Student residence

by Leather pants slut

14 Mar 2023 2857 readers Score 7.6 (28 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


————— Sunday morning, Park, Universitycity

It's two o'clock in the morning. In the park near the student association building, a boy is sobbing on a bench. His precious Armani shirt is torn and covered in the filthiest stains, his face and body are covered in spit and semen, and his left cheek is swollen and red. He stinks of piss. The tight leather pants he wears, although covered in dirty stains as well, are fairly undamaged.

If he didn't look so disheveled you'd say he was handsome and slim. His dark blond hair, carefully styled earlier that evening, was now a chaotic bird's nest. His eyes are bright blue. They'd probably be sparkling if they weren't all red and tearful right now.

It all started this evening so promising. He was the center of attention with all those older students. After drinking his Cola-Rum, he felt warm and horny. A handsome, marvelous senior seduced him to go with him to the restroom. There they had sex. It was so hot, the boy got high from the slutty and submissive position he was in. The senior student was so wonderfully dominant.

But then other guys came along, he was beaten, called names, and spat on. The boy loved the attention. He enjoyed being dominated. But this really went too far!

“Troy! Dude, what's the matter with you?"

Concerned, a boy rushes up to the boy on the park bench.

“Sod off Bastian! I need to be alone now” Troy sobs bitterly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" asks Bastian.

"No! Jerk! I'm not okay! I do not need you. Get lost, nerd!” Troy returns to his sobs.

Bastian looks at Troy in confusion, “OK, suit yourself…” and decides to go his own way.

————— Wednesday before, Highschool, Provincetown

It's the last day of school. Eighteen-year-old Troy van der Zandt is in a great mood. After the summer holidays, he will go to college to study Industrial Design at Universitycity. The prospects are fantastic. So much freedom, and so many parties. So much sex!

But now it's the last day of school. Troy wants to make a crushing final impression. He arrives in a new BMW Mini that he got from his father after getting his driver's license. His father is the CEO of a large company, and therefore, has no time, but plenty of money.

The last day of school mainly consists of a farewell party. Troy has dressed extra festively for the occasion. Expensive designer clothes and super tight jeans that show off his bubble butt. It was a nice party, but yes, high school was not the real thing. He was the center of attention. Troy felt on top of the world.

After dancing exuberantly, Troy decides to get some fresh air. On his way out he bumps into Bastian, who looks at him sheepishly. Troy is annoyed by that know-it-all nerd, with his oversized glasses and cheap, shoddy clothes. "Watch your step creep!" Troy snaps at Bastian.

Outside in the schoolyard, members of the student association are handing out flyers. There is a big party next weekend at the student association in Universitycity. The students have come to the high school in Provincetown to warm up souls for fraternity life on this last day of pre-university education. The high school final exam candidates are invited to the party, as a preview of their upcoming college days.

Troy walks up to a good-looking college student “Now that's a real party! Will you be there too?" “Of course, hottie!” says the handsome college student with a grin as he hands Troy a flyer. "I'm Mark, and you should definitely come to the party!" says the hunk. “See you there, Mark!!” Troy lisps with a wink and wiggles his ass a bit as he walks away.

————— That same Wednesday, Highschool, Provincetown

It's the last day of school. Nineteen-year-old Bastian is in a nervous mood. The last day of school mainly consists of a farewell party. The tall, lanky Bastian doesn't like to party. He's too introverted for that. Bastian is more concerned about his upcoming Civil Engineering study. How is he going to pay for that? His parents are not well off. And he hasn't even managed to arrange a place to live yet! It is very difficult to find a student room.

First things first, the farewell party. He doesn't feel like it, but yes, it's a required number. Bastian drags himself to the party. And indeed, as he got there it was too loud, too busy. While Bastian tries to get over his annoyance, he sees the sexy dance moves of Troy van der Zandt. Bastian has mixed feelings about Troy. On the one hand, he is an arrogant snob, on the other hand… well…. that ass…. Dreamily, Bastian observes the extroverted, flamboyant Troy. Dark fantasies bubble up in his mind. Ah…. Troy's bubble butt….

While Bastian tries to suppress his unchaste thoughts, he is abruptly interrupted in his reflections.

“Watch your step creep!”.

Angrily, Bastian decides to let his randy thoughts run wild. He imagines how he will make the ass of that arrogant bastard turn red hot.

Bastian is fed up with the party and leaves. Outside in the schoolyard, members of the student association are handing out flyers. There is a big party next weekend at the student association in Universitycity. The students have come to the high school in Provincetown to warm up souls for fraternity life on this last day of pre-university education. The high school final exam candidates are invited to the party, as a preview of their upcoming college days.

“Are you coming to the party too?” a college student with a pockmarked face asks Bastian. “Yikes, another party,” Bastian thinks. “Why should I come to the party?” he asks the college student. “Well, er, it's a great opportunity to network”. With everything that Bastian still has to arrange, this seems like a good idea indeed, and accepts the flyer from the student.

————— Thursday afternoon, office CEO of VisiTech N.V.

George van der Zandt sits in his study at the end of the working day after the umpteenth meeting. As CEO of VisiTech N.V., there is little time left for other things. Evaluating the day, he surveys his already crowded desk and notices that his son Troy has left his fairly new driver's license lying there. Slightly annoyed, he calls his son.

“Eh slob, you left your driver's license here”….

“No I can't bring it for you, you come and get it yourself”….

“I still need to talk to you, you just come here”….

"That's good, I'll see you in half an hour."

George is worried about his son. He doesn't have enough time to give the kid attention he needs. The fact that Troy is openly gay isn’t a problem for George. He isn’t entirely unfamiliar with gay sex himself. George suspects that his son has submissive feelings. That isn’t a problem for George either. He has a lot of experience as a dominant in kinky role-playing games.

However, lately Troy has been acting very loose and slutty. Troy doesn't think about his future at all, lives by the day. One day George will have to put the boy's behavior in the right direction….

Um, wasn't Bastian Schoenewalt, that industrious intern, a classmate of Troy's? Perhaps he should speak to that boy. He orders his secretary to have Bastian Schoenewalt come to his office.

Bastian enters Mr. Van der Zandt's office a little nervous.

“Bastian, boy, take a seat!” shouts George jovially.

“I have heard many good things about you Bastian, you are diligent and meticulous, you take initiative and, when appropriate, you take the lead”

“Uh, thank you Mr Van der Zandt”. Bastian blushes a little.

“No false modesty Bastian! We greatly appreciate you. If you need a job in addition to your studies, you are more than welcome with us”.

“I will certainly keep that in mind, Mr. Van der Zandt”

"Fine! That's settled then!"….

"Hey, weren't you a classmate of Troy's?"

“Uh yes, mister Van der Zandt” Bastian starts to blush even more.

"Can you tell me what you think about Troy?"

“Euuuhh… Errr….” Bastian starts to stammer and his cheeks turn bright red.

At that moment, Troy van der Zandt storms into his father's office without warning.

"Eh dad, do you have my driver's license there?" gasps Troy.

“Thank you for the conversation Bastian, it was a pleasure for me,” says George.

“Say, miscreant! It is rude to interrupt people like that”, George looks at his son sternly. "We need to talk about your future."

Meanwhile, Bastian makes his way to the door, but not before giving Troy a lascivious look. Troy, who was only concerned with himself, didn't notice. His father George definitely saw it. “That offers a new perspective,” he thought to himself and made a mental note.

by Leather pants slut

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