What is a sleepsack in gay bondage?

What is sleepsack?

A special bag, that completely encloses a person, from head to toe, as a form of mummification. To create a form of sensory deprivation, that many consider erotic.


A 'sleep sack' is similar to an ordinary sleeping bag, however, it does cover one totally, in a very restrictive manner when used in bondage. Use of belts, straps, or rope, on the outside, further enhance the feeling of enclosure.

The goal is to completely cover the subject, in a tight restricting manner, that isn't just about being tied up, but about being totally encased in a wrap of some kind. Saran Wrap is commonly used, but a sleeping sack, is another close favorite. The use of a hood is important in making the sensation total.

Many associate the feeling of mummification, as being in a sensory deprivation chamber, though less intense. This should not be taken to mean one leaves the subject alone, while in a sleeping sack.

The thrill or idea, is to create a sort of out of body feeling, of floating, where all other sounds, other than your own body sounds, are inaudible.