returning his smile, I added, “He’s superb, and as for the new droids he’s helped develop …” With a laugh, I added, “He’s in the right hand charging station.”

“Great, I’ll check on him in a moment. We’ve got your suite ready for you.” Smiling again, he explained, “We were told you have two droids with you, so the suite is arranged for you and them. There’s a Guardian squad here as well — and they want you and Jorge to do a new conversion for them.” 

“Uh, oh. Wonder what it is this time.” 

“They’ll tell you.” He shrugged. “Right hand charging station?”

“That’s the one.”

A few minutes later he emerged from the Android Charging Station alcove, now fitted with two charging units, followed shortly by the two ‘droid’ figures.

“You know, Fi … Felix, I still can’t thank you enough for taking this ‘replacement’ and looking after him so well.” Still holding his ‘droid’ son’s hand, the Controller smiled. Shaking his head, he turned to Sirius and asked, “Why are you carrying a second droid?”

“I’m delivering him for the Guardians. He’s a special droid, like Jorge.”

“A special? Oh, you mean like the pair of droids the Guardian’s have based here?” Looking over Sirius critically, he smiled. “Whatever. Welcome. There’s a Guardian captain — seven-seven-one — waiting for you. You know the way, and you don’t need to stop for the quarantine droid’s ministrations now.” He winked. “I think the old one has found new employment — with someone that takes better care of him and gives him what he needs.” 

“You mean I don’t get to wear that chastity lock and the quarantine suit?” I laughed at his surprise. “I’ll have to get my droids to do it to me then!”

“You liked ..?” He realised I was teasing. “Oh, yes. I’m sure that Droid Seven-eight will be happy to oblige. I’ll give him the belt and the suit, shall I?”

“Yes. Tell him I expect him to show Double Five how to make sure I’m properly controlled when I get to our suite.” We both laughed as I made my way to where the Guardian Captain waited.

Seven-seven-one stood as I entered the room, walked round the desk and wrapped me in a hug, his mouth meeting mine in a warm kiss. Returning the hug I responded to the kiss, and remained in his embrace, as I teased, rubbing my heavy codpiece against his.

“Good to see you here, Felix.” Releasing me, he grinned, his hands on my shoulders. “Damn, but you look good …” 

“Take care, sir, my cum bladder is refilling, but my pussy is well lubricated …”

“I’ll have to discuss that with you later.” He laughed. “Perhaps in heavy restraints … think you can handle me and the droids behind you?”

Turning my head I saw the pair of CDs in their charging stations.

“Eugen and Franz? And you, sir? In a Club sandwich?” I grinned. “It sounds inviting, but it might have to wait …”

“A club sandwich?” He looked surprised. “How …?”

“Me strapped to a suitably raised surface, a droid in my manhole, a second droid giving me sixty-nine, and another mutant or droid impregnating the second layer.” I grinned. “Everyone but me gets to change positions at agreed intervals …”

“You’ve tried that?” He asked.

“Not since the Institute, at least not the four or five layer …” I admitted. “Part of the conditioning for bondage sex …” I smiled as he released me. “Anyway, you have some task for me, I’m told?” 

“Yes. We’ve another guy we’ve rescued and need to keep hidden while the medics try to reverse at least some of the programming the bastards have imposed on him. They’ve modified his mouth as well —badly. He needs to be turned into a droid. E and F will have to help you and your pair with him though. We’ve had to keep him in a strait jacket … and his penis …” He shook his head. “It’s amazing what he can do with it if he gets it into you …” He frowned. “They’ve really messed him up and we think they planned more … The admiral went spare. It’s his son’s partner …”

“Oh shit.” I hesitated. “Can I see him? I better see what we’re dealing with before Sirius — Droid Double Five — sees him.”

“Yeah, I thought so as well.” He grinned. “I guess the sandwich will have to wait.”

“I guess it will.” Touching his arm, I said, “I’ve never properly thanked you for redirecting me when that monster storm went through. If I’d gone to any of the ground stations Control wanted … this is one mutant that wouldn’t be here now …”

“I know.” Holding the door for me, he smiled, “I’d say you thanked me pretty thoroughly actually.” Shutting the door behind us, he indicated the figure strapped into the most comprehensive strait jacket I’d ever seen. “This is Jens. The medics think they can sort out the physical stuff, but they need to deal with the program the bastards have imposed on him.”

The strait jacket covered him from his knees to his neck, but left his crotch and butt open. A tight muzzle covered his mouth and lower face, but above it his eyes were bright and pleading. His penis writhed like a snake, leaking precum, as if seeking contact with one of us, and he made whimpering and pleading sounds as I approached.

“Hi, Jens,” I greeted him gently. “I’m Fift … Felix. I’m a mutant as you can see. We’re going to try and help you.” Glancing at my Guardian companion, I continued, “My partner, Jorge, is disguised as a Droid, and we have someone you know with us — he’s also disguised as a Droid. Do you mind if I send for them, so we can show you how we think we can help?”

For what seemed a lifetime, he made no response, then, to my relief, he nodded.

“Can we send one of ..?”

“Done.” I could hear the relief in his voice. “E is on his way, and F will join us when they do.” Moving to stand beside and slightly behind the bound figure, he added, “We’ve had to use desensitiser …” Touching the bound man’s shoulder he said softly, “Hopefully these guys can help you dial it down a bit, Jens …”