Missing in Miami

by Lee Obrien

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Chapter 6

Alex Fischer

Alex Fischer had basically been on his own since he was 16. His father was in prison, Alex didn’t know what he did, but from what Alex was told, it was bad. Alex didn’t really care, his mother wasn’t much better, she was usually drunk or high, or both. She was always with the next guy that would give her a little money so she could score her next fix. He knew he was gay from about the time he turned 14, and when his friends found out, they all but abandoned him. He quit school when he was 16 and couch surfed between the few friends that he had left. He has worked part-time retail and fast-food jobs ever since. At 18 he and two of his co-workers rented an apartment, it was a two bedroom and Alex slept on the couch. When he turned 20, he got a job as a server at a nicer restaurant and was able to get his own place. It’s just a small one bedroom in a not-so-good part of town, but it was his and just last week, he stopped by a local community college and picked up a catalogue of courses they offered. He had just completed is GED and was working very hard to improve his life and be better than his parents. He wasn’t dating anyone, but he was sure that he wanted to find his soul mate. His best friend was Claire Owens, she was a fellow server at the restaurant that he worked at. It was two months before his 21st birthday, Alex and Claire were at his apartment eating some bad Chinese take-out.

Claire laughed, “oh please, tell me you are going to swipe left on that one.”

Alex asked, “why, what’s wrong with him?”

She rolled her eyes, “nothing if you like you like skinny little geeky types.”

Alex laughed, “you mean like me?”

Claire hit Alex on the shoulder, “no, you are more of a nerd, and you have put on few pounds recently.”

Alex shook his head, “maybe I should just do this by myself.”

She nodded, “yeah, just like you have always done, how has that worked out for you?”

He handed her his phone, “fine, you pick someone.”

Claire started scrolling on his phone and asked, “hey, what about this guy?”

Alex took his phone back and raised an eyebrow, “wow, he’s gorgeous, but you seem to be forgetting one thing.”

Claire asked, “what’s that?”

Alex pointed to himself, “this is the merchandise we are trying to pedal, no way this hunk is going to swipe right on me.”

Claire scoffed, “oh, you’re not that bad, we just need to fix your hair a little. Come on, I’ll help you take a picture that you look good in.”

Two days later, Alex was beaming as he walked into work, Claire noticed and asked, “ok, spill it, you look like the cat that swallowed the canary.”

 Alex said, “his name is Bo, and we are meeting Saturday night.”

Claire’s eyes went wide, “who, the hunk from the dating app?”

Alex nodded, “yep, we are meeting for dinner and then we will see how it goes. We might go see a movie or just take a walk on the beach.”

Claire grinned, “see, I told you.”

Alex got ready for his big date, he and Bo showed up at the agreed upon restaurant at the same time. They had a great conversation over dinner and got along very well. It didn’t take much convincing when Bo suggested that they continue the date back at his place, it was just a few blocks from the restaurant.

As soon as Alex and Bo were inside, they were kissing and pulling each other’s clothes off. Alex was still amazed that Bo agreed to go out with him. Alex kissed his way down Bo’s muscular chest, and he went to his knees and freed the most magnificent cock he had ever seen from Bo’s white Calvin Klein briefs. Bo moaned as Alex licked and sucked Bo’s dick to full hardness, then sucked each nut into his mouth. Bo pulled Alex up and they shared another kiss, Bo went to his knees and freed Alex’s equally impressive member and orally serviced him. Bo guided Alex to the bed, laid him on his stomach and proceeded to give Alex the best rim job he has ever had. Alex moaned and spread his cheeks as wide as he could, Bo moved up and began to kiss Alex’s neck as he sank his manhood into Alex’s tunnel of love. Just before Alex was ready to cum, he wiggled free from Bo and rolled onto his back and pulled his legs up. Bo smiled as he once again fucked Alex. Alex pulled Bo down for a kiss as his overstimulated pole shot its love juice all over the two insatiable stud’s torsos. Seconds later, Bo was filling Alex’s gut with his hot seed, they continued to kiss as they came down from their orgasmic high. Bo broke their kiss to get them each a glass of water, he returned, and they wrapped their arms around each other after they each had a drink. Bo kissed Alex’s cheek as Alex’s vision started to blur. Alex gave Bo a questioning look, as things went completely black.


Blake and I spent the rest of the afternoon searching our data base of missing persons, looking for others that were considered runaways, but may have actually been kidnapped. We were hoping to find a picture of Dave, thinking he may be another victim turned recruiter. I was depressed that there were so many young men reported missing in the city, even more depressed at the number of pictures that had deceased marked across them. As Blake and I talked, we determined that our victims were between the ages of 18 and 22, we narrowed our search. We watched the screen change from hundreds of matches down to about 25, none of them were Dave. I sat back in my chair and rubbed my eyes, I asked Blake, “do you have any bright ideas?”

Blake thought for a minute, “what if he isn’t from Miami?”

I sat up, “shit, you’re right, he may be from out of town.” I widened the search to the entire state of Florida.

Blake sighed, “holy fuck, there are at least a thousand of them.”

I nodded, “yeah, now what?”

Blake and were trying to come up with our next move, Ted Carlson, our sketch artist walked by the office. I yelled, “hey Ted, do you have a minute?”

He stopped and came into the office, “sure Ridge, what’s up?”

I held up the picture of Dave and asked, “can you scan this photo into a computer and compare it all these in the database to see if there is a match?”

He looked at the screen and nodded, “sure, what are you looking for?”

I said, “we are trying to find this guy.” I once again showed him the picture of Dave. “We think he might also be a kidnapping victim from somewhere other than Miami. There are too many to look through and thought it might be quicker to use some sort of facial recognition software.”

Ted said, “yeah, come on down to my office and I can run it for you right now.”

Blake and I followed Ted to the basement, he loaded up the database that we had been looking at upstairs and scanned the picture of Dave. He typed some parameters into the computer and started its search. Blake and I continued to discuss the case as the screen flashed all the faces in a blur. About fifteen minutes later, the computer beeped, and a face appeared on the screen.

Blake’s eyes went wide, “it’s Dave.”

Ted turned back to the screen and clicked on the picture, he said, “no, this is Jesse Snyder from West Palm Beach. He was reported missing by his employer over a year ago, doesn’t seem to have any family and it appears he was working a series of minimum wage jobs for the year before he went missing. You want me to print this out for you?”


Alex slowly opened his eyes and was trying to clear his groggy head, he heard voices. After about five minutes he could see he was in a hotel room, but instead of the usual two beds there were two sets of bunkbeds. He looked up at the bottom of the bed above him, he slowly turned his head and saw another bunkbed on the opposite side of the room. There was a guy on each bed, and they were talking, he determined there was another guy on the bed above him. They noticed that Alex was stirring and got off their beds to come over to him. Alex still couldn’t move and was still very groggy. The guy in the upper bunk said, “just relax for a while, you’ll be able to move and talk again in about an hour.”

One of the others said, “yeah, just don’t act up and they will quit giving you the “special medicine”.”

Alex still didn’t understand what was going on, one minute he was having a good time with Bo, and now it was daylight, and he was in a strange room with three other guys that he did not know. Just as they had told him, about an hour later he was able to move his arms and legs a bit. He was finally able to speak.

He croaked, “where am I?”

The guy on the top bunk jumped down and sat on the edge of Alex’s bed, “you’re at Mr. D’s.”

Alex asked, “why am I here?”

The guy across the room said, “the same as all of us, we work for Mr. D, we are here to perform…services, for Mr. D’s customers.”

Alex sat up a bit, “who is Mr. D, and what do you mean perform services?”

The guy sitting on the bed asked, “what’s your name?”

Alex said, “Alex, who are you guys?”

The guy said, “I’m Paul, that’s Aiden and he’s Ethan.”

Alex tried to climb out of the bed and fell to the floor, “it’s nice to meet all of you, but I need to go.”

Ethan said, “just relax buddy, you aren’t going anywhere unless Chuck says so.”

Alex asked, “who’s Chuck?”

Aiden said, “Chuck is the boss, well, not the big boss, that’s Mr. D.”

Paul said, “yeah, and every night customers come in and pick one of us, we go with them to one of the fancy rooms and do we whatever they want. We get paid $50 for each guy we go with and any tips they give us.”

Alex asked, “you mean like a prostitute?”

Ethan nodded, “well sort of, I guess, but we don’t have to leave the hotel, they come to us.”

Alex took in all this new information, he asked, “how the hell do I get out of here?”

Paul said, “you have to earn your way out, then find your replacement.”

Alex said, “so that’s what Bo did, I’m his replacement?”

Aiden nodded, “oh, Jesse is at again. No, you aren’t his replacement, we had an open spot after Dylan went to live with Mr. Edwards.”

Ethan added, “yeah, Jesse has been on the outside for a while now. Once Mr. D trusts you, he lets you go out and find new recruits, he pays $5000 for new guy.”

Alex shook his head, “but he said his name was Bo, who is this, Jesse?”

Paul said, “Jesse must have picked you up on a dating app.”

Alex nodded, “yes, he did.”

Paul continued, “yeah, he uses Bo on the apps and Dave when he picks guys up at a bar.”


Blake and I took our new information and went back to my office.

Blake said, “ok, so these kids get kidnapped, and what, they brainwash them into going out and bringing back more guys? And what are they using these guys for?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know, run drugs? Or worse yet maybe some sort of a sleezy sex ring?”

He asked, “so why haven’t any of the released guys come to us to tell us what happened?”

I thought for a minute, “they must have something on them, maybe they are actual runaways, and they are given a job and a place to stay. Maybe they have been threatened if they talk, maybe they have been paid off.”

Blake asked, “but Rob and Joey don’t fit that profile, they both seem to be living normal lives. Why were they targeted? I don’t know Ridge, there has got to be something more going on here.”

I nodded, “yeah, I know. But what?”

We tossed a few more ideas back and forth for another hour.

I said, “we need to call Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, Cory and Mr. and Mrs. Morris for their daily update.”

Blake asked, “what do we tell them?”

I shrugged, “just tell them that we may have a suspect, and we are trying to find them and ask them some questions. I’ll call Mr. Morris and Cory, you call Mrs. Wilcox.”

We made our phone calls and decided to head home for the night, it was after 6.

As we were walking out the front door, a young lady ran past us and up to the reception desk.

She blurted out, “I need someone to help me, my friend Alex is missing.”


To be continued…

by Lee Obrien

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024