Politicians Son

by djfmonkey

30 Dec 2023 569 readers Score 9.3 (38 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

We arrived at the venue, and we were shuffled into a back door to a waiting room somewhere behind the kitchen. We were offered seats and cocktail hour type reception for just ourselves and a few of my dad’s close staff. We could hear the crowd amongst some band music playing and it sounded like quite a crowd. The announcer came over the PA system and we could hear the rush begin to quiet down as people began taking their seats at their assigned dinner tables. Tyler and his parents were ushered to their table which was next to the head table as the crowd began a subtle applause at them as they walked across the dais to their seats.  Some of dads close fellow politicians were then ushered out to the head table. They then announced me…. “Ladies and gentleman we give you the new first Son, Royce Whitfield Jr.” I was very pleased that my seat was on the end of the head table closest to Tyler’s table, I could almost reach out and touch him, as we both smiled and the cameras were snapping the photos. I kept trying to tell myself to please behave and don’t do anything that will attract unwanted press, Especially tonight.

Then Senator Stafford stood to announce the new first lady and President of the United States “President and Mrs. Whitfield”, as the entire room stood in applause as they walked across the stage, and dad pulled out moms chair for her, seating her, and then went up and down the table shaking everyone’s hands including me, then he slid over to Tyler’s table and made a point to shake hands with everyone at Tyler’s table including many of our staff from home and Lyle.

 I was so proud of my dad and the entire event brought tears to my eyes as I tried not to show it, I knew that my eyes were very glassy. I thought of all the years we’ve been through especially the last one being one of the toughest with such a happy ending, as the crowd concluded their applause and the dinner was begun to be served.

After dinner there were a few short speeches and then the band piped up and began quite an array of tunes including mostly dance music from ballroom to modern. But first Mom and dad were expected, very much like a wedding to take the floor in a first dance, as photos were snapped away. I never realized mom and dad had such dance floor moves, and it too moved me to loving tears, and how was I so lucky to get this set of parents. As the others began to join them out on the floor and tables had many empty seats, I got up and joined Tyler at his table, where we had a great time just talking and enjoying the moment. I glanced over at his dad who was beaming with Pride that he knew, and was a guest of the new president, and deep down I knew he was proud of his son too. As the night wore on and most photos went to press, Ty and I got up and did some current rock dances out on the floor at one point even joining both our parents and really having a great time, Ty and I weren’t very good dancers but as long as I was surrounded by the people I loved most I was happy. Before mom and dad left somewhat, but not too early, as he had to do ceremonial duties in the oval office the next morning, they made sure we were set, as Tyler was to stay at the White House tonight in the Lincoln bedroom, and they made sure his parents had transportation back to their hotel, of course all this was pre arranged by the staff and dad was just being dad and confirming that everyone he cared about knew how they were getting back to where they belonged.

Tyler and I spent till the wee hours of the morning celebrating with many other of the guests, where we began to let our guard down and had several more drinks than we should have. Most of the press was already gone, but we still needed to be mindful of my position, and we really needed to behave in front of the others. We did however sneak a few slow dances and some hugs and kisses. Needless to say the “Rag Papers and internet” was a buzz the next day with some of those photos as if it was an orgy on the ballroom floor, but most all of the legitimate press handled it with dignity.

We were escorted by my secret service detail to the waiting car where we dropped off Tyler’s parents at their hotel along with Lyle. While we pulled a few short blocks up in front of the majestically lit White House, we went in the door and up the residence stairs where Tyler was shown to his room, and I mine, as we were still a bit lost as well as slightly tipsy. Tyler stopped at his door and watched back at me as I was led to my reassembled childhood bedroom. I got ready for bed happier than I’d been in many months, and plopped down on my bed naked after a quick shower. My phone was taken away and I was issued a secure unit and it made me leery of checking out my old websites, not knowing who would see or have access to my stuff. With that the big brass doorknob made an engaging sound as the door cracked open. There stood Tyler, all still spiffed out in his tux with his untied bow tie hanging around his neck.

The shit ass grin on my face from ear to ear could be seen in Virginia I’m sure. He approached me as he watched my nakedness on my bed as my dick began to rise to the occasion. He stood next to me and reached out and slid his fingers over my throbbing rod as I just watched, he touched me so gently I could feel it but my dick throbbed harder wanting to be touched harder than he would currently allow. He was driving me crazy as I pulled his left hand down to make him bend over to kiss me. I began to unbutton his shirt and he slid both shirt, jacket, and tie still untied in the collar in one motion even keeping the shirtsleeves inside the jacket sleeves. His warm smooth chest radiated heat down towards me as I slid my fingers over his smooth hard nipples. I planted my fingers into his armpits while I pressed my thumbs into, over and around those razor sharp points of pink nipples rising above those firm pecks. His kiss became more passionate as his right hand never left my shaft, his motion on my dick then suddenly stopped but his thumb encircled me just under the head on the bottom side as if copying my nipple play on him, all I can say is I was in such a euphoric state I practically can’t explain it.

I finally moved to his pants unbuckling them and they too got removed belt, pants and underwear, all in one motion, as he raised his knee over my head joining me on the bed resting his other knee on the other side of my head. I’m now staring at the most marvelous piece of man meat dangling just inches away from my mouth. He was so hard I had to reach up and pull his dick away from his abdomen to stretch it to my lips. He was bent over as I was able to look up at his ass bending away from my face and his mouth began engulfing my dick and his fingers moved down to my balls still massaging ever so gently. I sucked his shaft while my fingers wrapped around his firm glutes and I spread them apart then releasing several times before working my two index fingers into and up and down his crack. My right fore finger manages to penetrate his hole as he flexed and arched his back up and away with the intrusion. But he bore down more mouth and tongue pressure on my shaft and his finger massage of my balls became much firmer. I snuck my middle finger in alongside my index and forced my way in deeper, without lube I knew he was in pain so I went slow before adding my other index finger. My three fingers separated his hole opening it wide when he flexed his waist and pointed his hole closer to my eyes as I struggled to keep his shaft in direct tongue contact. His glorious hole was opening wide for my eyes to see, I just suddenly came without realizing it and Tyler just lapped up every last drop, before straddling my face releasing his dick from my mouth as he slowly sat his hole over my mouth and my fingers were slowly replaced by my tongue as I rotated around and in and out of that glorious hole. Meanwhile Tyler was supporting his full body weight on his arms still, with his ass suspended over my mouth as I worked my magic, and his knees were bent as his feet were supporting the rest of him, he was in a crab crawl position, when I reached around and began jerking his dick as he began rising up and down on my tongue. I suddenly heard him moan as I continued to jerk with my arms wrapped around those thick thighs when he began streaming cum, as I felt it landing on my abdomen and chest, he suddenly collapsed on my face full force weight as I pushed him off to the side.

He then spun me onto my stomach and dragged me to the edge of the bed and began fucking my ass with the small leftover droplets of cum as our only lube. My face was being shoved into the mattress as I clenched his dick deep in my chamber until he managed to cum once again. The soothing warm cum felt so comforting as his dick continued to slither around my bowels as if he was trying to rub every sore spot with his magical healing cream. He finally pulled out and collapsed with his dick nestled into my buns as I felt it not only begin to shrink but it seemed to throb with every heartbeat as the beats gradually slowed until he was softer than a silken hacky sack. I rolled him to his side with that dick sitting atop his abdomen like a swollen lump of clay and I yanked the comforter over us where we fell asleep till morning.

I awoke to his beautiful face sleeping serenely next to me, just inches as I felt his warm breath on my face. I gently awoke him and he quickly and quietly gathered his clothes and scurried down the white house hallway completely naked as I walked him to the door.

I showered, dressed and met my parents in the residence dining area where dad’s staff was going over today’s itinerary. Meanwhile Tyler soon joined us. My mom asked how he slept and he said just so well he overslept. Today was for us before Tyler had to return home, so with my secret service detail and Lyle who was now shadowing Tyler where we met and picked up Tyler’s parents and then we saw the sights of Washington. We occasionally drew a crowd, but mostly they cleared a path for us wherever we went. Sure we heard whispers and got looks but all in all it was a wonderful day spent with my boyfriend, it didn’t even matter that we had a conglomerate of people and officials with us.

To be continued

by djfmonkey

Email: [email protected]

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