Just Friends

by Jack

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We arrived at the resort and went directly to the locker room.  We put our clothes in lockers and donned our red swimming briefs.  The boss showed up.  I figured that he wanted to look us over to make sure that we were up to standard.  Dave introduced me.  The boss welcomed me and noted that I had a nice shave.  I thought, he can't see how far down it goes.  Then he mentioned to Dave that he had forgotten to shave his upper chest.  Dave said he would fix that by tomorrow.  The boss seemed OK with that. 

Then he introduced another new employee, Jamie, who appeared from behind a row of lockers.  He was slightly shorter and thinner than Dave and I.  Jamie was nicely muscled.  He reminded me of the guys on the gymnastic team from the frat house party.  The stunning feature was his red, red hair.  He had no other visible hair on his chest or tummy.  It made me wonder if he had needed to shave for the job.  He wore a particularly low rise set of red swim briefs.  Wow.  He was ‘hot.’  He was attractive to me.  No, I said to myself, ‘I have Dave.’  But Jamie looks incredible.  But I have Dave.  This was not going to be easy.  I needed to discipline myself.

All day, Jamie sat on the elevated seat at the other end of the pool, while I did the same at the opposite and deeper end of the pool.  Don’t look I said to myself again and again.  And whatever you do don’t let him notice you looking.  I tried to concentrate on watching the swimmers.  Yes, there were a couple of girls who saw me and kept on glancing.  I noticed them giggling together. 

I could not help it.  I stole several glances at Jamie, especially when he got up to patrol that end of the pool.  It was exciting to see those muscles moving. He went to tell someone not to dive in the shallow end.  He had bent over to speak to them in the pool.  His tiny swimsuit just barely hid his crack.  He adjusted it when he stood straight again.  I think he noticed me looking that time.  I decided to jump into this end of the pool thinking that it might cool me and get my mind off the beauty at the other end of the pool.  That worked, at least temporarily.

At the end of the shift, Dave joined us from the beach area, and we headed for the showers.  It was usually quick to shower off the chlorine. Dave was the quickest and mentioned that he wanted to talk to the boss.  I knew it was about getting us the same shifts to make travel easy.  But now I was alone in the showers with Jamie.  I stole another quick look.  He was naked now.  I noticed that his pubic area was just as red as his head.  Darn.  I had always found that attractive like with Tristan in Hawaii and with Aiden at the frat.

I felt a tingle run through my naked body.  I turned to the corner of the showers away from Jamie because I knew I was about to show my feeling with my penis.  I think I also blushed.  I hoped that Jamie would leave so that I could make my way to my locker. 

I felt a hand on my back. I turned as the hand ran down my ribs to my ass.  I tried to turn only from the waist up.  Jamie’s hand was on me.  As I turned more, I tried to cover my now stiff manhood with my hands but that was only partially possible.  I was panicking inside.

Jamie said, “I am guessing that you are gay, (pause). I am too.”  I could see his interest as his penis was hard and pointed straight at me. 

I realized it was hard to deny. (Pun intended).   I said, “Maybe I am, but I am not into casual relationships with every cute guy that I see.”  Darn. Did I really just say ‘cute?’ 

“Well maybe you would like to meet for a drink or come over to my place so we could get to know each other better. Then it would be less casual,” he said.  He put his other hand on my side and caressed up and down.

“I don’t think so,” I said and pulled away from his hands.  I turned off the water. This left my crotch less covered, and I moved towards the exit.  I wanted away.  Where was Dave? I wanted Dave. I grabbed a towel and headed for my locker, thankful that Jamie’s locker was not in the same row.  I got dressed in a hurry and left the locker room. 

I wanted Dave.  He was just coming out of the boss’s office.  I said, “Come on, we got to go.”  I quickly climbed into the truck.  He was slightly perplexed and more slowly climbed in behind the wheel.  He perceived something and started to drive. 

We were out of sight of the resort when Dave said, “Ok, I know that something has upset you.  Can you tell me?”

I had been silent since getting into the truck.  I wanted to tell him, but I was also more than slightly embarrassed.  I started, “You know that new guy, Jamie?” Dave nodded.  “Well, he hit on me in the shower.”  (Pause) “It was when you went to talk to the boss.  Jamie suggested that we should go for a drink or over to his place.”

“Maybe he was just being friendly in a workplace that was new to him.” Dave suggested.

“It was a lot more than that,” I said.  “He said he was gay. And he thought that I was gay, and it turned him on.  He caressed my back, and he was hard.”  I was almost in tears and Dave saw that.

“Did he hurt you?” Dave asked.

“No,” I said.  “He touched my back and my butt.  I said I was not interested.  And I left the showers, got dressed and found you.”

Dave tried to comfort me, saying, “Sounds like you did the right things.  You don’t need to be upset.”

“Ya, but I got hard when I saw him naked and harder when he touched me,” I said.  That was when tears ran down both cheeks. 

Dave put his hand on my shoulder.  “it’s OK, It’s OK” he said softly.  More tears came and I leaned over into his shoulder.  He hugged me.  We stayed that way until we turned into the long driveway to the Lake house.

When we got out of the truck, he came around to my side and gave me a full hug, saying again, “It’s OK, It’s OK.  You did good.  You said no. You put him off.  I’m proud of you.  It’s OK.”  I had stopped crying but was still upset. 

We made supper together.  Dave hugged me from behind when I was working at the counter.  He whispered in my ear, “I want to say that I love you and I want to comfort you.  What should we do?  I could talk to the boss.  I could have a stern chat with Jamie if you want me to.  I guess that would give away that we are partners.  I would even beat him up for you, but I don’t think that is the kind of people we are.”  I chuckled and he chuckled too, and we agreed that that is not the kind of people we are.  We ate supper.

We sat on the couch together with his arm around me while we watched the evening news.  I was getting more settled.  Dave asked if there was a show that I would like to watch.  No ideas came to me.  Then he suggested that he would like to comfort every bit of my body.  I knew what he meant.  He turned off the TV.  We held hands and made our way up to our bedroom. 

There were our rings together on the bathroom counter.  I unfastened and unzipped my shorts, I was limp.  Dave had no difficulty putting my ring onto me.   It felt good and very appropriate after the events of the day.  Putting Dave’s ring on was a little more difficult because he was just starting to be aroused.  I got him into it.  I knew that he wanted to have me. We kissed.  We hugged.  We took off each other’s shirts and rubbed our chests together. 

We stopped kissing for a moment, and I said, “You should remember to shave your chest.”

He said, “I’ll do it in the morning.  I know you like it.  I’ll let you enjoy it for one more night.”

“Thanks,” I said.  “You are always so thoughtful.  I appreciate you.”  We kissed.  We hugged.  He kissed my neck, working his way to my nipple.  He licked and sucked and did his usual tiny gentle nip.  This usually would drive me wild, but not tonight.  He laid be on my back on the bed and interrupted kissing to take off his shorts and underwear which were around his ankles.   We kissed more.  He worked his way down my chest until he was kissing the sensitive area where my pubic hair had been.  The sensation was extra nice, but I was not getting hard.  My shorts were still at my waist with the front open. Dave removed my shorts and underwear.  He saw how limp I was. 

“I think that you are still upset, a?” he asked.  I affirmed his thoughts.  “Do you want me to keep going or do we need to talk some more?”

“I would like to keep going,” I said. “But I don’t know how well my body will respond.”

“I can help with that,” he said, taking my limp penis in his mouth.  He sucked and worked my penis in and out through his lips.   He held my testicles with one hand.  They were sensitive from being shaved but I was not getting aroused as quickly as I usually did.  Dave was attentive.  He continued sucking my penis and fondling my testicles.  He reached behind my scrotum and tickled my perineum.  All this would usually have me rock hard.  It was taking much more work tonight.  Dave was patient with me and kept on until I did get hard enough to feel my ring tighten. 

Dave realized the success and turn his attention to lifting my ankles and pushing my legs forward.  He licked my perineum, my testicles, and all the way up my now hard penis.  He looked me in the eyes.  I uttered a soft, “yes, please.” And he began licking my anus.

 He paused just to say, “I see pain in your eyes, does this help?’  He licked around and around.

“Yes, I think,” I responded.  He licked.  I realized that he was licking what had been recently shaved.  It did feel good.  But it was not sending waves of excitement through my body as usual.  At least, not until he licked more and more.  I think he could tell that I was finally getting more aroused in my whole body.  We made eye contact again.  He saw my ecstasy mounting and continued licking and pushing his tongue into me.  I gave a little moan of happiness.

He asked, “Would you like to ride me?” 

“Maybe tonight you could take me like this,” I responded.  He knew I was giving myself to his enjoyment, and he was hard.  He started pushing his engorged penis into me.  I opened up to him so he could more easily enter.  I felt the mushroom head pass my anus and into my rectum.  He paused about halfway in where he knew he could excite my P spot and started a slow gentle in and out.  It felt great.  My penis was finally getting engorged enough to get the skin taut.  He spat on his hand and jerked me while he was massaging my P spot with his wonderful tool.  He jerked faster but I was not near to ejaculating.  Dave was determined to pleasure me and kept going until I finally release cum onto my chest. 

He pulled out to briefly suck the head of my penis.  Then he re-entered me, deeper this time, and worked gently in and out until he released his seed in me.  It seemed like it had been difficult, but we had satisfied each other’s sexual desires.  And he had been particularly caring and gentle tonight. 

We washed each other in the shower.  We spooned together in our usual positions.  We usually slept this way.  With his arm around me, Dave drifted off to sleep.  I did not.

What was going on in my head?  I saw Jamie and his red pubic hair in my mind.  I saw Tristan as he had leaned over the table to have his anus examined.  I remember his penis starting to get bigger as Dave examined his anus.  I remembered the red hair on his scrotum.  I remembered Aiden begging for help naked and semi hard with his red pubic hair on full display.  I was starting to get hard again from just thinking about the images in my mind.  I slipped from under Dave’s arm and got out of bed. 

I padded down the hallway to a small balcony off the second floor.  I stepped out into the warm summer night.  Naked, I sat on one of the two Adirondack chairs on the balcony.  My hard dick was pointing at the full moon.  I wanted to stop thinking about the hot naked guys that I had seem in the last few months.  I wanted to be true to Dave.  I guess I thought that being aroused by these other guys was not being true to Dave in my mind. 

I was surprised to see Dave step onto the balcony.  He was wearing the terry cloth robe given by his parents and he carried the second one for me.  I stood to accept him putting the robe on me and sat down again.  “You are still upset,” he said. “Can we talk about it?”

I felt that if our relationship was to survive, I would have to open up about my thoughts and feelings with Dave.  “Ya, we can try,” I said.

“I am here for you,” he said.  “Did Jamie go too far?”

“No, not really,” I said. “He stopped touching me when I objected.  Actually, for a gay single and horny guy he was OK, I guess.  I would not say that he assaulted me or raped me or anything like that.  He propositioned me, would probably be the right word.  I think what upsets me was how much I was tempted.  Please don’t be upset with me.  I was really turned on by the guy.  Now I feel that I was unfaithful to you even though we didn’t actually do anything.”

“It’s Ok,” he said, in that wonderful calming voice.  “It’s OK.”

“I should tell you that guys with red hair just really turn me on,” I said. “You remember Tristan.  I had to control my thoughts when you examined him.  And Aiden was another.  Red pubic hair just does it to me.”

“It’s OK,” Dave said.  “Some guys turn me on too.  Especially guys with cute little butts like yours.  I think this might be why we wear pants in public places so it’s not evident to everyone what we are thinking.”

We laughed together.  I felt the tension release. 

“What would help?” he asked.  “I think I should make sure that you are not left alone with Jamie in the showers again.  Or any other red haired cute guy.  Would that help?”

“Ya, I think that might be best for a while,” I said.

Dave teased, “I could dye my hair red for you, but I don’t have any pubic hair just now to turn you on that way.”  We laughed again.  Then he said, “I am yours. See I have your name printed on my chest.” He pointed out that he had on the robe with my name on it.  I realized that I must have the robe with his name on it.

We stood and hugged.  I said, “I would like to claim what is wrapped up with my name one the wrapper.  We walked back inside with one arm around each other.  I opened the robe on him and hugged him dearly.  I opened the robe on me, and we hugged naked body to naked body.  There was the slightest ‘clink’ from our rings touching. We kissed for a while and fell asleep face to face.

In the morning, Dave got up first and shaved his chest.  I woke hearing the water running.  I dragged myself out of bed and headed for the toilet to pee.  It was a tight squeeze between Dave at the sink wiping off the last of the shaving cream and me heading for the toilet. “

“Would you like me to hold you while you pee like on our very first night in this room?” He asked, as he circled me with his arms. 

“Sure, but we might be late for work,” I said.  We laughed.

We dressed, had breakfast, and headed for work with the truck. 

He said, “I am going to do a better job of watching out for you today.”

“Thanks,” I said.  “Hey. I wonder now if I blew the whole think out of proportion.  You know, maybe my imagination was running wild.”

“I want your imagination to run wild about me     when we get back home,” he said.  We laughed and I was ready to face the day at work.

Jamie was on the same shift again.  I made myself look away when we rounded the corner of the lockers, and Jamie was changing into his swim briefs.  Dave and I manned the pool today and Jamie took a turn at the beach.  I didn’t mind seeing Dave all day.  There was no tantalizing wondering what might be under those briefs.  I knew exactly what was there.  The morning passed.  The boss announced our lunch break by saying over the intercom that there would be no lifeguard on duty for the next 30 minutes.  If a problem develops, please find a lifeguard at the lunch bar. 

We got a couple of sandwiches and some tall cool soft drinks.  Lunch was always on the boss.  We found a table and sat down together.  Then Jamie appeared, picked up a sandwich and a soft drink at the bar, then headed straight for our table.  This is going to be uncomfortable, I thought.  He asked politely if he could sit with us.  We did not want to make a scene, let him sit, but were uncomfortable.  He leaned in and whispered, “I really want to apologize for yesterday,” lower whisper,” in the showers.  I would really like a chance to explain.”

“I could tell that you sort of panicked, and I am sorry.” He started.  “I only recently discovered my sexuality and came out with my friends.  They were surprisingly good with it.  But I have not found so much as a date or a chat at the bar with a guy.  So, sorry, I am horny, easily aroused and always trying to guess if someone I see might be gay.  It’s tricky.  If I pick the wrong guy, I know I might get beat up.  Sorry. I was only guessing.  Maybe you are not gay.  And I would never out you if you are.”

Dave was about to speak up, but I spoke first. “You are right. I panicked.  You see, I know some other gay guys who just happen to have red hair too.  The whole thing spooked me a bit.”  I thought, ‘I did not admit to being gay.  And I hope I accounted for my behavior enough to calm the situation.’

Jamie replied, “I want you to know that I would never do anything with you without your consent.  I am not one of those people who gets out of control.  And really you might only be gay in my imagination.”

I did not quite mean it yet, but I said, “Apology accepted.”  I was feeling better about the episode from yesterday.  I wondered if it was as much my own imaginings that upset me. I realized just how much I was tempted to be unfaithful to Dave and the vows I had made with him. 

“You guys seem to be friends,” Jamie said.

It was Dave’s turn to enter the conversation, “Yes, we are roommates from the university, so we know each other pretty well.  Some people think we are brothers but we’re not.” 

“What subjects are you studying,” he asked. “I am thinking about starting University next fall.”

‘We are both medical students,” I said.

The conversation went to friendly small talk after that, and the lunch break passed quickly. 

We took up discussing Jamie on the trip home.  I was feeling less apprehensive about him after his apology.  But he was just as hot.

“Did you really accept his apology?” Dave asked.

“Well, I suppose that I sort of half did,” I answered. “I think he was sincere.  And he is trying to find how he fits into life.”

Dave said, “Ya. He’s in a bit of a pickle.  He’s just discovered that he’s gay.  And I don’t think he has any sense of how to deal with that. Watching gay porn probably has him a little messed up.”

“You may be right,” I said.  “But where would a person like that get healthy role models?”

“Now, that’s a good question,” Dave responded.  “Aiden and the gymnastics team are not exactly what I would call good models.”  There was a quiet pause.  “The best models I can think of is us,” Dave offered.

“We might not be the normal pattern because we were best friends before we discovered together that we are gay,” I said.

Dave suggested, “Maybe we could take some time with Jamie.  That might be helpful.”

“But we would have to come out to him,” I complained.  “And he might not be mature enough to be trusted with that sort of information.”

“Yes, that would be a risk,” Dave said. “But I think we might really be able to help him.”

“You’re good at taking in people who you think you could help,” I said.

“Ya. It’s true,” he said. “I don’t exactly know why that is.  Maybe it’s from growing up in a house where my parents were professional at helping others.  I hope it will be a good trait for me being a doctor.  Besides, I took you to my place and that became the greatest happiness in my life.”

“My greatest happiness too,” I agreed.  “Let’s think about Jamie and make a decision once we get to know him a little better. OK?”

“Good idea,” Dave said.  “We won’t do anything until you are more comfortable with it, and we decide together what to do.”

Wow! Sex was great that night.  I was much more relaxed, and we had every intention of enjoying each other.  We started immediately after supper. 

In our frisky mood we ran up the stairs to the bedroom.  We stripped each other totally naked.  Dave grabbed the two rings we had left on the bathroom counter, saying, “let’s put these on.”  It was awkward, each of us trying to put a ring on the other at the same time.  It was more like a wrestling match on the bed.  We managed it. We knew we could stay hard for a long time now. “Ok. Let’s slow down and really enjoy this.  But I think I have got your ring. It seems tighter,” he teased. 

“They’re exactly the same size,” I retorted. “It’s only that you get hard faster.”  We giggled.  We kissed.  He kissed my neck and chest and worked on a nipple.  Then it was my turn.  We rolled to have me on top, on my hands and knees. I kissed his mouth and sucked his ear lobe then his neck.  “Oo awe,” he responded.  “Oo awe.”  I knew I had found a great spot and kept going.  Then he complained, “You’re going to give me a hickey and that will be hard to explain at work.”

I got his point and moved to his chest.  The hair I had loved was gone.  I enjoyed kissing the smooth skin. I wanted to lick his entire chest.  I licked all the way down to where his pubic hair had been.  It was smooth and fun to lick.  By his little squeals I could tell that it was really making him excited.  I continued and soon I had him wriggling and writhing at my licks.  I moved around so that I could keep licking the same pubic area and also rub my penis on his smooth chest.  I imagined rubbing it between his pecs.  But instead, he put a hand to each of my hips and directed my testicles to his mouth.  He sucked on one testicle at a time.  His penis was hard and tight up against the middle of the area that I wanted to lick.  I licked the shaft, then the front of his scrotum.  I appreciated the smoothness of his scrotum as much as I had appreciated the area where his other pubic hair had been. 

He was sucking my testicles.  He had licked the side of the shaft of my penis, and I was now quite hard.  On my hands and knees, my anus was already open to him. He lifted his head and licked from the back of my scrotum all the way to and including my anus.  I paused from licking him to let out a little squeal as he licked my favorite spot.  He said, “Shall we save the best for later?”  He was such a tease and I loved him for it. 

He pulled me around so we could suck mouths and tongue wrestle for a while.  I was straddling him.  I paused sucking his mouth briefly to pull my penis up parallel to his and lowered my body for as much contact as possible.  We continued kissing and sucking lips.  At the same time, I was rubbing my penis beside his penis.  Our bodies squeezed together.  We were totally shaved down there.  The sensations emanating from our lower bodies and penises rubbing together were a new high.  It was raising the animal in me and him too.  We were sucking face.  He thrust his tongue into my mouth.  I have had dental exams that were less thorough. 

He whispered, “Are you ready?”

I looked him in the eyes, and he knew my answer.  He hugged me tight and rolled us over, so I was on my back now.  My knees were on both sides of his hips.  He wiggled a bit sideways giving our penises a final sensation.  He lifted his weight off me and grabbed my ankles.  I now knew what he meant by ’ready’.   He spread me wide and pushed forward until my ass came up to meet his face.  This was going to be our best ever. We were so turned on.  My penis was hard and the skin taut.  My testicles had contracted so they made a neat package which he licked.  They were shaved smooth but now wrinkled. With my testicles entirely out of the way, he kissed then licked my perineum.  I was going wild and squirming a bit and he hadn’t even gotten to my anus yet.  We looked in each other’s faces and knew that we were having one of the best times of our lives.

Then he licked my anus.  “Oh, Awe,” I moaned.  He knew he had me.

Despite our raging wild inner animals, he paused to tease and asked, “This is your favorite place, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” I was almost screaming, “Yes. Yes.”

He licked me a few more times.  I grabbed my calves and pulled hard.  His tongue was now in me, and his hands were free to massage my ass.  His tongue went left and right and up and down until I was dripping wet.  Then he put a finger into me.  He asked, “How’s that? Do you like it?”

I wanted to say, ‘I like it all.’ But I was breathing is short bursts. He was exploring my rectum all except for my P-spot.  He was teasing me, and I loved it and hated it at the same time.  I wanted to cum.  He stopped.  I wanted to scream.

“I want you to fuck me tonight,” he said. ‘What!’, I thought.  I let go my calves.  He pulled my legs down putting my legs between his and rolled us over, so I was on top.  I sat back on my knees, and he pulled up his own legs showing me his anus.  It had been a while, but I remembered the first time I had entered him this way.  I joked, “I don’t know. It looks pretty tight.  I might be too big to fit.”

He remembered the line from our first time and said, “give it a try.”  We laughed.  I licked his anus and used my tongue to push some saliva inside.  I put saliva on my hand and rubbed it on my penis.  I was as large as I had ever experienced.  And he was tight. Or maybe he was teasing me by clinching.  I pushed harder and harder.  The head popped in.  I took a deep breath and thrust with my inside animal.  I lost control and started thrusting deep and hard and faster.  He had already edged me enough.  I shot cum into him again and again and again.  I think I screamed and lost consciousness into the happiness of ecstasy.  Without my conscious control my body kept thrusting and firing into him.  Finally, my inner animal quelled and I collapsed onto his chest.

“My turn,” he announced.  He rolled me onto my back and spread me wide.  I was already wet.  My dick was heavy with cum coated onto it.  He licked my manhood.  There is nothing like having your cum licked from freshly shaved balls.  Wow! 

Then he entered me, and his inner animal took over.  He thrust and thrust, faster, harder, rougher.   It was his turn to scream while pumping his cum into me.  It was great.  He did not lose himself into ecstasy but instead kept eye contact with me.  I could see him go from determined, to frantic, to delighted and satisfied.  When he finally finished, he put his mouth to my anus and licked.  I leaked.  He sucked until I regained a closing of my anus.  He looked me in the face and said, “You taste like that mayo on the sandwiches at the bar.”  We laughed and collapsed on each other totally exhausted.  We were too tired.  We drifted off to sleep with cum on our recently shaved penises, testicles, and anuses.  We were exhausted and also satisfied and happy.

We would shower tomorrow. 

·         *              *              *              *

The next morning, we woke and showered.  We washed away all the cum that had dried onto us while we slept.  We had breakfast and got into the truck to go to work. 

We locked eyes for a moment and said together, “Last night was awesome.”

We started travelling.

“Yup,” I said.  “I have really learned to appreciate being shaved.  I like our idea of slowing down and enjoying each moment.  I think it makes the climax even higher.  And you were incredible.”

“You were pretty incredible, yourself,” Dave said.

“OK. OK. Real world stuff,” I said.  “We are going to work like a couple of friends. We shouldn’t make eyes at each other all day.  Jamie might figure us out.”  We laughed.

“Speaking of Jamie,” I said. “What sort of trouble do you think he might get himself into?”

“I don’t know, I just think he is going about it wrong.” Dave said. “I think he is cruising bars at night.  He thinks he wants a one-night stand or a bunch of them.  It’s dangerous unless he uses condoms and is careful.  He could get HIV or other STDs. And I think he would be happier in the long run to find a steady partner.  More like what we did.  We were fortunate.  Neither of us had been with anyone else.  But long term does not even seem to be in his vocabulary so far.”

“True,” I said. “And I’d bet he’s a virgin and craving to be experienced.  That might drive him to unhealthy things both health-wise and in his mind set.”

Further, I offered, “but I’m still not convinced we should intervene.  I’m closer to that than I was, but.”

OK,” said Dave. “It might become clearer as we get to know him more.”

We went to the locker room to get changed. We put our clothes in our lockers and pulled on our briefs.  That is when Jamie walked in.  I could tell he was out of sorts.  We rounded the lockers to see him half naked and punch a locker.  He looked up at us.  We immediately saw his black eye.  It looked sore.  There were bruises on his body.  Someone had punched him in the gut and hard.  Hard enough to leave a bruise. 

“You, OK?” Dave asked. “What happened?”

“I got beat up is what happened,” he said. He took off his pants and there was a bruise on his thigh. He slid down his underwear saying, “And they beat on these too.”  I thought they looked a little red.  Darn. I’m looking at his testicles.  But I was not getting aroused.  It was out of my concern for him, I guess.  “I pretty much crawled home last night holding them,” he said.

“Are you going to be OK with your shift today?” Dave asked.

“I think so. I don’t want to lose my job,” he said.  He gingerly pulled on his briefs.  I took the beach today and Dave sat across from Jamie at the pool.  Dave wanted to be available to help if Jamie could not handle jumping in to rescue someone.  I thought it was a good idea and I admired Dave for thinking that way.

I sat in the elevated chair at the beach.  The view was good up and down the beach.  Those giggly girls were looking my way again. I ignored them.  There were some hot young guys in speedos.  They were more interested in the giggly girls.  They were diving off the dock trying to show off for the girls.  The girls walked out the dock to watch.  It was deep enough so I was not worried about them.  One of the guys was a pretty good diver.  He did a nice jack-knife dive with a clean entry into the water.  He surfaced, swam to the ladder, and climbed back up onto the dock.  He adjusted his speedo back up a bit. On his next dive, the clean entry left his speedo floating on the surface of the water.  The girls pointed and giggled.  I think they were looking for a boat hook to pick up the floating speedo.  But the diver surfaced and grabbed it first.  He disappeared under the water again before surfacing and going to the ladder again.  It turned out that his speedo was on inside out.  The front liner was on the outside.  The girls were really giggling now.  He looked down and laughed too.  It didn’t show anything that should not be shown on a public beach.  He wrapped himself in a towel, then reappeared with his speedo right side out. 

The rest of the morning was uneventful. 

We had lunch with Jamie.   “How are you holding up?” Dave asked.

Jamie responded, “Some of the sore spots are slightly less sore.  I hope the boss is not taking note of the bruises.”

“If I can suggest,” Dave offered. “Maybe some ice when you go home tonight.”

“Thanks. Ya.” Responded Jamie.  “I iced the bruises last night after making it home.  It helped.  Does it still help this much later?”

Dave said, “Yes.  It helps.  Not as much as the first night but it still helps to get the bruises to disappear.  Another thing that helps is to not be too active when you go home.  And, by the way, if you have to jump in to help someone this afternoon, let me do it. OK?”

“Thanks, I really appreciate you covering for me.” Jamie said.  “I would not want to see someone get hurt because I respond too slowly.  And, yah, I intend to stay home and watch a movie tonight.”  I was relieved to hear that Jamie was less likely to get into more trouble tonight.  I wanted to discuss with Dave first, but I was ready to invite Jamie over for supper after our shift tomorrow.

*              *              *              *              *              *

After our shift, we were driving home in the truck as usual.  I said to Dave, “I thought that you were good with Jamie covering for him for that shift.”

“Thanks for saying that,” Dave said. “I don’t want to keep things from the boss, but it is not my job to tell Jamie’s story.  It’s Jamie’s.  And sorry for that time in the locker room where Jamie stripped down in front of you.”

“It was OK,” I said.  “It didn’t get my blood flowing. I was surprised it didn’t.  I was very concerned for him.  I hope that my being concerned will become part of me being a good doctor someday.”

“It will,” Dave assured me.

“And I think we should invite him over for a chat.” I said. “I saw that he was OK talking to us.  I doubt if his other friends would listen as well.  How about we invite him for supper?”

“Good idea,” Dave responded. “What about us coming out to him.  How do you feel about that?”

“I guess, I am not so opposed to that,” I said. “But I think we should play it by ear.  I mean we don’t want to be the topic of the evening.  The emphasis should be on Jamie.”

“I agree,” said Dave. “Let’s ask him tomorrow.”

We did. 

That evening we were getting ready for bed.  We had gotten naked, and we had put on our rings.  We hugged and kissed.  I whispered, “I am still exhausted from last night.”

“Ya, I know what you mean,” Dave said.  “Last night lives in my mind as awesome.”

“Ya, you were,” I said.

“You were too,” he said.

We decided to have a nice cuddle tonight.  We laid down In our fav spoon position. His arm over me. And me in front of him.  His penis growing between my legs.  His tool felt nice touching my still well shaven butt crack.  The head of his penis at my perineum and poking at the back of my equally well shaved scrotum.  There was that loved and cared for feeling as we drifted off to sleep.

*              *              *              *              *

The next morning, in the locker room, we were getting changed into out briefs.  Jamie came around the corner saying how much he appreciated us being sympathetic yesterday.  And he was a lot less sore today.

At lunch we met again.  It was a friendly chat. We invited him to come to our place for supper.  He accepted the invitation so long as we let him have a bag of ice to put on his eye for a while.  All three of us laughed together.  It felt right.  At the end of the shift, he asked where we live? Dave suggested that he follow with his car.

It was overcast, warm and humid.  We thought it looked like rain.  We had planned to cook hotdogs on an outside fire but changed the plan.  We discussed making a fire in the fireplace instead.  But it seemed too hot. I suggested that we nuke them in the micro-wave.  It was fast, easy, and left us more time to chat.  I gave Jamie some Ice cubes in a zip-lock bag.  He thanked me.  I suggested that he relax on the couch while Dave and I got the food ready.  We were quick to make a first round of hotdogs with all the fixings and we munched together in the living room.  Then we made a second round accompanied by a selection of soft drinks.

Dave started, “We were very concerned for you when we saw your bruises in the locker room yesterday morning. You said you got beat up. Can you tell us about that and how it happened?”

“Actually, I am really glad you asked,” Jamie said. “Because it is getting all mixed up in my head. It might help to talk about it. First, I want to say that I appreciate You making time for me and for you being good listeners.  And for helping me with that first day shift at work.”

“What do you mean ‘mixed up’?” Dave asked. 

“I think that will become clear as I tell it, "Said Jamie. “I think I should caution you that it is a nasty and violent story.”

“It’s Ok,” Dave said in that calming voice. “Can you tell it in chronological order? That might help” Dave offered.

We listened intently as Jamie launched into his story.  He started, “I wanted to go to this bar downtown near the park.  I think you guessed that I was looking for a hook-up.  But I‘m not really old enough so I used a fake ID.  I had a beer.  It was already getting dark out when I ordered another.  There was a slim guy at the bar.  I could not keep my eyes off him.  He was facing the bar, and his butt looked great in tight jeans.  I took the last inch of my beer and moved up to the bar beside him.  My head was getting a little fussy from the beer.  I think I said some stupid opening line. I don’t remember what.  He told me to go away.  I was not fast enough.  He pulled back his fist and gave me a powerful punch.  That’s how I got this shiner.  I also saw stars and next I knew I was on the floor. 

“The guy had a couple of buddies with him.  They were even more powerfully built.  They picked me up.  Each pull one of my arms around their shoulders and took me towards the door.  They told the bouncer I was drunk.  They escorted me out and into the park which was now quite dark.  I heard the first guy say, “He’s a little fairy and he took a pass at me.” They ripped my tee shirt to shreds saying, “See he doesn’t even have any hair on his chest.” 

“That is when I got this massive blow to my stomach.  I would have collapsed on the ground, but they had a firm hold on my arms.  The punch made me retch and the beers spewed onto the grass.  “And he can’t even hold his beer,” They laughed.  “Let’s see if he’s really a fagot.”  Someone pulled down my pants around my ankles.  They planted me face down on the grass.  There was a heavy foot on each of my arms near the shoulder.  Then they stuck something in my ass.  I squealed but that only got my face shoved harder against the grass. At first, I thought it was a broom handle.  But I think it was one of those batons that some tough guys carry.  They pulled me up to my knees to see if my dick was hard.  It was.  I heard, “See you were right.” They kicked me in the balls.

“Thank goodness someone walked along the sidewalk by the park, and it spooked them. They ran out the back of the park by the river.  I lay in the puked-up beer. I was in pain. It felt like pain everywhere.  After a few minutes, I moved. It hurt. I pulled up my underwear and pants.  My legs weren’t too bad. I eventually got to my feet.  My ass felt raw, and my insides felt like they had been reorganized. Walking was difficult and slow. I made it to the car.  I had two beers but most of it puked-up.   I figured I could drive, and I made it home.

“At my apartment, I took a couple of Tylenol and iced what I could.  Eventually I slept, either from the Tylenol or the beer or the combination.”

“That must have been terrible for you,” I offered, trying to be calming and sensitive like Dave was so good at being.

“Then it got worse,” Jamie went on.  I could not, at that point, imagine how it could get worse, but it did. “Then I dreamed,” Jamie said. “I think the dream replayed everything.  But the dream also continued on.  I think it was playing out a ‘what-if’ in my mind.  In the dream, the attackers rolled me onto my back. One of them produced a knife and grabbed my balls saying, “he has no need for these.” I woke up with a scream.  There was real pain in my crotch from having been kicked.  The dream was so real I had to check to see if my balls were still there.  They were still very sore but still there.  Maybe the continuing pain had triggered that part of the dream.”

“I see what you mean by ‘mixed-up’”, Dave said.  “Dreams are like that. Especially vivid ones.”

Jamie continued, “My heart was racing, and I was in a cold sweat.  It makes my heart race a little now too.  But thanks a lot for listening.  I think it helped me sort out what was real and what was dream.”

Dave asked,” How is the pain now?” in that calm voice of his.

“Much better,” Jamie responded. “It’s mostly the look of the bruises now and they are disappearing too.  I think it looks worse than it is at this point.”

“To you, what was the worst part,” Dave asked.

“It is all a terrible memory now.  But I wonder if I am losing it when I can’t tell the difference between reality and dream.” Jamie said.

Dave gently said, “This happens. You are not losing your mind.  You are having a normal reaction to a terrible night.  A night like that is not a normal thing but your reaction is normal.  You may even have a nightmare again.  It can last for a few weeks.”

“Great.” Jamie said sarcastically.  “So, I can wake up with a scream again. And cold and sweaty?”

“It might happen,” Dave responded.  “But now you know what it is.  It’s your mind trying to process what has happened to you.  If it happens, try telling yourself ‘It’s OK.”

Jamie was finally coming down from the obvious tension in his voice, and in his body.  He said, “well, at least, I don’t have to get out of bed to see if my balls are still there.”  His tone had lightened but not quite to a laugh, but, at least, a little smile. 

We returned small smiles saying, “You’re OK, dude.”

“Thanks guys,” he said. “You guys are going to make great doctors.”  That made us smile more. 

We tried to suggest that Jamie could make a police report about the assault.  He pointed out that he would have to admit to getting into the bar with fake ID. And between the alcohol and the darkness, he didn’t think he would be able to identify his attackers.  Also, he pointed out that he would have to come out with the police department.  That might not be a good idea.  We let the idea drop but we didn’t like the three guys getting away with this.

We continued with friendly banter into the evening.  Our friendship was building.  We were all enjoying it. Our friendship was obviously growing.  We liked talking with each other.

Jamie told us that he had just gotten his driver’s license.  He was 16.  He was talking about going to university because he had been brought forward in school and skipped a couple of years.  We figured that he must be a bright guy.  But for a bright guy, he was making some pretty bad decisions like cruising bars to make hook-ups.

We chatted late into the evening.  I think we even tried to drop a couple of hints that it was time for him to go home.  I thought that Dave was getting a little frustrated but hiding it well.  I think he was about to tell Jamie point blank, ‘It was time to go.’

That was when there was a great crack of lightning quickly followed by a flash.  It was close.  Immediately a torrent of rain started to come down.  It was really intense.  Then another crack.  We went out onto the porch under the roof.  It was an amazing storm.  It was fast getting dark. At the same time, it was getting darker still due to the black storm clouds.  Dave connected eyes with me.  I knew what he wanted to do, and I gave a slight nod.

Dave said to Jamie, “Look, why don’t you stay the night. We have several spare bedrooms.  Driving in that would be terrible.  Our driveway is about a mile long with no light whatsoever.  We’ll give you breakfast.” He agreed.  We showed him to one of the bedrooms.  Dave offered him some pajamas.  But I had no idea where Dave would have produced them from.  We never used them.  Jamie said it was OK, and he would feel strange with pajamas on while he slept.  And its warm and humid tonight.  We left him to settle in and we did the same in our room.

Dave whispered, “We can’t make any noise like squeals.  It would be hard for that poor kid down the hall.  He’s having a hard enough time as it is.” I agreed.  We stripped and spooned together under our favorite duvet. 

I whispered, “I think you did a great job leading Jamie through that.  It must have been terrifying.”

“Thanks,” Dave said, as he drifted off to sleep with his arm over me.

*      *              *              *              *              *


I’m pretty sure it was the middle of the night when I heard the scream.  I heard another scream in quick succession.  It was still raining.  I jumped out of bed, grabbed my robe from the closet and went out the door.  Jamie was out on the balcony overlooking the living room.  There was another crack of lightening.  I saw that he was wearing his underwear, but his body was glistening with sweat.  He was holding his crotch.  When he saw me, he said, “They’re still there.”  His voice was shaking like he was about to cry.

I approached. He held out his arms like a little kid does.  He hugged me. I hugged back.  “It’s OK,” I whispered, “You’re OK,” I said in a slightly stronger voice.  He started to cry on my shoulder.

“I know,” he tried to say. “You told me to say, ‘it’s OK’ so, I’m saying it.  But I don’t feel OK.”  Dave had been hot on my heels in his robe.  I was glad that he had seen the whole interaction.  No one could say that I was taking advantage of this 16-year-old boy.  With a few more, ‘It’s Ok’s’, we encouraged him to go back to bed and try to relax.

·         *              *              *              *              *


We were making breakfast.  Jamie walked into the kitchen and immediately said, “Look guys, I really want to thank you for helping me in the middle of the night.  It was a big help.  I think I actually got back to sleep eventually.  Thanks.”  He looked like he had slept.  He was not as low in energy as the day he dragged himself into the locker room with the bruises.

“We are glad to help,” I said. “We have scrambled eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast. Want some? Have a seat.”

He did.  We were all munching our breakfast, when he seemed thoughtful and said, “You guys have nice matching white robes with your names on them.  That’s cool.” I wondered where this was going. I swallowed.  “And you both came out of the same bedroom.” He said. 

Dave and I eyed each other, gave a little nod to each other.  I said, “We are gay.  We were going to tell you last evening, but your story was enough to deal with then.”  His eyes seemed to light up. 

He smiled and said, “Thanks for letting me in on the secret. I assume it’s a secret. I promise not to out you to anyone else.”

“Thanks, we would appreciate that,” I said.

“So, did you invite me over to fuck me? Like you guys taking turns? Or a threesome of some sort?” he said with enthusiasm.

“No, we are not like that,” I said.  “We invited you over because we are concerned.”

“I do appreciate you listening and comforting me in the middle of the night,” he said. “And what do you mean by ‘not like that’?” he asked.

Dave got into the conversation with, “The answer to that question would take a while.  We would be late for work.  Suffice it to say, there are difference approaches to being gay.  Different types of gays if you like.  I would be glad to elaborate at another time.”

“Now you have me really curious.  What type of gay am I?” he said.  “But could I stay at your place for a few nights until the dreams settle down?”

“We will seriously think about it,” Dave said.  “Now I suggest you get your car going and we will be right behind you with the truck.”

While driving to work, Dave and I discussed letting Jamie stay with us for a few days. 

I asked, “Worst case scenario, how long might this go on?”

Dave said, “Very worst case, would be that it does not get better and continues happening for a couple of months.  It should be changing as Jamie processes the event.  If that happens, he could learn to deal with his dreams on his own at his apartment.  They should be subsiding in a month.  If not, we should be sending him to more experience professional help.”

“Last night is a usual pattern.  Talking about it helps to process it, but the first time he talks about it, it can trigger some reactions to appear to get temporarily worse.  In the long run, talking is better than not talking.”

“Wow,” I said. “How do you know so much about this?”

“It’s Mom again,” he said.  “She took some courses and did some stress management counselling with people.  I thought she might go into it full time at one point.”

“Right,” I said. “Mom.”  We laughed together, thinking of all the times his Mom had guessed or toyed with us about what we were doing.

That same day at lunch, we informed Jamie that he could stay for a few days.  But this was not to be long term.  He was happy.  “We’ll even give you meals,” Dave said. 

A surprise came at the end of our shift.  The boss showed up with a well-dressed man and introduced him to Jamie.  We could not hear the conversation, except for the end where the man said, “I suggest you bring your car and follow me.  You probably don’t want to discuss this here.”

We inquired of the boss.  He said that he should not really discuss it.  But he did say that it had to do with the bruises which he had noticed on Jamie.  He said, “hey, I notice. And I care about my employees.  To be honest the man did not tell me much more.”

On the way home, I asked Dave, “What do you think that was about?”

“I don’t know,” he responded.

“Have you ever seen that man before?” I asked.

“I don’t think so,” he said.  “But Jamie will probably show up later at our place.  Hopefully he will be back for supper.  He will probably tell us.  He seems to trust us.  But let’s not quiz him if he doesn’t come out with it.”  I agreed.

*              *              *              *              *              *

We were about to sit down to bowls of chilli which Dave’s Mom had put in the freezer.  We microwaved them to get them hot.  We microwaved one for Jamie just so that it was thawed.  Jamie did show up before supper.  When we saw him arrive, we put his in again to get hot.  He said he had quite a story to tell but was hungry and would like to tell it later.  We ate chilli and some rolls we had purchased at the bakery on the way home.  I set some water on to boil and made some nice herb tea.  We each got a cup and decided to move to more comfortable seats in the living room.

Jamie started, “I have quite some story to tell.  It’s kind of ucky, but it might turn out good in the end.  Are you OK with a little ucky?”

We did not know what we were getting into, but I did not want to stifle him. I said, “I think we are OK.”

Jamie reeled out the account, “That man was a police detective.  He was an OK person.  He asked me to come to the police station because he thought it might be better to be private. Boy was he right.  He led me to a private office.  He patiently explained that they had picked up three men.  They were being charged with uttering threats from an incident downtown.  We can only hold them for 72 hours, unless we can lay more charges. I thought that you might be in a position to help.  So, I really appreciate you coming into the office.  You came of your own free will. That counts a lot here.  And I am sorry to put you through this.  That’s why I asked you to come in.

“He pulled out an evidence bag.  It was well sealed and tagged.  I could see it had a club or baton about sixteen inches long inside.  As soon as I saw it, I felt my heart race and I started to sweat.  In a calm voice he explained that they had taken this from one of the three suspects.  The lab boys noticed some, fecal material on it and sent it for DNA analysis.  The DNA matches with yours.  I got even more uncomfortable.

When you were doing the paperwork for the job, you signed for a police check.  He said that the doctor that did the physical for my job had put the DNA pattern in the DNA bank on the police net.  We use that DNA for police checks because some criminals can legally change their names, but not their birthday or their DNA.  Then he asked, “Can you or will you explain how me found your DNA here?   You don’t have to, but I would appreciate if you can tell me.” 

I said, “I freaked-out a bit when I saw that.  I only got a glimpse and I only saw this end.” I pointed.  “The other end had been pushed into me.  Three guys beat me pretty badly 3 nights ago.”

He said, “I am sorry. But I need you to be specific.  Exactly what do you mean by ‘pushed into you?’”

I thought, I went this far, and this man was calm, so I said, “These three guys beat me up because they figured I was gay.  Part of that was taking down my pants and holding me down on the ground and pushing this into my ass.” There I said it.

“Look, I’m so sorry,” he said.  “Would you be able to identify the three of them?

“I could only identify one of them,” I said.  “He got in the first punch. After that I was half knocked out.  But I did get a glimpse of that (I pointed again) because it hurt so much. I tried to turn my head.  But I got pushed into the grass.”

He could see I was getting more up set.  I was shaking.  “It’s OK’ It’s OK,” he said.  “I know this is difficult, but would you make a statement for the record?”  I said yes. He immediately got it typed up from his notes.  He brought it back into the office and I signed it. He said we can now hold these guys longer.  The charges become assault.  I would like you to come back when we can set up a line up and hopefully you can pick out one of them.  With your statement and the DNA evidence, we can certainly lay the assault charges and probably also sexual assault charges. 

For the moment these guys are off the street.  I can keep it that way awaiting trial probably.  Our local judge does not like to grant bail when violence is involved.  He has been challenged on that before.  He spoke to a higher judge and explained that this is a quiet resort town and people would be upset if he let this type out of custody.  So don’t worry.

“Will I have to testify in court?” I asked.

“It’s a possibility but maybe not,” he said. “We will have to see how the case develops.  Thanks for helping. At least they can’t assault anyone else for a while.”  He shook my hand and said I could go.  He also suggested that I get a good counsellor.  I said I think I already have one.

Then Jamie said, “I did not have to actually admit to being gay, only said these guys thought I was gay.  And I did not name you guys as my counsellor.  I hope you don’t mind me saying that.”

“That sounds like it has the potential to go really well,” I said.  “Are you Ok with going through with it?”

“I am willing to go as far as identifying one of them if I can,” he said. “Going to court and testifying and facing these guys would be hard to do.  But I might not have to do that.  My approach is to go as far as I can see and worry about the rest later.”

“Good for you,” Dave said.  “I am really proud to be your friend.  It takes guts to do what you did this afternoon.”

“Thanks,” he said. It means a lot to hear that.”

Dave said, “I should probably tell you some more stuff about this.”  Jamie seemed alerted by this.  “There are likely to be things that trigger you to reactions.  They might bring back memories and feelings from the incident.  Like last night, you told us what happened. Then you had a bad dream again.  It happens but it is part of the process of getting over all this.”

“Ya,” Jamie said. “I think I had that happen again this afternoon.  I had seen the baton again.  Just for an instant, I was back in the park again.  It was just an instant, but it got me cold and sweaty, and I was shaking for a bit with the police detective.”

“Ya, you know what I mean then,” Dave said.  “I have never experienced that myself. I am told it is like having a very vivid dream but while you are awake.”

“Yup,” responded Jamie. “How do you know so much about this?”

Dave offered that his mother is a doctor and had specialized in this sort of counselling for a while.  Jamie was relaxing more as we chatted.  Then he wanted to change the topic.

“Can we talk about,” he paused, “you said you are gay?”

“OK,” Dave said. “You realize that you are one of a handful of people who know.”

“I guessed that” Jamie said.  “I am still wondering why you don’t want to have me.  You know have sex with me.  I guess I am a little self-centered, but I think I have a slim sexy young body.  I thought I was attractive.  And I am an anal virgin, my secret to you.  I thought that was desirable for other gay guys.”

“OK, OK” Dave said.  “Slow down.  You are very attractive and sexy but that is not the thing for either of us. Or at least not the only thing.”

“What is it then?” Jamie asked.

Dave started, “OK, number one: you are underage.  So legally you can’t give legal consent.  I always ask for consent before I touch someone in a medical exam, or a parent is present, and the parent gives consent.  Number two: Alex and I have a promise to only have sex with each other. Number three: unless we have told you, you don’t know our sexual history.  We could be HIV positive or something.  So, it could be dangerous for you.”

“It sounds to me like you guys did not meet in a bar and head out for a first night together,” Jamie said. “So how did you meet?”

I stepped in, “We might be the exception, but we were good friends before we figured out that we are gay. It seemed like a natural extension of who we were or are.”

“I didn’t think that is how gay is usually seen,” Jamie said.

“There may be more people like us than you think.  How would you know?  We don’t advertise what we do in our bedroom.  Whose business, is it?” I said. “There could be lots of pairs like us and no one would know.”  Jamie seemed to be taking this in.  “There is a stereotype that is well advertised in the world.  You know, the bar pick-up and the night in bed.  That applies to both gay and straight people.  It is much rarer than you would think.”

“I suppose,” Jamie said.

Dave put in, “Our relationship is much more than that.  And I am convinced that the sex is far better.” That got Jamie’s attention. “See, we discuss after a night together.  What we liked, what we thought could have been better.  We sort of tune our activities.  We have even worked out our dislikes on each other at times.” Dave and I caught each other’s eye and made a face at each other.  We had each spanked the other.  But Jamie did not need to know that.

“I really think the thing is to find the right person,” Dave said and paused.  I got the idea that we had tweaked Jamie’s interest.

Jamie asked, “OK, how would I go about finding ‘the right person?”

“That could be a big topic,” said Dave.  “Let’s hold that for another time.  It’s time we all got to bed.  We have work tomorrow.”

“That’s OK for you guys.  I suppose you want to go to bed. But me, I might dream again.” Jamie retorted.

“Hey, we will deal with that if and when it happens,” Dave said. For now, we are all off to bed. And we wish you sweet dreams.”


·         *              *              *              *              *              *


In the morning, at breakfast, I asked Jamie, " I didn’t hear you up. How did you sleep last night?”

“Really good,” Jamie responded.  “But I don’t know if I should tell you just how good.  I might be embarrassed.”

“I’m glad you slept well,” I said. 

Jamie said, “It feels so good that you would ask. So, I am going to tell you.  I had a great dream.  I woke up with a puddle on my chest.  Ya, I still do that.  But it hasn’t been for a while.”

“I’m not quite sure what to say,” I said. “I am glad you had a good dream.  Does that mean you are more relaxed or maybe you are more relaxed now that you have dreamed like that.”

Jamie smiled and said, “Probably all of the above.  And the guy I dreamt of was this beautiful blonde guy and very kind.  He let me top.  It felt great.”

“OK, OK, maybe too much detail,” I said.  We all laughed.  Dave and I were refraining from having sex while Jamie was staying with us, at least for the first few days.  I think we were both wanting, I mean horny.

We continued in the same pattern for a few days.  That is, work, being with Jamie for supper, chatting after supper and then off to bed.  Jamie had a couple more bad dreams.  We had done very similar to the first night.  We told him he was OK and let him hug one of us.  It seemed to be subsiding a bit.  I was also thinking that his daytime energy levels were better. 

Then came a day when Jamie mentioned at lunch that he would not be home directly after work.  He whispered to us that he was to go to the police station after work.

Jamie arrived home with a big smile on his face.  That made us curious.  We sat down to supper almost immediately.  Jamie was so happy that he started telling his story between bites of supper.  Jamie started, “I was behind a one-way glass or mirror when 5 men were ushered into the other room.  I identified the guy who landed the first punch, the punch on my eye.  I didn’t take long.  I was very sure.  The detective asked me to wait by his office.  It took longer than I thought.  Eventually he returned and invited me to sit in his office.  He closed the door.  He said the case has suddenly become pretty much airtight.  You identified the guy who punched you.  We had the fingerprints of another guy on the baton and your DNA on the other end.  We have your written statement. The third guy had not been so enthusiastic about the whole thing.  When he heard the mounting evidence, he confessed and changed his plea to guilty.  In doing that, I think he threw the other guys “under the bus.” The prosecutor was present when he confessed.  He promised the guy who confessed that he would ask for a lighter sentence.  But the other two are sunk.  The prosecutor did not think that I would have to testify in court.  It’s possible, but a lot less likely now.”

“I am hoping that this will help me to tie up the whole thing,” Jamie expressed.

I was hoping for the same tying up of loose ends. I was getting so horny that I was trying to think of ways to have sex with Dave that would be un-noticeable from down the hall.  I even thought of tying him face down to the four corners of the bed with a sock in his mouth and fucking his ass like a mad man.  But that’s not us.  Unless he wants me to.  So, I supressed the thought.

With all that had happened we never did get back to the question of how to find the right guy.  Honestly, we felt really fortunate that we had found each other.  But telling Jamie to just trust fate did not seem like a helpful answer.

That night we were naked and spooning together in our usual positions.  Dave suggested, “Do you think we could do this very quietly?  I really want it.”

“I really want it too,” I whispered back.  I turned my head towards him, and we kissed for a while.  He had reached around to my front and was playing with one of my nipples.  At the same time, he was kissing his way down the back of my neck.  My body was getting aroused.  His hand moved down to toying with my penis, and it was already getting hard.

Then he whispered, “I think you should penetrate me tonight.”

“What? Why?” I responded.

“Because you do it quieter than I do,” Dave said.

“What makes you think that? I asked back.

“I don’t always do it, but inside I always want to screech when I enter you.  It feels so good,” Dave admitted.

“OK,OK,” I whispered.  I got around behind him. He pulled up his knees. I offered him my fingers to lick before moistening his anus.  I offered my fingers again and applied the saliva to my penis.  I was ready.  He was ready.  I teased him just a bit by using my hand to guide my penis up and down his ass crack. 

“Just put it in,” he whispered.  “I have been wanting this for days now.  Believe me, I’m ready.” He was, and let me in without any fuss and only a very slight moan.  I tried to do a slow thrust and pull.  We had both enjoyed this as caring and romantic, but to my remembering he was usually the one thrusting.  I was enjoying this and, clearly, so was Dave.  It didn’t take long.  I had been increasingly horny over the several days that we had refrained so as not to disturb Jamie.  I felt my cum rushing to the head of my penis and shooting into Dave’s body.  I knew what he meant by wanting to squeal, but I restrained my self to a gentle ahh.  Dave responded with turning his head giving a gentle but extended kiss. 

We calmed ourselves in that position.  I think I was still hard and in him, as we drifted off to sleep in another form of bliss.