
Here you can find all stories written by redbeard22.

7 Votes

the lust spell (ch. 3)

1 Feb 2013 1091 readers comments 4 Min Read

Dave moves his hands to my shoulders. And starts to massage them. He moves down to my pecks and plays with my nipples through my shirt and then feels my slit pot belly...

Topics: Oral & Blowjobs

8 Votes

the lust spell (ch. 2)

21 Jan 2013 955 readers comments 4 Min Read

He gave me the mirror. I went to my desk and I cleared of eve thing and put the mirror said the scrying spell...

9 Votes

the lust spell

14 Jan 2013 1605 readers comments 2 Min Read

Toby is a wizard living in the mortals relm. He brings his new firend Dave over and they mess around with magic and then eachother.

Topics: Werewolf