Your closest buddy

by Daniel Berasaluce

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Chapter 2

Let’s watch porn in your computer.

-Of course I do, Jonah. I think I already told you.

-Then what would you think now, Alec, if we prolong this sweetness? I think you’re still able to cum more times.

-I’m sure I can, Jonah.

-Let’s watch porn in your computer, Alec.

-Shall we at least get dressed, Jonah?

-Do you find it necessary now? This is a sweet fun that we can have every day, Alec, so we could get used to seeing each other naked, and masturbating, and cumming, just as we’ve been doing earlier.

-So ok, let’s go to my bedroom.

Once we sat in two comfortable chairs, I told him to be the one choosing a movie.

-I’ve wanted us to be in your computer so you can choose the movie you prefer. Maybe you have some films loaded here.

-Good, Jonah, but you can also choose later. I’ll start with one short movie of this hot porn actress called Eileen, I think. She has the most incredibly sexy cunt and most incredibly sexy ass.

I soon agreed with my father when I saw in addition her wonderful boobs and also saw she was one of the prettiest porn actresses I’ve ever seen.

My father seemed shy to start a new masturbation despite the fact that I had already seen him and also seen him cumming. So I was first to wank again before Alec Belrose. In fact that porn actress was hot and she was soon having sex with one of her maids, also a hot girl when as it’s usual in porn movies, the bell rang and only half dressed, Eileen stood up and opened the door and it was of course a plumber. Then came the typical scene I won’t describe but the plumber of course had sex with both actresses as both of them kept on having sex with each other.

Now Alec was on the verge of a new cum, so ferociously he was beating his meat. In a sudden impulse I approached him and kissed his cheek.

-What a wonderful father you are, Alec. I love the sweetness we’re living.

-I wanna be your closest buddy, Jonah, I really do. And I think that in order to become closest buddies, being a father and a son, they should talk of everything you’d talk with a close friend, sex included, you know.

-Glad you see it like that for that’s also what I think.

-I only have one little worry, Jonah.

-Tell me, Alec.

-Well, I just wonder… -he seemed totally shy now to go on but with a smile I encouraged him- at least think about this, Jonah, what if…?

-What if…? Come on, Alec, let it all out.

-Well, it’s not that it’s happening right now. All we’re doing so far is in fact tender and natural, but just think… what if one day one of us gets hard looking at the other?

-Alec, so far I cannot notice anything similar is happening, but well, I want you comfortable with me, so I’ll add this: Alec, I’ve never been horny at boys so far, but imagine I get horny looking at you,  have the need of masturbation at night envisioning your dick, your naked body, your masturbations, your ejaculations… well, if all that happened to me Alec, and I needed to jerk myself off thinking about you, I’d like to tell you in the morning. So if I do it, what would you think of me, Alec?

-I can assure you I’ll love you and respect you just as much as now, or more for you’d need guts to wank over your father. Well, probably all this talk is monkey business but if you ever did, I would also consider it something tender and natural with my closest buddy, Jonah Belrose.

-Then Alec, if it’s you that one day has the need to wank over your son, tell me and I’ll kiss you fondly showing you my filial love with anything you are feeling: you wouldn’t be hurting me for that.

-But can’t you see that it would be very likely having at least the need one of us of masturbating thinking about the other? For it’s tender and natural, ok, but for a father having the temptation of wanking over his sexy naked son would be just the natural consequence or maybe it can be the same for the son.

-I’m feeling you embarrassed now and you’ve never been shy with me so far and since I want you to be my closest buddy, look at me now.

And I started beating my meat looking at Alec’s cock and telling him.

-Yeah, dad, now you can send me to hell if you want, but I’m whacking off looking at your dick and it’s exciting for a son to do this before his father and tell him. I want to record your sexy cock in my brain for tonight I’ll certainly wank thinking of it. And now that you know, Alec, will you send me to hell?

His response was sweetly kissing my cheek.

-Just be yourself, Jonah. I cannot tell you how I appreciate you now. All you want is calming me so I can be your closest buddy even if one day incestuous desires enter us. So I’ll also wank a bit looking at my sexy son. I’ll also wank over you tonight and tell you tomorrow at breakfast. I wanna check whether you’d be comfortable after all.

So we both started happily masturbating looking at each other and this theoretically forbidden act made us on fire but we started to also regard it something tender and natural, and arousing of course. But since what we were doing was so exciting we couldn’t hold it for long and both of us came together now.

-So dad, I’ve just cum looking at your sexy dick. Anything to tell me now?

-I’ve also cum looking at your sexy dick, Jonah and curiously looking at your eyes I see pride in them, not shame and hope my eyes are showing you the same pride and arousal and gratitude, gratitude for being such an open-minded son. But now, Jonah, we could get dressed and head to dinner. After all, we shouldn’t be naked the whole day. We could have visits. But tomorrow we can repeat all you want.

I kissed Alec’s cheeks with a lot of affection and nodded. We got dressed and went to dinner.

I could check that both of us were hard at dinner but now we spoke no more about sex, just usual conversations between father and son but I could perceive he was not shocked and with the events of today we had really become good buddies.

After dinner I kissed his cheek again, went to my bedroom, took everything off and started to wank over Alec Belrose, proud at myself and wanting to honour such sexy man.

That night I slept with the thought that I wanted to inform my father of what I’d done, with hopes that this new friendship would not stop for what I told him, but could even increase.

by Daniel Berasaluce

Email: [email protected]

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