Just Friends

by Jack

14 Jul 2023 3454 readers Score 9.6 (35 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

On the Friday afternoon, we drove to Dave's family house on the lake. We thought that we best settle into two separate rooms. We were assuming that Dave's parents had not yet figured out that we were really into mutual masturbation. On this trip we brought enough clothes (for the first time) so that we were not going naked or wearing Dave's swim briefs everywhere.

His parents soon arrived and his mother set about making a delicious supper followed by a Birthday cake which she had brought. For his Birthday, they had gotten him a selection of doctor's things. There was a stethoscope and a blood pressure cuff. There was the scope for looking in ears and eyes and a traditional bag to carry it all. Then they teased him with a box of rubber gloves and some KY gel, joking that he would have to learn how to do prostrate exams. I did not have the heart to tell them that he had pretty well figured that out on his own.

Sleeping in separate rooms was a downer. Then, in the dark of night, I heard the faint sound of bare feet padding down the hall. My door opened quietly, and the silhouette of a naked body slipped in and closed the door. It was very dark, but I heard a whispered voice beside me. “Are you awake?”

“What do you think, I would say 'no'?” I whispered back. “You think I could sleep without you?”

“Sorry. I think we need to do this quick so I can get back to my room.” he said and quietly burrowed under the blankets until I felt him take my dick in his mouth. He was licking and sucking and I licked and sucked him in return. As before, we always seem to cum in unison. We licked each other clean. Did a quick kiss and hug.

“I do love the taste of your cum, but I do miss the strawberry flavor we used last night.” I whispered.

“Just as well that you left it in our room at the university. Mom would have figured that out pretty fast,” he responded. We giggled and he silently went back to his room. Suitable pressure relieved, I drifted off to sleep with dreams of the care that Dave was expressing for me.

The next morning at breakfast, His Mom sprung a surprise on us. She said it was the results of my blood test, but it was good news so not to worry. After breakfast was cleared away, the four of us sat around the table and she explained. You two are the same, relatively rare, blood type, AB negative. So if either of you ever needs a blood transfusion, you are all set. But it goes beyond that. A lot of other blood markers also match. This means that you could also be organ donors for each other. It's almost like twins. You might not even need anti rejection drugs. She pulled out two DNA profiles. This is Dave's and this is yours. Laying them on top of each other it was quickly obvious that there were only a very small number of spots that did not line up exactly. Quietly, in my mind, I figured that one of those differing spots had to be for a curved verses a straight penis. But I realized that she probably did not know as she had not seen me hard and maybe she had not seen Dave hard either.

Then Dave's Dad took over the conversation saying, “We were away on a mission in the third world when Dave got into medical school at the end of last year. We like to be encouraging by giving a gift to Dave when he does really well like this. Our intention was to give Dave a tropical cruise. It will be a year late but we have booked a room on a cruise leaving about one week after the spring term ends. If you also make medical school, we would like you to go along with him on the cruise. It's not just for the safety of you being with Dave. It works both ways. It makes an extra safe trip for you too. But really it is mostly about the fact that Dave is very fond of you and we are too. So we are hoping that you will agree to accompany Dave on the trip. It leaves San Diego for a few days at sea, then visits several island before ending up in Honolulu. I guess, I had already given Dave the gift of me, 2 nights ago. Now his parents wanted to give me as a gift for Dave's cruise. I was pretty sure they had not figured out me as a gift. But I was not in any way opposed to the idea. I was thinking what fun we could have together on a cruise. All together it was a gift for me too.

After morning coffee, Dave's Dad was off to collect some fire wood for the wood shed. He said he wanted it to dry before the weather turned cold. But Dave's Mom said, “I would like to chat with both of you about a medical project that I am working on.”

“In my practice, I have several young ladies who are very professional, living single lives, and too busy for men and marriage. But their motherly instincts are still very strong. They seem to yearn to have a child, even if it means being a single parent. This happens to lots of people anyway. And there are lots of facilities for child care etc. My part in this is that I would like to create a sort of DNA bank, but very specific to the desires of these very professional young ladies. They are very specific as to what they want. That is DNA from intelligent healthy males. Then they generally describe that they want children that could be athletic, and as a cherry on the cake, they want blonde. The two of you came to mind immediately. So I wanted to ask if both of you would be willing to act as DNA donors for a sperm bank. What do you say?”

Dave was almost immediate to say OK, I was less enthusiastic but thought it would be OK. I said, “OK, I guess. What is involved to do this?”

Her response was quick, “Come into the exam room and I will show you exactly how this is done.” We followed her into the room, she closed the door and instructed Dave to strip.” You are room mates so you have probably seen all this before,” she said to me, motioning at Dave, naked. To Dave she said, “Sit on the bench facing this end.” He did and she pulled out two arms with stirrups for his heels to fit into. I think the arms were for supporting a lady while she gave birth, but the setting certainly put Dave on full display. She raised the other end to elevate Dave's head and torso. I decided to play innocent while she launched into a review of how to masturbate.

To me she said, “Most of this Dave could do himself, but especially at the actual collection time you might have to assist. I usually start here.” She tickled his nipples. She instructed him to clinch his butt muscles and explained that this helps to push blood into his penis. I could see this initial enlargement as it started. “This can be done several times to good effect,” she said as she continued to tickle him. “Next I suggest here, on the bottom side of his penis. This bit near the head where the lips of the glans make a sort of valley, is called the frenulum. On the same side but near the scrotum is one of the sensitive spots early in the arousal process.” She was stroking the spot, making it very clear to me where it was. The sensitive spots change location as we proceed. She was massaging a little to either side of the initial spot. As Dave's penis grew in her hands, she enlarged the area of stroking up towards the head. “Eventually this lip around the glans becomes more sensitive too. And don't forget the scrotum. It has lots of nerve endings too.” She fondled and stroked as she described the various spots. I got the impression that Dave had not previously received this treatment from his Mom. He had blushed at first and it continued now. “Some guys will ejaculate at this point but there is more that can be done.” She put a surgical glove on her right hand and stuck her fingers in a jar of KY gel. “The perineum is another sensitive area and around the anus.” She was touching each place as she explained. “Then there is the prostrate, which usually brings on the desired result. If you would hold one of those sample bottles. Because he curves up tight against his abs, it is probably best to aim him a little to the side and place the rim of the bottle to circle his pee slit.” I did as I was told as she was clearly working her finger in his anus and up behind the root of his penis. I didn't want to tell her that this isn't usually sufficient. Just then, he ejaculated into the sample bottle several times. I was confirmed in my thinking that he was holding back when I had performed the same sequence of strokes. Right now he probably wanting to shorten the process to get this embarrassment over.

She followed up by saying, “That's very good, nice volume, good color.” She held up the sample bottle which she had taken from me. “You put on the cap, mark the name, date and then refrigerate. Easy right?

I have ordered a bar fridge to be delivered to your room at university. Any questions?”

“Now it's your turn. You know the drill. Strip.”

What, I thought, Are you kidding? I was flustered and blushed. I thought about protesting, but I could not think of a good reason. So I did as I was told. Soon I was naked, on the bench, heels in the stirrups, and being tickled by my friend's mother. Again she started with my chest, my nipples. I clinched my ass on her instruction and I watched my penis growing. She tickled just at the bottom of my penis, stoked my shaft and tickled my scrotum. Then she started tickling my perineum. She said to her son, “Note that if he produces precum, you don't put that in the sample bottle.” He knew very well that, like him, I do not produce precum. He also knew that I would not be very close to cumming. She kept on stroking me and tickling my balls, perineum, and around my anus. Still I did not cum. She donned a surgical glove again and grabbed some gel, and shoved her finger inside me. I could tell that she was practiced at finding my prostrate. I was near to cumming. Almost instinctively, Dave knew it too. He started to reach for a sample bottle but paused and pulled back his hand until his mother instructed him to get it. Neither of us wanted his mother to know just how familiar we were with each other's sequence and timing to climaxing. She saw a little quiver in my shaft, and said, “Quick get the bottle to his pee slit.” She pulled my penis down slightly so that my semen would flow to the bottom of the sample bottle. Isn't that interesting,” she said, “ Yours is straight and his curves up. It must be one of those few DNA indicators where you are different.” We all laughed, but at the same time she seemed to be noting things in her mind. Did she know or had she guessed the depth of our intimacy?

This had been the first time that there had been a third person present when we masturbated, or maybe 'been milked' was a better term. Little did we know what this would lead to. Because it would lead to many different and unexpected sequences of events.

We had supper, and decided to watch a movie together. At least Dave's Mom and Dad were together. Dave and I had to consciously keep our hands off each other. We watched all evening because it was a mini series, “The London Spy.” These two guys strike up a friendship. Then there is a sex scene. In my mind I am wondering, are they gay or just friends? I made a mental note to discuss it with Dave later.

Eventually we all headed off to bed. We were OK because his Mom had drained us both in the middle of the day. So we could survive a night without sex.

But the next day, when his parents had departed and headed back, we made eye contact. He said, “We don't have to leave until tomorrow.” We ran upstairs into his room and stripped off our clothes as fast as we could. He was a little faster and slapped my butt while I was getting my feet out of my pants which were around my ankles. The wrestling match was on. He got the first point. He slammed me face down on the bed and sat on my back facing my feet. I felt his finger enter me to the second knuckle. But when he went to get off, I immediately fingered his anus to the second knuckle. It was unexpected by him. He complained that he was just trying to reset for a fair second round. “Sorry buddy,” I said, “one to one. Fair and square unless you are adding new rules.” We laughed and sucked each other's lips and started tongue wrestling. With the initial flurry of activity subsiding, he lay on his back, I lay on my side beside him. I ran my fingers over his chest searching for more sections of stubble. I said, “ you know your stubble here (I touched his pubic stubble patch.) drove me wild on Thursday night.

“You drove me wild with that thing that you did by sliding down my chest and at the same time taking my cock in your manhole. Where did you get that idea?” he asked.

I admitted that I went to a sex shop and looked in a book of positions. I wanted something special for his Birthday, I explained. It was the same place that I found the strawberry lube.

“Thanks,” he said. That was so very nice, and the aroma was beautiful.”

“And it tasted pretty good too,” I added.

“I would love to try it the other way round. When is your Birthday?” he asked. I explained that I was one year, less 3 weeks younger than him. “Do I have to wait that long?” He laughed.

“Not at all,” I said. “We could do it now if I had brought the lube. But I am sure we can find something to do in the mean time.” And we did. We climaxed each other simultaneously and separately for the rest of the evening. “We should have been filling bottles for your mother,” I teased.

“Sorry, Mom.” he said as if she could hear him. “The case of bottle are out in the truck already. I think we could work on filling them during the week once the bar fridge arrives.” We laughed and drifted off to sleep next to each other as had become our nightly practice.

The next morning we drove back to the university. We attended our afternoon classes. He noted that the bar fridge had not yet arrived. Then he suggested that we could allow some build up so that we could fill bottles tomorrow. I also guessed that he was up to something. I did not know just what, but it was unusual for us not to help each other cum every evening.

The bar fridge arrived the next day. We unpacked it and set it going then lugged the cardboard out to the dumpster. When we got back to our room we checked to see that the fridge was getting cold. We put in an ice cube tray full of water. Dave suggested that we put some sample bottles into the fridge so that they would be pre-cooled.

We set to doing our course assignments. It came to our usual finishing time about 9 pm. We decided that we should work at filling some sample bottles for Dave's Mom. We helped each other fill one bottle each. It was our usual fun but interrupted just at the most fun part.

Then he said, “Do you think you could climax again tonight? I kinda think I could.”

I responded. “I think I can, I know that we can have a great time trying.” We laughed. I loved how we laughed together.

“OK. I want to try what you did last Thursday for my Birthday. Are you up for that?”

“You know me. I'm up for it or soon will be.”

OK.” he instructed. “How about you get yourself hard and I will try to put some lube up my butt?

I was getting pretty hard. Dave had left the bathroom door open and was having a little difficulty getting lube up his butt. He did it; which was making him hard too. I laid on my back on the bed. He sucked on my lips and did some nipple tickling. I was already pretty hard so this was just for the fun of it. My dick was standing pretty well straight up.  He straddled me.  Rather than slide down my chest like I had done on him, he straightens up and lowered himself onto my manhood. I was entering his hole and it felt great.

I could tell that I was getting to the lube because I was going in fast and he was lowering himself fast. I was balls deep in an instant. He started bobbing up and down. It was great and it was different. My dick was developing a tingly feeling all up and down it full length. As he continued, the tingling not just continued but was increasing. Now he was slapping my abs with his engorged penis. Again we started to cum simultaneously. I was trying to think of something different to do. I pushed my head back into the mattress and opened my mouth as if to gasp for air. I figured that I could not fake rolling my eyes back, so I just closed them. At that point I discovered that shutting off one sense seemed to heighten the others. I made a note to explore this later. For the present moment, I was enjoying filling Dave's rectum with my happy juice. At the same time he was delivering load after load onto my chest.

This is when I stopped faking. I lifted my head, smiled, and opened one eye. He immediately saw it and exclaimed, “YOU!”

“I'm going to get you for this.” He more roughly bobbed up and down on my dick a few more times but I was starting to soften. He pulled off. (I liked that.) But then he rolled me over and started a serious spanking. He was saying, “This is your punishment for trying to fool me into thinking . . . .' Slap, Slap, Slap. He put one big hand in the middle of my back so that I could hardly move and continued slapping my ass. At first I wriggled for real. Soon I realized that this was fun and exciting. But I kept wriggling purely for effect. I had discovered that I actually liked it.

When he finally let me up, I put on a fake pout and went straight to the bathroom mirror to see how red I was. I was red. When I came back out to the bathroom, I said, “Can you see this? You did this. It hurts.” I went straight to the other bed which we had never really used and laid down with my red butt in the air. I even said, “You stay on your side of the room.” but I didn't mean it and he was immediately beside me.

I knew I had him when he said, “I am so, so sorry. I got carried away.” He went to touch me but I pushed his hand away. “Really,” he said. “I have never been more sorry in my life. I don't want to have you upset. I don't want to lose what we have. I apologize deeply.” I was suddenly and totally emotional with this beautiful guy kneeling on the floor beside me and pleading. I know that he really is a sweet caring guy. I wondered if I should tease him but we both seemed to enjoy it. Then he said, “Is there anything that I can do to make it up to you?” I rolled on my side, with my semi hard dick pointing at him and made a slight motion. He immediately started licking and sucking me. He sucked me further into his warm mouth than ever before. He was clearly serious.

He sucked me for a while. I did cum yet again but not much. Once he licked me clean, he inquired, “Will you accept my apology?”

I decided it was time to let him off the hook, and said, “I don't know. Could you apologize again tomorrow?” We both laughed and realized that we were OK with each other again.” At that point I apologized for leading him on. I apologized for faking ecstasy, And I admitted that after the first couple of swats, I really found it exciting and fun to be spanked. Then he stood me up. He kneeled down and pulled my arm across his back to take me in a fireman's carry with my red ass high in the air. My torso and arms were down his back so I took advantage of the situation and kneaded his butt. He took me back to the bed where we usually slept together. He laid me down gently so as not to hurt my sore butt.

He crawled in behind me in his usual spot and said, “Can I get you to spank me sometime soon?” We giggled again.

The next morning at breakfast we got a bit of a surprise. He had already gotten his tray of favorites' and sat down with the usual buddies. I was still collecting my favorites when I heard one of the guys say, “What was going on in your room last night? I heard slapping and a few yowls. What was that?” I feared that we had been 'caught out'.

But Dave didn't miss a second. He knew that Kevin had a little brother and said, “Kevin how do you keep your little brother inline?” I noted that he did not actually say that I was his little brother, but he had turned the tide of the conversation.

Someone said, “Sit down and join us.”

Realizing the opportunity, I set down my tray and said, “I think I would rather stand to eat this morning.” I got a good laugh out of everyone around the table including Dave. He gave me a wink which no one else saw. And I knew we were good.