
by Local

28 Apr 2023 13422 readers Score 9.2 (94 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I never really excelled at anything as a kid, but my role models, Andrew Tate, Elon Musk and yourself, inspired me to maintain an alpha male mentality and to constantly level up. Making sales a personality trait has led me to become one of your top Sales Executives in the hardware division of one of your companies, ApolloBiotech, in just a year and a half. 

My flight landed in San Francisco from Singapore and I was ecstatic to head to our HQ in Mission Bay. I just signed our largest client, healthcare mogul Perdana Saleh, for our just commercially released state-of-the-art autonomous surgical assistant.

I was hyped to have a celebratory meeting with my boss Doug, your direct-report, the VP of Sales. Besides the large commission, I was stoked to leverage this win for a manager promotion. I appreciated Doug giving me the opportunity, converting me from intern to full-time employee after I graduated from Cal Poly Pomona, but I don’t think he hired me out of merit since my grades weren’t very good. I suspected I filled both the Hispanic and Asian diversity goal being Galician Spanish on my dad’s side and Chinese on my mom’s. I don’t think they realized European Spaniards are white. 

But the bigger reason for my hiring was likely due to Doug having the hots for me. I could tell he was always stripping me in his mind throughout my internship, imagining what my rock hard chiseled muscles looked like under my clothes. It’s also probably why he assigned my treadmill-standing work station right outside his office. I can’t fault him for checking me out and having a crush on me because I’m a handsome hunk. It’s not vanity. This bull body didn’t come easy and I’ve had to work hard to look like this.

I was a scrawny twerp up until my mom died. My dad remarried and moved us from Houston, Texas to Yorba Linda, California. My growth spurt coincided with the time I joined the high school wrestling team. While I was never a great wrestler, at least I knew I was developing into a stud by the way my stepmom was giving physical attention to my jock body, constantly asking me to flex for her and complimenting my development. From high school to college, I dropped wrestling training from serious to recreational while shifting focus to lifting weights. Since moving to San Francisco I’ve also added yoga for conditioning and martial arts for cardio. My alpha male drive to develop my body has rewarded me with hard square pecs, a strong core, round firm ass globes, and meaty ham thighs. I’ve reached 195 lbs at 5’10” (rounded to an even 6’ on the apps). 

Now, I’m not homophobic, considering my dad’s Reagan-Bush conservative child-rearing. I do live in San Francisco after all. My jock body should be appreciated, but by hot chicks and other alphas, not by betas like Doug. Professionally, Doug has peaked and will never attain a role higher than VP. Physically, Doug is a short rotund fat ass with a round face and pudgy doughy body. This isn’t fat shaming because his condition isn’t medical. He could absolutely lose the weight if he ate less and exercised at all. He isn’t a good representative of our company in the field of Med-Tech, I am.

“Welcome back to HQ,” Doug cheered, gesturing to the celebratory whiskey he had already poured. I gladly took a seat and was ready to bask in the reward of my victory. 

“Doug, considering I just closed the biggest deal for our company, I’d like to be considered for the Sales Manager opening.” 

“Mac, the manager position has many duties beyond sales that you may not be aware of like onboarding and analysis. For example, do you know what our analysts do to prepare for your business meetings?” Doug asked.

“Uh, actually, I’m not sure. But I’m certain I can quickly learn those areas as I have the passion and the drive,” I ensured.

“Yes, I know you’re eager. Let me just tell you one of the tasks our analysts do: build a robust profile of the client, including close family relationships. Meaning, we’ve been monitoring Mr. Saleh’s daughter, Maesarah Saleh.” My face grew hot. 

While working on the deal with Perdana Saleh, I matched with his daughter, Maesarah, on a dating app. She told me through DM her 18th birthday was the day after I closed the deal with her dad. I was happy to take her to dinner to celebrate her birthday and the success of my business deal. She was extremely flirty throughout the meal taking off her red heels to tease me toe-to-sole across the head of my cock through my jeans. When I took her back to the hotel, she requested a sexy performance so I gave her a pec-bounce and muscle flex show while stripping off my form fitting shirt and snug jeans. She whispered seductive compliments while caressing my bulging pecs and abs. I unzipped her black dress and carried her to the ensuite hot tub that I had arranged to be decorated with candles and rose petals. She untied the ribbon in her hair and tied my wrists to the stability bar. My whole hard body was available to her and I played along as if I couldn’t easily tear my big arms free. She straddled me and I gave her her birthday present while she rewarded me for my business deal.

My emotions were a mix of panic and fury of where this conversation was heading. I tried to think what Andrew Tate would do in this situation.

“Listen, Doug.” I start firmly. “Maesarah and I were both consenting adults so I think it’s unprofessional for you to imply that my personal relationship with Maesarah has any baring with my professional relationship with Mr. Saleh.” Not only was Doug challenging my promotion but I also needed this commission for my financial situation.

“I wasn’t finished,” Doug stopped me. “Maesarah may have led you to believe she turned 18 last weekend, but our analysts recorded she actually turned 16.” 

16 is the age of consent in Singapore and only makes the age difference six years apart instead of four. I let out a tiny sigh of relief

“And her birthday was Sunday not Saturday,” Doug smirked to finish crushing my soul.

My mind raced to remember if it had been past midnight by the time I carried Maesarah to the tub. My body was frozen petrified.

“You look anxious Mac. And you should be. In your whiskey is something the ApolloBiotech, pharmaceutical division has been working on. It raises adrenaline but makes you slightly more susceptible to suggestion. Essentially you are having a heightened fight or flight response without permission to do anything about it.”

Natural embarrassment and guilt blended with chemically induced panic. My face was flushed and body hot. Perspiration dripped from my brow and visibly seeped through my double layer of white t-shirt and dress shirt, at the armpits and under-pec upper-abs cleavage.

“If it’s not setting in that you’re absolutely fucked, let me give you the final nail in your coffin. The sales department paid for your hotel room and we had hidden cameras recording the entire incident. I also have records of your whole message thread because you are using a company phone. You’re going to do exactly what I say from now on or else I’m going to 1. inform our boss 2. inform Mr. Saleh and 3. send the video and the messages to the Singaporean authorities.” I was furious at Doug. My mentor fucking betrayed me. This was probably his plan all along ever since the first day of my internship. It was a long game blackmailing me into becoming his boy toy.

“I’m actually disappointed in you. You were such a promising protege. My husband and I loved whenever you brought Camille to holiday events and work parties. How could you do this to her? She is such a sweet girl. Stand up and don’t move.” 

I obeyed Doug. He is shorter than me (even shorter than my real height) so I glared down at him, my body unable to knock him the fuck out because it wasn’t given permission.

He commanded me to pose and ran his hot dog fingers all over my jock body. It was disgusting since my clothes were sticky from sweat. My body being over-heated from anger, shame and ApolloBiotech stimulant. The one silver lining was that I couldn’t see my treadmill desk because Doug had set the office windows to opaque so at least I knew none of my colleagues could see this.

He ordered me to undo my tie, untuck and unbutton my dress shirt. He held the glass of whiskey to my lips and ordered my to finish the drink while he sensually took off my dress shirt. At this point my t-shirt was nearly translucent with sweat. He removed that too and left me shirtless. He ordered me to flex my muscles and switched his molestation from his fingers to his lips and tongue.

“I’ve always wanted to see what sexy muscles you were hiding under your sharply dressed attire and you’ve certainly exceeded my expectation,” Doug menaced in my ear. “Nice beefy body. Thick bull neck. Square hard pecs. Velvety black fur down your arms, across your chest, swirling around your areolas, down your treasure trail, we’d call you an otter in the Castro. It matches your stubble but contrasts with some salt and peppering in your hair. I’ve always thought the whites were so sexy making you look so distinguished against your youthful face.”

My dreams of making top 25 under 25 lists were shattered. As a straight alpha male, I wanted to be disgusted at this beta faggot kissing and sucking my bulging body but I couldn’t resist getting aroused by the physical worshiping and compliments boosting my ego.

"Why the pissed off look? Your chubby's saying you're enjoying this," he cooed while groping my cock through my dark gray pants. He crouched and his lips found an erogenous zone, my adonis belt. I gasped when he started nibbling where my abs met my hips. I always knew my adonis belt was hot wired to my dick so my chub growing instantly to full hard on was inevitable. He unbuckled my belt and bunched my pants and white briefs around my dark red loafers. 

Determined to fit both my lemon-size nuts into his mouth, his cheeks expanded to chipmunk proportion. His mouth was so stuffed, I could feel his teeth grind my scrotum. The erotic tongue flicking made up for it though. 

He dislodged my balls to catch his breath and finally took my hard cock in his mouth. The skilled blowjob, the muscle worship arousal, the impropriety shame and the heart-racing dosing all converged. My back arched and abs tensed as I shot my load into the mouth of the fat faggot who owned me. He grabbed my tie from where it was discarded and wiped the corners of his lips and dabbed the cum off my dick and shoved it in my pants pocket.

“I’m keeping your t-shirt. Get dressed. If you try to leave the company thinking that will save you, I’ll leak everything. You should be proud of yourself and want to stay at ApolloBiotech anyway. Mr. Saleh was really impressed with your work ethic and wants to starts a discussion of an even bigger deal.”