
by Zeen

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Part 8: Rose

  The holiday season was in full swing. At Goldstone, the morning of the first day of December day had started off in typical fashion, but with the exception of Area D. Ten minutes after the prison lock-down was lifted, inmates and guards passing through the halls of Area D focused their attention on some unusual sounds emitting from one of the special cells. Two inmates and three guards were all astonished by what appeared to be the sounds of intense moaning. They were compelled to listen in and make sense of the commotion... though it was already apparent what was happening. One of the inmates pressed his ear to the door of the very cell believed to be the source of the sounds since the glass portion of the door was blurred as a result of translucent glass. Suddenly, a booming voice...

Warden: Hey! Are we enjoying the Matinee? Get out of here, all of you! Find something productive, will ya?!

   Although the small crowd had cleared the hallway immediately on the Warden's orders, the sounds of ecstasy continued. Cole and Rico; respective teacher and student, casual friends, and friends with benefits. The sounds of moaning came mostly from Rico as the two inmates got on with the morning activities with sex. Rico was relentless when it came to riding dicks, and that's what Cole enjoyed the most. As much as Cole liked being in control, surrendering control was worth it if his partner was an expert in milking his manhood, which was exactly what Rico was doing in a cowgirl position... his favorite position. Both inmates released their morning juices with Rico on Cole's abs and Cole inside Rico. Exhausted, the smaller cellmate collapsed on the left side of Cole's bed and the cellmates began catching their breath while embracing in a brief cuddle; sweaty as the aroma of sex filled the room once more.

Cole: Well, coincidentally, today's lesson is about endurance, and I'd say you're in for one beautiful start.

Rico: Hell yeah!

Cole: Huh. Look at that.... still hard as a rock.

Rico: Well, sorry my friend, but we've got plans, remember?

Cole: Ha. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Rico: Well, I mean... it's not like we're gonna be training for twelve hours straight.

Cole: That's true. So, let's run down the agenda for today: we train, we hang out with Kenny, we play video games, and lastly... we fuck again. Any objections?

Rico: Uh.... nope. **laughs**

Cole: **laughs**

  As with the holiday season, the winter weather was also in full swing. Cole hated this type of weather, but he had an immense appreciation for Christmas. Despite the abuse he went through with his stepfather over the years, Christmas was always his favorite holiday. The same was true with Rico as far as loving the holidays, but this time around, snow was on his mind for the winter season which was a way to compensate for any unbearable cold weather and further escapism from the reality of being incarcerated.

  Warden Parsley had once again decided to suspend the ever-so-secretive Goldstone Games for the holidays and would resume the illegal prison fights for the New Year. The cold weather was certainly an adjustment for Cole and Rico. Both inmates relied on their cell's backyard for training as opposed to using the public workout equipment, and they often jogged around the prison complex while being accompanied by their friend Kenneth, relying on their prison overalls for additional warmth. Cole's cell along with the cells of the other fighters in the Goldstone Games had the benefits of having a portable heater, but, of course, the same could not be said for regular inmates as they had to fend for themselves when keeping warm.

  On this day, for the most part, Cole and Rico had fulfilled their plans. The weather had become even colder than standard winter weather, so playing another game of hoops was out of the question. Temperatures were expected to increase the following day, however, although there was a chance for some snow... much to Rico's delight. The group involving Cole, Rico, Kenneth, and Kenneth's partner Barry, had managed to spend hours playing cards. The game was nothing along the lines of poker or blackjack, as no one in the group had ever become familiar with such games, so they played something that they deemed to be fun from their youth and had not played since their earlier years... UNO. The rules were simple: those who had placed all of their cards on the table in the right sequence were the winners. A card known as “draw four” acts as the “wild card” of the game; forcing the next person who has a turn to draw additional four cards, bringing them further away from a win. It had reached 7:30 p.m., and the time had come for the group to part ways for the evening. With their main activities done, Cole and Rico had used the main prison showers in preparation for another intimate encounter along with additional hygiene material, such as an enema, for Rico. While showering, Cole noticed the stares emitting from his friend from the corner of his eye, almost a mischievous glare.

Cole: What are you up to?

Rico: Something I wanted to ask you.

Cole: And that is?

Rico: What is the freakiest thing you have done with a person?

Cole: Huh. That's easy. This girl I hooked up with one time. She knew about the ongoing problems between me and my stepdad. We were both up to doing something that would really piss him off. He bought a Lincoln Convertible and forbade anyone else from driving it, including my mom. One day, when he was out of town, I managed to get the keys to his car, then me and Tiffany, which was the girl's name, got inside George's car and did the nasty.

Rico: Uh huh. And?

Cole: What can I say? A lot of jizz from me, and a lot of squirting from her, I could not have asked for a better 18th birthday.

Rico: Your stepfather was named George, right? Did he find out?

Cole: He did. He threatened with his usual physical harm, but I was prepared for him and he knew it. He ended up kicking me out of the house instead and went crying to the courts to pay him back for the damage to his car. I stayed with one of my sisters and reimburse the douche.

Rico: But other than that... nothing... really freaky? You know, going a bit above boundaries...

Cole: Ha. I know where you're getting at... and forget it. Nothing is going up my butt.

Rico: **Sigh** Not even a tongue, huh? Too bad.

  Taken back a bit, Cole turned to his right to stare directly at Rico. His gaze towards his cellmate suggested a look from someone who was suddenly curious.

Rico: Uh... are you okay?

Cole: They call that rimming, right?

Rico: **smiles** That's right. And you're missing out.

Cole: Am I? Justin once told me that it feels intensely good. I suppose... I might give it a try.

Rico: Really?

Cole: Sure. I can tell you want to show me. Very well. But if I'm not liking it...

Rico: ...Then I'll back off. But trust me, **winks** you'll enjoy it.

  After finishing up at the showers, Cole and Rico made their way back to the warmth of their cell. Putting their last activities of the evening into motion, the two wasted no time in stripping naked again. Cole laid stomach first onto his bed awaiting what Rico had suggested, but Rico thought it better for his friend and mentor to assume a missionary pose, back first, using both hands to pull his legs back. Somewhat apprehensive at this point, Cole reminded Rico that he was to stop if this was not going well. That said, Rico had placed two pillows beneath his knees to provide comfort as he knelt down, receiving a bird's eye view of Cole's hairless pink anus.

 As it turned out, it was an arrangement that Cole would regret... for not doing this earlier in his life. He had the uncontrollable urge to cross his eyes as he happily gasped at the feel of Rico's tongue. Someone like Cole who was an unbelievably tough young man yet capable of giving off whimpering tones had seemed to be a testament to Rico's talent as a man-pleaser. Rico felt enough confidence to grab hold of Cole's buttocks, spreading them even more. What happened next was exactly what took place in the iconic comedy film “American Pie”. Rico, all smiles from hearing Cole's continuous sounds of pleasure, utilized his own version of the “tornado tongue”. “Holy Shit!” Cole reacted, in the same manner as the film.

 Minutes in, and Cole was not only fully erect, but he had leaked a significant amount of pre-cum. Then, without even touching himself, let alone stroking his erection, Cole felt himself getting closer until he could no longer hold back. He warned Rico he was ready to cum and sudden squirts of semen sprayed upward, Rico took the remainder of cum from Cole's dick, sucking him off only slightly. After Rico had spat out his friend's semen onto the tip of the latter's dick, Cole would use this combination of saliva and cum to use as lubrication as Cole instructed Rico to bend over. Rico once again found himself in “bottom's paradise” as Cole had thrust into him once again. After they finished, the two called it a night, but they did not sleep in separate beds this time. Instead, they slept on the same bed; embracing one another. Into the night, Rico was already sound asleep when Cole held him close, stroking him by his short hair, lost in thought before finally drifting off to sleep himself.

  Friday morning, 9 am. Cole and Rico were happily reviewing the letters and photos from Cole's old friends and former cellmates, Justin and Carter. Despite being aware of Rico via Cole's response letters, both former inmates would continue to show their nude bodies to tease Cole and, perhaps, tease Rico... whom they have not seen in any imagery. The two gave their critique on the letters when there was a knock at the cell door. To their dismay, it was Officer Mason.

Cole: Can I help you, Officer?

Officer Mason: You have a visitor.

Cole: Who?

Officer Mason: Don't know, don't care. Let's go.

  Reluctantly complying with Officer Mason's orders, Cole climbed out of bed, giving Rico a quick peck on the lips with his before making the journey to the visitor's lounge in Area A, thinking it may be his family or his friends coming to visit. When he arrived at the visitor's room, whatever cheerful demeanor he had that morning quickly faded. He was in utter shock, and it momentarily kept him from moving from his spot at the open door upon seeing his visitor. It was someone he thought he would never see again nor wanted to see again. It was his ex-girlfriend, Heather.

 The two had not spoken in over two years. Heather became pregnant by another man just mere months after Cole's arrest. Upon seeing her, Cole suddenly found himself to be heavily thrust into his past. He remembered how beautiful Heather looked, but before him was an even more beautiful version of the girl he once fell in love with. Cole quickly had to compose himself in order to find out the purpose of this sudden visit.

Heather: Hey.

Cole: Hey.

Heather: Wow, look at you! You've changed... a lot. You're uh... much bigger than before.

Cole: So are you... I mean-- You've also changed. You look great.

Heather: Thanks.

Cole: So, why are you here?

Heather: ...For another chance... for us to have another chance.

Cole: What? Heather, you...

Heather: I betrayed you. I know. I'm sorry. It was a horrible mistake...

Cole: I'll say! I was not even sentenced when you decided to sleep with someone else and had a baby by him!

Heather: No, Cole... I didn't have a child with him. A miscarriage. We've broken up since. I broke up with a few after that... because of you.

Cole: Heather...

Heather: Again, I made a mistake. And I tried to move on, but... even after all this time... I still love you. I'm still in love with you.


Heather: I've spoken with Alexia. I know your sisters are working to get you paroled early.

Cole: I.. I don't even know what to say.

Heather: You don't have to say anything right now. If you're willing to forgive me and give us a chance, I'll be waiting.

 With a kiss on the left side of Cole's cheek, Heather left the penitentiary leaving her still-shocked ex behind. Cole took some time to himself by sitting on the nearby velvet couch, thinking about what to do next, but more specifically, what to tell Rico. It would be twenty minutes later that he would make the trip back to his cell, during which time he felt gutted by the sudden situation. He journeyed back to Area D and to the very cell he shared with Rico. He was greeted by the handsome Brazilian cellmate, who expressed his excitement with the usual warm smile. But the mood would in no way be warm; it was colder than any winter weather.

  Rico attempted to welcome his lover back with a kiss, only to be rejected by Cole. It was easy to realize that something was wrong. Rico's excited enthusiastic smile quickly converted to a look of concern as not only was this the first time Cole did not want to show any affection but the look on the face of the Goldstone Champion had signaled that something had happened.

Rico: What's wrong?


Rico: Come on, you can tell me.

Cole: Um... the visitor just now...

Rico: What happened? Who was it?

Cole: It was Heather.

Rico: Oh. Uh...

Cole: She wants me back...

Rico: ...I see. Do you... want to be with her again?

Cole: I don't know... maybe... I think so.

Rico: ...We uh-- I think we should skip training today **heads for the cell door** you've got a lot to on your mind.

Cole: Rico, wait...

  Clearly upset, Rico stormed out of the cell, leaving Cole in a state of anger, confusion, and sadness. Anger was certainly a strong factor as Cole delivered a hard punch on the brick wall of his cell. Confusion, however, played a bigger role as he sat on the edge of this bed, burying his face in the palms of both hands, trying to process.

  “Rose”... as corny as he saw it upon reflection, that was the nickname Cole had for Heather. A rose is among the most beautiful flowers in the world, and certain variants had thorns located at the stems, pricking the fingers of whoever touched them. Cole learned of this for himself when he first met whom he once considered the love of his life. It was five years prior; he and his friends were celebrating his 20th birthday at a local diner known for delivering an exceptional style of home cooking. Heather worked as a waitress at the diner that night, and Cole, taken by her looks, decided to flirt with her by asking her for her number. Heather, however, was not having it. “Not a chance” was the response Cole received. Not taking rejection well at the time and being embarrassed in front of his friends, Cole would somewhat retaliate by groping her in a “watch this” scenario to be witnessed by his friends. In response, Heather splashed Cole's face and chest with lemonade, prompting her manager to immediately fire her. Cole was pissed by being humiliated but at the same time felt terrible for costing the girl her job.

  One week after this incident, Cole was all by himself, having a smoke while enjoying a relaxing sit down at his local park when he heard a commotion. That same girl, the waitress from the diner, was in his sights once again, but Heather was not alone. She was in a heated argument with her then-boyfriend and the argument escalated into a physical altercation with the boyfriend aggressively grabbing her by the arm followed by Heather kneeing him in the crotch, prompting her boyfriend to writhe in pain. As Heather attempted to walk away, the boyfriend collected himself and ran up to Heather with a firm slap to the face, causing her to be knocked to the ground. No one else had witnessed this except for Cole. Quickly snuffing out his cigarette, Cole ran up to the abusive boyfriend and swiftly downed him with a nasty punch to the face. Rather than fight back, the boyfriend would retreat instead. Cole saw with his own eyes a surprised Heather as he extended his hand to help her get back on her feet. With a smile signaling her gratitude, Heather accepted Cole's help.

Cole: Are you alright?

Heather: I'm fine... birthday boy.

Cole: Look, I'm sorry about that night--

Heather: It's... alright now. I had already given my resignation when that happened, so it's all good, especially after what you did just now. I guess this makes us even... almost.

Cole: **laughs** Can I walk you home? That should even things.

Heather: I'm good. But... how about dinner.... you're buying, and with hands where I can see them.

Cole: Deal.

  The two were inseparable afterward. Cole had dated Heather for well over two years. Having believed he found the “perfect girl”, he invested much of his time, effort, and money to buy the “perfect engagement ring”. A court decision, however, would mark the beginning of the end for what had seemed to be a pending happily ever after. During the divorce proceedings of Cole's mother, Margaret, and his soon-to-be ex-stepfather, George, the biased judge presiding over the case had ruled that Margaret must pay spousal support despite George having considerable wealth and resources to his name. Cole was enraged. Despite Heather's best attempts to sway him from a path that could land him in trouble, Cole would proceed to enact some revenge on the man whom he hated most in the world. He had not only lost his freedom for a period of time but had lost the most important person in his life.

  Fast forward three years later. Despite everything that has happened, so much of Cole's being still misses those times with Heather. Two years ago, he would have jumped at any chance of being with Heather again, especially with efforts being made for early parole. Prison has changed him; especially into the type of person he would have detested earlier in his years. Furthermore, someone he had grown to deeply care for was influential in this change... Rico. Just as he felt the fire in Heather the day he first met her, Cole felt the same inside Rico the day he witnessed him stand up for himself against a larger and stronger inmate. Perhaps it was just Rico being a man, but the ability to be independent and stand up for one's self while being a genuinely sweet amazing person were some of the most endearing traits that Cole admired in a person. Heather embodied this and so does Rico.

 Rico had not been seen for hours. Worried, Cole had searched for him. He would not have to search for long as the first place he looked, the library, which was exactly where Rico was... sketching and drawing, which is what he did best and which was something that had to be therapeutic for him. Cole decided to give him more space as he prepared to meet up with Kenneth at the courts. Temperatures had increased somewhat, making it barely acceptable conditions for Cole and Kenneth to play during recess.

  Regardless of what was still cold weather, Cole and Kenneth, aka Kenny, still went along with their plans to have a game of hoops while fully wearing their overalls. Kenneth was always better at basketball, but on this day, he could sense that Cole was just not into the game. He decided to stop and have a word with him.

Cole: What?

Kenneth: You alright, man?

Cole: I'm fine.

Kenneth: Are you?


Kenneth: Well, you know where to find me if you wanna talk.

Cole: What, you're quitting?

Kenneth: Bruh... ten-point score. I win.

Cole: **Sigh**

Kenneth: You didn't even notice? Come on, man. Something's on your mind.

Cole: I had a visitor today. Remember when I told you about Heather?

Kenneth: Yeah?

Cole: She wants me back.

Kenneth: Damn! After two years? What did you say?

Cole: Nothing. I just need time to think.

Kenneth: Is it likely you two are gonna get back together once you get out of here?

Cole: Maybe-- I'm not sure.

Kenneth: You told Rico.... didn't you?

Cole:.. You know about us, huh?

Kenneth: Mm-hmm. It's easy to tell you and Rico had been.... at it.

Cole: I'm really fucked here. A part of me wants to tell her “Let's give it another shot”. But Rico... in just a short amount of time, he already means so much to me. I don't know what to do.

??: Follow your heart.

Cole: Rico...

Kenneth: I'll catch you two later. **leaves the court**

Cole: Rico... I'm just....

Rico: I know. You're a wreck. That makes two of us. When I was a kid, my dad always taught me to go with my feelings and follow my heart when I grow up. Granted he was talking about when being with a girl. But even though things did not work out exactly how he wanted, his lessons stuck with me. Cole, you know how I feel about you. But this is not about what I want. You have to do what makes you happy. At this point, I can only hope that we can stay friends.

Cole: ..... Ha. For now, you've been slacking off on your training. **smiles** It's time to get back to work.

Rico: Yes, Sensei. **laughs**

Cole: **laughs**

  Two weeks would pass since Heather's visit. Cole and Rico's interactions since that day have not been like those of lovers or friends with benefits. It had gone back to being just plain casual; a standard friendship as well as teacher and student when it came to professional fighting. But would it stay that way?

  Entitled to a call, Cole had used the prison phones to contact Heather. He asked her if they could meet once again, to which Heather agreed. Upon being informed of his ex-girlfriend's arrival by Officer Miller, Cole made haste to see her once again. This time, upon seeing each other in the same visitor's room, the two hugged without a moment's hesitation. Cole had directed Heather to the couch for their long-awaited chat.

Cole: So, how's everything?

Heather: **Sigh** It could be better.

Cole: You know, since that day you came to visit, I thought of all the times when we were together... among the best times of my life. I was even gonna propose.

Heather: I remember. I know it's all in the past, but... we can have newer and better memories... together. What do you say?

Cole: ....I'm sorry, but we can't. Prison has changed me more than you know.

Heather: What do you mean?

Cole:.... I met someone.... another inmate.

Heather:.... What?

Cole: Yeah.

Heather: Oh my god! Uh--Cole... I..... I had no idea!

Cole: Trust me, two years ago, it was unheard of.

Heather: Absolutely! I remember getting pissed off at you when you would shout “faggot” at someone knowing full well that my brother's gay. And now this...

Cole: I'm not that way anymore. Not anymore. Connections run deep... regardless of one's gender.

Heather:.. What's his name?

Cole: His name's Rico. One of the guards took a photo of me and him one time and hit it printed. Here's how he looks...

Heather: **looking at the photo** Jesus! Definitely worth turning for.

Cole: **laughs** Look, Heather, I'm sorry. For everything.

Heather: So am I. We all have to move on. That's life.

Cole: There is one thing I want to ask you.

Heather: What is it?

Cole: Just as you never taken shit from me, don't take shit from anyone else.

Heather: **a light jab to Cole's left shoulder** Count on it.

  Cole and Heather hugged one last time. Both individuals had a sense of closure as they parted ways, this time, on good terms. After witnessing Heather wave goodbye one last time before leaving, Cole remembered that he, Rico, and Kenneth made plans to train in fighting. The three were to meet in the general area.

  Because of the cold, it was optional for inmates to stay indoors more often, so Rico and Kenneth took advantage of this as they were the only individuals in the general area. Cole saw them from a distance and hurried to their location. As Kenneth and Rico were having a laugh-along conversation, they ceased their chat upon witnessing Cole's anticipated arrival.

Rico: Hey there, my man! Kenneth and I were just--

 Suddenly, out of nowhere, Cole pulled Rico closer to him and gave him a long passionate kiss. Upon witnessing this, Kenneth, who was cheerfully astonished, announced his departure, declaring how they should have their lesson some other time, before giving Cole and Rico their time together, alone. The kiss between the two inmates seemed like an episode of its own as they seemed unable to separate themselves.

Rico: Whoa! Holy fuck!

Cole: Wasn't expecting that one, huh?

Rico: **laughs** What about Heather?

Cole: My time with Heather had been among the greatest. I'll miss her, but we both agreed that we have to look towards the future and move on. As far as the here and now goes, I'm with the most amazing person.

  The two resumed their kiss before being interrupted by a passing inmate, Brian, the same young man who antagonized Rico before. Cole gave him a warning stare as Brian held up both of his hands, backing away, signaling “I don't want any more trouble” before leaving and going about his business. As Cole and Rico were still in each other's arms, Rico felt something touch his eye... something cold. He and Cole looked up into the sky before looking around and found that there were sudden drops of snowflakes. Snow had started to descend, much to the two's further excitement, and upon hearing the faint sounds of Christmas music through the PR system from the halls of Area D, it was time to head back to their cells. Before doing so, however, they once again engage in yet another long kiss under the falling snow.

Cole: You know, I do have another problem...

Rico: What's wrong?

Cole: It's just that...

Rico: Come on... tell me.

Cole: It's... my butt... it feels kinda dry.

Rico: Wha--**chuckles** Oh, wow! Are you serious dude?!

Cole: **smiles** Of course. In fact, I do think it's serious... think you can help me out?

Rico: Sure. But... only if you can agree to help me with the same problem.

Cole: Deal.

  Rico had given Cole a light smack on the behind as the two strolled back to Area D. The snowfall intensified. A week later, Cole, along with Rico, had composed letters complete with naked photos of themselves, courtesy of Matt with a Prison Guard's phone to be dispatched to Cole's friends and former inmates, Justin and Carter. After it was revealed to the two how Rico looked, the two made similar claims on how they wished they could stay at the prison longer as they two were enticed by Cole's handsome Brazilian apprentice and boyfriend, with even Carter referring to Cole as “One Lucky Motherfucker”.

 Neither Cole nor Rico knew what the future had in store for them outside the walls of Goldstone, but for the time being, they were anchored to the present... together and enjoying every single moment of it.

To be continued...