Missing in Miami

by Lee Obrien

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Chapter 19

We were still staring at Ollie computer screen, in shock of the name listed as the owner of Diamond D Holdings.

The captain walked up behind us, he said, “what’s so interesting?”

I was slightly startled, I said, “Ollie just found Mr. D.”

The captain’s eyes went wide as he looked at the screen, he asked, “are you kidding me?”

Ollie smiled, “no sir, I had to track him back through three shell companies, but that’s our man.”

The captain was already on his phone, calling the DA, Bill Taylor. He said, “hey Bill, do you have time to get over here, we need your help on a case.” Captain filled Bill in on the details and he was at the station ten minutes later. He made several phone calls to the appropriate state offices confirming the names of the shell companies and who the registered owner was. Ollie was right, we had our man. Bill personally went to get our warrant and followed us downtown to Mr. D’s office.

We walked in the door, I asked the receptionist, “is he in?”

She said, “yes, but he is with a client, no wait, you can’t go in there.”

I didn’t stop to listen to her, I briskly walked past her desk as she tried to stop me. I pushed through the door to his office.

He stood up behind his desk, “hey, what are you doing, I am with a client right now.”

I said, “well, your client might want to take his business elsewhere, because we need to talk.”

Blake whispered in the client’s ear, and he quickly got up and left the room.

Mr. D asked, “ok detective Ridgeway, what is this all about?”

I chuckled, “don’t play dumb with me, you know exactly why I am here, “Mr. D”.”

His face went pale as he sat back in his chair, I held up the warrant, “Dwight Slocum, I have a warrant for your arrest, we have at least 20 cases of kidnapping and false imprisonment on you, not to mention you acting as a pimp. And as soon as Chuck hears we have you in custody, I am betting that he will be willing to help us find a few more charges against you.”

There was something so satisfying about the look on that little weasel’s face as Blake put the handcuffs on him.

We got Slocum back to the station and started to process him. Bill Taylor was going through all our notes and preparing the list of charges before we went in to talk to him. I decided to talk to Chuck first.

I was already in the interrogation room when they brought Chuck in, he glared at me as he took the chair across the table from me.

I asked, “are you sure you don’t want a lawyer before we talk?”

He just stared at me, without saying a word.

I said, “fine Chuck, but just so you know, Dwight Slocum was arrested this morning, he is waiting in a holding cell right now.” I could tell he was now thinking about his options. I continued, “or maybe you know him as Mr. D?”

Chuck looked shocked, “but how did you find out who he was? He said he had everything covered, there was no way you could track him down and he could protect us both. Did you tell him I didn’t say a word? Shit, he’s going to kill me.”

I smiled, “relax Chuck, we won’t let him hurt you and he wasn’t as good at covering his tracks as he thought he was.”

Chuck let out a deep breath, “ok detective, what do you want me to say, it seems you have things pretty well figured out already?”

I nodded, “I just need to hear it from you, so even if you are ready to confess, I think you should have a lawyer present to advise you.”

Chuck shrugged, “fine, I’ll get a lawyer.”

I stood, “that’s a very good idea, do I need to call the public defender’s office?”

He shook his head, “no, I just need a phone.”

I said, “I’ll send an officer in to take you to make your call, they will let me know when your lawyer gets here, and we can have our talk.”

I went back and told Bill Taylor that Chuck was ready to talk as soon as his lawyer arrived.

He said, “let me know when he gets here, I would like to sit in on that talk.”

Blake, Ollie and I spent the next two hours going over all the facts of our case with DA Taylor. He gave me a list of items that we needed a little clarification on, and some other information we need to collect. He also helped me put together a list of questions to ask Chuck.

I answered my phone when it rang, I said, “ok, thank you, we’ll be right there.”

I looked at Bill, “Chuck and his lawyer are waiting for us.”

We stood to leave, Blake asked, “can we watch?”

Bill nodded, “sure, but from behind the one-way mirror in the observation room.”

Blake and Ollie went into the room next to one that Chuck was in, Bill and I opened the door and were surprised at his lawyer, it was Robert Slocum, Dwight’s father.

Bill said, “Mr. Slocum, it’s good to see you.”

Mr. Slocum held out his hand, “nice to see you too, Bill. Detective Ridgeway, how are you?”

I shook his hand, “I am well sir, thank you.”

Robert Slocum was a well-respected defense attorney, he rarely wanted to take his cases to trial. He was mostly concerned that his clients were treated fairly. The few cases he did take to trial were because he knew his client was not guilty.

We all sat down, Mr. Slocum said, “well gentlemen, Chuck has told me the details of this case, and I have advised him to cooperate fully. I assume that if he does, you will be able to assist us in getting a fair sentence.”

Bill nodded, “yes Robert, we are willing to discuss a shorter sentence, if Chuck answers all of our questions truthfully.”

Robert Slocum nodded at Chuck, then looked at me, “detective, I assume you have some questions.”

I nodded, “ok Chuck, first of all, tell me about how you recruited the guys.”

For the next two hours, Chuck confirmed all the information that we had. They targeted young guys that were run aways or homeless. At first, they rented them out for sex to anyone willing to pay, like they had done to Alex. Edwards was the first customer to want to keep the same boy all the time, that’s when they set up the apartment scheme. They discovered the cam show thing when one of their customers taped a session with one of the boys and posted it. He told us that they rotated the boys between the hotel and country houses, but once a boy was “sold”, it was the owner’s choice to switch them out. Once the boys became too old or weren’t selected at the hotel any longer, they would send them out to find a replacement. They gave them some money and basically dumped them back on the street.

I asked, “so what happened, why did Jesse go after guys that weren’t run aways?”

Chuck shook his head, “yeah, that stupid Jesse. He had been with us about two years, he wanted to quit the Johns and the web shows. We told him he needed to find a replacement, and he brought us Kyle. He found out that Edwards paid us $10,000 for Dylan and he offered to keep bringing us new guys at $5000 each. That’s when we set up the second and third house, we had more guys coming in than we had going out.”

I took a deep breath, “so he went rouge and started bringing guys that would be reported missing.”

Chuck nodded, “yep, I didn’t know about that until Mr. D… er Dwight showed me that newspaper article.”

I asked, “were you and the two guys we arrested at the country house the ones that beat him up?”

Chuck shook his head, “no, I’m not taking the wrap for that. I have no idea who did that, Dwight set it up. He was pissed that I was taking too long finding Jesse.”

I said, “but you were the one that forced Howard Edwards to take those pills?”

Chuck hung his head, “yeah, after I heard what Dwight did to Jesse, I didn’t want to be next. I was supposed to bring Edwards to Dwight, but Edwards started to fight back, so we just handled him right then.”

I asked, “so Jesse was just bringing guys for the money?”

He nodded, “yeah, he told me as soon as he had $25,000, he was going to skip town, he had some scheme out in California with some old buddy, he claimed they were going to make millions.”

I asked, “do you know what the scheme was?”

Chuck said, “nah, he never gave me any details.”

I said, “so tell me about Tyler.”

He thought a minute, “oh, the other kid that lived with Edwards?”

I nodded.

Chuck rolled his eyes, “that was another fucked up mess. Tyler wanted out, I guess Edwards was ready for a new piece of ass. Edwards told the kid if he found another guy, he would let him leave. I told him I needed to clear that with Dwight, but before I could, Tyler was gone and there was a new kid in the apartment. Edwards told me he gave Tyler $5000, and he was gone.”

I asked, “where is Tyler?”

He shrugged, “we have no idea, I was never able to find him, I don’t think the guys that Dwight hired to get Jesse found him either.”

We clarified a few more points and finally ended the interview.

Bill stood and shook Robert Slocum’s hand, “I’ll call you with a recommendation tomorrow morning, once we agree on the terms, I will get a court date set.”

Robert said, “thank you, let me know if you have any more questions for my client.”

Bill said, “can I assume you will be defending Dwight as well?”

Robert laughed, “there is no defending what Dwight did, I will be representing him, I might even have a couple recommendations on his punishment.”

Bill chuckled, “I will call you tomorrow.”

We left the interrogation room and met Blake and Ollie in the hall, we walked back to my office in stunned silence.

Ollie let out a deep breath, “wow!”

Blake said, “yeah, that about sums it up, wow.”

Bill said, “well, I have a lot of paperwork to get done, good jobs guys. We’ll go after Dwight tomorrow.”

I patted Bill on the shoulder, “thanks.”

I said, “I don’t know about you guys, but I could use a drink. You guys want to meet me at the Pink Parrot?”

Blake smiled, “I’ll run by my house and pick up my wife, you’re bringing Lucas, right?”

I said, “sure, I’ll give him a call and tell him to meet us there. You’re coming too, aren’t you Ollie?”

He flashed those cute dimples, “sure, if you’re inviting me.”

I said, “of course you’re invited, hell you did most of the work on this case.”

I was the first to arrive at the bar, Adam greeted me, “hey detective Ridgeway, can I ask how the case is going?”

I smiled, “we got Rob home safe and sound, and the bad guys are in jail or the hospital.”

He grinned, “good to hear, so this is a social visit?”

I nodded, “yes, it is, I’ll have a rum and Coke, there will be a few more people joining me, so just start me a tab.”

He gave me a thumbs up as I found a table. Lucas walked in just as I sat down, he had another man with him.

He gave me a kiss, “hey babe, this is Andy Chase, he just started at the lab with me last month, I hope it’s ok that I invited him along.”

I shook his hand, “sure, the more the merrier, I’m Ridge, it’s nice to meet you.”

Andy smiled, “thanks, I just moved to town when I started at the hospital, I haven’t had time to meet too many people.”

I said, “Ollie, Blake and his wife are joining us.”

Lucas grinned, “so does that mean you solved your case?”

I nodded, “yep, just a few loose ends to wrap up, but yeah, we got the bad guys.”

Blake came over to the table, “hi everyone, this is my wife, Hannah. Hannah this is Ridge, Lucas, and a guy I don’t know.”

Andy stood, “I’m Andy, I work with Lucas.”

Ollie walked in as Adam brought our first round of drinks. Hannah asked Lucas for tips on making his chicken and rice dish, because Blake had made the mistake of telling her that his was better. Ollie and Andy just looked at us while we laughed and teased Blake. I filled them in on the whole story.

After a couple more rounds, Blake and Hannah decided to go home. Lucas and I finished our drinks.

I said, “I guess we should call it a night too.”

Lucas smiled, “yeah, I’m sure that Lucy is ready to be let outside.”

I said, “shit, I forgot about her, we better hurry.”

Ollie and Andy looked at us, a bit confused, Lucas chuckled, “Lucy is our dog.”

We stood to leave, Andy said, “thanks for including me tonight, I had a good time.”

Ollie said, “yeah, me too.”

I smiled at Ollie, “you’re welcome, and I really appreciate all of your help on this case.”

He smiled back, “thanks, I learned a lot, I hope you ask me to help on more cases.” I gave him a wink as we walked toward the door.

Andy looked at Ollie, “I think I might have one more drink, would you like to stay for a bit?”

Lucas nudged me, “well, you guys don’t stay out too late, come on Drake, Lucy is waiting.”

When we got outside, I looked at Lucas, “did you plan that?”

Lucas shrugged, “I didn’t plan anything, I knew Andy hadn’t been out much since he moved here and when you said Ollie was going to be here, I just thought they might get along.”


Adam gave Ollie and Andy another drink, after a few minutes of awkward silence, Andy said, “you have cute dimples.”

Ollie blushed and instinctively put his hand to face to cover his cheeks, “um, thanks.”

Andy pulled Ollie’s hand away, “you don’t have to hide them.” He kept holding Ollie’s hand.

Ollie didn’t try to pull away, he stared into Andy’s eyes, “you have great eyes.”

Andy smiled, “thank you, so should we stay here and waste time, or would you like to come back to my place?”

Ollie asked, “where do you live?”

Andy said, “about 30 minutes from here.”

Ollie grinned, “my place is 20 minutes away.”

Andy squeezed Ollie hand, “ok, your place it is.”

They stood to go to the door, Adam chuckled, “have a good night, guys.”

In unison, they said, “thanks.”

They were pulling each other’s clothes off before they even had the door closed. Ollie threw Andy’s shirt to the floor, He looked in Andy’s beautiful brown eyes, then ran his hand through Andy’s wavey auburn hair. Ollie said, “God you’re so sexy.”

Ollie sank to his knees, unfastened Andy’s belt, and opened his pants. Ollie let out a slight gasp when he saw the bulge in Andy’s black boxer briefs. He slowly hooked his fingers into the waistband and revealed Andy’s magnificent monster. Ollie just stared at the uncut 8-inch salami that sprang into view, and it was only half hard at this point. He wrapped his hand around Andy’s manhood and licked the drop of precum that was leaking from the slit that was surrounded by the foreskin. One taste and Ollie was hooked, he gave it his best effort, but only succeeded in getting about half that cock into his mouth. Andy smiled as he looked down at Ollie, “it’s ok, you got further than the last guy I was with.” Ollie continued to pleasure Andy, and from the sounds Andy was making, he was succeeding.

Andy pulled Ollie to his feet and stripped him out of the rest of his clothes. Ollie blushed when his average 6-incher made its appearance. He half mumbled, “sorry.” Andy kissed him, “don’t be sorry, its perfect.” They made their way to the bedroom and fell onto the bed for a long sixty-nine session. They each had worked a finger into the other’s hole. Andy spit Ollie’s cock out of this mouth, he rolled onto his back and pulled his legs up, he panted, “you should fuck me now.”

Ollie asked, “really?” Andy nodded and threw him the bottle of lube that he had noticed sitting on Ollie’s nightstand. Ollie grinned as he coated his dick and Andy’s pucker with the slick liquid. He slowly pushed in as they locked their lips together. They continued to kiss as Ollie picked up speed, their moans now coming in perfect harmony with each other. They both tensed up as they sent their semen flying, Andy’s all over their stomachs and Ollies deep inside Andy’s love tunnel.

Once they caught their breath, Ollie rolled beside Andy and wrapped his arms around him.

Ollie said, “welcome to Miami.”

Andy chuckled, “thank you, it’s good to be here.”


To be continued…

by Lee Obrien

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024