Student residence

by Leather pants slut

6 Apr 2023 891 readers Score 8.6 (17 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


————— Monday afternoon, Bastian’s room, DSH, Universitycity 

A firm hand takes him by the chin and raises his head so that he faces his new Dominant. Troy is confused for a moment. That's that nerd. But he is no longer a nerd, but a super sexy leatherboy. Troy doesn't know what to think. This boy is just hot! But he hasn't been very nice to the boy in the past. While Troy himself is still full of mixed feelings, his cock already has a clear opinion: it immediately stands erect.

“Hi Troy,” says Bastian.

“Hello, Sir Bastian?” says Troy a little uncertain, not quite knowing what he's supposed to say in this situation.

Bastian picks Troy up by the shoulders and raises the boy so that both are now standing, looking straight into each other's eyes, just a few inches away.

"You don't have to call me 'Sir' yet Troy, you haven't made your promise yet."

Bastian hugs Troy and hugs him tightly.

"I've wanted to do this for so long Troy".

Troy doesn't know what hit him. So many conflicting feelings and sensations. This was that know-it-all nerd, the boy he'd even called "creep." His mind is confused, but his body is extremely sure. He is completely naked and is pressed tightly against a beautiful, cool boy, dressed in all leather, whose touch he registers all over his body. Troy's cock throbs violently between the two boys.

Bastian releases Troy from his embrace and looks straight at the boy again.

“I suppose it's all a bit much now. Before we go any further, it’s important that we have a conversation first, so that we know what we want from each other.” Bastian throws an arm around Troy's shoulder, leading him to the bed, where the boys now sit next to each other.

“In this house, openness and honesty is one of the rules a sub promises to abide by. I suggest that we now promise each other this. I am open and honest with you and you are open and honest with me. Do you agree with that Troy?”

- "Yeah, I think that's a good idea"

"Fine. Then let me get straight to the point. I know your father has put a condition on your stay here. He told you that you must submit yourself to me for at least a week. My question to you is, regardless of what your father wants, do you want me as your Dominant, Troy?"

- “Uh, yes”

Bastian sees some uncertainty in Troy's eyes. "But is there something holding you back?"

- "Yes. I feel guilty. I haven't been nice to you. I called you a creep and sent you away in the park when you tried to comfort me.”

“That is understandable Troy, you just had a traumatic experience. As far as I'm concerned, all is forgiven and forgotten.”

- “Just forgive and forget everything now? Do you really believe that that is true, or do you prefer to believe that, Bastian?”

Now Bastian's cheeks turn red. "You're right Troy…"

“And?” asks Troy.

“I am sometimes still angry with you and I often fantasize that I will put you over the knee and give you a good spanking on your bare ass until your ass has turned red,” says Bastian

Troy's cock gets hard again and he says softly "I want you to do that."

"What do you want?" asks Bastian for confirmation.

- “I want you to put me over your knee and give me a good spanking on my bare ass.”

Troy swallows and says "That way my guilt and your anger can get out of the way and we can continue as Dominant and sub, because that's what I ultimately want, Bastian"

Bastian gives Troy a kiss and says "Take a leather paddle from the back of the board with spanking instruments and bring it to me"

Troy gets up from the bed, gets the leather paddle, and hands it over to Bastian.

“Come over my lap,” says Bastian.

Troy drapes himself over Bastian's thighs, with his butt pointing up, on top of Bastian's lap.

While Bastian massages Troy's ass cheeks he says “I'm going to give you a good hard spanking Troy. When I spank you, a lot of emotions can come up. Some of them can be negative. Don't try to stop it, let it come. Don't worry about being disrespectful. Scream, scold me, cry, everything is allowed. Let it all out. Try not to resist the spanking, but try to surrender to it. It's not easy, but that's the best way to do it. If you really can't take it anymore, use the safe word 'casava cracker'".

The first blow is strong, and the sound of the blow reverberates in the room. "Oh God, yes!" Troy shouts. The sharp pain kills the noise in Troy's head. Another blow, equally forceful, hits his other buttock. Troy lets out another cry.

After the first two very hard blows, Bastian opens the session and moves on to some moderately hard blows. Troy's ass is beginning to sting and tingle. He doesn’t resist the pain at all; mentally he runs towards it. Troy raises his head and gasps, "Give me what I need, Bastian. Please."

Indeed, Bastian does not hold back. The accumulation of sensations Troy experiences, caused by the beating, translates into a piercing pain and a tingling heat. He is in a painful but blissful state of passivity, unwilling and unable to reject Bastian's dominance.

Now Bastian starts hitting harder and faster, and the pain rises to a new level. Troy begins to brace himself for every blow. He starts to moan softly, what "ouch!" means. But the blows continue, harder and harder. This time with the leather paddle.

Troy is angry. First angry at Bastian for what he is doing to him. “Ouch! Damn! Bastian, bastard!” Troy shouts. But of course, he wanted this himself. So Troy gets mad at himself for putting himself in this situation. Now he gets mad at himself for being mad. Troy's body is fully tense, constantly cringing.

Bastian pauses the spanking and caresses Troy's back. Troy's back is wet with sweat. "Try to embrace it, Troy. Don't try to fight it, just let it happen."

“Yes, Bastian,” says Troy. Almost immediately the beating resumes at the same hard level as before. “Yes, Bastian,” Troy repeats. Troy notices that it seems a little easier to bear the pain when he says those words. "Yes, Bastian," he says again. Troy repeats it endlessly: "Yes, Bastian. Yes, Bastian. Yes, Bastian.”

By saying "yes" to Bastian, Troy changes his experience. His body says "no" to the pain and tries to fight back. But his heart and mind say "yes" to Bastian. When Troy says his "yes", his body stops fighting. In the moment when he says his “yes”, both his body and his soul completely surrender.

It's like he flips a switch.

Bastian still hits Troy's ass as hard as before, but the pain seems further away from Troy. He is suddenly overwhelmed by euphoria and gratitude for Bastian. Bastian, on his turn, seems to notice the difference when Troy's body goes limp. The dominant boy makes the blows less painful.

"Thank you, Bastian," says Troy spontaneously. He doesn't thank him for softening the spanking. He thanks Bastian for his dominance. At this point, Troy is all his. Both boys know it, feel it, and taste it.

Bastian reduces the spanking even more and finally stops. He puts the paddle down next to him.

Troy tries to speak, but only sobs come out.

"Try not to think," says Bastian. "Just feel. Speak if you want to, but maybe you can't find the words. Just be my boy. The boy who will be my sub."

Bastian takes Troy off his lap and hugs him. The boy cries and sobs on his shoulder. Bastian cradles the boy in his arms. Bastian isn’t able to not keep it completely dry himself. The boys hold each other in a silent embrace that seems timeless.

They look at each other with tearful eyes.

"This is it, isn’t it?” says Bastian.

“Yes, this is it, together we can go forward,” says Troy.

————— Monday evening, Bastian’s room, DSH, Universitycity 

After the boys recover from the cathartic spanking, they lie on the bed laughing and roughhousing. Both are full of each other, so happy to have found one another. They kiss, hug and make love. At one point, Troy looks concerned at Bastian.

“What is it Troy?” asks Bastian.

“I don't know,” says Troy, “I really want you to be my Dominant. I get super hot just thinking about it. But the moment I’ll make my Pledge of Obedience to you, everything will change. I will be submissive to you and you will be my Dominant. Then there will be a distance between us. But I also enjoy what we have right now, so close, so carefree and intimate.”

Bastian smiles and gives Troy a big kiss. “Dear, dear Troy. Do not worry. You can make your Pledge of Obedience when you are ready to give it. Outside this room, in the house, you will indeed have to be submissive to me and the other Dominants. Those are the rules of the house. But this room is our domain Troy, our rules apply here. You can always ask me here to 'turn off' the Dominant/submissive dynamics. In this room, you can always be yourself, whether you want to be submissive or not. I would get tired of being dominant all the time. I am enjoying this moment and you immensely. I will not let that be taken away by some rules of 'how to do it”

"Oh, so you don't want to be my Dominant?" asks Troy teasingly.

"Haven't you had enough spanking on your ass today?" asks Bastian laughing.

Laughing, the boys begin to wrestle which ends in lovemaking.

The boys are moaning and French kissing when Troy asks "Bastian, can I suck your cock?”

- "Of course, you can, Troy, although I have to tell you I'm pretty sweaty and rank down there right now."

“Oh, I think it’s hot,” says Troy.

“Ah, you have that in common with Rens, who also likes unwashed sweaty balls”

“That boy has good taste,” says Troy, plunging into Bastian's crotch.

Troy inhales the scent of Bastian's cock and balls. Troy's own cock immediately reacts to the hypnotically horny smell and starts leaking pre-cum. Troy has sucked quite a few guys in his young life, but he hasn't had one as thick and big as Bastian's cock in his mouth yet. He is completely focused on pleasing the magnificent tool and that is why he does not notice when there is a knock on the door. More likely is that Troy just doesn't want to notice the interruption.

"Yes?" asks Bastian loudly.

“Mees here, just want to know how things are going."

Bastian looks down at Troy, who continues to suck his cock, and sees the confirmation in the boy's eyes.

“Come in,” Bastian calls back

Mees enters the room and looks approvingly at the spectacle that takes place in front of him on the bed. "Nice!" says Mees, “I see that you are getting along well. I actually came to ask if Troy has already made his Pledge of Obedience to you. I have promised Mr Van der Zandt to keep him informed”

“No, that hasn't happened yet, I told Troy that he can take the Pledge of Obedience when he's ready,” Bastian explained.

“But Mr Van der Zandt's conditions….” starts Mees who then shrugs his shoulders and says “Oh whatever, Troy does look sufficiently obedient”.

Then Troy decides to get involved and with some reluctance he lets Bastian's cock fall out of his mouth. “I would love to have Bastian as my Dominant, Sir Mees. I would like to take the Pledge of Obedience. But today I would rather just be together with Bastian. And as for the Pledge, I would like to pledge not only to Bastian but I’d like to take my Pledge in front of all the boys in the house.”

“I can see that everything is going well,” says Mees “I can report to Mr Van der Zandt that everything is running smoothly. As for the Pledge, Troy, that's a golden idea. I will organize a ceremony. For now, I'll leave you lovebirds alone in your love nest. I will instruct Rens to prepare a romantic dinner for the two of you tomorrow, you deserve it.”

When Mees leaves the room, Troy picks up where he left off.

————— Tuesday evening, Bastian’s room, DSH, Universitycity 

Bastian and Troy are both dressed in sexy black leather when Mees comes to pick them up for dinner.

As the three of them walk to the formal dining room of the house, Mees says, “Call me sentimental, but I have a soft spot for romance. It's so cool that you found each other so quickly. I want to reward you with dinner for two.”

“You're sentimental,” says Troy mischievously.

The loud sound of a slap on leather echoes down the hall as Troy receives a hard corrective slap on the ass from Bastian.

"For you, it's, 'You're sentimental, Sir'" Mees chuckles.

“You are sentimental, Sir,” Troy corrects himself with a laugh.

When the boys arrive in the dining room everything looks beautiful. In the room is a large hearth with a fireplace. A cosy wood fire crackles in the fireplace. A huge classic mirror hangs above the fireplace. On the mantelpiece are copper candlesticks with candles on both sides of the mirror. Damask linen is laid on the dining table, the table is formally set with two place settings, for several courses with beautiful porcelain plates, silver cutlery and crystal glasses. In addition to the dimmed light of the chandelier above the table, the table is also illuminated by two candlesticks with candles. Next to the table are two comfortable dining chairs with high backs. Chopin sounds softly in the background.

Bastian and Troy are speechless. Then Mees says “Take a seat guys, Raf is your host tonight, enjoy!”.

After the boys have sat down at the table, Mees leaves the dining room and Raf makes his entrance. Raf looks dazzling, wearing a tuxedo with a burgundy bow tie that blends beautifully with his chestnut hair.

“Good evening, Sir Bastian and Troy, welcome!” says Raf.

“Raf, please just call me Bastian tonight, I feel more comfortable with you calling me just that at the moment.”

- “Good, Bastian and Troy, welcome. Tonight I am your waiter and Rens cooks for you. Before we start with the aperitif, I would like to say, also on behalf of Rens, that we subs are very happy with you two, your arrival makes the house complete again.”

“It's good to hear Raf,” says Bastian.

“I'm also very happy to be here with you guys,” says Troy with a twinkle in his eye

Raf gives Troy a smile. “Well,” he clears his throat, “I would like to recommend Rens' Vodka/Martini as an aperitif”.

“I’ll have that,” says Bastian.

“Only shaken, not stirred,” jokes Troy.

Moments later, Raf serves two Vodka/Martinis and leaves the dining room, leaving the boys alone.

Troy takes a sip of his Martini and looks at Bastian inquiringly. “You have really changed a lot. You look great, so cool and deliciously dominant. You look extremely hot in that leather.”

- “Thank you, Troy, you have changed a lot as well. Not that long ago you were an arrogant, conceited snob. Now you are a submissive, sweet, but also a pleasantly naughty boy.”

“I have always had submissive desires. I've picked the wrong guys for that in the past. Maybe I need a good spanking on my bare ass from time to time, given by the right guy, to get me to make the right choices.”

Troy is silent for a moment. “I was joking, but I think I really need that, Bastian.”

Bastian swallows “I am ashamed of it, but I have often fantasized about you. That I’d spank you. When it actually happened, I found it very hot.”

Troy laughs “Hey, Bastian, the rules apply to you too. You have nothing to be ashamed of in this house. I don't mind at all that you get turned on by spanking me. Honestly, that only makes me hornier myself. I'd love to get over your knee for a spanking on my bare ass. Maybe not as intense as yesterday. Although that was very special and also necessary. Anyway…"

- “Troy, boy, I can also give you a really nice sensual spanking. I’ll give it to you with love”

“Mmmm, hot man” Troy replies longingly.

Raf enters with a large bowl of oysters. “Flat Zeeland oysters,” he says, “I also have a nice Chablis for you”.

The Chablis with the salty oysters is indeed a nice combination.

“Nice and salty,” says Troy when he takes another oyster, “with chestnut puree it would taste just like semen”

“Ewww yuck, don't be so gross!” shouts Bastian.

Troy's head turns red "I think it's not too bad..." he stammers apologetically.

Now Bastian has to laugh, “You don't have to be ashamed in this house,” he imitates the words previously said by Troy.

Troy's head now turns even redder and more agitated he shouts "Yes, I fucking admit it, I like to swallow cum".

Bastian looks at Troy amused and says “That's good to know,” he makes an apologetic gesture, “Don’t mind what I said earlier, Troy. What you find hot, you find hot and that's fine”

 Now that the tension is gone, and the conversation is now about small talk, Raf comes to collect the empty dishes, only to arrive a little later with the main course.

“Asparagus with Hollandaise sauce and sweetbreads with veal gravy,” Raf announces.

When Troy eats an asparagus, he sighs “This reminds me of something again. It seems as if Rens does this on purpose.”

- “You are just oversexed” says Bastian.

“Are you surprised? In this house, with all these boys? And then this choice of dishes?” protests Troy.

- “I'm more of a butt guy myself,” Bastian chuckles, “I'm sure they can't associate a dish with that”.

“Oh yes, they can,” Troy replies, “peaches. I wouldn't be surprised if the dessert is 'peche melba'”

The boys laugh a bit and then talk about their study plans, hobbies and other activities.

Then Bastian looks a bit more serious and asks "When did you want to take the Pledge of Obedience, Troy?"

- “I understood that Mees wanted to turn it into a whole ceremony. I suppose that takes some time to prepare. But other than that, as soon as possible as far as I'm concerned. When I have taken the Pledge I must be truly submissive to you. I find that a very exciting idea, but it also makes me nervous at the same time.”

“Don't forget we can pause the whole Dom/sub dynamic if any of us feel like it. Let's agree that if either of us wants to treat each other as equals, just make the Time Out gesture. That is different from the safeword, which is more drastic.”

- “That's a good and reassuring idea, Bastian. I really want to be submissive to you, and with this agreement, I feel safe to do that. By the way, I want to start addressing you as 'Master' and not as 'Sir' or 'my Dominant'. Do you agree with that Bastian?"

“Of course, I think that's good Troy!” Bastian says, “I think it's very nice and also hot that you made that choice.”

Raf enters the room with the desert. “Peche Melba for dessert,” he says, looking surprised as the boys burst into laughter.

"Damn it, you were right,” says Bastian.

When dinner comes to an end, Bastian asks Raf if he can get Rens over so that the boys can thank him for the food. Rens appears at the table in a professional chef's uniform.

“That was very nice Rens, thank you. Have you always been such a good cook?” asks Bastian.

- "Thank you. I am not studying at the university. I followed the chef's training and I am now an apprentice chef in a renowned restaurant during the day, where I take care of the 'mis en place' " says Rens proudly.

“Rens,” Troy asks, “I noticed that many dishes were aphrodisiacs, did you make that choice on purpose?”

“Did it work?” asks Rens with a superior grin on his face.

"Yes!" Troy replies curtly and honestly, both annoyed and intrigued by Mees's sub's smugness.

“Say, Bastian,” asks Troy when the boys walk back to their room, “you Dominants can have sex with any sub in the house, but can we subs also have sex with each other?”

- “Aha, you have a crush on Rens! I knew it!"

“Well, for a sub he has a pretty dominant attitude,” Troy says a little apologetically.

- “You’re such a slut!”

“That's true,” says Troy with a smile, “that's why I'm here.”

- “But to answer your question, I honestly don't know, Troy. I think it's best to ask Mees. If I can use all subs as a Dominant, then I think you can have some extra fun too. I think it's fine if Rens occasionally puts you in your place as the youngest sub slut here”

“You know how to formulate it so eloquently and hot, Bastian”

- “Only on the condition that I, as your Master, will lack nothing, and I get the exclusive rights on your ass”

by Leather pants slut

Email: [email protected]

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