Politicians Son

by djfmonkey

19 Oct 2023 1506 readers Score 9.3 (56 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

 Part 4 - Preparing for Thanksgiving Break

 I was still perplexed with my ordeal of whether or even how I could tell my parents, or not. Thanksgiving weekend was approaching and I knew we would be all together as a family again. Mom called to confirm Lyles schedule for picking me up and I agreed, she did say that we would spend Thanksgiving day and Friday together, but she and dad would have to fly out to an event at Senator Stanton’s home, and I would be welcome to come if I wanted to, but they wouldn’t get back till late Sunday night, and Lyle wouldn’t be able to get me back to school until later on Monday, making me miss some of my classes. But they had to go, as they were in the beginnings of a secret exploratory committee and felt that these talks wouldn’t arouse suspicion being away from Washington on a holiday weekend. She left it up to me whether I wanted to go with them or I could stay home, then strongly suggested perhaps I could catch up with my neighbor friend Billy, who would also be home, and then she said you know you guys haven’t seen much of each other really since grade school. She was right, as he never seemed to be home at the same times I was, and I agreed that might be fun. I can take a hint, mom didn’t really want me to tag along.

 A few days went by and Tyler popped into my room after dinner, seeming pretty depressed. After the door was shut behind him, we embraced in a short kiss and hug as we sat on the bed. I was running through my mind what dastardly scheme I would use tonight to get Tyler naked and fooling around with me. Everything I tried he just seemed to reject. I finally asked him what the fuck was up, he pouted with those Blue puppy dog eyes, and that really got me going, and admitted that his parents called and were going to be in the Caribbean for two weeks over Thanksgiving and they gave him a choice to make arrangements to stay on campus or go to his aunt and uncles house, then he admitted he really didn’t want to do either. I think he was more upset they didn’t offer him to spend at least the weekend with them in the Caribbean, after all they could afford it.

 My mind began grinding its gears, and I blurted out “well if you do stay here, maybe I can come back Friday because my parents are headed out Saturday to an event”, then it came to me, “or maybe you can spend Thanksgiving with me at my house. After all my parents love you and we can even manage to be alone Saturday and most of Sunday before Lyle came back from his weekend and bring us back”. I detected a small sinister smile on his face as he asked “Really?” I said “I was sure my parents would allow it”. I immediately called mom and she reminded me that no staff would be there as they would be spending Thanksgiving weekend with their own families but she could bring some of them back Saturday to keep us out of trouble. It took me an awful lot of coaxing and convincing her I was an adult, but I finally convinced her to let the cook pre make us some microwavable dinners and agreed. Then she said she hoped I would still get together with Billy and she’d have the cook prepare enough for him too.

 Damn, I hung up with the biggest smile on my face, as Tyler immediately grabbed his phone and told his mom he would be spending Thanksgiving weekend at Senator Whitfield’s house. Knowing how Tyler’s parents were thrilled with that thought, they instantly agreed that it would be fine.

 He hung up and suddenly he tossed his phone on my bedside table and began to undress right there as if he were kind of performing for me. Oh how so suddenly randy Tyler had become. His throbbing raging boner was released from his pants it began bouncing up and down with what I could only imagine was with his heartbeat as it seemed to be in unison with the slight thumping movement of his left peck flexing under the pale white smooth skin. He came up closer to me and stood alongside of my bed as I lay down, and my right hand reached to cup his warm, smooth, soft well rounded left ass cheek as together we both drew his body closer to my face. His dick at eye level. Suddenly that throbbing dick, with the big purple mushroom head, stretched out so far the shaft skin was almost tearing, almost as I could feel it. Then there was that dick head, almost on its own, it was like it was reaching out for my mouth and tongue’s gentle touch. I took a long drawn breath inhaling his fresh scent that was only slightly musky, opened my mouth and sucked that monster in. I inhaled it as my saliva glands began excreting self lubricating fluids in anticipation of what was to come, in more ways than one. I was like a deprived starved child craving for a beef jerky stick I began to caress it in every way possible in my mouth and wrapping my tongue around it. My dick sucking capabilities were getting better and better and more experienced, every time we both got together like this, I was beginning to know every inch of his pleasurable spots, I knew he just loved and craved my capabilities as well. I was truly in love with his dick and he loved me to suck it.

 He then bent over just far enough to reach into my sleep pants and began to jerk me off. His hand slithered up and down on my shaft without him ever touching my most sensitive head ring. My dick was ready to explode with just the feeling of his dick that filled my mouth. He almost didn’t have to touch me at all. His hands caressed my balls individually at first as he slowly applied more and more pressure to them where it almost began to hurt. But he kind of knew just when to stop, he moved ever so slowly back up my shaft and finally, he finally, touched the ring of my overly engorged head sending a shockwave of pleasure through my body almost ready to explode. I swear he knew what I was feeling as if my mouth was telling his dick where I was at myself as I sensed his feelings through his dick. Holy shit I realized his dick and my mouth were talking to one another and our brains were translating.

 We both didn’t last long at all, I began with a slow leaking that grew into a wet sticky spurting, resulting in a cold damp spot of glob in my flannel pants very quickly, as Tyler wiped his sticky hand off on the areas of dry flannel he could find. Tyler in the meantime was convulsing loads of his salty creamy cum into my mouth, which I’ve grown so accustomed to devouring, but I would savor every drop, always wishing for more. His cum was both thin and watery in the beginning but became so thick and globby before returning to his watery state toward the end. As he pulled partially out and back, it allowed me to almost chew the globs on my teeth before swallowing it very slowly, trying to coat my mouths slightly raw membranes with his soothing seed.  He then helped me out of my pants, tossing them to the floor, where the cum goo would dry to a stiffened state till morning. He then climbed into my twin sized bed, sliding me close to the wall and we cuddled and held each other so he wouldn’t fall off his side. Even though the space was tight and limited, every movement either of us made slightly woke the other, but we felt so calm and relaxed, I don’t know if it was just the exhaustion of the sex or it was just the warmth of our bodies combined into almost one, we both finally fell asleep naked till morning.

 The next day we woke, I opened my eyes to see those beautiful baby blue eyes staring right back at me, I smiled, and he rolled off the bed to the floor with a thump. We heard voices passing my door in the hall, as we both hushed each other. We both stood up, his naked body slightly bent to one side and his flaccid dick hanging to the opposite side of his bend as he had one elbow behind his head and was stretching. I bent over and picked up the pants, they seemed much stiffer and the spot was much larger than previous times, I rinsed them off in the sink and hung them over the towel rack in the bathroom. Then like we’ve grown accustomed to, we showered together, I wrapped only in a towel, Tyler in his last nights PJ’s and we did a quick surveillance check in the hallway to be sure the coast was all clear, before Tyler snuck back across to his room.

 About a half hour later we met in the hall with a few other classmates heading for the breakfast cafeteria and then we were off to class. We’re still able to pull off our secret and hopefully we can continue, there was something about the sneaky secret that made the challenge all the more exciting. But I feared what would happen if we should ever get caught.

 Later that afternoon Lyle called me and filled me in on his plans for Wednesday. He would pick me up right after my last class and take me right home, and then he would take the limo to his family’s gathering right after, as my parents often would allow him to take the limo. Then he said in his slightly cynical joking manor (but somewhat seriously) that “I understand that your little boy toy, Tyler is going to join us”? I giggled, and said yes that was right. He then became a fatherly figure and said “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, and I want you to know that before anything goes down this weekend, because I know about you two, and I’ve kept my side of the bargain, but you need to come clean to your parents, and to my knowledge you haven’t yet”.

 I apologized and said “that it would happen but the timing is just not right” he then began reprimanding me a bit, and told me “the timing will never be right”, he told me, I just have to make the time, he said. He suggested it may be an opportunity before they leave for the exploratory committees meeting, after all there’s all day Thursday and Friday. I objected saying they’ll never leave us home alone, let alone spend the rest of the weekend together alone then. He then said I was deliberately seeking lust over truth and that I was thinking with my sex organs, then he said if I was such an adult maybe I should face the music before things get worse, for the longer I wait, the harder it’s going to be. I abruptly said I understood but I repeated this was not the right time. It was obvious that Tyler and my relationship was beginning to drive a wedge between Lyle and me, and it hurt, it hurt so bad, I could only wonder what it would do to my parents and my relationship in the long run. But Lyle was also right, as the longer I wait the harder this was going to be especially if the committee decides to have my father run for president, I don’t ever want to hurt my dad in any way shape or form.

 Why did dad have to be such a political conservative and put me in this situation, why did he have to possibly run for president now?

To be continued..

by djfmonkey

Email: [email protected]

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