
by Local

5 May 2023 4798 readers Score 9.8 (59 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The Dougs eventually released my jock body, washed me in their shower and allowed me to dress in my regular clothes. I made my way home, from the Castro back to the apartment I shared with my girlfriend Camille, my best friend Eli and a bunch of other eccentrics, in SOMA.

I’ve known Eli since before he transitioned. Although, I already had a younger brother from my dad and step-mom. Eli was like my younger brother that I could actually hang out with. With my coaching at the gym, he’s grown into a smaller version of myself. Proportionally, a buff muscle meatball with thick thighs, beach ball butt, big biceps, a muscle gut and hard pecs. You could barely notice the top-surgery scarring. I was happy to have assisted in the development of his impressive body because his height never threatened me. As the taller hunk, and the one that has a cock, I’d get my first pick of chicks whenever we'd go out.

Eli was the reason I met Cami. He’s the one who got me into the whole EDM subculture. As an alpha male, I was a natural pick to be included in his rave group and his designated shoulder-ride giver for a better view of the DJ. His friends weren’t necessarily my friends, but out of charity, I was the defacto collective proxy boyfriend for the guys from Eli’s rainbow family. I was protective of my squad from homophobes. Camille was impressed by an enlightened straight macho dude, comfortable enough to have a half dozen twinks hanging all over his rock hard physique. Truthfully, rolling on Molly, it felt great being felt up and massaged, no matter who any hands belonged to.

The alley stank from our local unhoused resident’s filthy tent but Cami’s cat brightened up my evening with a "welcome home" nudge to my shin. 

“Auggie, we need to talk,” Cami said ominously from our bedroom. Nervously making my way over, I was greeted by my full-figured girlfriend in sexy pink lingerie. Ah, I saw where this was going. She invited me to a glass of red and insisted in joining her state of undress. 

I began a muscle pose session, flexing my bulging biceps, tightening my hard abs and bouncing my square pecs while pouring body oil on my swole physique. She always enjoyed my buff muscles as erotic foreplay. “Tonight, I want to try something different,” she purred spreading the oil for full coverage. 

She shoved me down onto our bed and attached my limbs to restraints at each corner. My mind ran a mix of feelings. I've never minded indulging my sexual partners in their kinky side before, but I was just in this position a few hours earlier, upright instead of lying down. At least it was my busty girlfriend doing the restraining this time instead of my faggot boss and his husband. I had already been fucked a load right out of me. Was I recharged enough to go again? Cami’s new lingerie sure encouraged my cock to try.

“Starting to get there,” Cami cheerfully commented to my cock. “Your boss’ husband Douglas hooked me up with these pills from your work which I mixed into your wine earlier. I told him you haven’t seemed up for it lately. And he said, 'That’s what it’s like dating into ApolloBiotech. Our men are so driven.'” 

Drugged again. I knew Cami and Douglas were on good terms, but was annoyed Cami was sharing our personal information, with my beta boss’s husband no less. 

“Apparently, it’s a physically safer version of Cialis or Viagra to make sure you stay hard enough so I get to cum tonight too.” 

For good measure, she pulled my cock and balls through a cock ring before I got too hard. 

“Douglas did mention the only side effect of the ApolloBiotech version is it makes you a little loopy.” 

He was right. My mind was turning to mush due to a combination the chemical craniotomy, my guilt for having cheated on Cami, being my boss’ blackmailed boytoy and all the blood from my brain filling up my rock hard cock.

“I thought it would be best to share the news this way,” she said straddling my swole pecs. “My contacts told me your coke habit sunk you into a hole with them.” She knew. My eyes started to water. I never wanted her to find out. 

Coke was just some socially acceptable thing you did in tech to perform at an alpha male level. And I had a taste for the pure stuff. It was the premium fuel for this Maserati of a body. Student loans are why I turned to coke in the first place. A hot streak of coke-fueled signing commissions helped me climb out of that hole. I tried the crypto and NFC thing but I lost nearly everything. The Singapore commission helped pay down the drug debt and so would the Dubai commission, but I still needed a promotion at work. 

“These dealers aren’t hatchet-wielding Honduran gangsters from the Tenderloin who’ll just whack you and dump you in the Bay. They’ll slice your balls like sashimi but ensure you’re still alive to pay the rest of their money," Cami warned. 

"Everything’s going to be okay though. We’ve found a solution,” Eli finished her sentence at our bedroom door. His short hard body undressed down to matching boxers to Cami’s his-and-hers lingerie. “We bought out your debt so they won’t be coming after you anymore unless we shoot them a text.” 

Camille lovingly caressed my dopey face and reached her arm out to Eli. “I did love you Auggie, but Eli really manned up here.” She dragged her pussy down my strong abs. 

“I saw Camille first but you did your Mac thing with your charm and muscles before I could let Camille know I was interested. It sucked seeing the way you treated her and her confiding in me how unsatisfied she was with you. But I was always insecure to let her know how I felt because of the uncertainty of how it would work with us without a penis," Eli said joining Cami straddling my hard torso. 

"Eli has nothing to be insecure about. He pays me the attention I deserve and he's just as built as you are," Cami moaned while Eli kissed her neck.

"This is a win-win-win for all of us, Mac," Eli said into Cami's breasts. "You don't have to worry about your testicles sliced into bits, I get the girl-of-my-dreams and Cami gets a good man while still having access to your dick."

Cami moved down straddling me and inserted my cock into herself, while Eli moved up straddling me, rubbing his bush across my face, crushing my bulging biceps in his knee pits and crushing my skull with his beefy thighs. 

Camille's thighs were jiggly and soft where Eli's thighs were muscle hard from my own coaching. Camille usually had a sweet milky scent where Eli's groin had a sour stench, like my jock strap after a rigorous work out. I was grossed out and humiliated while they kissed each other on top of me, but the cock ring and aphrodisiac drug kept me rock hard for Cami.

Cami gripped each side of my adonis belt and worked my erogenous zone as an erotic game controller to pleasure herself on my cock. Eli grabbed each of my pecs and twisted my areolas as a painful game controller for to pleasure himself with my mouth. My body rewarded them with several orgasms during the course of the night, soaking the hair on my jock body with their sex juices while they punished me whenever I was near my own orgasm, by a grip of my nuts, to prolong their use of me.

My alpha male mind had been broken. The last thought before passing out was that I was going to lose Cami's cat in the divorce.