What is a gay queen of hearts?

What is queen of hearts?

Gay slang term for a male who is a heart breaker, one who has the looks and personality to attract others at first glance. Similar to a 'pin up boy' but in that he will also break one's heart.


Gay slang term for a male who is a heart breaker, one who has the looks and personality to attract others at first glance. Similar to a 'pin up boy' but in that he will also break one's heart.

Noteworthy: Generally this is a good looking and/or charismatic male, who has several lovers at any one time, hence the notation that he will break one's heart.

Queen refers to the homosexual aspect, heart to being one that can tug at one's heart strings, making one fall for them, though it usually ends up being a painful experience, emotionally.

Also used in reference to a female's vagina.

By some, a Queen of Hearts is a control freak, controlling all events, parties, of those who are within their orbit, or small group of fans. It is not considered a complimentary term, usually has some nasty connotations associated.