
by Zeen

20 Apr 2023 2308 readers Score 8.9 (25 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Part 5: Urges

Another fight, another win. Cole defeated fellow inmate and fighter Daniel Morris, a new competitor for the Goldstone Games, retaining his “title”. It was an easy win. Mikhail “The Stinger” Romanov, Cole's first opponent since participating in the games, had already retired from the fights, thus returned back to the general cells, and Morris has taken his place. After his hand was raised in victory by the Warden once again, Cole was tended to by his new cellmate, a former champion, and former rival, Carter. His previous experiences with the younger inmate, who is an immense talent in his own right when it came to fighting, had motivated Cole to be better and it paid off. He was becoming a more efficient fighter by the day. “Nice going, champ”, said Carter as he dried off Cole with a towel.

Summer was in full swing, and the heat was on... literally. Not a good thing for Cole. His thoughts often placed him back at home; how he loved the summer because he could escape the drama created by his stepfather and do as many outdoor activities as possible with friends. It was great fun but also served as a catalyst for his training as a fighter. The summer following his eighteenth birthday, and so on, he deemed his summer as the most epic time. Build up of hormones from training, workouts, and sports meant that he was ready to have sex, and given his constant physical activities, this meant sex all the time. One girl, and/ or another was always around to take on Cole's needs; another guaranteed escapism by his abusive “asshole” of a stepfather. But Cole's situation was different... he was now in prison. Being physically stronger (a build-up of greater muscle and physique) than those earlier times only meant that his hormones were through the roof. It was enough for him to experiment with sex with someone of the same sex, specifically Justin, but after thinking of life as it was before prison and what he wants his future to be after prison, he decided weeks after Justin's departure that this was not who he truly was; gay or bi. He made a promise to himself to hold off until it was his time for his parole... if he has the will to keep that promise.

Mentally and physically preparing for the games was something Cole had a handle on. However, when it comes to the physical side of preparing for the fights, it was taking its toll. On the evening before Cole was scheduled to fight, he woke up in the middle of the night and could feel that his boxers were wet. It could not have been because of sweat, because of the fan, and he was sleeping only in his boxers. “Did I piss myself?” he wondered. Using a flashlight, he peaked into his boxers and saw noticeable white fluids on his pubic hair. That's when he quickly realized he had a wet dream. It was strange to him considering he did not so much as have a sexual dream that night, and yet there it was; his body reminding him that he needs “proper release”. Since Carter became his roommate, Cole had been reluctant to jerk off whenever he was around and that meant almost all the time. The only time Carter was not around was when Cole had his usual studies at the library, and jerking off there was out of the question. He had not jerked off in over a month, and it bothered him a great deal.

Before retreating back to the cell after his victory over Morris, Cole used one of the showers reserved for the fighters. As he lathered his entire body in soap, he could sense that he was not alone. Carter decided to join him, and Cole remembered that in the last shower scenario, they engaged in a bet that could have landed Cole as Carter's “playmate”. Having already stripped naked, Carter had stood next to Cole, using the shower faucet in front of the former to clean up.

Cole: Really?

Carter: What can I say? I haven't showered all day.

Cole: So, you picked just the right moment to wash your ass, huh?

Carter: Of course. I can't think of a better time. I gotta say, you are worlds away from where you were when we first fought.

Cole: Really?

Carter: Yeah. The way you fight now... how?

Cole: I have my secrets, just as you have yours. If... you are willing to share, I'm down to do the same. There is one thing you can tell me...

Carter: Not today.

Cole: Have it your way.

Carter: You know what? Fuck it. I'll tell you. You see, I was part of a gang, and with gangs, they're always willing to gain respect one way or another, right? So, I was accepted as their new enforcer, and one day there were these three guys near a truck, I was instructed to show them what I'm capable of...

Cole: Is that right?

Carter: Yeah, so, wearing a ski mask, I took on all three of them. I knocked out two of them and the third one was getting away. My crew blocked his path, and it turned out that these guys were from a rival gang. After some quick words, I was told to beat this guy's brains out, which is what I did... or... tried to do, but he survived and...

Cole: ...I've seen the movie. So, you can fuck off with that bullshit.

Carter: Look, I just don't want to talk about it, alright? I'm grateful that you're looking out for me and all, but... I.. just....

Cole: I'm sorry. If it helps, I can tell you why I'm here...

Carter: Yeah, I know. Burglary and assault. At least you'll be getting out of here way before me. But if you're willing to spill the beans, who was the unfortunate victim?

Cole: My stepfather. Or should I say, former stepfather.

Carter: Ha. You're shitting me.

Cole: My real dad died from cancer when I was really young. My mom eventually married again, this time to a wealthy businessman. She thought she struck it big with this guy; he could fill the void in hers, myself, and my two older sisters' lives by having someone as successful and “loving” as him. But the “loving” aspect of it all was smoke and mirrors. He abused us.... he abused us all; physically, emotionally, and with my two sisters... he...

Carter: My god.

Cole: One time, the abuse got so bad with mother, that she's almost fully confined to a wheelchair. She fell down the stairs and suffered some spinal injuries. It was the last straw... finally. She filed for divorce and even sued him for his abuse.

Carter: And?

Cole: That... fucking piece of shit... he had connections you would not believe, even with those in the criminal justice system. The judge ruled in his favor. My mom was to pay him for his legal fees, plus spousal support.

Carter: Dude, no fucking way!

Cole: Yeah. I was not, in no way, willing to let that fucker get away with it. I broke into his house, stole a number of goods, and when he came home alone, that's when I decided to strike. One punch was enough to get him on the floor. A series of punches to the face was for all the years that man put us through. Then I left his bloodied unconscious body laying in the hallway upstairs leading to his bedroom. I was shaking afterward, but... part of me wanted to just keep going.

Carter: ….I... uh... I don't blame you. He deserved that and then some.

Cole: He did. After an investigation, cops found out it was me. I refused, even at sentencing, to implicate my friends who helped me out that night, so that they don't have to pay for the choice I made. Now, here I am, serving five years.

After hearing Cole's confession, Carter placed his right hand over Cole's left shoulder. The two looked directly at each other, exchanging nods before Cole turned off his shower faucet and journey back to his cell. Carter would remain behind to shower off some more before joining Cole.

Almost a week later, it was around 8 am on a Wednesday when Cole and Carter were still asleep in their beds. There was a knock on the cell door...

Cole: Come in.

Matt: Morning gentleman.

Carter: Morning.

Matt: Got something for you...

Carter: What?!

Cole: You gotta be fucking kidding!

Matt: Your eyes do not deceive you, boys. A portable AC... just for you.

Cole: Oh, hell yeah! Let's set this baby up!

Carter: Yes! No more useless fans.

After successfully installing their new air conditioning, Cole and Carter would start the day with training in the “backyard” of their cell. As Cole was lifting weights, he watched as Carter was using the punching bag for practice. An idea would immediately hit Cole.

Cole: You know, since we've been working out together, what say you and I take the next step? How do you feel about sparring with me?

Carter: Sound's good to me.

For at least two hours, the two former rivals would showcase their fighting styles in one friendly sparring match after another. Carter, despite having beaten Cole in their first fight, was not only impressed as to how much better the latter had gotten since losing their rematch but was even more impressed with Cole using a fighting style that he was not familiar with. Cole had yet to share his secrets in this regard, but unknown to Carter, Cole has been studying, Jiu Jitsu, which is what he's been looking up online in the prison library, before his physical practice of the art. Combined with his natural talent for fighting, Cole has learned much but still has some ways to go for better handling of the style. For now, this along with his extensive knowledge in kickboxing is his technique when competing in the Goldstone Games.

At the conclusion of their sparring sessions, Carter had resorted to wrestling Cole to the ground by quickly tackling him by the legs forcing the latter to fall on the ground.

Cole: What the fuck is this?

Carter: Something I should have done during our rematch in the games.

Cole: You think that would do you any good?

Carter: Probably. **leans towards Cole**

Cole: No. Don't. Get off.

Carter: **Sighs**.....I guess only Justin was your type, huh?

Cole: Justin and I were buds.

Carter: But you two did...

Cole: Yeah, we did. My thanks to him for getting me through my first year here. After him, no more until I'm paroled... strictly women.

Carter: You've got close to four years until that happens. Think you can hold out until then?

Cole: I have to. I'm not gay or bi. I have aspirations to be married to the most gorgeous girl, and be a family man.

Carter: Being here is keeping you from those goals, isn't it? You're older than me, but your still young and full of cum. A LOT of it.

Cole: What are you getting at?

Carter: I never really wanted to mention this, but a few nights when I woke up peering across your bed, something was poking right through your boxers. If you know what I mean.

Cole: Huh.

Carter: Look, I'm not gonna try and change your mind or your goals. And I understand if you want to draw the line after Justin. But... you know I like you... and in case you do decide to change your mind...

Cole: I won't. I'm getting hungry. Matt will be back soon with some food.

Carter: Yeah, I'll stick around here until he gets here.

In his now air-conditioned cell, Cole sat on the edge of the bed, wiping off what remained of his sweat with his towel before laying down and allowing the cool refreshing breeze emitting from the new AC to wind him down. He once again became lost in his thoughts as he closed his eyes to once again reminisce about the good times before prison... only for his thoughts to slip right to Carter and the time when the latter entered the showers with him and made their bet for the games. This includes the image of the bigger and younger inmate placing his left hand firmly on the right cheek of Cole's buttocks. It was the first time a guy had ever felt him in such a way. Cole was erect after feeling this touch that day, and upon “reminiscing” this moment, he became erect once again. He was not paying attention as Carter re-entered the cell getting a bird's eye view of another boner at full attention inside his sweat shorts... until it was too late.

Cole: Goddamn it!

Carter: Like I said.... just let me know **winks**.

Later that day, the Warden summoned Cole to his office to inform him that the “champion's title” at the Goldstone Games won't be defended for another month. There were a number of qualifying matches among inmates to compete for the title, and only one inmate would earn the right to face the champion. Therefore, for the next month, the fights will only be qualifying rounds. Cole was not too pleased, however, as the fights and preparing for them were a part of the distractions he felt he needed. Nevertheless, training and sparring were all he could do. Despite, the Warden's advice to relax a little, this was certainly no option for Cole. He remained adamant to train as much as possible... a lesson he learned the hard way thanks to Carter.

A week later, the qualifying rounds at the Goldstone Games had begun. Carter was in the small audience to have a look but noticed that Cole was nowhere in sight during the fights. He left the “arena” to find Cole, who was in the workout space of their cell, working out.

Carter: Not interested in seeing who you're next opponent will be?

Cole: Plenty of time for that later. I'm using as much prepping time as possible since I won't be competing for another month.

Carter: Are you, uh... in need of a sparring partner tonight?

Cole:.... Maybe later.

After Carter left to resume his view of the fights, Cole realized that this was the first time he had some alone time in his cell in a long time. Therefore, made sure that the area was truly cleared. It was the first in a while, aside from his visits to the library, that he was alone. “Yes! Finally!” He muttered to himself as he removed his workout shorts and sports gloves, wearing only his tank top and sneakers. The realization of truly being by himself and the feel of being naked from the waist down was enough to experience an erection in a hurry...“Freeing the Beast”. Moving towards the fenced area, Cole grabbed the fence with his left hand and used his right hand to jerk off for the first time in over a month. Sexual thoughts were not necessary... he required just his hand. It only took less than a minute for Cole to blow his load... streams upon streams of semen spraying outside of the fence. Cole's grunts from his orgasm were accompanied by sighs of relief, as he finally had taken care of his “situation”.

The exertion of ejaculating so much semen prompted Cole to relax on his bed. Carter walked in and found his cellmate half-naked and semi-hard, much to his amusement.

Carter: You know, I'm starting to think that you're one helluva tease.

Cole: Truth of the matter is that I have not marinated this meat in over a month. I had just taken care of business.

Carter: Out there?

Cole: Yep.

Carter: That's a good idea. I think I'll have a go.

Cole: Huh. Really?

Carter: I haven't jerked off in a while, too. So... **removing pants**

Cole: Come on, dude!

Carter: ...I'll just get right to it!

The following morning, Cole had awoken to the sounds of movement and it was Carter getting dressed in a white tank top with black sweat shorts and his usual sneakers. With the latter having the basketball on his left arm, Cole realized that Carter was preparing to shoot some hoops.

Cole: Mind if join you?

Carter: Not at all. See you outside.

The two cellmates played a friendly yet competitive game of hoops which lasted for hours. Returning back to their cell, the benefits of Cole being the reigning champion of the Goldstone Games would lead to the pair being treated to some pepperoni pizza. They spent the remaining day watching television and engaging in an hours-long conversation; one topic after another. 8 pm had rolled in, and it was lock-down time for all inmates in their cells. Though the night was still young, Cole and Carter had elected to retire for the evening as they had planned to spend a long day of training the next day...

...Which is what they did: weight-lifting, jogging in the public areas of the prison, sparring, and the best part of the day, shooting hoops. The night that followed, the two were spent after a long day of physical activity. It was barely 8 pm when they decided to tuck in for the night. As Cole started to drift off to his evening slumber, Carter had some words for him.

Carter: You still awake?

Cole: Ah... no.

Carter: Sorry man.

Cole: It's alright what's up?

Carter: I um... I thought I should tell you something.

Cole: Uh oh. Should I brace myself for something.... awkward?

Carter: My dad's the reason why I'm here.

Cole: **turns on the table lamp** What?

Carter: Yeah. My dad's like your stepdad... not rich, but one seriously conniving son of a bitch. The scar on my face... it was him... when I dared to talk back to him. Being drunk with a kitchen knife was all it took to be the "scar-face menace". By the time I was seventeen, he kicked me out of the house. He wanted to say I was an unruly teen and could not take it anymore, but he knew full well that it was because he could not hurt me anymore. Not physically, anyway. I stayed with friends for some time, at least until I can graduate from high school, get a job, and have my own place. One day, I decided to return home to get the rest of my things. When I was at the front door, I could vaguely hear screaming. I managed to kick the door in... and there was Dad... beating the holy shit out of my mom... again.

Cole: What happened after?

Carter: I snapped... big time. I was coming after him; he ran upstairs and barricaded himself in the master bedroom. I punched and kicked the door in. He tried to defend himself, but he couldn't take me. I mustered every strength I could into each punch, shouting “I'm going to kill you!” By the time I managed to compose myself, the damage was done. My dad had a broken jaw and a fractured skull. The police arrested me, and the DA charged me with attempted murder and assault.

Cole: But how can the DA charge you with attempted murder?

Carter: When I told my dad I was going to kill him... the next-door neighbors heard it. How convenient for them to hear me shouting and not hear my mom screaming from the beating she was taking from my dad.

Cole: So, your neighbors were treated as eyewitnesses.

Carter: Exactly. I had a court case to have the attempted murder charges dropped. My dad... oh, that fucker could put on an act. Gaining sympathy was his goal that day in court, and he got it. Mom made sure of that.

Cole: What do you mean?

Carter: My mom did not testify on my behalf. She testified on my dad's behalf; corroborated everything my dad said, leaving out the fact that he beat her that day and said that I was the one who beat her that day.

Cole: Fuck, man!

Carter: When she said that... I lost it... again. I know she did it out of fear of him, but still...

Cole: That's why you were upset that day. Because of how the court case went. And I'm guessing Ben Rogers said something that pissed you off. That's why you wailed on him.

Carter: Actually, I just randomly chose him to take out my anger on. He was actually minding his own business.

Cole: Oh.

Carter: My next court date is in a month. My lawyer is gonna try again to have the attempted murder charges dropped, but after everything that's happened... I'm gonna be here for a long time.

Cole: You never told anyone else this?

Carter: That's because I did not want anyone else's pity.

Cole: You can't lose hope, man. You may have lost control, but you don't need to be here. You need to get your life together.... out there.

Carter: Tell that to the judge. I told you everything, so... I don't want to discuss it any further.

Cole: 'Kay. Thanks for telling me. Things are gonna work out fine. I know it will.

Carter: Sure. Night.

“Something has to be done about this”, Cole thought to himself after switching off the table lamp. Carter's revelations of the circumstances behind his incarceration at Goldstone left Cole in deep thoughts as he struggled to get some semblance of sleep that night. 

The next day, rather than training, Cole instead spent most of the day doing research on the internet in the prison library on any possible help Carter can receive for his release from jail, specifically, any organizations that could help the young inmate with his plight. His search had reached one dead end after another and would continue to be so after a week-long search. If the judge decides that Carter must serve time for attempted murder and assault then the latter could spend many years in jail. One month is not a lot of time. Time was surely running out...

To Be Continued...