Young Hunter Becomes Prey

by Ashton

18 Apr 2023 11182 readers Score 9.1 (106 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


It was getting late in the small-town bar.  Normally he wouldn’t give the plain looking, slightly overweight brunette a second look, but she had been eye fucking him all night and he needed to lay some pipe.

In this back-woods little bar there were not many choices, and she was the best of the litter.  ‘Oh well, one more Jim Beam on the rocks and she’ll be good enough.’  The cocky stud thought.

“Let me buy that girl at the end of the bar a drink.”  He told the bartender.

“Dude, no.  We gotta get back.  Keep it in your pants for once.”  Milo sighed. 

Ross gave him the look Milo had seen many times before.  That ‘don’t mess with me when I’m sniffin’ tail’ look.

“Fine dude.  You know bros before ho’s, but whatever.  I’ll just ride back with Chris and Jon.  Looks like they need a driver anyway.  Let’s go boys.  Ross found some tail.  We have an early morning.”

“Nail that tail” Chris and Jon yelled, slurring their words as Milo ushered them out the door.


Ross drove down the dark dirt road back to his buddy’s camp.  ‘Damn, that country girl knew how to fuck.’  He thought.  ‘She wasn’t much to look at, but she definitely rocked it in the sack.’ 

He pulled into the long two track drive, his headlights illuminating the dark tunnel of trees, branches scraping both sides of the F150.  The cabin came into view, and he looked down at the clock.  “Fuck.”  ‘4am.’  He thought.  The guys had told him they would be getting up at 6am for breakfast then out to the deer blinds.

‘Fuck that.  I’m sleeping in.  Screw them.’  Thought the arrogant prick as he put the truck in park and killed the engine.


“Rise and shine bitches.”  Jon called out from the kitchen area of the small cabin.  His voice easily carried to the two bedrooms.  Two twin beds up in the loft room that still held a sleeping Milo in one and a comatose Ross in the other, and the main floor bedroom with the queen bed where Jon and Chris had slept.

Jon’s wife had been skeptical when he proposed buying the 120 acres with the cabin.  It was in the middle of BFE in Upper Michigan.  She complained that he only wanted it to have a place to get away with the ‘quad.’ 

The four best friends had been together since high school.  Even though Chris and Jon now both had wives, the four guys, who called themselves the quad, still found opportunities to hang.

The two wives were fine with three of the quad, but both were uneasy when Ross was around.  They did not trust him.  The guys had been crazy in their high school and college days.  But now, even though the guys were in their early thirty’s, Ross had never grown up.  He had no respect for women and was constantly on the prowl.

It wasn’t just that though.  When he got to drinking, he was a mean drunk.  Neither of the wives could figure out why the other guys still put up with him.  They seemed to be afraid to stand up to him.  Ross would always get his way and get the others to do things they would never do on their own.

Ross never seemed to be able to keep a job too long.  He was always coming up with one dead-end scheme after another.  He was trying to get an insurance settlement from the last company he worked for.  He was suing them for injuring his back at work, though away from work it did not seem to affect him at all.  The wives thought it was fraud but knew better than to say anything.  Ross seemed to think he would be getting a big check soon.


“Fuck off man.  I’m sleeping in.”  Ross grumbled and pulled the blankets up over his head.

“Damn it.  I knew he would pull this shit.  He always does.”  Jon seethed as the other three guys sat down to breakfast, the smell of bacon in the air.  “You don’t just blow off opening day.”


It was close to noon when the guys started to trickle back to the cabin.  Chris was the first in, shaking from the cold outside.  He put some more wood in the stove, glad that there was still a good bed of coals so he wouldn’t have to re-light it.

“Hey, you see anything?”  Chris asked as Jon walked in.

“Not one deer.  Thought I heard one snap some brush but never saw it.  Around ten a damn wolf came out.  Thought about plugging him, but he ran off before I could get my gun up.  Fucking cold out though.”  Jon stated.  “How about you?”

“Not a damn thing, except a snowshoe hare.” Chris said as Milo entered the cabin shivering from the cold wind.

“How bout you Milo.  See anything?”

“Yeah, I saw a doe and a fawn at daybreak.  They hung around for a while.  Kept looking behind them.  Then a little spike walked out.  I thought about it, but decided I would let him grow up some more.  Save him for next year.”

“What makes you think you’ll be invited next year?”  Jon joked as the three guys laughed.

“Where’s the horndog?  Is he out hunting?”

“Fuck no.  The lazy ass is still up there sleeping.”

“Who’s still sleeping you useless fucks?  I got just as many bucks as you did laying in my bed.”  Ross snorted as he climbed down the loft ladder.  “Sides I got laid last night while you two fuckers were spooning, and Milo was beatin’ it up in the loft.”  Sneered Ross.


Ross looked out the window of the blind at the cold gray trees as his mind wandered.  He had been sitting in the 6’x6’ blind for what seemed like an eternity, but it had been less than two hours.  It would be dark in a little over an hour and as usual, he was getting horny.

His mind kept going back to that slutty chick he had plowed last night.  That fucking bitch was crazy good.  It was making him hard again.  ‘Fuck it,’ He took his 7” hard cock out of his pants and began to stroke it.

‘Soon Jon’s nice, heated blind will have a coating of hot cum on the front wall.’  Smirked the aroused stud.  ‘Serve him right for putting him out on the far corner of the property, with the long side by side ride plus a long hike.’

The virile stud was getting close as he stroked his dripping rod, thinking of how he slam fucked that dripping cunt last night.  He could feel the stirring in his big balls as he looked out the window.  ‘What was that?’  He thought.  Something was moving in the woods.

Stumbling toward him through the trees was a hunter.  He tucked his swollen cock back into his pants.  The young hunter was now running toward the blind.  ‘What the fuck?’



“What the fuck?  Dude, you scared the shit out of me.”  Bailey laughed wrapping a towel around his dripping jacked body as he stepped out of the bathroom, fresh from a shower.  “What are you doing here?”

“Just thought I’d drop in on my little bro and see how he is doing.”  Stated Seth as he dropped into the folding chair in the sparsely furnished studio apartment.  Then cracking open the beer he had grabbed out of the fridge.

“Help yourself to a beer if you like.  Not like it’s easy for me to get.”  Joked the younger 20-year-old brother.

“Don’t mind if I do.  How’s the second year of school been going?” 

 “Like I told you last week, it seems like freshman year everything was confusing and hard and now it is all falling into place.  It is so weird.  Like last year is ancient history.  If I was getting a B in a class last year I was like, damn, a B, that’s fantastic.” 

“This year I have one class where I have a B and I’m like, what the fuck?  A goddamn B?  Knuckle down Bailey.”  The Sophomore laughed as he finished getting dressed.

“I figured it was just Freshman jitters.  My little bro is just too damn smart to be getting fucking B’s.  Someone had to get the brains in the family.”  Laughed the older brother.

Seth tipped back the Labatt Blue Light drawing in a long drink.  Hearing how well his younger, brother was doing gave him great satisfaction and pride.  Only four years older than Bailey he had been thrust into an unexpected role six years ago when their parents were suddenly killed in a car crash.

Seth had accepted a scholarship to play NCAA division one hockey for the Maine Black Bears, but after the accident he turned it down and enrolled in the local college.  He was not going to leave his little brother alone.

The insurance money from the accident secured their basic financial needs allowing them to stay in the family home.  Seth dropped out of the local college after his freshman year, realizing that it was not for him.  He took a construction job in a town 20 miles to the west.

Once Bailey graduated high school, he enrolled in the university 30 miles to the east.  The boys decided to sell their parents’ home, and each got an apartment in the town they now worked or went to school in.  Selling their family home was an emotional decision, but they both knew it was time to move on.  Though 50 miles apart Seth made sure to drop in and check up on his younger brother on a fairly regular basis.

“Do you have any plans for the Thanksgiving break?”  Seth asked.

“Well, I was thinking about going deer hunting up North.  But if you had plans for us hanging out for Thanksgiving I can cancel.”

“No, actually Jenna asked me to go to her parents over on the east side of the state for Thanksgiving, but I told her I would have to ask you about it first.”

“Bro, totally go with her.  I really like her.  I think she is good for you.  You know it’s about time you start to live your own life and stop thinking you need to baby sit me all the time.  Not that I don’t appreciate everything you have done for me.  Everything you gave up for me.  I really do Seth.”  Bailey said with emotion.

“Remember when Dad would take us deer hunting?  That first year when you shot that 8 point when you were only 14.  Luckiest little shit in the woods.  Here I had this great spot that we had scouted for weeks, with tons of deer sign.  You decide you’re going to hunt two days before opening day.  Dad sits you on some random tree stump and this sick old 8-point stumbles out and collapses in front of you.”  Seth teased.

“That buck was in his prime.”  Laughed Bailey.  “Only my keen hunting skills brought him down.”

“It was a hell of a shot and a hell of a nice buck little bro.”  Seth said with pride.

“And I also remember my “jealous” older brother calling the radio station to report a first-year hunter getting his first buck.  Everyone in the county knew about my deer.”  Bailey added with wet eyes.  “You are the best brother ever.  I love you man.”

“Right back at you little bro.  Who are you going hunting with?”  Seth asked trying to lighten the mood.

“You remember Chance on my Lacrosse team?  His dad has a cabin up north.  Chance said it is usually him, his brother, his dad and his dad’s brother, but Chance’s brother can’t make it this year, so he invited me.  We don’t hang much, so it kinda surprised me, but I was down for a good deer hunt.”

“Nah, I don’t remember him, but you have fun bro.  If you get one, text me and I’ll buy a small freezer.  I haven’t had venison for a while and your last buck was awesome.  Thanks for the beer, but I gotta bounce.  Let me know how things go.  Love you little bro.”


The tires of the big GMC Sierra HD hummed against the pavement as it headed north in the night.  They were four hours in to the five-hour drive and the two lacrosse teammates were dozing against the wide doors in the back of the big truck. 

Bailey felt the truck slow and looked up to see the towering lights of the mighty Mackinac bridge.  He looked over the side at the dark waters 200 feet below as they made their way across the five-mile-long suspension bridge.

An hour later they arrived and began to unload their supplies into the freezing cabin.  Chase’s dad got the fire going and they settled into their beds.  The two brothers in the bedroom below and the boys in the twin beds in the loft.

The next morning, they got up to a hearty breakfast of sausage gravy and biscuits.  Then they split up to go stock the blinds with calls, snacks and heaters.  Chase took Bailey to show him the blind he would be sitting in.  It was quite a hike through the woods to the blind.  Chase showed Bailey where the deer runways were and which direction the deer would probably come from, assuming they would be heading toward the swamp in the morning and away from the swamp for the evening hunt.

“This is a real cool blind Chase.  Thanks for inviting me.  I haven’t been deer hunting in quite a few years.  Not since my dad died.”

“I’m glad you could come.”  Chase stated staring at his friend’s handsome face.  “Make sure you have your compass.  Just remember the cabin is south of your blind.  There are no roads for many miles and some rough walking, especially to the northwest.  There is a large cedar swamp that you do not want to get into.  It is really tough walking through there.”


“Drop them cocks and grab them socks” Chance’s uncle yelled at five thirty am the following morning, laughing as he said it.  “Time for breakfast.  It’s opening day.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?”  Chance groaned as he rolled out of bed looking at Bailey pulling on his long johns over his muscular legs.

“Right?  Seems like we just laid down.”  Joked a tired Bailey.

“Grab a plate boys.”  Shouted Chase’s dad in a way too chipper voice.

The boys gulped down the hot breakfast and headed out into the darkness.  “Good luck Bailey.  You sure you know the way to your blind?”

“Yeah, no problem.  Good luck to you too.”  Bailey headed off down the trail toward his blind.

‘Sure thought I would have been to the blind by now,’ Bailey thought as he followed the beam of his LED flashlight.  He kept mindlessly trudging along, fighting his way through thick brush that did not seem familiar.  ‘I know it was not much of a trail, but I thought it was better than this.’  Thought the student.  ‘Must just be the fact that it is dark and everything looks different.’  He thought.

The woods began to brighten as the eastern sky began to glow.  ‘Fuck’ He thought.  ‘No way was the blind this far.  He must have missed it.’  Bailey looked down at his compass to check his direction.  It was gone.  ‘Fuck.  When did he lose the compass?  Where was he?  How long had he been walking?  Surely, he could find the blind.’  He pulled his phone from his pocket.  ‘Should he text Chance?’  He looked down at his phone, no signal.  ‘Shit.’  His thoughts coming quickly as worry began to set in.

He began walking quickly through the ever-brightening forest.  Soon he was running in a panic.  “Stop it!”  He yelled to himself.  “Get a grip.”  ‘Ok what to do when lost.’  His dad had taught him to fire his gun three times when lost.  Bang, Bang, Bang….  Nothing.  The silence was deafening.  No gun fired letting him know they had heard his distress signal. 

The sweating hunter reached in his pocket and loaded in more bullets.

Bailey fired his gun three times again.  Nothing.  Again.  Nothing.  Then, ‘click’.  He was out of bullets.  He began to panic even more.  He found himself running through the thick brush.  Branches cutting into his face as he sprinted through.

He fell to the ground gasping for breath.  He was terrified.  How long had he been out here?  He looked at his phone again.  Over three hours and still no signal.  His powerful young legs pushed him on.

Bailey finally settled down into a tired walk.  From his panic running his clothes were soaked with sweat.  He had not dressed extra warm as he was expecting to be sitting in a blind with a heater.  Now the wet clothes against his skin in the freezing temperatures were making him shake and shiver in the cold.

For the first time he began to think that he could be in serious trouble.  He realized that he had a very good chance of dying out here today.  His body was reacting violently from the extreme cold, and he knew hypothermia was not far off.

Tears ran down his cheeks as he looked to the sky.  “Seth, I am so sorry.  You looked after me.  Cared for me and now I fuck it up by getting lost in the woods.”  The young jock sobbed to himself as he plodded forward.  He thought how his death would rock his older brother to the core. 

Bailey was at a point where he knew he would not make it.  He could feel his body shutting down from the cold.  He just wanted to lay down and go to sleep.  He knew if he did, he would never get up.  All he could hear was the leaves crunching under his boots as he took one struggled step after another.

This was it.  He knew he could not take many more steps.  His limbs had lost all feeling in the freezing cold.  He had been walking for nearly ten hours.  He was thirsty, tired and frozen.  It would be dark soon.  He knew it was over. 

‘What would be said about his life at his funeral’ He thought.  ‘What would Seth do?  He had lost his parents suddenly and now his younger brother.  The kid he had given up his hockey career for so he could stay with, protect and care for.’  The thought of how his death would affect his older brother hurt the most.

‘How could such a fit jock die in the woods like this?  It wasn’t fair.  He would do anything if he could just have another chance to live.’

Just as he dropped to his knees he looked up.  ‘What was that in the distance?  It was a structure.  It looked like a blind.’  He started walking toward it.  Suddenly on their own his feet started running toward the structure.

“Help.  Is anyone there?  Help me.”  Bailey’s voice trailed off weakly.


“What the fuck are you doing?  You’ve scared every deer away for miles!”  Ross shouted angrily.

Bailey walked up to the ladder going up to the blind.  “I’m lost.  I’ve been lost all day.  I’m freezing.  Please help me.  I beg you.”

Ross opened the door to the blind and looked down at the terrified, yet handsome blond boy shivering below him.

“You may as well come up.  You’ve fucked up my hunting anyway.”

Bailey struggled to climb the stairs to the blind and entered into the warm heated structure, still shaking from the cold.

“Where were you hunting?”

“Over by gogamain road.”  Bailey shivered.

“Holy shit.  You walked from there?  That’s like fifteen miles across that nasty swamp.  No wonder you look like you were beat up with branches.  Dude, that’s not much of a coat for this weather.  What are you stupid?”  The uncaring jerk questioned.

“I’m so cold.  So thirsty.  So hungry.”  Bailey said weakly as he huddled around the heater, feeling intimidated by the seemingly callus stranger.

Ross looked at the handsome young jock.  The strong jaw line, the deep blue eyes, the athletic looking body.  “You need to get those frozen wet clothes off you are to get warm.  Hang them above the heater.  Here is a bottle of water.  Here’s a couple of energy bars too.”

Bailey gulped down the water, wolfed down the energy bars and began to undress.  Years of sports and locker rooms made it second nature to disrobe around other guys.

He took off his coat and peeled off his shirt.  Ross gulped as the jacked jock’s broad chest and ripped six pack appeared as the boy shed his clothes. Bailey pushed his jeans down his muscular legs and stepped out of them.  He was soon standing bare footed with just his jockeys in the warm blind.  His sweat-soaked, frozen clothes hanging above the heater.  The young stud didn’t notice his drivers license being removed from his wallet as Ross hung his wet jeans up above the heater.

“I am starting to feel my fingers and toes.”  Bailey gushed as his young body began to soak up the heat from the portable propane heater.  “Thank you so much.  You saved my life.” 

“My name is Ross.”  His hand reaching out and grasping the younger mans outstretched hand, his eyes feasting on the athletic young flesh standing in front of him. 

“Bailey.”  The young jock answered.  He was becoming uneasy at how the man’s eyes were looking up and down at his body.  Like he was lustfully deciding what he wanted to do to him.  “I should probably get dressed.  Can you show me the way out?”

“What, are you stupid boy?  You put on those clothes while they are still wet and you will be freezing again right away.  It’s going to take about an hour for them to dry.  Sit down on that stool there and relax.”

Bailey felt the man’s hand grip his bare shoulder as he was guided to the stool sitting beside the leering hunter.  He sat down on as Ross settled into the main chair, lusting at the nervous jock the entire time.

“Now listen boy.  Here’s how I see it.”  Bailey felt a hand on his knee.

“You ruined my hunt, on opening day no less.  I saved your life – your words.  Let you dry your clothes, drink my water, eat my snacks, warm up and now you want me to take you out of the woods, which by the way is quite a hike.  Then it’s a long trek down the trail on the side by side.  You think I should provide all that for nothing?  I’d say you owe me big time.  Wouldn’t you agree?”

“Um, well, yeah.  I mean I am really grateful that you helped me out.  But um, well I don’t have much money on me because….”

“I don’t want your fucking money boy” Ross growled.  His hand moving up the trembling boys muscular thigh.  “I want something more personal.  I want you to reach over here and unzip me.”

“Dude, I’m not gay.”  Said the shocked jock, pushing the man’s hand off his bare thigh.

“I don’t give a shit if you’re gay or not.  All I know is that you owe me your life and I want payment.  Or else you can get your fucking ass back out into the cold and die in the woods tonight.  Do you remember what that felt like freezing cold and lost in the woods?”

“I’ll just follow you out when you leave.”  Said the jock nervously, trying to regain leverage.

“You might follow me to the side by side, but I will leave you in the dark freezing night and ride away on the miles of trails you will never be able to follow.  They will find your dead frozen carcass, whatever is left of it.  By morning most will have been eaten by the coyotes and wolves.  The ravens will pick your bones clean by noon tomorrow.  Some dumb fuck like you dies out here every season.  No one will think anything about it.”

“You got a choice.  That, or you do what I say and live.  No second chances though.  This is a one-time offer.  Either agree or die.  Your choice.”  The evil man growled.  “Now get on your knees and get your hand on my zipper.”

Bailey’s mind was reeling.  He immediately went back to just an hour ago remembering how terrified he was.  That his life was over and the thoughts that he would do absolutely anything to live.  Now here he was being faced with that same choice.  With no thought on how far this would go the kid dropped to his knees in front of the evil man and reached for his abuser’s zipper.

He could feel the heat as his trembling hand pulled the metal tab down as Ross released the top button.  “Now reach in and pull out my cock.”

“Please don’t make me do this.  I can get you money when….”  Slap.  He felt the sting of the man’s hand against the side of his face.

“I already fucking told you I don’t want your money.”  Ross seethed.  “You have no other choice if you want to live.  Now get your faggot hands on my cock.”

Bailey felt his fingers touch the hot, hard tool behind the open zipper, the first time he had touched a cock other than his own.  Tears ran down his handsome face as he reached around the swollen tool and pulled it out of its clothed confinement.  The end of the red fuck stick already slimy with cock snot.

“Jack it some boy.  Make it feel good.”

Bailey began to move his hand up and down the hard slick shaft, feeling it pulse to his movements.  “Ahhh yeah boy.  That’s it.  How’s a man’s cock feel in your hand?”  He sneered.

Wanting to get this over with, Bailey began to pump the angry phallus.  His strong young hand moving up and down in a blur.

“Slow down boy.  I know you want your reward, but you got more to learn.  I want to hear you ask me to let you wrap your pretty red cock sucking lips around my cock.  To let you suck me off.  BEG ME BOY!”  He screamed, as his big hand slapped the right side of Bailey’s face again, knocking the boy to the floor.

Bailey’s brain was on overload.  What was expected of him?  Why did he hit him?  He was doing what he was told he had to do to live.  He was already doing the degrading hand job demanded of him and now he wanted a blow job?  And he had to beg for it?  Beg to suck the man’s cock?  No, he would not do……

Suddenly he felt a hand grip his hair and another connect again with his sore face, though even harder this time.  “I said beg me to suck my cock boy or get the fuck out!”

Survival instinct kicked in.  He wanted to live.  He did not want to die in the woods tonight.  “Please sir.  Let me suck your cock.”  The lacrosse jock sobbed.

No sooner had the words passed by his red lips when he felt the soft, yet hard slippery hot cock touch between his full lips.  The arrogant prick moved the hard cock back and forth coating the kneeling young jocks lips with a covering of pre cum.

“Now open your mouth faggot and mind your teeth or I’ll knock them down your throat.”  The bastard snarled.

The lacrosse jock opened his virgin mouth and allowed the swollen intruder access to his soon-to-be saliva coated suck chamber.  The first sensation he felt was the heat and spongy texture of the thick tool.  Then his tongue instinctively wrapped around the slimy head and the young jock got his first taste of pre cum.  Surprised that it was not all that bad.  Had an almost sweet taste.  ‘What the fuck was he thinking?’

“Fondle them balls boy.  Work that cock into your throat and rub my balls against your chin.  Work it deep till you have my pubes tight against your cock sucking lips.  You can do it.  All you fags can.”

Bailey sucked and slurped and gagged as the engorged cock pressed against the opening of his throat.  He tried to push it through as his rapist demanded but it was too big.  It would not fit and each time he tried to force it he would go into a choking, gagging fit.

“Breathe thru your nose you stupid fuck.”  Ross snapped as he pushed his hips forward.  Bailey looked up into the eyes of the man leering down at him, his lips stretched around the veiny tool assaulting his no longer virgin mouth.  He felt the engorged tool push deeper as he licked and sucked the best he could. 

“You’re getting me close slut.”  Panted the hunter.  He reached down with both hands on each side of the kneeling blond jocks head.  He grabbed a hand full of hair in each fist and yanked the young studs head forward burying his cock down the hot jocks throat.

Bailey’s eyes bugged out as his lips were crushed against the pubes of the man forcing his cock down his young untrained throat.  He struggled to push off the muscular thighs his chin was between, but was weakened by gagging, choking and trying to breathe.

Suddenly the cock was out, and he gulped in air right before the cock was slammed back down his throat.  This aggressive assault continued oblivious the sophomores gagging and choking around the pistoning cock.  The sex crazed stud was just using his mouth as a hot, tight fuck hole that only existed for his pleasure.

The young jock felt the grip on his hair tighten and the cock in his throat swell even larger. 

“Oh God!  Take my seed faggot!”  The first blast went directly into the kneeling jocks throat.  As he pulled back the next two lines coated the inside of the boys sucking mouth.  The taste hitting his overloaded brain as he instinctively swallowed the thick load down.

Ross pulled his cock further out to allow the last two spurts to coat the boys upper lip and then across his square chin.  He lifted the boys chin up with his finger and looked into the weepy eyes of his conquered prey.  He took his finger and scooped up a gob of his hot cum off the boy’s face and pushed the dripping glob to the jocks slightly parted red lips.

“Clean off my finger slut.”

Bailey was beaten.  He stuck out his tongue and licked the dripping glob off.  He then sucked in the finger and swallowed the last gob down his sore throat.

“I thought you said you weren’t gay.  For a straight guy you sure have a talented mouth and a craving for cum.  You are one awesome throat fuck, bet your ass will be even better.”

“Wait, what?  You said I just had to blow you and you would show me the way out.”  The beaten boy sobbed.

“I said you owe me ‘big time’.  A blow job ain’t big time.  You owe me whatever I want.  I saved your life you ungrateful slut.  Now get your panties off.  I want to see the virgin pussy I’m about to wreck.”

Bailey stared at his rapist in shock.  His mind was a mess.  He had just sucked his first cock and tasted another man’s cum.  Now he had to get fucked if he wanted to live.  After what he had been through that day he knew that he did not want to go back out into the cold woods again, to be lost and alone. 

“Wa, what if I ga give you another blow job?”  The hot student said, the words catching in his throat, desperate to avoid what he knew was coming.

“I know you would love to get your pretty puffy lips back around my cock, but I want to break in your virgin cunt that was made to take cock.  Now ask me nicely to fuck you and take your virginity.  I ain’t asking again boy.”  The SOB growled.

Bailey could see there was no way out.  His fate was sealed.  “Please sir, will you fuck me and take my virginity?”  

“Get your panties down slut and prepare to become what you were born to be.  A pair of hot holes to be used for the pleasure of real men.”  

The lacrosse jock pushed his Jockey’s down his muscular blond hair covered legs.  He stepped his size 11 feet out of the shorts and stood bare footed on the old carpet.

“Show me how much you want my cock again slut.  Undress me.”  Demanded the arrogant prick, licking his lips at the gorgeous ripped young stud obeying his commands. 

The young stud robotically undressed the sneering, grinning man.  “Suck my tit faggot.”  Bailey licked and sucked in the hard nub without any hesitation.  What was the use?  He felt a hand at the back of his head pressing his face in tight to the firm pec.

“May as well suck my cock a bit too, just to lube it up a little.  I know you can’t wait to get your tongue all over my cock and in my piss slit again.”

The young jock dropped to his knees and sucked in the hard shaft driving it to the back of his throat.  He sucked and licked for all he was worth, hoping to get another load of cum out and avoid the big cock in his ass.

“Oh yeah bitch.  You are a fast learner.  Didn’t I tell you that you were born for this?  A real natural.  So fucking good.  Ahhhhh.”  Bailey felt a hand on his forehead and he was roughly shoved back, the cock popping out of his suctioning mouth with a pop.  He fell back on his muscled ass on the carpeted floor.

“Grab behind your knees and pull your legs up to your chest boy.  I want to see your face when I take this precious gift you’ve been saving for me.”

With tears flowing down his cheeks the jacked lacrosse jock slowly pulled back his muscular legs exposing his most personal spot to the angry dripping, still slick with his saliva, cock hanging over his young, ripped body.

“Don’t cry my pretty slut.  This may be your first cock, but I guarantee it won’t be your last.  You see hot jocks like you spend all that time getting those perfect muscles to draw the attention of men.  You have this hidden need to be used for the pleasure of real men.  Those muscles have a need for another man’s DNA absorbed from the gallons of hot cum your holes will take in your young life.”  Ross chuckled to himself as he watched the face of the confused broken stud as he listened to words never spoken to him before.

“Damn that is one fine looking pussy.”  Ross sneered as he steered his cock between the boys’ cheeks, wiping his cock snot up and down the hot crack.  He hacked up a gob and spit it directly on the pink pucker.

The sophomore could feel the pressure build as the blunt slick tool pushed at his unyielding hole.  He couldn’t imagine that the large cock would be able to fit in his virgin chute.  The pressure kept building as the big man above him pushed his hips forward trying to force the blunt tool in by force.

“Open your tight cunt slut.”  He demanded as he raised his hand and brought it down hard on the raised ass cheek of the virgin stud below him, leaving a bright red hand print.

“Ahhhhhh” Bailey yelled at the slap and then the initial penetration as his tight sphincter gave way to the unwelcome invader.  “Oh stop, please.  I beg you.  Your big cock is ripping me in half.”  The prone jock cried.

“Just breathe you dumb cunt.  I have had virgins before, but damn bitch.  Your pussy has got a grip on my cock like a vise and you only have the head.  Wait till you get the entire thing.  Look at me slut while I fill you with my fuck rod.”  With that the merciless thug thrust his hips forward and buried his cock into the boys depths.

Bailey’s eyes bugged out and his mouth gapped open, but no sound escaped as he felt the giant rod plunge into and fill his young body with painful pressure.

Ross looked down at the tortured face of his victim, still reeling in intense pain from his violent penetration and chuckled.  “Looks like you are enjoying my big cock rearranging your colon, so I will give you a moment before I start using your cunt like it was meant to be.”

Bailey couldn’t breathe.  The searing burning of his hole.  It felt like he had a telephone pole up his ass.  The pain was indescribable as well as the feeling of being so full, like he never felt before.

He could feel the huge cock begin to slowly pull out a couple of inches bringing his pussy lips with it, then slowly pushing back in.  Then again.  Each time increasing the distance as well as the speed and force.  Soon the hard tool was pulling out to the tip and slamming back in with rapid force.

Something began to change in what the young jock was feeling.  The pain and burning began to subside and the prone stud felt a new feeling.  A jolt to his brain as the hard cock thrust forward hitting a spot inside his young body that gave him, wait, what was that feeling?  Was it pleasure?  Was it possible to feel pleasure with a hard cock thrusting forcefully into and out of your upturned ass?  Really?  Was his young cock filling with blood?

The young stud heard a moan escape his lips as the beast above him slammed into his jacked body again and again.  “Yeah slut, I knew you would like my cock in you.  Listen to you moan and your cock is hard as I pump into your virgin guts.  Look up at my face as I breed you like a common whore.  That’s it.  Ahhhhhhhhh Yeah  FUCK.  FEEL MY CUM YOU SLUT.” 

The lacrosse jock felt the cock in him swell and then his insides were flooded with spurt after spurt of hot cum as the big cock in him pumped seed into his inner bowels.

They lay there on the floor of the blind.  Their sweaty body’s tight together.  The attackers shrinking cock still in the jocks ass keeping the large glob of semen from spilling out.  The young jock relieved that his rapist came when he did.  He was worried that he was about to cum from getting fucked.  How could he explain that to himself?

Ross finally got up, his cock popping out of the tight cum filled hole.  “Fuck slut.  You have an amazing hot pussy.  One like I have never had before.  Suck your slut juices off my cock so I can get dressed.”

Bailey leaned forward and took the softening cock into his mouth and licked and sucked it clean.

“Get dressed.  We got to get back to camp.”

Ross brought Bailey through the door and into the camp.  “Found this dumb fuck out in the woods.  I have to take him back to his camp.  I will be back in a little while.”  Bailey looked silently at the three guys with the confused looks on their faces as Ross ushered him back out the door and into his truck.

“You will be coming back to a party at our camp tomorrow.  Your holes are too good not to use again.”  Ross said flatly as he drove along the back road toward Chase’s dad’s camp.

“Fuck you dude.  Be glad if I do not charge you with rape.”

Ross hit the brakes and the F150 skidded to the side of the road.  He reached over and grabbed the lacrosse jock by the throat and slapping him repeatedly across the face.  “You gonna threaten me you fucking faggot slut?  My phone recorded everything that happened in that blind.  Including you begging me to let you suck my cock and then begging me to fuck you.  How about I put that out on social media, including your universities site?  Would you like that?  It would help you get more cocks in your holes like you desire.”

Bailey was choking now from the tight grip Ross had on his throat and his face was stinging from the repeated violent slaps to the sides of his face.  “No please.  Don’t put that out there.  I will come to your party tomorrow.”

“Good, cause I own you now.  I will expose your faggot self to everyone you know if you do not do what I say.  Understand?  Tell me you agree.”

Bailey looked over at his tormenter knowing that he held the cards right now.  “I agree.  You own me and I will do what you say.”

Ross held up Bailey’s driver’s license.  “I’ll keep this in case you forget our agreement.”

Ross dropped Bailey off at Chase’s cabin and sped off.  Bailey walked into the cabin.  His face red from the repeated slaps.  Chase rushed up to Bailey.  “Dude, where have you been?  We looked all over and were about to call in the search and rescue.  Are you OK?  What happened?”

“Chase, let him speak.”  Chase’s dad stated.

Bailey told them of getting lost and being rescued by Ross.  He left out the part of being used by Ross for his sexual pleasure.  He then said how he had found a good hunting spot over by Ross’s cabin and would be hunting there tomorrow.  He saw the questioning look in Chase’s eyes. 

‘If he only knew.’  The young lacrosse jock thought, feeling his attackers cum run down his muscled thigh.